Show 6 THE SALT LAKE: TBIEUNE SATURDAY MORNING JUNE CROWDS' HEAR TRIBUTES PONY PAID x iuUJTr Ceremonial at Unveiling of Marker Recalls Stirring Days of Pioneers !Lr: A I lQ £&&& TALE OF WEST’S 7p PIONEER TRAILS ¥ dock Turns u I £3 mm Jim Brldger that daring fighter of 4M 1825! kit Carson adventurous and pic- turesque hero of that era westCaptain Bonneville striding ward In 18331 The Mormons tamped at Independence Rock 1847! The clock turned back a hundred or years and more for 3500 members the Young Men's and Young Ladles’ Mutual Improvement associations of the L D S church Friday as they relived the days of the heroes of the western trails For in the special Pioneer Trails program in the tabernacle the Immortals of early western history trekked vividly back into the minds of the thousands here for the thirty-sixt- h annual conference of the Y M and Y L M I A Delegates See Pageant-DepictinHistoric Changes To honor the noble pioneers of 1847 and later years and to preserve the priceless historical heritage the 3500 delegates witnessed a pageant that opened with the stole Indians” roaming the western lands down through the decades to the dreary journey of the band of Mormons who first came to the Salt Lake val- A r--t H f ijf ? rk &' i Mr Welling said it was fitting that In Balt Lake at the crossroads of the continent a monument should be dedicated to the memory of those In trepld messengers of progress— the pany express riders “The pony express" he continued "represented the first movement of American business to lift itself off its two legs and apply horsepower to commerce and Industry The splrlt of the pony express men rides today tluough every printed page and over every flashing wire and on the wings of every speeding plane They formed tlie cutting edge of civilization as it carved out its conquests of time and t ‘it: V g Scenes b V'K at the unveil iygFr id ay of the marker- - in front of The fribune-- T etc grant building placed on the eld Salt Lake Jtony express station Top left site of the Joe Conch in the gear of a pony express rider dismounts with a message from the governor of Wyoming right a portion of the crowd that witnessed the cereapace and transportation monies inset Dr Howard R Driggs delivering the adi Committee Member Gives j ' Colorful Facts on Riders dress of the day center left DcLoy McMullin and Joe 1 congratulate ' Dr Howard It Couch the last two relay riders right bfiss Carmen Driggs and the Oregon Trails MeAlbert morial association George of a potty express rider beside Smith and the Utah Pioneer Trails Streeper granddaughter and Landmarks association upon tjc marker bottom a map showing the route of the thetr successful efforts to keep alive pony express line from St Joseph Mor to Sacramento of the old west” the ley “Our Pioneer Heritage” a tribute to the men who founded Salt Lake and Utah was delivered by former Governor Charles R Mabey “Not since the early Christian fathers fell asleep many centuries ago has there been a faith like unto theirs” said Mr Mabey In eulogizing the strength and perseverance of the 1847 band ‘That faith they passed on to their descendants That Is our heritage from the pioneers Shall wc the recipients of blessings a thousandfold more precious than life deny them their share of praise for the splendid record they left behind? Shall we withhold or permit to be withheld one jot or one tittle of the honor that should be theirs?” George Q Morris appealed to the assemblage to honor the pioneers by spirit Hugh Ryan a member of the hisout the progress which haa been the Teton peaks Charley Cliff passed tory committee of the association ed In old St Joe Jack Keeley gave some oolorful facts on the pony made 4n that comparatively shorta away and John Billy Fisher Harry Rolf space of time— when It cost $25 express riders old Major Egan and his sons— Eras-tu- s The company for whom they rode letter to send mall by pony express ana Howard— Wash Perkins and he said was organized early In 1860 to the fast Inexpensive modern all the other riders and those equally as the Central Overland California means of transportation The mayor congratulated those heroic boys who kept the stations V and Pike's Peak Express company made possible the build- can be with us today only in spirit They later absorbed the Leavenworth who ofhad l the monument and Pike's Peak company to com ing Sole Known Survivor The speaker of the day wa Dr Lives plete their line In California City R Driggs president of the “The first pony express” he re- Howard Trail Memorial association “The sole survivor of the original lated “left St Joseph Mo AprU 3 Oregon account of the pony express so far as we know Is 1800 at 5:30 p m— the same time who gave a stirring and devotlort of the men who William Campbell a veteran of over that mall was being placed on a courage on” with the pony express 90 who still lives at Stockton Cal river boat at San Francisco and “carried Is Just a little more than sev Messages of greeting and good will rushed to Sacramento where It was ‘‘It years ago” he recounted “since have gone today to that stalwart old transferred to a pony express rider enty those daring riders dashed pony rider If there are others who one of mall reached Salt out of The Emigration canyon Into Balt still linger with us either riders or Lake on April 7 the first inaugural station keepers— they should not go ‘‘The first trip east to west took Lake bearing Lincoln Leap- unremembered hours message ofhisAbraham nine days and twenty-thre- e from panting pony not far ‘It Is a fine American thing that and the trip west to east took eleven ing from where we stand he passed the Is being done here today to comdays and twelve hours This effi- message and the other precious mail memorate the work of these heroic ciency and speed was maintained to another rider who sprang to the men Out of a grateful heart I voice and the pony express had Justified back of a fresh horse and went at my appreciation to George D Pratt Itself before the public speed southward along the old’ the generous American who haa pre‘The pony express was In opera- full sented the plaques to mark the pony ' tion about sixteen months when It tralL express trail from the Missouri to was supplanted largely by the trans-coi- v Signal Service in Those the Pacific to the Utah Pioneer lnental telegraph During its Days of Covered Wagons Trails and Landmarks association shoi-- t life It covered a country ap“In seven and a half days these for the earnest efforts to preserve our proximately 2000 miles wide exposed historical heritage and to the Balt to the fury of the elements wild relay riders and their wiry ponies Lake Tribune and Telegram lor thetr animals and hostile Indian tribes had put the message and the mall splendid American response in makI It maintained 190 stations employed through from St Joseph to Sacra- ing possible this occasion” I W Y O M -N E A S K A eighty riders and 400 station at- mento a run of nearly 2000 miles Among those honored with a posl FT BRlDGER tendants and used some 450 horses Not much of an achievement in these tlon on the FT LARAMIE WESTERN was Sanford platform ranging from the toughest cayuse to days of the airship but a signal serv- Holman of Salt Lake who was the TERMINUS the best blooded stock of the west ice for our country In those days of pony express station keeper at SumE V A D A tire Covered Wagon” mit Creek station near where the No Small Achievement After relating the stirring story town of Bantaquln la now located To Finance Undertaking of Billy Fisher who rode the mall Other honored guests were D A RSON CITY "The Initial outlay was $100000 through STJOSEPHv afler surmounting terrible Nielsen and Henry Wallace of Salt and the current monthly expense difficulties RAMENTO almost at the cost of his Lake both of whom were Utah pio0 rf 10 DAYS SCHEDULE $30000 It was no small achievement life Mr Driggs continued: neers and vividly recall the pony ex4 In that day to get together equipof a almost la that regret SAN pang It with the AVERAGE SPEED Z0 FRANCISC0 press EASTERN ment and personnel for such an en- comes thought that we have In addition to the speakers others MILES PER HOUR TERMINUS terprise and carry It forward effi- not one of those heroes here to tell on the platform were President Heber us the story first hand All but the J Orant of the L D 8 church and ciently" CALIFORNIA Mayor John F Bowman called at- very last of them have gone over the his counsellors Anthony W Ivins Bob’ Haslam Salt to divide' tention the Importance of and Charles W Nibley and officials ‘great ‘Pony Lake aa the great center of the west died not many years ago I am told of The Tribune and Telegram —a position which it occupied In In Chicago Billy Cody sleeps on the The boys who took the part of pony believed by hotel officials to district Boulders which formerly U S INDICTS CAPONE was above riders were Owen Wilde Wayne have become confused when ha awoke were only sources of annoyance are pony express times and has main- - crest of Lookout mountain tained continuously since He polnt- Denver: Nick Wilson Is burled near Brooks Walden Lambert Roscoe the night He fell through being carefully selected and sold to BEER COUNTS during ON Andrews and Joe Couch who rode his bathroom window companies which do a flourishing from the east and Russ Oakenson brokerage business with home ownWarren Oakenson Brian Hutchings ers (Continued trora Pace One) ROCKS FURNISH REVENUE and DcLoy McMullen who rode from ties In District Attorney Johnson’s CLEVELAND (UP)— An unprecethe west Couch and McMullen were John W Campbell bachelor govsuccessful Income tax campaign dented demand for rocks to ornate ernor of Wyoming territory was the the last riders and handed the letStabbed LAS VEGAS Nev— In the ters to Acting Governor Welling Chicago gangsters and graft- gardens of Cleveland residences has first American executive to sign a bill back seven times by a drunken as- against a new source of revenue to granting right of suffrage to all wopoliticians sailant Jtist after dawn Thursday ingSpecial Assistant XT S Attorney brought In the northern Ohio men citizens of legal age NAVY ASKS BUILDING Arnold Wasserman of St Joseph General William J Froelich was sent many farmers Mo engineer on the Hoover dam here to Mitchell General by Attorney OF SIXTEENTH CRUISER project is lying in the Las Vegas hoscooperate with Mr Johnson In the pital hovering between life and death coordination of federal forces for an while Nevada officers comb southern assault on the Capone gang with a Cont!nud t rom Ptn Ona) for “a large dark man wearing view to demolishing It navy wants to lay down brtor to July black trousers and black vest” said The task so far as beer was con1 1933 a second Including the ves- by officers to have been Was ser- cerned was assigned to the special sels which the navy wants to begin in an ' attacker agents formerly under prohibition 1 1934 In to Two and the third other men are being held prior July Alexander Jamie and now beaded by to be as commenced the witnesses Jail here material ships carrying They W E Bennett Credit for the roundbefore July 1 1935 are believed to have helped the as ing up of evidence against Capone The total three-ye- ar program salient to get away which is looked upon favorably by Wasserman who but ten days ago was accorded to Eliot Ness assistant tiCSEJT Chairman Fred A Britten Repub- left the Las Vegas hospital after re- In charge of the special dry unit lican Illinois of the house naval cuperating from an appendicitis opFirst Assistant U S Attorney Vicaffairs committee would cost In the eration said four men walking dowh tor E Larue who recently obtained neighborhood of $300000000 If only the street near the restricted district 38 convictions out of 43 defendants a one-yeprogram were offered It engaged In an argument Wasser- In one liquor conspiracy case pre would contemplate expenditure of man v’ho was walking along the sented the evidence to the grand Jury street alone did not kno the men and will prosecute Capone and his something less than $150000000 The one-yeprogram approved by Suddenly he said one of the four henchmen the general board and tentatively ap- men Jumped on him with a knife— proved by the highest naval officials he did not know why— and stabbed Includes two 13800-to- n aircraft car- him In the left side near the waist riers one cruiser gun 9600-to- n one I cun flying deck cruiser four submarines one destroyer lead —Prices Cut 7 east-bou- -- I VV" if I Back Ccnlury for Improvement Conference Delegates tM kf’ - TELLS I PAGEANT £ 4 Pin On) tion together with the Oregon Trail Memorial association lor their ac- ttvlty In perpetuating the memory of old pojiy express trail? ' ' the"The courage and the service rendered by the pony express riders must not be forgotten as they carved a trail across the prairies from St Joseph Mo to Sacramento Cal a portion of which has been followed by your riders today 'These few words express some of tire trails spirit: “‘To know Just where the trail doth lead Is more important far than speed No toilsome Journey daunts the soul When vision sees a worthwhile goal’” 193L Vivid Events Commemorate Era of Dashing Pony Express Riders EXPRESS (Continued from 13 participating in the national campaign sponsored by the Oregon Trail mia Memorial association In assisting In marking trails and historic spots of the western country A plea that the members subscribe for the 50000 Oregon Trail pieces was made by Mr Morris Plans of the Y M and Y L M I A are for wards to hold “Plains Dinners” and each purchaser of the coin for $1 to be a guest at the repasts Further plans for the “Plains Dinners” will be made at a special meeting Sunday at 4 : 15 p m A short history of the handcart companies’ westward journeys was related by Mrs Ruth May Fox presi— dent of the YL M LAThe arrival of the first pony express messenger and the reading of the Initial letter to be received In Salt Lake were enacted by members who also formed the cast In the nt nd IMG i BR --s- n COLORADO KANSAS Mystery Stabber 5000 Knifes Engineer On Hoover Dam lien you're off Blaze Endangers ' Buildings in Ely ELY Nev— Half of the restricted district in Ely was burned down Just before midnight Tuesday by what was believed to have been an inoen-dlafire set hi the old Tom O’Neill block comprising a central dance hall and many cubicles built as a unit The structure had not been used inseveral years and the wood burned like tinder endangering a great deal of the business section of Ely before It was brought under control Fire Chief Bath said from the speed with- which the flames raced thrpugh the many rooms of the struc- - r ture he believed the building had been soaked with gasoline A resident of a house near by testified awakened by the barking of his' dog and to seeing the flames shoot through the building as he opened his door Three men wev said to have been seen running away from the placei ry ng I Last Day of Crawford’s UiU'i Mead Reports ‘Dryest’ Season er and a number of destroyers It also includes two of the 2000-to- n gimboats of the unlimited type permitted by the London treaty These vessels would be substituted WASHINGTON June i 13 m— for cruisers assigned to the special The present season was said by service squadron used to protect life Reclamation Commissioner Mead toand property in Central America day to be the dryest experienced by the western states since he haa been ot Church of England Prays for Peace In office The spring rain and snowfall he observed have been uniformly below the marks for the last five or six He compared conditions in years California to those of 1924 and said this year was worse while In Washington and Oregon the water short-thf- tt of any year for which records are available here Mead however saw one favorable feature in the shortage: It should Ration all the more r‘ June 12 W— A call to prayer for the success of next year’s disarmament conference was Issued this evening by the archbishops of Conterbury and York and the heads of the English free church denomir nations The religious leaders said hopes for iat upon the success of the conference and great responsibility will rest with the delegates who attend It STORMS RAKE GERMANY RUMANIA JAILS RUSS SPIES BERLIN Jtme 12 (A7)— Numerous BUCHAREST Rumania June 12 storms accompanied by ball and Thirty-fou- r persons Including high winds Indicted heavy crop and two army officers and three women property damage at various points were given heavy sentences today tonight Two persons were killed by after being convicted by a court-marti- lightning Many vineyard terraces of spying In behalf of Rus-l&i- a were washed out In the Moselle T£e trial lasted forty-fiv- e days valley LONDON i al i — li ar fto a Swedish Lutherans Adopt Gift Budget June 13 (AV-T- he Augustana synod of the Swedish Lutheran church in America holding Its 72nd annual convention here today voted to organise a corporation to be known as the Augustana Lutheran Foundation to receive and administer gifts and bequests to the synod and Its conferences on an annuity JAMESTOWN N Y BIG SALE!! Deeper y Stock From Our Warehouse j —AH Character Furniture —-A- A Small Deposit Holds Your Choice Balance Arranged to Suit You basis The synod adopted a budget for totaling $355420 Of this amount $88558 will be used for foreign missions and $55322 for home missions The remainder will be devoted to educational charitable and administrative purposes The convention authorized Its churches to collect funds for the American Bible society the Zion SocloMr for Israel and the Swedish National sanatorium In 1932 Denver HOTEL FALL KILLS BANKER CHICAGO June 12 (P)— Bruce Ramsey 50 assistant vice president of the First National bank of St Louis who was Injured In a fall from his fifth floor room Thursday In a loop hotel died at the Illinois Central hospital tonight Ramsey who registered at the hotel Wednesday! I! FURNITURE 1 pageant o ar ' rn M6'iso STATEST Si |