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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 PAGE TWO Mrs. Lewis Anderson spent the day visiting her mother, Mrs. T. V. Sum mers, Thursday of last week. Miss Bemice Ivorson and Miss Car rol Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Han sen and family, of Bear River, were Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mrs. C. 0. Anderson. Mrs. Mildred Nichols visited Mrs. Mary Newman, Friday of last week- Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Ellis visited and were dinner guests of Mrs. Mack Ellis Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B Marble, at Deweyvjlle, Saturday even ing. Miss Mary and Lorean Ellis and Earl Sears and I.aVal Anderson were dinnar guests, of Mrs. Vaughan Ko- ford, Sunday of last week. Zelda Summers had Phyllis Sum mers for her Sunday visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson, of Hoytsville are visiting relatives and friends in Bothwell and Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Eh Anderson were in Brigham on business Friday. On their way home they visited their mother, Mrs. Enoch Hunsaker, at Hon Bothwell Mr. Thos. Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jewett visited and were sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl New man, Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kendell, of Cor nish and Mr. Weiss, of Tremonton, were dinner ; quests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Firth, one night last week Mr.' and Mrs. Sessions and children f Manti, were visiting their children, Mr., 'and Mrs. Tbyres and Mr. and Mrs.' Elzo Sessions, Sunday of last week. Thelda Turner and Winnie Payne were dinner guests of Beatrix Hawkins, Sunday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Childs, of Ogd den, visited their daughter, Mrs. Summers; Saturday of last week. They visited throughout the day and evening. Mrs; T. W. Sandall, of Tremonton, spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. George Payne. Jack Wilson, of Ogden, is a vacation visitors of Mrs. Guy Boslef. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stark and baby visited with their parents, Mr. eyville, Miss Maurine Anderson, Miss Ger and Mrs. Thomas Stokes, Sunday of trude Nichols, Miss Vaudis Zesiger and last week, Mr. Jesper Taggart and family, of Mrs, Reed Peterson attended a can Aberdeen, Idaho, were here and vis- yon party at Logan, Saturday, June 27th, ited with his sister, Mrs. Sam Mills. Mrs. Alvin Evans and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stokes and Mrs. Homer Anderson and baby Afton, Vir and and Leona Arvilla, daughters, ginia Cornwall were in Brigham on and Mrs. Elzo Sessions and baby were in Ogden Wednesday of last week at business, one day last week Wendell Hunsaker and Reed and tending the circus. Mr. Clarence Johnson, of Ogden, and Wayne Anderson visited in Brigham Mr. Frank Johnson, of Los Angeles, Sunday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Wallace and California, were visiting their cousin, boys are visiting for a brief stay at Mrs. Nels Anderson, Wednesday. The Mr. Johnsons were former residents of the home of T. V. Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Allen and chil- Bothwell. Mrs. T. Priest, of Brigham, visited dren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Anderson, Sunday of last her daughter, Mrs. Annie Hunsaker, several days last week. week. Mrs. Sophia Anderson visited her Sunday evening, June 28th, Mr.Hor- son, Dick Anderson, at Tremonton, ace Hunsaker and family, visited Mrs. Sundar of last week. His condition Roland Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stokes and fam is improved. There was a band practice held at ily were dinner guests of Mrs. I. D. the home of Mrs. Ezra Harris, Friday Newman, Sunday, June 28th. Miss Gertrude Nichols visited with of last week. ! May-nar- i JyCB 1 1 AT THE Moonlight Gardens Utah - I - W-i-t- -h Conshafter Frank AND HIS Rhythm Kings Gar (Dwmevs East Tremonton , Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Westmoreland and children spent the 4th with Cal vin Kay and family. Mrand.MrsEphriam Gel gory, of Salt Lake City were dinner guests Sunday, of Charles Peterson and fam ily, r - Mr. and Mrs. Nick Charnous visited in Paradise Saturday and Sunday. Thos. Kay went to Salt Lake City Friday where he will visit relatives for a week. Mrs. Ira Fridal, Miss Mae Fridal and K. H. Fridal, Sr., attended the . BmsiBQ Aprtfl May and home-comin- g at Bear River City the week. Mrs. Harold Anderson and children 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kay attended a who have been visiting Mrs. Nels Anderson the past two weeks returned to show in Brigham City, Sunday. Ruth Brough, of Salt Lake City is their home in Salt Lake Monday. Delia Newman spent a week's vaca tion with Josephine Stokes, of Tre monton. Mrs. Lars Anderson and her mother, Mrs. Marie Laxman, of Salt Lake and Mrs. Roland Allen visited Mrs. Ras mus Anderson, Thursday of last week, Mrs. Melvin Homer has improved so that she was able to visit her mother, Mrs. T. V. Summers, Friday. Sunday School conference was held in the ward hall Sunday evening of last week. An interesting program was given and a one act play by the boy scouts. Mr. Capener and Mr. Stef fen were the visitors. There were 200 ward folk present. Mr. Wayne Sandal and wife, Mrs Tom Sandal and Mrs. Mary Newman of Tremonton were dinner guests of Mrs. George Payne, Sunday, June 28th Bishop Marble and wife were Sun day visitors at the home of Earl Firth Mrs. William B. Hawkins and daugh ter, Jeneel, who have been visiting at the home of Dr. Eli Hawkins, left recently for Centerville to visit her mother before returning to her home n California. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Stokes and family visited at the home of J. D. Newman Sunday, June 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newman Sun day, June 28th. Miss Norma Summers entertained her Sunday School class at her home Sunday afternoon. Wieners, punch and cookies were served to the children and all had an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scholer of Union visited and were dinner guests of Mr. EE and Mrs. Rudy Scholer, Sunday, June 3 Tremonton, EVERY WEDNESDAY 5 AND SATURDAY NIGHT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 5 guests of Mrs. Rudy Scholer, Refreshments were served by the host - ess. Mr. and Mrs, Roland ; Christensen and baby and Mrs. H. Brown, of Brig ham .were visiting and dinner guests of Mrs. Louis Chriatensen, Sunday. Saturday, June 27th, Garland and Bothwell played base ball on the Both-we- ll diamond. The score was 3 to 1 in favor of Bothwell. Bert Hunsaker and family attended their family reunion at Bear Lake Friday, returning home Sunday, of last I '-- 55 Mrs. Bert Gibson, Friday, June 26th. Mr. and Mrs.' Bay Parritt and Miss Beth Tollman, of Tremonton, and Mr, Joe Newman were bunday evening JLlIERE are reasons for this Firestone is now build, in history, with the result that tug the Greatest Tire Values Firestone factories are operating 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, to meet public preference. This is the year everybody u scrutinizing his purchases. This is particularly true in tire buying because of the many made about tires. confusing and misleading statements To give car owners the facts, Firestone pu!Iuhc3 comand prices. Then the parisons showing quality, construction s own made their comparisons with public came in and from special brand cut from Firestone tires others. and tires nwil order Wkitn they saw the facts, they bought more Firestone tires daring April, May and Juna than in any like period in Firestone history. Drive in today and let us show you these Firestone Extra Values ar.d hare your car equipped for Safe, Trouble-Fre- e Summer Motoring. We can tare you money and serve you belter. crocs-section- COMPARE PRICES OLDFIELD TYPE If you have ever planned to build a home, right now is the "Swot Time" to build a I erood house at low cost. Don't let it slip away. rnone us Kight JNowWe Will Do the Rest See Our POCKET KNIVES at 15 off REMEMBER $5.00 of SCRIP given FREE with each $1.00 purchase and each $1.00 paid on account Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Tremonton, Utah We All Want to Know Where We Can Find Service Fire Insurance AH Kinds, Automobile Insurance, Fire, Theft, Collision, Public Liability, Property Damage, Plate Glass Insurance. BONDS Surety Bond's, Contract Bonds, Public Official Bonds. es Farm Loans, Property Loans, - BUILDING & LOAN Save As You Please, Income Accounts, They mean too much to you. Savings Certificates. Don't Insure Your Car Until You Have Investigated the Low Farm Group Rate Offered by the FARM MUTUAL Leland J. Hanson LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Call 70.0-- 1 For Rates NOTARY PUBLIC We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optometric CONVEYANCING All of the above together with the best of service can be obtained from JAMES BROUGH Office 'Tremonton Res. BVR. Tel.- - Utah Bell Tel Order Tire JP"f P.. 5.50-l- 4.SO-X- O jClramlet $.69 5.69 ".10 vtHSIz: 665 x?0 Fard 3SS&I 4.7S--8 Br;llnc , 1 ( ? S.OO- -I Chandler DeSeto Oakland PeerleK Studtbaker-- I I.oo-X- 4 $.0 xi Franklln Hadeon Hnpmablle-- J .00-1- 0 k:- -1 Kr ..- Dode SlwtvZ f.OO-X- CMh "ail Priee Per Tire Pair 18.90 tX7.M " ".so a i.7 ItO 11.40 .... Cadillae Lincoln aa.t itso ii.ci at.ja tJ.la 7.00-x- a Reeeevelt WIIIya-K- . Brand $&. -. II.S5 Stats 6.98 0 Pentlae Out SpccUl f GardnerI Mrmon.i 5.60 10.90 47S-1- 9 fh Erlc? CAH f'r .W 14.98 69.68 jSfez ,4.so-- One MAKE OF 4.40-- XI il.f-- .io 1540 la.35 19.80 ' O M80 fritUCK and BUS TIRES t) 7.t 7.10 ioSt) W 7.90 W.JO 8.57 8.57 16.7 jftff BBkk"!!L 0 Anbarn Jerrfan 5.SO-I- i Rep. 8.7S 8.75 17. I Our Cash Price SIZE Each S0x5 H.D 32x6 H.D.... 56x6 H.D.. 6.00-2- 0 m.9s 97f 33.9S H.D.. Special Drand bur Caah Priee Mail Or- IPer Pair der Tire $17.95 $34.9 29.75 32.95 15.35 17.90 3.70 S9.C COMPARE CONSTRUCTION and QUALITY FlrMtom Oldfltla Tyee flu 'n her leg. Don't Neglect your Eyes LOANS M' Pric Each Fart Mrs. Versal Daily, of Snowville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. E. Ailred, for a few days. A surprise party was tendered Miss Leila Stark, Saturday evening, June 27th. Games were played and after refreshments were served by Mrs. Stark. Earl Sears and Lorean Ellis left Monday for a trip to Malad. Miss Dorothy Summers and Edna Christensen and Maurine Marble were guests of Leila and Myrtle Stark. Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. Clarence Summers attended a literary cluo at the home of Mrs. Peterson at Garland, Friday, June 25th, in honor of Mrs. Moore, who is going away. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summrs and Mrs Mathew Wallace and children were in Ogden on business, Saturday, June 27. Norma Scholer, the small daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Rudy Scholer, fell on a glass bottle, Monday evening of last week and suffered a severe cut on her leg. She was rushed to Garland and Dr. Bettensen had to take eight stitch- Special Brand Cih MAKE Or CAB THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Oar i Logan. Mrs. George Abbott had her brother Ernest Waldron, wife and two children of Garfield, as guests Monday and Tuesday. When You Think HARDWARE amy Mig esio& in Bflieitoi?y O spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Albert Thompson. Aston White entertained on her 10th birthday, July 4th, Fay Fridal, Fay Garfield, Bernice Brough, Roma Pe terson and Vera Kay. The afternoon was spent playing games and delici ous refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jorgensen and children, of Ogden, spent the 4th at the home of Albert Thompson. The stork left three grand children for Mr. and Mrs. George Brough last Sunday. A son at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Hill and twins, a son and a daughter, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hackey, of Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dodd, of Harper visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Brough last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woodruff had as the 4th of July guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Penrose and daughter, Marie, Mr3. Beal Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Belgory, and Delbert and Fern Steffenson, of Salt Lake City. Miss Ivy Woodruff came home from Salt Lake City Friday evening and on Sunday was married at Brigham City to Mr. Oren Wadsen of Honeyville. The newly-wed- s will make their home at Eden. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hill, of Bear Riv er City visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woodruff on Sundav. Last Thursday the K. K. Klub met with Melba Jones, as hostess, ard the subject of muffins was"discu.csel and demonstrated. This week the club met with Mar- jorie Koford. A lesson was given on making of mush, and a demonstration was given on table setting. 23th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keele are both A shower was given Mrs. John very poorly. Mr. Keele has been ill Chugg, at the home of I. D. Newman, for some time and his wife has had Thursday, June 24th. The afternoon blood poison in her wrist, necessitating vas spent in playing games and after an operation. She is getting along as refreshments were served. The bride well as can be expected. received many beautiful and useful Ruth Thompson was home over the week end. gifts and all had an enjoyable time. Mrs. William Payne and daughter, Mrs. George Brough was hostess to Gladys, visited at the home of Mrs. the ladies farm bureau last Friday af Rose Newman, Monday, June 29th. ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rudger Fosgren, Mr. Slip covers was the subject of the and Mrs. Lloyd Fosgren and Mr. and lesson and Mrs. P. E. Ault demonstrat Mrs. Allen Williams, of Brigham, took ed by cutting and fitting a cover for a fishing trip to Sardine canyon, Sat- a large arm chair. The ladies made plans to attend the urday and Sunday, June 27th and 28th. Mrs. L. E. Ailred and Mrs. C, D. encampment at Logan next week, for Barfus, of Garland, were in Brigham at least one day. on business, Saturday, June 27th. Emerson Abbott spent the 4th in ttfoafia am Jwifflc Mot Rubber fcASeoclal Brand Mall OrdtrTIra 1I Volume, cu. In I7 More Weight, potimU , . 16.99 IS.71 I Mort Width, . . inchr Mors Thickness, incurs , . Mora Pile .1 TrrJ m Pries . , A S 67 4.74 .f 78 f tf.69 81.69 SlM Flrtitenc .00'I9 H.D Mora Ruhhcr Volume, cu. in. Mort Weight, pounds . , MorWldili, . Brand M ill Order Tlr S98 X67 X8.35 6.8 inclic. . . . $.93 Mors Thickness, Inche . . . .84 MOM Pi le at Tread 8 SsntPrlc . A8pll Oldflcld Type 5.84 6Xt 7 .I911.40 911.40 Stc!ol Ornnd lire a nindc hy a manufacturer for distributor mall order hmttt, oil eomp.nlet and other, under a ntme that dc not IdchtllV the tire manufacturer to the nubile, usuallr lie build hit "belt quality" tire under his own name. Firettont) put hi name on every lire he make. such bae Cur ant Every lire manufarlarrd br FireMone pOUbfet bran, the name "FIRESTONE and. tarried Firestone' unlimited guarantee nd onr. Yotr are dool.lj-- protected. UTAH AUTO & WINCHESTER IMP. CO. SERVICE Phone 28 Phone 103 -- -- 101 31J.2 7 |