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Show - . - . - . , ..... - - - ' , ' - -- , 4, - ----- . - . . , - - . ' Salt lake City, Wednesday, May 19, NEWS AND TELEGRAM, DESERET - , I , ' ,, I -- t . . . ... I. 4 . 1 ,,7 , A ' I ( i ' . , . 1 I, , , ' in i , , , A , , ,,. ",,,.., ' 4s, t, , , jr i - t - , 4, ( , r ) ... 1 - ...) p,,,,,.0 - ji A , , atimia...lowa,-,- . , 74. A , ' , ' , , t .. '"T'8v, - 1000.0000,000- )10.,! .- ..... , ' "'I . . ,'' - ',,; ,,. , , I, fit , , 4 , --'-' - .0....,...eunt - s.......a.M. the-job- - :Sag "I million. state's new director of highways discuss highway planning at meeting in Richfield. Posing for first news picture of entire group DA in front, left to right, Ernest H. Balch, Ogden; C. Taylor Burton, chairman, Salt Lake City; Ellis L. Armstrong, highway diree- -' tor. In back, left to right are Francis Yeltch, Vernal', Weston E. Hamilton, Salt Lake Kanah. City. and W. J named By REED MADSEN Double Sessions During - - Deseret News Staff Writer RICHFIELDProper zoning along access roads leading to and from interstate highways can save bypassed communities and cities from dying on the vine. C. Taylor Burton, Utah Road Commission chairman. speak.' int at a Municipal League scEool here Tuesday, urged city and county ofBcials to adopt effec, tive zoning laws as soon as pos. sible. Two Wrestlers 1957-15- Iv. - 8 Both the Rose Park and Newman Elementary schools likely will operate on double sessions during the 1957-5school year. Dr. M. Lynn Bennion, city school superintendent, re. ported to the Board of Educa. tion Tuesday that surveys in. dicated that parents in the area preferred double sessions to sending pupils to other schools by bus. S 1 " , 100 t t . i , ) - , - , 4 d000k-A- -, ?s 1 i., , F. Strauss. , r be- - State-Priso- d n .--, edestrian boar? - -- -- - 1 , ! s 31year-ol- inmate who was beaten by fellow inmates during the Feb. 6 riot and again on April 13, was granted a parole Tuesday by the State 'Board of Pardons. J. lt, Kelley. board chairman, explained that Strauss' ---- safety wasronsidered to grant ,.. case but his the that ing parole had been heard by the Hurl.. . before. "He had strved ." years and his time was Utah , .), ,,- , , - I. up,' Mr. Kelley said. Strauss is still in the Salt ;AS General Hospital. He was 9 reported in - '''goocr condition r. "u IIIIM Wednesday. Strauss will be paroled to Cal- ifornia to the care of a sister. Keith Wilson, chief agent. ) . - -- Wilson said. , Pins A " gaInsi Well ' man suffered a double fracture of the left leg when pinned ' Tuesday - -- night ... against an artesian well b y a car , at 8th South and 5th East. The concrete ,drainage bowl of the well was shattered by the impact. A 73 State Probation and Parole Department, said California au- thorities Wednesday 1241d acoeet-4ed Strauss for supervision on parole for the State of Utah. His release from, the hospital and Utah State Prison will become effective Wednesday, Mr. '.21 A ulo -- take I and $1.300,000. Cannon. Sopth & Gustavson. Salt Lako City. U. of U. educouon .building to cost $1.250.000, $5iiti,o00 appropriated. Lowell L. Paimoh. Salt Lake City. metabolism Utah State University building to coot 1.58.000. PProPrisited. & Schaub kiassock, Logan. $41.000. Heating .1:Aunt expansion at Snow College. $40.000. George W-- Pouiten Jr.. Safi Lake City. cod Inolustrial arta, home muluc building at Snow College. $145.- 000 impropriated. ultimate cost MAIO. ' WO, Willard C. Nelson. Provo, build Classroom and administration ing. College of Southern Utah. 1100.000 appropriated, ultainate cost $900.000. Robert Gardner, Cedar City. Section of an auditorium for Carbon 11200,0U0 appropriated. ulUmale coat 6350.000. Fetzer & Fetzer. Salt had who Lake City, drawn already about 70 per cent of the plans. Gymnasium at Weber College. 11150,- aliocated, ultimate cost about $1,- 250.000. Grim Mueller & Flowgion. Ogden. Revamping of building at Salt Laise Area Vocational School for Diesel training. $20.000. Robert L. Springmeser, Salt Lake City. State Farm dormitory building. Training School. $1711.000 lipPlIPPrtalted on GrIx. Mueller & Plowsian. old commission roactivated. - of tourists a Song way from their Russian homes smile happily at the camera In Salt Lake City Wednesday. Left is Col Serge' A. Edemsky, assistant military attache to the Soviet cm. UNUSUAL the architects to coot center entmeenng Other projects 2 Schools Face , year-ol- d - - ', - -- . Albert K. Conrad, 773 E. 13th Strauss entered the Utah State Prison June 9,. 1950, to South, was reported In fates' serve a five-yea-r to life term for 'condition at .the LDS Hospital. '-robbery in Wasatch County. His He suffered a double fracture home is in Oakland. Calif. of the left leg. Other board decisions were: Sgt. James C. McGarry, in.. Continued the case of Joseph Paul said Mr.:. Jones. 22. Vevey. Ind.. who has served vestigating officer, on. Year of a one to sentence Conrad was leaning over the or fictitious checks. Revoked the paroie of Joe D. Marti- well filling a jug with water. no'. IL Price, and ordered Mtn to serve The car, traveling at a slow the expiration of a maximum sentence for receiving stolen Prole rate of speed. ran over the curb. He has served two years. arty. aiready Granted paroles toNick Ramo Mars-to- ing and pinned Mr, Conrad's leg 11. Durango, Colo.. June IL 19541. the concrete drain. served on. year of one to twenty-yea- r against Driver of the car was listed sentence for burglary: Ronald Rose. 23. Dragerton. May 111. 1959., served one year ot concurrent one to by police as George T. Anderson., : entencee tor two counts Of 64, 125 W. 6th South. grand larceny; Russell L. Bock. 41. Mr. Anderson was booked In Brigham'City. June 111. 1957. 'Nerved one year of a maximum soncity jail for investigation. of tence for issuing a fraudulent check. and Howard Thorns. Jordan. 211. Whit. drunk driving. having no driv tier. Calif.. Jun. la. 11151. arerved one er's license and negligent sentence tor year of a on. to grand larceny. sion, police reports showed. Granted terminations to. Max Johnson. 43. Prove. Jun. 11. 1957, - arIP: U. of U. if, 1 - Total cost of the medical cen..ler..4xexpected. to, exceed, $10 .diolo.imit , ..,.. ported. MAR ROAD COIIDIISSIONFRSMembers of the State Road Commission and the Road Chief Stresses Proper Road Zoning is eaten Conivictranted Parole By State Board - , 11' ,,, 4 . iiomnmsedtaitaeteolyt site - ., of University It -- lk . ItOr.r.,.. t -, , , - , t ,, , . ,. --- .. , - , ,"".. , . .. - - 4 Arliir ' - The board decided tentatively to offer a contract lor designing the University of Utah medical, center to Ashton, Evans.& Brazier, also of Salt Lake City.' Actual awarding of the ton. tract Is subject to further nego4, tiations, blenuRilj boenst7rddi,recfre. tor of t - ( ' - & dziec:igbuniinkiginag.$3A ..,. -- 11 .bld- - Beecher. Salt Lake was awarded of ay, itio : - N41.441,.,0 Utah. Scott 0 , i The action was taken at a' lengthy meeting held in the ,) ' ...-.- ,, of a ..' of the State Capitol tnorth ing considered. It ' ,o 8 ' '' ' to ,.. , . IP"' z multiro-migUraion- construction dollar state Union Building, r, toor) --- ' N '''' , , . . 1 .1 , , ,'' :: ke - - suprvise I -, , 114.) I - t.- , . , . ( 1 .- A , . - i , Architects .were selected by I i the Utah. Building Board to Wednesday prepare plans and it , it 1 8.- r,1- 1 , ',4, ' , 1957-- ' ' . - - t- ' t: ,, VI , , - o - - !Stale Building 41t.' , Ok'or' 80 , 1 , - ' ' . 1 i -- 4 , t ,, ,, - t ,; ,, ' , .? , , - k4 , : ' ' ,, , , I I Architects Given - t ,,,,,,,- ' - ,. - . z , , , , TOURISTSA pair- bass)' in Vashington. His companion is Lt. Col. Valentin N. Elistratov, assistant Soviet air attache. - ten-ye- RUSSVisitors Believe Arms Talks 'Brighter'. , five-Ye- .. De-R- ton-ye- Two Salt Lake City visitors sistant military attache at the and Lt. Col, Valentin Wednesday said they felt embassy N. Elistratrov, assistant Soviet prospects for disarmament and airI attache, said purpose of easing of tensions between the their. trip wat to 'learn about United States. and Russia fire American people, economics and "brighter than usual." culture." The visitors on a tourist trip Learn About People to the West, were a pair of RuaHI think I have to sian colonels, both attached already the Soviet embassy in Washing- learned more about what Americans are really like in (he past ton, D.C. Col. Serge' A. Edemsky, as three days than I have done in the past two years at my in Washington," Col. desk - five-yee- e r served eight years and five months of a maximum fourteen-yea- r sentence for Insufficient funds checks; Neil J. Moo, ley. IC Ogden. at such time as transportation plans can be arranged to take hint to Pennsylvania. served twe pears of a one to twenty-yea- r 'valence for burglar's. and Alt011110 Joe Bars. 41. Price, to an Idaho "hold" on Jun. 25. 1957. served one year of a maximum eighteen-Mon- t t sentence for failure to provide. Denied parole or termination toLeeD. Prettyman. 111. $.1t Lake.City next The state treasurer veas desig bearinglive-ye-data. Ma, 1P4. serving a maxi. mum sentence for insufficient nated Wednesday by Atty Geu. funds check; Max Floyd Stockton. le, Ogden, next bearing data. June R. Callister E. the person to to his for assault serving five-year-s with intent to commit murder and receive titah's share of oil and six months to ten ream for attempted burtiarin James Floyd Workman. Mi. gas royalties from the Anetk Ex Dragertori. next bearing date. May DMA and Arvel Loyd Dickson. 23. Clearfield, tension to the Navajo Reserva, remanded to the custody of the warcieis to serve the expiration of an eighteen. tion. month intones for failure to provide. Acted on twe county Mil aperillir A 1933 federal law extended terminated the one year sentence if Ray Patrick Johnston. 211. on Juno 11. the reservation and provided 1957. he hm served lour months for obtaining looney under false protefolvs, 37 cent of all royalties per end denied the appeal of Cornelius norm. 35, who boa served ten months from tribal leases on the exten, of a ode-yea- r sentence for driving while under the Influence Of intoxicating sion should go to the state. liquor. Treasurertlamed To Gal Oil Funds1. Left To Die " Edemsky said. He said that unless businesses , Lt. Col. Elistratov, who has , are restricted from building done quite a little traveling in along the access roads, the older the United States, said he felt communities and businesses will such trips. "where persons of 1" lk. be left to die. ' different nations and different The road chief explained that , can meet face to philosophies k 1 4r federal law requires the byface" hold the major hope for ' '41(''' . of communities by interpassing eventual lessening of world tenTwo professional wrestlers I , state highways. The road com) sions. i .1,---) ...., pleaded guilty Wednesday to a mission must t 4. purchase The traveling eolonels said 1, charge of contributing to the right of way, he added. 4 'c.' planned to steer clear of they of a ', delinquency , to girl. communismall on their ,, 'Therefore, militaryestablishments '.144,, Juvenile Judge Rulon W. Clark , ' .' 144 ;4, "ii , , trip. sentenced the wrestlers, Harold ties must be bypassed," Mr. Bur, :, 4, ' ' Asked If they planned to get Toshiuki (Tosh Togo) Sakata, ton explained. Deseret News Special ; ;t This money is to be used to "Such a of to would Las Vegas, Nev. a tourist .' way right f f: ,000,, k 36, 640 W. North Temple, and SAN FRANCISCOThe Neth: , mecca, Col. Edemsky said their "tuition for .Indian children Baru() Stanley (The Great Sa- eompletely destroy business dis- erlands consul pay ' I general an. were retained 4, - . plans called for them to 'go , ,..4..) - the in saki) Sasaki, 26, New Grind tricts if highways schools andor white , nounced ,r I f ap. Wednesday he added. the:, , 'north" from Salt Lake City. I ' ilotel, to pay $299! fines and to along present routes." ' of , or 1 maintenance of roads building pointment maof slot 1 am more afraid "I Access Roads o''' six months in the county verve :,,, , J. Teen 1 across the land described ' chines than of atom bomb tests," or o, 1 Nicholas Mr. Burton also said that no ) jail. link, Salt Lake ' 1 he quipped. , benefit for the of the Indians commercial construction will be the Judge aark suspended ), jeweler and na- The Russian visiters said they , ,, , , Rosemary Isom, 1864 Yuma it., ,,,,,: therein." the act spec'. jail sentences on condition that allowed along the interstate roiiz ,, t' tive of Rotter,,A to spend about a week St., has been elected president residing ,.1,. planned Ap f the two men leave Utah by Sat- highways. If the communities , , VI '1',1,......, ...r , b N dam, Holland, as in Utah, Idahq. Wyoming and of .77 pass the proper zoning regula1' , : , Spas. sophomore women's :, urday morning. the Netherlands 1 ,,,, s 4 , , Colorado. ,.....The a car in rented i jai service organization at the Uni, Sakata and Sasaki were ar- tions, they can eliminate busi- , t vice consul for r. ,,' . Salt Lake City Wednesday and versity of Utah, for the 1957-5t ;e4 ' ,,c,.'". rested last Friday at a Salt Lake nesses springing up along the ...'.. . Utah. ' . , 4,, , , t f ,4, planned to drive on their trips school year ,4t., motel. Salt Lake vice squad 'of- access roads, he declared. 4. Mr. Teerlink , , Ns, in the near vicinity., t, ficers also took into custody a ONtY road The Assisting Miss Isom will be commission chaircame to the Unit' Then they plan a similar visit Shirley Friel, vice president; -le, k ' ) ''r - , ' 1. girl and placed her man addressed city and county , ,,, ed States in ., ' to the Midwest, Col; Elistratov Kitthleen Halverson, A" 111AZINO GLASSES in the county detention home. officials at the closing session Mr. Teerlink 1912 at the age secretary; , said. Carol Sonntag, treasurer; LaurThe two wrestlers were also of a two-daMunicipal League of 8 with his parents, converts ., , Cot Edemsky said he was el Thatcher, editor, and Mary scheduled to enter pleas Friday school here. He assured officials to the Church of Jesus Christ of more hopeful than ever that , In City Court on charges of be- that public hearings will be held Latter-daLynn Pearce, historian.' 11 Saints. , . was being made toprogress ...Ann Browning will serve as' In the various communities ing disorderly persons. been in Church active lie has ward peace. chairman of the uniform plan4 71P' prior to final highway decisions. organizations and currently is SYMPHONY GUILDMrs. Charles A. Boynton Jr.. new Real Peaceriftig committee, while Dorothy 14itrT,) Members of the commission president of the Wells Stake. r ,iwer ; president of the Utah Syniphony Guild, left Raymond "I think we are working now Polliman was named social rtrIVI:11 31 met here for the first time with After his appointment, Mr. and of the Utah Board, of chairman J. Ashton, president the organization. Symphony toward a real peace, he said. newly appointed highway super- Teerlink said he would be Mrs. Harold K. Beecher Jr., right, join forces for a visor Ellis L Armstrong,' but pleased to be of service to per"Although I speak from no great Chosen as sergeant-at-arm- s , No bones la for. In greater Utah Symphony season next year. knowledge on the subject, I feel was Jackie Dahlstrom: summer ), No tools. only routine business was dis- sons having business with the Netherlands government. prospects are brighter for dis- ushering chairman, Joyce GochHearing lo BOTH LAIL All entries in the first annual cussed, Mr. Burton said. armament and easing of ten- nour; Intercollegiate Knights grow bowing. William G. Bruhn, , Mr. Teerlink resides at 1989 Meanwhile, Utah State Institute of Fine sions between our two nations." coordinator, Nanette Moore; Hearing aid biddoo is le Panguitch mayor and president Roberta St, Salt Lake City. Itutuss. citieriet4 tube Both expressed regret that freshman week representative, Arts writing contest viust be In of the league, announced that a terms smod to son ene fashZCMI Susan Dahlstrom; their travel plans, on file with by May 31. It was,,announced meeting of southern Utah city Como lo pboos or writs ke U.S. State Department, did ion show representative, Sharon the and officials would be kW! descrwoos book. county Wednesday. d n a not call for visits to Utah's col- Gygi, agenda chairman, Cash prizes are being offered held at Fillmore June 8. He said Jeannette Ware. orful national parks. In five separate categories of that municipal and county zonINTERMOUNTAIN Miss Alice Shornam a physid, "We meet and to want people be would the main subject writing, according to Theodore ing cal education instructor, was reHEARING find out area the about rural L. Cannon, institute chairman. for discussion at the meeting. of America." said U. Cot Eli- tainect as faculty adviser by a 771 Sinoth Stet, Ph. BA The classifications and prizes stratov. "If we see scenery too, vote of acclamation. include: best play or musical, The Salt Lake City Board of .T. Ash- that is fine." Mrs. Charles A. Boynton Jriannouneed by Raymond $250; best children's play, $100; Education still doesn't know 48, 9 Crestline Dr, Wednesday I tcm:.president of the Utah Syrn 0 best novel, $250; best short ".. '77 do to what about construction Officers investigate was named president of the phony Bo ard. story, $100, And the best poem, In of the Indian Hills School, high Utah PO. (-1 Since its organizafion a few Report On Boat Symphony Guild, succeedDr. C. Lowell Lees member Salt Lake City Police Tuesday on the Eatt Bench. Mrs. has Harold K. Beecher the grown guild sherago Jr., L years ing PROVOUtah County of the institute board, is chair- booked a a ' ,0 f. The board rejected all bids on 1134 Gilmer Dr. I, Washingto 350 members and has been ills officers investigated a re'". man of the writers' contest En- ton Man for New that erboot Is. out sad prospects ,4; of ' the school when they were investigation Vl Mrs. Beecher has headed the active in helping the orchestra. port of an overturned boat on tries should be sent to him-a- t el hot weather ahead. let your kiddies "", after he was appre- opened several weeks ago be. "" Utah Lake Tuesday night but direction, the Under roomy sand guilds the University of Utah, or to burglary estay hews et his he women's symphony organization hended a citizen In an alley TENDER. hewTM PERFECT111T , symposiums are staged found no trace of the craft by cause they exceeded the amount, regular the Institute's office, 55 W. 5th near 1stbySouth and West.Temgagratil for the past two seasons. concert during the Wednesday morning. 2 each to prior of available for the South, Salt Lake City. money AT proj. ple about 1:30 am. 1 The.. appointment was regular season. The guild plays Sheriff's officers alto Booked was a man who Men-tille- ect ; ; searched shoreline the in to see active if an all symphony part came matter for The brief up bimsell as C. W. Warren. Math Exam Winner 1 4913!!104 abandone4 around actMties. any ears were Police said he was apprehended discussion Tuesday at a meeting 4 o one had been re. The new president is expected, the lake. FAMILY 1 - S. of the board. The building and Z6, 143 George Lawrence, 20, Tuesday by James-Burke- ,' Reodylunt soon plans for thelported' missing early Wednew announce !thr , 11; to I Was named winner of Univer 2nd West, who reported seeing grounds , committee; together 1957-5at am" season. ate Utah day. Symphony 41x 5' sity of Utah's .1957 sophomore a man break a window at Pahl's with "administrative officers,. : ' . mathematics examination. His Loan Co.. 115 S. West Temple. was instructed to meet to dis ..,c.,7i Now Only ,, 4I cuss the whether A4 is $25. plansfor-Police confiscated lour watches. 11111T-It t prize SEAT IN EACH CORNER friday. May $l. im! , building could be modified to 111011111111Leendut, from 5 in 10 pm,. at 734 I.. .41. 12 South. Sudoer will be served. reduce 4he building cost within mount of available funds. the INV,PRERDJohn Shepherd OUR SALT LAKE FACTORY Tel YOU Thurwiar. May 30 in LrVita 3 BAGS OF SAUD ...,,,, City Park kallikrtial t noon, lame 1 I TRANSMISSION OWNERS own lunch. . MAYDolbeendent. of James MILT at 1 Dots yur tronsmksien shift msk, lig ea Elder Box Calls Fort. Cots. wall '4, ENJOY bold their annual reunion al."Crastal ,i shifts, , leek, .slip or maks nvsvol moist' a 1 FREE DELIVERY springs, Honeyvale, Utah. Jun. , PERSONALIZED , Lack family briny from food. , REG. ! iBANKING SERVICE Ourptiver WU) lot Up Tim saa FINANCING OUTSIINI W JUST SAY 'Thorpe . :-I Plead Guilfy Jeweler !lamed 'To Delinquency Vice Consul 300-foo- tidier lands For - r. , ii ' 4 .,,''dt 4. 2444.-4- -- 4 , if x Spurs Elect New Officers - x , 1:.010-01:- ,t , t. x , x , 1 , x , s ' , ''.1 , - ' , , ,,, , -- P i "f' . L I ..1, , ' .. &Ite ., . . . . y y - L., lit) Deadline May Author Contest Women's Organization ewt New President Appointed By Utah Symphony Guild Costs Still Stymie S.L Board On Indian Hills School - - aunt Booked Man, Burglary Probe - The Perfect BABY TENDER . j' . n BOXES tn d - f rd, . fr ' $5.40 tich Ist PAINT rode, simmorIT fornwie. - 01 - IT bookommi N. , - INSIDT WHITT PLAT WALL PAINT t $3 I GALLON ;Apr stightty twelsbeeks. sewn OeS lertalek 41 Is 901 ...."11"mismr 1 1 IN MAI i 7 77 FREE Pere pen welt each Video purchased. bole. AT ur::c :1 , cAraAt AND TWIT CoMPM4T COMPLETE BANKING e SERVICE 1;311calaniMar ITCHY ECZELIII - Zorn antiseptic liquid or oint- znent precnotly relieves of surface eczema and skin Itching It stoos smoteIan4'mo aids rashes. faster healing.Bvz Eros 4 4 1!4 !t!,1 i i tins. tem god ottiovistoont toiler awry save yin, en sarponeive overlie, totorrfros. Does by Utohts Only AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ' A MIS 53 If I took for 843 South Main Ho A : ...' ...srx Plus c61 Plus ttr 4 - pi,, od S Osmitos SPECIALISTS ...nom sumo.. fC111PPID SNOOP'. g C litirehring Sign EL ikh South, ot 7th Wost 09 , Wag, 1, woomomus stomos , - - 0 Or; . AUTOMOTIVE imurs Itubbers cue. l zemo , Steryigth Zeme for $SS. r; vg; S0 SPECIAL b;gher ()web's. A 11 7:Dvma.E:Lotr, PAINT SALE NOUSE . t e Wm-loc- ... Al - REUNIONS ! 4 - mayttoao ow. novsx: a - |