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Show , : 1 ,...... WI, .., Nir ..,-- ,,,,,--.- . - ,, J . -- , , - . ' Hightights-:- 1 i - V -- .; . i 1 t t but 1 , 1 I th ey-- diti- - Howard hour-lon- , . musical program . low-rate- d , Pmo , , 'ail:: , , A Ettl c SALT I i , . iv Foy foe oN poor TV owybow by DOWN th. Ic E , 6823 C CB C ER MONARCH TV SERVICE 1753 Tooth NI tow 43011 So. Wm 14. Moos NU &Mil-932- 3 r , . E .1, power. Get June Reader's Low as S 10 Per Month -- IIIISIC CO. ' SM Itif ... t '''sN7 I lo 011' Special a .01 vird 65 0 - 41 EAS1 BROADWAY EARIL.P. . . FENC 7 ' awer ite astoatot 1.1 M : --- -- . e,', 'L7.,A Mt, ' t I 1 1 , to.1 ,1 1 -. A, . , Ita 2 Wol- a "4:Iderflloodo COW 41 ea Ito solo io lbw Iwo backlit40 ploor000d rotootod tos Cockle t ows . fold owl IOW ow loos tarok of wooly poostst peak rtletleier ofttoosloodlo, , - Mkt - SI m -- , -- cill ' , - , I, ME 0 WA ' . - N .,,,-,- , ,,, . ,.. : CLUB k I 11111Vkitw'f- cA.vto ' ... , ,Aoso.000l ti:1.... , u,,, ,vX - . : ilk;70000.00 REDWOOD WITH PADS , SETTEE $41,9 x Ne - -- REDWOOD tHAISE LOUNGE trDwooil 1 fty 1i . I - BAB vol CI:A :: i OASIS 1 , ..- .- , ' ,, . : -- K dolt-z---- , INDOOR AND OUTDOOR URI : :yam : LI Arms : . PAD "" '40" , : -. tot 4.,' 0ts '1111r411.0ool 1 12" : Arms 11 ar I" ,,( ' 12 SPECIAL' T., T - , ' : - 01( :. , . , ,...- - A 1 . . ' 5' - Dance Thlt0 NBC News Danes Time NBC News Dream Altai' With Ste .111566 i Id : St "le RUSTIC . BARBECUE gll SPECIAL PRICE $1895 - CLOSEOUT ,..t.,! - - , - OPEN TILL 2 P.M. Ti , I NO 11101EINIS . i UTOCO ALL CLEAR HEART TRHEEDRW 0 0 D -- - BENCHES ON SATURDAYS , ,, ....wows . RESISTS 0 .. ;;;"6W."' ..,1,..::...6,w,,C. )N ot 1 ;, (ICOMETS lvvvit L BURLING i NREST - . 6,30 Road Show 6:40 Richard Harkness 6;45 News of the World 700 NBC News 7:05 Grouch() Marx 7:35 People Are Funny 30 I:00 cm. to Midnight Music. News 24 4100 Dht KWHO--S- 60 1 , World , Sinn - - Barlow , Campbell Rolle Peterson ; f Show ; 7:45 News. John Barlow $:00 Friendly Tim. 8:30 News of Arheriell 4 I:45 Margaret Masters Show 9:00 Arthur Godtrex 9:30 News 9:35 Call'g Hollywood 9:45 Howard Miller Show 10:00 Wendy Warren -10:15 Backstage Wits 1030 Romance of , 75 Trent 10:45 Our Gal &misty 1100 Nora Drake.. 1.1:15 Ma Perkins 1130 Young Dr. Malone 11:45 Road of Lite Afterasso ' Red ' Campbell ' 12 :15 Business OC Farming 12:30 Arthur Godfrey 1:30 House Party 2:00 Right to Hap 12:00 News, 2nd Mrs. Strike It Rich Pat Butram Show News Rolfe Again News, Allen Jackson 4:10 Stock higket News 4:15 Tennessee Ernie Show 4:30 Housewives Prot League 4:45 intermission 500 Sports Finai 5:15 This is the News 5:30 Mountain West ' News 5:45 Edward Murrow 2:15 2.30 2.45 3:00 3:05 4:00 , , - 3.--"- w.f....0 7 KSOP-1- 8,3 370 Da yti me Wabstern Music. bawl; Hours Dalt Music, News KW19---157- 4 7:00 News. Res KI.I'B- 24 Hours 0 Sunriseto Sunset Muste,Iliews Sunrise to Sunset 1,Classical Music, News , , :15 Eireakf eat, with Ow-APPLIE- 64 , Kendal; Harmol KNAK-12- - Late Rolfe 1, POttrb01 5:00 Muille IND EP END LIITS KM:It-12- . Thursday, Ittiy Sports 5:15 This is tho News ttso mountam weir- -News 5:45 Edward itMurrow 600 Point ot Law 05 Lenny's Music at Six Irreales .343 roar AllOrrIKS 9 .. LUMBER S ItIVO(VING CREW PLAN d'It'". ,A A A Av.05?" PN, RRCP INQUIRE AROUT 5:00 Trim WednosAay, May 29 1 I 10:00 News, Paul RoYal 10:15 Album of Music 11:55 News ' y KDI'L NBC ' Show 9:15 r 1320 , TABLE AND ,..) FURNITURE FLOOR SAMPLES 1 5:55 E. Sevarekt Nrwe 9:00 Public Service, 3 the-Da- I .., Show. I. J -- and Then Some IMO Sports Scene , ' With Desa '' 7:15 Lowell Thomas 730 Herman Hickman, Sports News 7:35 Amos 'a' Andy Music Hall - , II:00 News 5:05 Robert Q. Lewll 1135Ths World Tonight k $l 311 1 i1 11. , ON ALL REDWOOD 'Vlielt. ' - ;:, , $6948 ;Ito 1 6:30 Sansom , IL , 'I NM& ., ,,r . itt-- i 105 Night Lino 9:00 Saltair :30 10:00 10:05 11:00 11:05 3P gab trU Dant ittuate. News , ' .b r -. ' itt w-- .. . , . i , 8:00 NBC News KALI, neq-MB- S , ', , I TORE Wednesday. May Si Evestiog , 12:00 News at Nona 12:10 KALL Toppers . i 12:55 News 100 Game of the Day 3:20 Scoreboard Thursday) Ilay IS 3.36 Music Shop ' 4:15 Hemingway News 6:00 Monolog News, 8:05 Bob II k a p 1130 Music Hardwick Show- News Every MI Till a &m. Hour d:30 News 5:55 News TOO NBC News 6:00 Sports News. 7:05 Pate One News 6:05 KALL Topper, ' V 7:30 World News 1:15 News 7:35 Bob Hardwick 0- $:30 Cedric roster II:00 NBC News 6!35 KALL Toppers 8:05 Gordo Owed 7:00 News 8:15 Bob,Hardwick 7:05 Mystery Play 1:30 News house 8:35 Bob klardwick 7:30 KALL Toppers COO NBC News 7:45 Dugout Warmup II:05 Bob Hardwick cfr I:00 Baseball 10:00 NBC News Bees 10:05 Truth or Coosa10:45 Scoreboard . quences , News 10:30 NBC Bandstand 11:00 Moondial Hour MOO NBC News Every REDWOOD UMBRELLA 1:00 Sign Oft 11:05 NBC Bandstand TABLE WITH BENCHES Thursday, May N Aftorsoso Storalag NBC 12:00 News 5:30 KALL Klock CHAIRS 6:00 KALL Farm News 12:05 Local News 12:15 All Time Hlts se 6:05 KALL Klock 1:00 NBC News 700 News 1 IX Gordon Owen 705 KALL Klock Show 7:15 News 1:30 Hilltop House 7:20 KALL Klock 1:45 Pepper Young 730 News 2:00 NBC News 7:40 KALL Klock 2:05 True Confessions ' 6:00 Hemingway News 2:30 Woman in House 11:15 KALI. Klock 2:45 Affairs of Dr. News 530 tit . Gentry 635 KALL Klock 3:00 NBC News 9:00 News' REDWOOD OTTOMAN 3:05 Five Star Matinee 9:05 KALL Klock 3:30 One Mans Family 9:30 Queen for a Day 3:45 Road Show With 1000 News , 4:00 NBC News 6 Pad 10;05 Music p 4:05 Roadshow News Ever, 500 NBC News Hour 5:05 News and Sports 5:15 Roads how Atleneen m 1200 News 1160 KM, PBS 12:10 Here's Hollywood i 12:15 Luncheon Melo. Wednesday, Way 21 T dies With Flo Evening 12:55 Kraft News -- - COO kilns Jackson .1:00 Gami of News 3,30 McCoy's Music 4:10 Stock Market News Shop: top tones till 5:55 4:15 Tennessee Ernie 4:15 Hemingway, News Show 455 News 430 Housewives 5.30 News Protective League t 5:55 May Wyman News 4:45 Intermission ,:olt ,:: . - $3198 . : : : I ' lig , - . 910 4. . , 4 .L.,....- .- 1 111 410( ' i 1 Channel BANKS -- 41.41:1f1 . 1 4.01,11,,,ANA-416.-.,- , IL ve4v 1,, :: Peat . , ,, i 0 -- 4741; , .) , 411; L '' 3 d . Utylitill::..----P- P.1'170a .- CHAIR 1 i - ., ECUlt - 411 : . - --40004-- UTOCO DEALERS ottt Tr, t ,..,,,,,, , - tp6-id 1),00,,,,0000,06'L ,. 41:r-moo, --- If,b 0 Etus t . Presented by STM teet40111001 A ' - . 5 etre' - o RI MO ir . - , r ' f:aamito -- . - -- 0.310 R 0 Y LE NOON FID11111 ah000w000 boat ..., two boo two elpoziallymosoolood O' trogoottory speakers w. wish mooed Oittototo ' i ,.,. 5PIAE1111111 CHANNEL TWO Ci,71,4, t t.A i LUXE DE - ubul i rani 1.9miviEs mon ma - CI ME '111'- 0-IR:- South Mein Strytt Salt Lake City, Utah , REDWOOD Oh ,,,, VI 1St , ty : 4 PIEWS, SPORTS AND WEATHER Edi 32011 11110110 - . (111Vr1 At ill11 lILT El II id 111111 I w fe , .. I, 4.0., ... NO 441331 I , ' T50., - 1 ' AgiriEWEICIEWS, El Etilrij after' fights APPROXIMATELY -, ,, 7 1 Vo.,1. loot i , i - -- -- cc' ,ift':',-- 1 II .alma re'i'd'Alit , ,,,e,, t. at $4344 ! , --- ---- '', ' PEARCE ' i 9 o'cloctz -- a na o 4 1 . R . 44 4,,N."71.74;11, . , WItil. CLOSE ONAFTERNOONS AT 1:00 P.M. - 1 I ., MUSIC STORES MITCHEL1.- SHIPLEY, Voir. , my TOMIGEN vet - Digest ' TONIGHT ON 1117 DdiJG immediately RESTAURANT 444. -- - The Downtowner ,o -- - --' ' MUSIC CO. HEART BROS. SUGAR HOUSE MUSIC CO. Delicint Downtwns,' 1. , CO.. DAYNES MUSIC CO. .- GLEN BROS. MUSIC CO. TRY OUR 10. - 1- Salt Lake City. Utah WESLEY ,11,ft: ' T, , azinea, newspapers and books, condensed to save your time. Arthur Godfrey talks about Reader's Digest every Wednesday an CBS radio. Tune in. BEESLEY MUSIC CLARK MUSIC CO- and 'thew she Kdo.' ia ,, ( 4 your newsstand today: 42 articles of lasting interest, including the best from leading mag- - JUNE, JULY, AUGUST - 11 , Ecup - REDUCED DURING THE MONTHS olo Part , .k. Kb coholics, restore broken homes, even overcome illness. . June Reader's Digest tells how a group in Philadelphia praying each day for people all over the U.S. -- is reaffirming an age-ol- d truth: the beating 4.5411 - 'Tow r I . E 11 Sit rk ri - A4 Page Members of Prayer Fellowship . have seen their prayers cure al- MUSETTE SATURDAY ' I, See wrought by prayer" With Us KOKLEI 4 CAMPBELL THE IOLLOWING - Radio. Television andVABO DE -- . "More things are Saturday Afternoon Closing. 11 ,' -- - - i tall I Eirlitl'S Vittis 55c19 II -- . 4grrusitxhvciat:due.01.idtd, earl Establish Your Credit Announce - p, Z .: 1Vil WolM kit it KSIIITCBS ' LAKE MUSIC STORES , f - AcvmstermtaroproswatramoramprywrIggsommaz 4 1.1:14RADM tattorletstatvillIcsjt'-- ' E)E-1,117a1,1E- c. C.; 1 Soma sorriosma"..": a- - trill:: - IN ! $1001. 1.041e-l- os - -111e Eli Ist South ) .6.4. L. . GO S IJIIIIERHAYS 21 East z: . . viA , COMPANY will Oros yew him Wog slave to your Sawa S Yowl Pm To Pay tolmotes . iI juLEV.L nine -7 lEnris. If LSILOLTE Y-1"1 I . System' v.itv'tm!' I - n ERAS E PLIABG: & LAWN - o" - ACESPUME& - 1 , , Sprinkling III ', mission Wednesday said Copper City Radio Company has withdrawn its application for a new television station on Channel 61 at Butte. Mont The company operates station KOBW at Butte. The withdrawal leaves the contest lot the channel to the Copper Broadeasting Company and Arthur Schwieder, who owns station Klan at Idaho Falls, Idaho. I . ALL DRASTICALLY 'A ( Federal - ,,. --- . CAILII WASHLNOTON , radio ite eki races and placed winners of American racing in correct order. The expert on Americana Watch em ploy and you'll call k your finest investenent. Please telephone EL , Itmccrti anwy : 1 , UREEng top-mone- y REIIOVAL Idaho Station Gots - Botts TV,Channol El UE1E5 ED A U. MEMORIAL DAt! It". t; two-matc- h MR. BUSiNESSMANI 15 fine boys need Little League Sponsor Too Much Video . s, Tis n PIANO - --- . Es I, - - . --.- - 1 x The expert on horse racing Identified winners and locations q - - '---- OTO) Pi Sat- $32,000 questions. to docontinue to offer programs with strictly iS1011 t . ' Valli. the six - ) ed-st- of , - - , , urday on Ch. 4. He will with Nat King Cole. Gordon MacRae, Patti Page and June son: Could television exist on a steady diet of educational or thought provoking shows? Is current TV so mediocre or is there just too much of it? Can shows that supply only entertainment be classified in masse as mediocre? Just what is teleV- . - 1M d knock-dow- , , . , 0-- I -- ---- - -- gored by Soviet leaders. Cpl. John W. Christensen Is scheduled to be payoff partner for his mother, Mrs. Zelda Christenson of 144 S. 5th East on Big' Payoff Thursday on Ch. 5. Ricky Nelson, 17year-o1ion of Ozzie and Harriet, will move ahead In the entertainment field when he appears on a special r Lake City, Wednesday, May 29, 1917 oot isit tessitiag inialem oasemaa . book bee. ' Medawar kite writing C011 26 t maws im leammosa o. wit. The tatter "booms becomes f 2.4trirtio bakier lets auctemartM success her but go , r TV Thanked lin gator) ItM ..,,,, to her head..490 sainutes.f , 0111100111 "AU Tame theautital Ghia," , amorme theme tainhot. &abort Visa 11The blitucceire. ..lk i ' toes. Nova Patterson sad mum top ' 9:3S , , ' , hew Teta tedium onodaid lag stow ,, 'e ArN whi provide a Maind4admeam book Secret. a Got is , as warld 4 , the al lemma P11.1". 11?) I . 'Mooted Peaky. TM mote immoral' t - 1 Other Shows .A Wednesday lt2. MID a oa twist ha 41, paosograghat 0 i ,, - aboulam Mot Mamma gulag km s'i X , CIANNIL I Two on the Melo' '....0' ' ' i tht 44431-- , 171 1. 3rd 1rauth V't meet. (Sims abegt.i "What show Woman." (10;3tio oaf kaziniss. 1 I 1 I sierruut box Stowell in thestori of I I :3S ucesseatul women agent who ewes to twornr tor inTathoms reassitts Satitt "0.10 sleeks's,. howl& It: al lbGiant CHANNEL Testae in Pictures. 1:00 Eve-- ; weather and sports t10:30 , sright. pit 'elm adores against nine Show (11:06 p et. ) win Prawn' t , Channel 2 K 13 T , Cal:taa. Ortiz. tki?ur 'rearm i C".11, , starring Leonel barn,- -THURSDAY FT&ACIII in the- store VIEWING end Kaye . .,,,,, ....,,Channel 4 K T V 12N110 r.:,:n.ri..ux.s. i.' er km schedpromoeutoulaw tree who believes Neva , rI uled "Tkiege Se a M11.107 lading." there ie such a tiling se a "perfect At)c nn et 5 ellANNIL - I Bin limaiw, Gime thoorg 'Wm's." ', '"' has . k tiottlan are Solara. Srainz b a "atm"' $ett: to, states'. 'ft hiseesrate. van 'titles Overt 15!Alrearthert, trernseCwailtds 1X0.30flei 14basis .) bekhoshreawe...4h.s. btf,:tageremotI, lp., ing: ! utreaThrate:soug(Illstmoke0or I As the World Twine twedaesday. Itay lose a whom Me Imam lied astooggied Jill Not So Late Show 410:351 will .he a Theuterd:rrirst run. "Don't You Remember" end "Ill be M11:011 and goading lo prison. t Rear Mod.) "4111..:Hplaytimme Full length. "Old I Our Waiting." 4 Club 7:30 s , I, II:10 lcolort Iii Acquaintance. aPittner Itnows Best. ,41o, ,...1 . Tennessee Ernit,Por4 4 .!!!.1...r...I i 3:01 l'r House Party The Early IlI anima. "no Elb-1- 1 .11717tattainelkleteReteregerl COO "The arty atm" Part al tile 'beer will moilitrairs Theo. 4 be devoted to tha Wat Diaaey r14117YLie .N8113:Phlaayolinneo an 6114 Itea itail 4tCtlit:trilargla". I Vvt Got A Secret Um et American story ICH I . Tito ether part trill.tettere a tortb4 1 - ; I "The Man Called . Cartoon11:1111 Bugs Bunny Club ambit Dittmar saavia. Nitikaay Tre.t1 Dt- Tv 'BRAMalc-tti- n Ben. Carnival Sus) lt:10 asatath" mmber istery at the Iterate. 11 Bob Two on the Aisle lion. (Soar show. Sloe dix and Lori Nelson in Crosby 1: 11;0 "What a Woman," Party (in color) will Mickey Mouse Club "Threat to a Happy End. havs itome gronunent guests lurk. Feature Rosalind Russell The World 'Tonight Double Churchof masks Winston under ing on slated Ing," tonight, I, 4 Today in Pictures Movie. ill: Eddie Cantos' and M. tutd Nita $ae ' 20th Century-FoHour. "One Last Crazy Horse (color) Something In Wind 1Arthur Godfrey (Haiti show.) Alexis Smith, News, Weather $ IAS 11:11 Zarchary Scott I:30 Douglas Edwards Not So Late Show, 4 Queen For a Day Crewe Theater will show answered a mixture of ques- 11Tripait 11 The "Madame Curie." a goatlike,' story "Don't 'You Brighter Day 4 Helen O'Connell about OW woman who weavered tions, but almost got tripped up I:11 Remember' Falcon Th. radittra. Stars isolate Gram Banos. a on the name of the man who atom Secret 11:11 alter Plateau. Robert It taker. SAS us Vaa Johnsen. sad Margaret Weather 1 Station ()Stie first proclaimed Sadie Hawkins 4 NBC News fit 911 vas haveal whom this. it's worth The Edge of Night 11:10 loreiting at tor the Iselin arid the 64 Day in Lel Abner. 4 Sports Final 1:411 bantam portrayals by Ski whole AnaW-Cakstar-Ha- g 8 1111 Radio Highlight: Bands playamok tee atimates.) 4 Mods r)) Romances -- -Gall Davi 1etatOOkOWW400maPWO1000seoPeM 4 Evening Show, 11:00 1:00 ing at Saltair will be presented 4 Kraft TV Theater, "Guilty Hands, 4 Comedy Time live over KDYL Radio each 1Pirst Security Theater has schedruntime Express DIGEST" "FISHING I $1.00 Lionel Barrymore, uled "Old AegUaintanCli. Moore Show 'tarring 1 . I Garry week at 9 p.m. Wednesday ' Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins. Ca Madge Evans 1140 a All Star Playhouse The story concerns a woman novel.; new The through Saturday. Mt whoa blend is goadad hi( a Feature Movik g "Giant Step' Thursday. May le policy will begin with the Stan "Strange Woman.' line TO Kenton show this week. a Wed. Night Fights Hedy 1A111107,, 4 "Home" Vidbita: Carry Moore's show George &indent' Carlos Ortiz es. 6:06 with every newts or 4 4 Felix Chlocca 4 write Price Is Right" 4 Liberace has been on television for eight - 4144t purclossTkorstioy' ONLY! "Arthur Godfrey 1111 I Ileb and consecutive 1,813 peryears 5 Cartoon Capers 4 This Is Your Life formances There are 16 1110 11:00 Fox Hour, "Threat western series scheduled,for this 4 Truth or Cons,- 4 Club "4" PlayhoUse To a Happy Our Big Ad 'Fluency fall. More whodunits are slated. (color) Ending" Strike It Rich 1:11 The surviving quiz shows are T:SO Tout MUSIC 11:00 Show The 4 I laxly Father to On Knows Beek monless expected 4 Tie Tat Dough give away COMPANION 1:41 COO Valiant Lady ey next season. t elp News and II:15 Popeye Kartm;ns WEDNESDAY NIGHT ta Sports Margie Love et Lite I My Little ponaloor S:ell 4:341 VIEWING S:SO IT'S "SANSONE IND So a Disneyland. "The a But. Bunny Pub 4 "It Could Be You" $eal pseeibilitioo la blawk MIN SOW" 1. Liberty Story" Search For Tomorrow II Susie SOUTH MAIN if:1141 5 : 00 4 Masquerade Party Wookileys , 0:45 StSS to 7100 p.m. (color) II The Guiding Light Cid NNE!, Mickey Mouse club S Arthur Godfrey Show S.Mickey Moue Club. (lour bow.) 1444 1I I The World Tonight I Um odd news. SAS 4 "Close Up" $ae 5:30 CBS News 4 Triple Crown Something in Wind Iwo O'Coulooll glum will make 10:11 Theater, bladame lie debut, followed be wows. Edwarde Curie." Greer Just For Volt I DouglasS:Se IIThe Talton. . I Gerson. Walter I 21.:" I i 4 Club 84 s Set Preston Pidgeon r g To Battle Again: Hank Bloom. garden and Jim Snodgrass will fight it out again Monday on Twenty One, with the. former guaranteed $52.500. That's the amount he had won before the "fight of the boners" a couple gram of weeks ago. The sponsor has Concerning the suggestion decided they will start their conthere may be Just too muck test at $3,500 a point. Both will television, consider that we wipe the slate clean and begin here have three channels at with a new set of probIS hnurs per day. The lem& great maw of television Just, At will be recalled, Snodchews up more than can be grass was ruled Incorrect, alproduced for SO hours per lowing Bloomgarden to eonday. tinue as champion with $120,- Imagine what Its like in some 000 in. winnings their last areas with six and seven chan- lime out. Viewers called to nels! protest, said Snodgrass had It's like the 'book publishing not answered a question inbusiness with more than 20,000 correctly any more than titles per year. Pat industiy can Itionnigarden had. So now the stage is set lor supply just $o much and then it runs out. And people can re another affair that ceive so much without becom- should be a honey. ing satiated. Win Again: Two contestants I'm just posing some ques- on $64,000 Question answered tions now that we've reached the their $16,000 queries correctly end of another television sea- last night and now go on tothe 'I . ' -.- .. TELEGRAM,--Sal- -- ,', g high-rackin- These same viewers and critics hold up Sid Caesar and Ernie Xovacs as the entertainers who 'could keep television from becoming mediocre." The same viewers and critics raved about Wally Cox as Mr. Peepers and artists of that type. But Peepers Is gone. So's Sid Caesar. And Kovacs, with all his innovations, Is unable to land a steady pro- 4 - , t t, He is the first Russian leader to be seen on U.S. TV. The interview with him was filmed in Moscow by the Face the Nation rresi It will be presented during the show without having been cen- four-hou- , . discussed and when at TV every day. , Coming Urn Nikita IChruscheV,, Communist party boss, will be seen on Face the Nation Over Ch. 5 at 1230 pin. Sunday'. view-era.- " - - . . television We. look constitutes medi- Pearson ocrity and what may be classed as quality. Some critics and viewers call Perry Como and Lawrence Welk mediocre. They place them in a category with I Love Lucy, December Bride and the Jackie Cooper show as "contributing nothing, but harmless to t - that come to mind when wthear Ltii' agree on what 1 DESERET NEWS AND - educational value or satisfy the popular taste and go for ratings entirely? -- These - are somequestions -- . . . . , By HOW AD PEARSON Deseret ,Nevis TV Editor Is mediocrity ruling telei- Ilion. or is there just too much i television? This questiolommirmwe...-....- 9 has come up sev. . 4" e' eral times when 1 III'',., Nii ; we've t, heard, talks on 4 h e Ir c,,-- , I - 4,1 . it present state of ' TV. .. . . j 1 t..1 Viewers and ,..-critks alike are ' it, discussing - I i , , 'Mediocrity' May - - . -- - . , J1 .... - 1 . . - - - 1 -- - - , , . , . . - TelevIsion , -- - . ( 1 ,r---- . . I . .. .0 , I I -- NW , . - , -- . . AAA AlibAkt A ..o." Ask.AL,"--41.4o- k figt.,m-- m. aft 4116.1...." 0. 0 Alik. |