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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 I Riverside Elwood i Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler made Misses Gladys Hunsaker, Veda and Luby Rasmussen, of Salt Lake, and Mrs. V. L. Hansen, went to Honeyvflle Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Hunsaker. Lois Hansen, Helen Thompson, La Ney Kroksh and Bobbie Kelstrum took part in the recital at Tremonton last week. The parents and other friends from here enjoyed their performance. They are doing nicely. Mrs. Sam Mortensen and son, Foy went to Logan to spend the fourth. Foy went home with his aunt, Mrs. Daily, to Lewiston, to spend the week. Pearl Mortensen accompanied by and sister, of Loher brother-in-lain Bear Lake, Fourth the. gan, spent Mrs. Walter E. Fridal entertained last Wednesday evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Vera Fndal, of Los An B geles. Mr. and Mrs. O. Willie and children of Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dus-te- n and baby of Riverside, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunsaker and children, of Corinne, visited at M. L Hunsa-ker- s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Andersen and children, of Garland, called on friends here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steiner and Mrs. Chambers, of the M. I. A. stake board visited here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. La Val Daily, of Springville, a Miss Catherine Mutch, of Midvale, were week end guests of June Thompson. June Thompson and son, ' Alden, came home from Strevell for the 4th. home All went to Bear River coming. t PAGE THREfe Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In Just 4 Weeks Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mann and Mr. Mrs. Mae West of St Louis, Mo., and Mrs. W. E. Woods, were Salt writes: "I'm only 28 yrs. old and They were accompanied by Mrs. J as. Lake visitors last Thursday, weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box T. Bigler, of Garland and James Daof your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks Mrs. Zyril Wright and children, of vis of North Garland. visited relatives here last ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. I also Miss Jean Van Leuven returned to Ogden, have more energy and furthermore Thursday. her home at Downey, Idaho, WednesIVe never had a hungry moment" The Apres Midi Club met last Fri day, after spending ten days here with day at the home of Daisy Hem sen-Fat folks should take one half relatives. of Kruschen Salts in a glass Mrs. Liilie Mann was an especially inBishop and Mrs. Russell .Capener vited guest. The afternoon was most of hot water every morning before went to Salt Lake the latter part of breakfast an 85 cent bottle lasts 4 spent in sewing. The hostess served the week. Mrs. Emma Strong, moth- ly weeks you can get Kruschen at the . a delicious luncheon. , er of Mrs. Capener, accompanied them Wallace Drug Company, Tremonton, Clare Mann went to Salt Lake City home for a few days visit. over vis Utah, or any drug store in America. Saturday, remaining Sunday, Leland Leatham, of Salt Lake, is! If not joyfully satisfied after the first f. iting his fnend, Alvis Teague. i .ii . spending the week at the A. A. CapenMr. and Mrs. L. S. Mann had fgr Liue money oacic.i er home. . ,r their during the week end, Miss The Karl Welling family spent sev- Gladysguest Palmer, of Salt Lake City, al Manti City purchased new fire eral days in Blacksmith Fork Canyon so the Misses Bingta and Blossom Pal truck. on a fishing trip. of Grand Junction, Colorado, Beaver Old tabernacle, on city William Strong, of Driggs, Idaho, nieces of Mrs. Mann.,. razed, bricks to be used square, being called at the home of Bishop Capener " Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood were Ogfor inner wall of $50,000 West Ward E, Tuesday. Mrs. Emma Strong accom- den business visitors last Friday. They Chapel under construction. panied him to Driggs for a few days. left Saturday morning for their sumDevil's Slide Oiling of road beMr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and mer vacation to California. tween Henefer Flats and the Tunnels daughter, Betty Rae, and Welton Mr. and Mrs,' Chester Christensen between here and Morgan, underway. Ward arrived home Friday after a and children, of spent Idaho, Preston, trip to yellowstone Park, the week end at Ira Andersen's. When You Think Limb, of Garland, visited Mr. and Mrs., . Christian JDennisen f- jtfrs. RoseMrs. Francis Tubbs, Tues-- and .wr mother, HARDWARE daughter, of Provo, visited at H. ay. C. Honsen's and Elias Andersen's SatWILSON I ;Mrs. J. H. Ward and daughter, urday and Sunday., Miss. Norma AnAmada, are visiting with relatives at derson accompanied themback for a "Everything To Build Anything" Idaho Falls. Phone 11 visit. , Mrs. Ora Hyer and sons are at the Clarence Kelstrum and Ralph Pierce J. H. Ward home during Mrs. Ward's went to to visit relaOgden Saturday " absence. . tives. . d Ralph Hadfield and the J. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen and Money family went to Logan Canyon for daughters, Stella and Blanche, of Salt the Fourth. Lake City, spent the Fourth of July W. Mrs. and Mr. J. Brieham City to Several from Riverside went to Lo- at R. P. home on Howard purchased Hotel Wasatch and Hansen's, returning ' ' gan Saturday to celebrate. Among Sunday. , 'V cafe. them were, E. W. Ward family, Miss Hansen returned, Saturday Dorothy Contracts awarded Salt Lake Lorenzo Bowcutt family, Capener, Peg after a visit with relatives in Ogden for two streetCity paving projects involv Clifford Bowcutt, and Gus Forsberg. and Salt Lake ' City. . on Irrigated Land. 6 per of $30,000. expenditure The Geo. Bowcutt family have been ing The Misses Veda and Luby Rasmus-se- n ' un road Manti Manti Canyon No commissions. cent. visiting in Rigby, Idaho, the , past spent the week end home from in this vicinity. week. Salt Lake City. They were' accompan- proved EouiDment beine repaired for tests JOHN J.SHUMWA1 Miss Ruth Forsberg, Miss Beth Mac ied Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Danker, struck recently in Bals- farlane and Alvin and Ruby Bowcutt who by also visited at H. P. Rasmussen's. of oilNo.showing B. R. V. 69.a-Phones: Bell, 129 1. well located on Salt Valley went to Bear Lake Saturday. Mrs. Mamie Hunsaker, wife of Dr. ev Jesse Davis and family went ..to Font L. Hunsaker, of Los Angeles, structure in southern Utah. Deseret Lake City. Brigham Saturday. the week end at Lewis Hunsa-ker- 's News, Salt Glen Udy and Leon Hales were in spent and V. L. Hansen's. Briprham Sunday. Mrs. Font L. Hunsaker and the The T. J. Udy and Henry Tubbs for lienomkml TrwntpotoMMi families went to Plymouth for the Mrs. Harold Peterson and children, of Salt Lake, are guests of Mr. and Fourty. Newell Udy and some friends from Mrs. A. Forsberg. ; They will, return Plymouth, spent the week end at Bur-le- to Salt Lake Friday. Idaho. Mrs. Mary Tingey accompanied the The J. H. Ward family spent the Geo. Nye family to Bear Lake for a t week end in Logan canyon where a few days. reunion of the Benson family was Steven and Deaa Hales were in Ogheld. den Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marsh and son Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy and daughand daughter, of Willard, spent the ter, Grace, were shopping in Brigham Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bow- Thursday of last week. SO Miss Evelyn Orton, of Provo, and cutt. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker went to Lila Lewis and Floyd Young, of Garland, are visiting at the Jesee AnderOgden Sunday. '. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt and son home. , Mrs. Rowane Udy has gone to Candaughter, Lorella were visiting in Hon I ada and the Yellowstone Park. , eyville Monday, with relatives. a business trip to Salt Lake Monday. Here's where we both win! Fine new tea-spoon- . v , m, , , ( $ , 4.40-2- 1 LOAN fill lis All sis equally lew. Save on your robot, tea. Slst 4J0-2-0 (29x4 jO) (30x4.50) (29x5jM) 430-2- 1 5.00-1- 9 $im i fit U9 JS .4.59 30x5 v. ; HD. Track U " " vJ un U44 You win a big bargain in tire miletf we win you as a friend. Also, the csta helps our score in the "Zeppelin Rattr, between Goodyear dealers lor ft frcd trip to the factory at Akron, Ohio. Wfl go the limit for you if you'll fif UJ ' j j ET Unlimited . A9S A pair for . THINK fore Had-fiel- style GOODYEAR PATHFINDER w , 1931 fronk Chevrolet Co. tx-in- g . . Phone 20 : : Tremonton, Utah 2; y, idl yDun9IlIl towvjj m Sis much more smoothly does perform so much --more quietly and comfortably that, ' So six once you have experienced the I I I S Geph art Stores Go. We Give with leaa. Nor Is It necessary to be satisfied with less. performance is today within the reach of every new car buyer in America for Chevrolet is one of the world's lowest-price- d automobiles. Six-cylin- der Scrip 1 lb. can COFFEE, Shillings I SALAD DRESSING, Best Foods, full qt, OLIVES, Rosedale, ripe, pint can 1 39c 35c 15c 35c 2c PINEAPPLE, Sliced, qt size, 2 for WATERMELONS, On Ice, lb Lime Rickey or Orange Crush, pt. NAVY BEANS, Great Northern, 4 lbs LIMA BEANS, 3 lbs BUTTER, Bear Brand, lb CHEESE, Full Cream, lb TOILET TISSUE, 4 10c rolls PRUNES, 4 lbs six-cylin- 19c 19c 23c ' 29c 25c 10c 19c 19c 45c 31c 12c 35c 23c 39c lbs NEW POTATOES, Maid of Barley, A Coffee substitute MALT SYRUP, Schlitz and Pabst, qt 12 bars SOAP, Bob White, SALMON; Pink, Tall Can, lb TOMATOES, Solid Pack, qt, size, 3 cans PEAS, Parker, No.,4 size, 2 cans 10 der tires t And maintenance expense is actually reduced by the freedom from destructive vibration. Get behind the wheel of a Chevrolet Six and discover these facts for yourself I 12o CUCUMBERS, Large, 3 for PEACHES, Del Monte, 2 qt cans MUSTARD, Buttercup, 2 lb. jar CORN FLAKES, Large FLY? FOIL, 100 Active, gal DAIRY FOIL, 100 Active, gaL Moreover, you can enjoy performance In the Chevrolet Six without one penny extra for maintenance and operation. It costs no more for gas, oil and 22Y2c - aix-cylin- car, you will never be satisfied SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, JULY, 11th I i pleasure of driving a Drive the Chevrolet Six j & .. a : JVN jLW PrsreARoacUter, M l Sport Roadster (with rumble Standard 535 Coach, 1345 1 Coupe, Pbaetoa, $510 seat), Fire-Win Standard dm Coupe, $545 Sport Coupe (with rumble acat), S37S Coupe, 5B8f Convertible Cabriolet, Standard Sedan, $833 1 Special Sedan, $650 Convertible Landau Phaeton, $800. Chevrolet truck chuala, $355 to $5 BO. Low delivered 1 tlS nve-Paseens- er prices and eaajr CJrIA.C. 29c 12c $1.89 $1.29 Special equipment extra. All prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. term. NEW CUTS OF CHOICE YOUNG BEEF , 12c : . POT ROASTS, lb 19c STEAKS, Round or Loin, lb , 8c RIB BOILING MEAT, lb. ....... before you bng any low-pric- ed automobile! Any Chevrolet dealer or Mil corn an will give you without obligation, a FREE RIDE In a Chevrolet SU any time. CMEVH&ODILETr TThm Great Ameriemm SIX V!m .'. See your dealer below VEAL VEAL ROASTS, Shoulder, lb VEAL CUTLETS, 2 lbs TEAL STEW, lb. - ....................... 17c 35c 10c 1 PORK SHOULDER ROASTS, lb PORK CHOPS, lb. PORK SAUSAGE, lb. '. Fronk Chevrolet Company UTAH 20 TREMONTON Phone 17c 17c 15c 3 |