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Show fAGE FOUR BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 E2AB RIYEB VALLEY LEADER 1 Entered at the Postoffke at Tremonton, Utah, as Second Cls Published at Tremonton, Utah, on fnanday of each week. ! A of Playground News I The following winners are announcfor the tournament Just played: Baseball The Vico team took first place and the Pep team took second. The Vico Juniors won over the Pep Juniors with a score of 20 to 17. The Giants won from the Midgets with a score of 11 to 7. Track Meet The Vico group piled up a score of 30 against Pep's 11, while the Pep Jun iors captured first place from Vico Juniors. The events were the 500 yard dash, 100 yard dash, standing broad jump, running broad jump, chinning, 440 yard relay and base ball throw. In the 50 yard dash for small boys Doyle Frazier captured first place, Lyle Johnson coming in second. Horseshoe Mrs. Mose ' Garrett and daughter Division A: First, Olaf Zundel; secHelen, and Ruth Jensen motored to ond, Lee Foxley. Brigham City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Henrie and son, Glenn, and Mrs. Clytia Gunn and son Floyd werg Ogden visitors Miss Marjorie Glines, j. garnet Walton, Editor and Publisher ; Garland Personals Ogden.vis-ite- d here with friends last week. Misg Rosella Carter spent last week in Preston, Idaho,a guest at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Dixie Shelton. Mrs. Horace Welling, of Farmington called on friends here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Nye had as their guests Friday night Mr. and Mrs. James Kenard and family, of. Salt Laks City. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Winters and Mr. and Mrs. Czar Winters, of Salt Lake City, motored to Logan Saturday. Miss Jessie Bishop, who has been in Salt Lake City for some timepent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Staynor and family and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Andrus and son Dean spent theFourth in ed - 1 Salwcriptioa Bates Tear, in advance. Six Months, in advance I Cnree montna, in aarance -- 12.00 - 11.00 .50 To Your Town MS well as to your Country PATRONIZE' YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS ..WANT COLUMN.. ITT Free to Public W the AiMina Obligttioaia farBMtiMW Writ inurili ertil Uc im Am U. S. TU only mai InduMnal Ubrary. Adwtiw fctattet il in; saw will ba proaM!? forwarded. lUEIICIIIIlimiUUBUIY r ri4 BmlUlBS. Cklao,llUl Bear River City i Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stalker and Miss Maud Stalker, of Los Angeles, California, spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andersen and children, of Los Angeles, California, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ramsdale and children, of Park City, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Anderson, parents of Mrs. Andersen and Mrs. Ramsdale. Mr. and Mrs. John. Pitts, Miss Lola Pitts and Mr. Shirley Blain, of Salt Lake City, were the dinner guests of Mrs. Carl Iversen, on Sunday. Miss LaRue Hadlev. of Oarden. Utah is visiting in this city as the guest of Jier grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. . J. Rose and family. . J. returned home in this city after visiting in Ogden for a week Wm. Rose with his daughters, Mrs. Fred Mrs. Bert Hadley, Mrs. Earl Weston, Mrs. Oakley Huggins and Ellis Wiles. Mir. and Mrs. Marvin Storres and children and Mrs. Lillian Lewis, of Salt Lake City, spent the week end in this city visiting at the home of Sarah M. Fridal. Mr. Storres and Mrs. Lewis returned home Sunday, while Mrs. Storres and children remained for a week to visit Mrs. Emma B. Checkett, of Ogden, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Jensen and family. Mrs. Thressa Brailsford had as her guest on July 4th Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Andersen and children, of Bothwell; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pierson, of Brig-haCity; Claud Jversen, of Faust Valley; Mrs. Augusta Iversen and son Ivan; Glenn Christensen, Mrs. Ber tha Wankier and two children, all of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Taylor and children spent Sunday in Willard, Utah, visiting relatives. Bernard Hansen, our local merchant motored to Salt Lake City on business Friday. Mrs. C. G. Andersen, of Corinne, Utah spent the week end visiting with her sister-in-laMrs. Emma Ohman and family. Mrs. Hilda Bowman of Meza, Arizona, is spending a month in this city visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Olga Rasmussen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Andersen of Evans and Mrs. Casper Anderson, of Utah, motored to Provo on July 4th. .j Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dalev anil rtauo-Tter. Helen, of Sprineville. Utah. RTVMlt the week end visiting with relatives in uus city and at Elwood. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelswi Mr Frantz Uellsen. of Loran. Mr. nd Mrs. Ed Holmgren and children, of Garland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen. Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen had as their, guests Saturday. Mr. nnA Mw Lorenio Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Wilkensen. of Oeden: Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Budge and children, of Ma-laIdaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore and Miss Caima Hansen motored to Clearfield Saturday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Moore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ioson. Mr and Mrs. Que Shupe, of Ogden, were visiting with relatives In this city Thursday. They were accompanied home by Otto and Rodney Ipson, who upent tne 4th or July in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jensen, of Salt Lake City, spent the week end in this city as the guests of Mr. Jensen's father, Mr. Oluf Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and four sons, of Salt Lake were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson of this city several days of last week. Raffie Christensen had his tonsils removed at tha Valley Hospital in Tremonton, Monday. im-merman, m w, d, i d, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren and family spent the Fourth in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bradford, of Idaho, spent the week end with Mr. Bradford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. : W. Bradfard. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph King last week. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betenson and family spent the Fourth in Logan. Miss Margaret Manning is visiting for a few days in Bngham City. Mrs. Lee Isaacson and son, Bert, re turned home last week from Gunnison, where they have been visiting for some time with relatives and friends. Mrs.D. Cutler of Snowville, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Peterson. Mr. Jack Cash, of California, was a guest last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Huish. Mr. Keith Driggs returned home from California Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite and daughter, Erma, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnard and Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck and small daughter, Sherry Jean, spent the Fourth in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols and small daughter, Marilyn, spent the week end in Brigham City and Mr. Don Bush motored to Salt Lake City Friday where he spent the week end with his family. He was accom panied by his daughter, Mildred who has been visiting here, and also Miss Florence Petterson. Mrs. Ludwig Larson will be hostess to the Daughters of the ' Pioneers Thursday afternoon, July 9th. Mr. Ralph King and Glenn Archi bald came in from Nevada to spent a few days with their families here. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Grover of Leav enworth, Kansas, spent a day or two here last week with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson and children left Saturday for a trip thru Yellowstone Park. Mr .and Mrs. Leon Bush, of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Nyron Jones, of Salt Lake City, called on friends here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roosendaal and small daughter Marilyn, left Monday for Salt Lake City to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ballinger, of Og den, were Garland visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Nye and daugh ters, Faye and Cleo, and Mr. and Mrs. James Kennard, of Salt Iake City, spent the Fourth at Bear Lake. Thop? from Garland attending the James Thompson family reunion held in IjOfran Canyon last Saturday and Sunday included, Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumv. ay and family, Mr. J. J. Thomp son an! family, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Archibald and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Manninsr and familv. There were forty-on- e members of the family present Mrs. Vern Wixom and children, of Brigham City, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Van HEMSTITCHING done at Fishburn's store, Monday and Thursday afternoons, Mrs. Nels Anderson. U. 30 FOR RENT modern house. B. Y. Westmorelanl, phone 130. 7-- 2 tf. Leave your orders for Raspberries and gooseberries, now t3p ready. Call 96.a-4- . FOR SALE Oyler, Reed Taylor, Richard and Jack Anderson, Jack r.nd Hud Koldaway, Olaf Zundel and Paul Jenkins. The. Vko Joiuors are: Hartley White, Bud Holdaway, Capwell Jenkins, Lowell Hclckwar, Jack and RichCheckers ard Andersen. Division A: First, Elton RusseL The Pep team consists of: Jack White. Division B: ' Division C: First, Mary Yoder, Captain, Dean Yoder, Hubert First, Con Steffen. Theodore Smith, Kay Mad&en, Sandal, Mumble Peg Elton Russell, Junior Anderson, How' White. First, Hartley ard Bronson and Ralph Meister. The Vico team is composed of: Roy The Pep J uniors are Norman Shaw, Earl Lee Foxley, Morgan, Captain, Shirley Beard, Arthur Anderson, Ralph Weister and Harold Strand. Division B: First, Norman Shaw; second, Dean Yoder. Division C: First, Norman Shaw; second, Vernon Cook. Division D: First, Lyle Johnson; second, Neil Zundel. PINEAPPLE Large Can 7-- PIANOS AT REDUCED PRICES BY ....ADJUSTOR OF COLLECTIONS: ' Cambridge piano, rebuilt .... $ 75.00 Kimball, mahogany case .... $150.00 $165.00 Gulbransen, like new And others. Monthly or fall terms. For details write J. E. Brown, General Delivery, Tremonton, Utah. Piano for balance on contract Terms years to pay. For permission to see pianos write, Baldwin Piano Company, Denver, Colorado. t3. FOR SALE A young Jersey or Hol-stecow. Call J. A. Pack, phone in 15 or 54.a-- 6-- 3. FOR SALE with oven. tf. hole electric range, Call 76.0-2- . 3 6-- 7-- 2 t2p. Sunday morning, small carton, containing lady's wearing apparel, between Honeyville and Lewiston, Utah. Finder notify W. W. Lasley, t2p. Brigham City, Utah. LOST Deering McCormick Har vester, 12 foot cut, in 1 condition, at a bargain. Call Leland J. Han 72 t4. sen, phone 70.0-- FOR SALE a-- 1. 6-- BUILDING LOTS in new Smith addition. $150 to $225 per lot Call 23, Jas. Walton or Spen4 tf. cer C. Taylor at Bank. CHOICE 6-- FOR SALE Power & Utah tf. Used ice boxes. Light Co. Oar Tremonton store has arranged to sell these large cans of choice pineapple all day Saturday at this unusual low cost. Apricotts are now at the best for canning which of course calls for pine apple to make a more delicious finished product. Take advantage of this bargain. FOR SALE Good building lime $12.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o Sugar 18tfd Co., Garland, Utah WE PAY Highest Cash Prices for Hides, Pelts, and Furs. Garland Hide house, J. W. Garrett, mgr. Beil phone, 146 and 26; Valley phone 31. 8tf vd 7-- 7-- 7-- 4. the members of the Ladies Self Cul- ture Club, Friday. July 10th at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wynn Han sen, in Fielding. $7.95 REGULARLY PRICED MUCH HIGHER a Thinking about a new Fall Dress? If you are, this offering is just for you. In this large group of dresses, just unpacked, are dozens of charming late summer and early fall dresses that will win your heart and open your purse, even if you happen to be the most conservative of shoppers, every dress in this assemblage may be worn with the utmost style assurance. O TOMATOES Large Can f-When you eat Pierces products you are eating the very best. These tomatoes sell at most stores for 15c per can. This bargain price is good for only one day but no limit will be made. Take 5 - 10 or 20 cans if you like. half more See Our East Window There is a feeling AFEWAY STOREQ DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT $ 14tf Bread - Oranges Doz.1.... ?iuic 25c flour Med. Size Cantaloupe Each.:..: Peas 9c Beans 9c Can OR SKAGG9 A 45c 3 loaves 1 48 iCcrto ib. bag For Making Jams and Jellies 100 $51 - ibs. Fine Granulated Beet Sugar. Salmon Surety of Purity I r 2 ; cans Happyvale Pink Salmon Pound, Tall Cans vinegar tider Gallon re Japan Green Tea J zrC 29c J 29c Vinegar for Pickling J Tree Tea 79c t 25c Bottle Sugar Extra 0c xo oz. liOaves iicin Electric Light, All Purpose Family Flour WOO 44 C an Puritan Brand Famous for its Quality. Boiling Beef Large Size PRICES FOR SATURDAY JULY 11, 1931 rjf Malt Lean Lb. WASTE I U bars 4VC OOap Special White Laundry Soap. Picnic Hams third to a Sold last year for a of security in know In furniture and house furnishings at our store. Now the time to buy. Remember: give Scrip. It adds to the value of your dollar. Dresses of This Quality SECURITY ing that the Beef Roasts, Steaks, etc. that you eat are free from all disease. We protect you by having every piece of beef sold by our mar ket carefully inspect ed by United States inspectors. You owe it to your children to see to it that their food is pure. Try one of our choice Pot Roasts Saturday at the especially low price of 13c lb. and have that feeling of secur ity as well as the delicious flavor of our selected meat. ' a v. Pierces extra standard Unusual Bargains Dam. Miss Ruth Kennard of Salt Lake City, is a guest this week at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. George Nye, Ihe Misses Lola White and Fern Capener spent Saturday In Logan. Mrs. Grace Haws will be hostess to XFxir Fall PrinrQ . Lb. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Reverse call Cows and horses. tf41 Brigham 493J2 da Sco-fid- Smart Dresses 15c 7-- FOR SALE New Copeland electric refrigerator. Regular $225.00. Sell ing out at $150.00. Only one left Heitz & Winzeler, Auto. Co. Phone1 4 t2. 1C, Tremonton, Utah. Ai-lee- MMMtMMMMMMMMMIMIMMMMIMMMMMMMS WANTED To rent, 4 room house, fur nished or partly furnished. Must 2 be modern. Phone 111. tf, WANTED Office girl Must be expert stenographer and know someFleet thing of bookkeeping. Address S. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. . Kirkham and Norman Lee, Brigham City, Utah. family spent the week' end with rela9 tf. tives and friends in Lehi. Bishop W. W. Richards who is at LOST Small police dog (pup). Findtending school at the B, Y. U. in 9 er call 89. Reward. tl. Provo, spent Sunday here. Junior and Dorothy Lillywhite of FOR SALE Cheap. House hold furSpanish Fork are spending the week niture. C. A. Holland, Phone 55.0-- 2 with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 9 tl. Lewis Lillywhite. Mr. and Mrs. William Cullimore and FOR MONTMORENCY CHERRIES family returned Sunday from Pleasant Call Elias Anderson 65.0-1 Grove where they spent a few days. miles east of Elwood School House. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten motored : t2p. to Holbrook, Idaho, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop and family, Mr .and Mrs. Vern Bishop and family and Mr. and Mrs Leanord Bish op and daughter, Phyllis, attended the Bishop family reunion held In Logan canyon last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Michaelis and family spent the Fourth at Bear Lake, Dr. T. E. Betenson was called to Rupert, Idaho, Tuesday, on account of is the illness of a relative. Leonard Bishop, Evan Gee and Don we Chambers left Monday for. Boulder -- - n, The Giants are: Ruth Cropley, Adams, Evelyn Richardson, Nel-d, Petersen, Ruth Meister, Ada Lou Eldridge and Gladys Rich- . ardson. The Midgets are: Mary Supan, Hilda Petersen, Orpha Heppler, LaVeda and La Von Spencer, LuelLa Bronsan and Marjorie ZundeL We are all working very hard in swimming so we may be able to pass the tests and win our badges next month. v.( ; We are arranging a hike for Saturday, July 18th, .Anyone interested may sign up at the play grounds. lb.pkg. Try It Iced h Pork-Rpa- nc 21 1 )7 cjl Dinnerette Brand -Full A ic um t,. Mllia Oaiaa pressing qt. jar ' Best Foods Gold Medal Brand. i Sunkistlemons Do. 31 Fancy Laree Size. Heaw With Jnl IMt fill & ' " H C I 29c |