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Show nil; if if:. ChlCagO. t.gj-- vre ia all ccuiL.tr. Fx-ia- i K. M , ate n: cji1 'Tiu ton with the luoa! h.,l ,ei'a a marriage lireno lias 22. mid Albert Bart. aged BhIiivs. ugel 21. boih of t,f u Ci f" propriesor oi iin Une- - s lu lh vi a week. to here be ARE THOSE PE DISASTROUS j. He No vi-il- ug Bheiwev met a . r 9rt laud. Uiv. , H. w. Gvoo:. S.'u Francisco. ami T. F. Clae-- i I , C s - E .I A 2. E t : ttc Coi Bins Ovei- f'owinc Dunne, 6ev?ral Projptc: c: : of the V. ruction D.v It Sner.ff St SCHOOLS A bk. f ' - ma Ef- No REGiSTt Vt RS OBJECTION Yi, Mcrtna. Sstf De t H s Tie K. Jim ui Tl.l i'll'. duil; b:i;i;;ii, at aiv entirely off !u-i:- , from s:orgi pis. re of the l.ouir opj-i- '! LL'i.' slioniV ii lief aouut !.; :i: fci'tW: ii'..ii.L-i:u:i- . ; Li.. !V M'dr I ,. ... Oj A Ii all B.le., Cidd I." puui'iig will In- i was lYT.ii d.iL ii. ' P . i lit. 'I l.i'in ci'ii io end can-p.OdllC'. in yoeii-i'djG'-tin .l. A m mv ci'ki'iia in 10 iug u; M,f hrearue.' i ipm ii uji t nd b' Cau.-- of ;l,e famine, wiiicu ch.ii-- oi J. d. la to n.tiiic .Si iioi-i-iiemuiiil sho'- -. .:u In., uie eciifi.iLtit nuit Ik- removed in cui.juu, and llyruii, in of eviliich ir df ireued to in" 1, p'fvc:,. s'ticNNiinn A. iM'.:if ufki'.l M. rf Hen,. d'd.culty m first thougiiT 'ictus toIn dicoraic the holidays. NcVhila. and ,'li t l.-Ki'ntu at jii to b - whii tl:c raiitoud cuiiit..iii. The men in .! :n ,r This (ii'iikd by uflicialit of tl.e rouds IP, Ff., i.eri.tr i. K c. iif wire wo'kii. ' wim Ma c 'fiat the sUor.ai,1' i due i.. f cu..iif ' th. iiit k Mijipli luined cut b ;be llii- mountain wiicii Kltfh..-j ii.:ie:i-i- i to an old Illit'lS iSihuol Inui-i- s iia i e cnouffli o.t i.n!td vi s'iFiitiuti the nue . i Tuo new bar for he WYl.u club to ibc Hen-lukeu with u liluck t uti ackie je- - ' to l?.- one ii. until. Thia in go, d ttev. ;ilin a nd a been who .lniutrii.f ha'ic to nuu. 1m terfta.t liiu.hins. onl. r ,li ,. k to ul her A alx'Ut tits' sltiutiun in the seiiuiil. the tir UiKir Root or i bo Krt-biiilil- having last; lu aiiinmer laid wat Mipiily large ing tin ljilli.s mi lie s:;ui'way .i, by the superintendent lu autieipa.iuu oh, clothing, .'i liiot d. Tiie bar .itt i.'rgiiin (ijivc lllSII Illllnl liuv' uf a scarcity. w xk1 of hai it lii not tar-ho- i 'in..T'te ebutvhes iu ibe city ; w ii huds. weil. i.aai Buuda) scute of Tiio Oy.di-i- i Hktori'.a: ;. :;! tiiei'i bail to burn wood tn order .o ruiihtr iuvesiig.i i: t huM i s ing s.iui,- I, it 'n diaim I', t.iuii :hc liu,i. liiHctiiig. mi ne hniiic of it) tike it comfortable tor tbe Jirf. it. iJ. limit or. smx ymuc) avt- - ; hii which Next Sunday llii elitiiices fur o raur with the bln l'.iti'. Maiiiij.' cttiiirn. nitc r 1 Slil, service' in many of the place- - of wor- li.ui ;hmi liiiled ami ennnlilid u; ciaiii ocltick. Tin morstng will In wlirii liuudlcd. Nee. iu., an are small. ship In tile, iu the ct which lo music. i;i u full Tile supply of coal on baud at the old is doslrtyl, Erch member i School fur the Deaf and Lr.imb is not a stnaii iiiidiuity oi to brirg a fi'Miui. Tbe the n ef the sufficb'ui to lust over nigh:. Belief 1. s.tMi will be ilctrrrt d until January. iat Wan reHiliit 1.1 sSilcIlft it not expected hourly. Should tni,-;o couie wood will be burned. The offi- Haiky. and he will V b defauli, cial are t'Uiuills of the nian Inlri.d jiiiigmru; was seeffutis to great inaklug by AnuKtroug Judge yesterday ct te a few ioux to tide owr the crit- lie Till- sheriff naid thai 1 m i wha' cii'iid learn, be HgainsL Uiu defendant. John F. l ump-ton- , ical that All coal yards were vis:il in tbe cure of Tim iariflr Collec ited period. nnisl have been dm-mme them cf but eTrrday. : ii , tiiiit Bureau vs. Thcniue Dorncr ct al. could do and a ci--- uf that year, conbetter the anything (o suicide, but that the . Inc: lift were The t'omptmi failed to tile dition-. so n nil the nnmln-- j ut misMitg tin n hU io ili- - compUlnt in the ibc Among individual so that il wn; ilm.lurul if the time specified b ibi- court. The Cmvo gteat of coal ia keenly felt. Matty are l man'M identity wnnlil ner Iswill r.Mi'c up i.iiil :i.i to tlK1 vhcr out and have been out fur xon.e time, : Ii,man had lie thought The net Ion is a suit, to (ii'femiau.a. dealers are atrict in the nta: ler of li.en a woil.nian tin tin- I'm Ii pruhiibi.v u cover on u iiiuiisM)i,y note allexod ('oul s ahead ordei have all J'hey aupply. o bate been given to tile B'.duey Bior-end.tii.. Jgh: Mini Hallway that they try to keep imf. A di,i:n. lmplenwut coouianv, by the tie-- vision of the total supply on hand will which w.i-- built a nuniln r ufMu- i suic ef up Uiiant, ini') m a nrfer it'd to tiic plain- be made if the si tun t ion becomes mors and ihut lie wander-the ami mountain tiff. critical. Ai present orders are Wing Th.- - iui!y clue by wliicli iln uiati's filled not larger titan a tew sacks. be tliselum-- is tiie id yesterA well posted coal man which. While old il till In coneuul will the that shortage day still, to il ivriain degiic, pivserve- - ii tinue all winter. In case of a blockcoliii-The iiinrUiMu.-- h - or ade. Ogden and other (owns will suf- orlgltial Ihe old style of ten years ago. nude .if fer arret cly. a mnl of riudn-- umi is of a slate color. SALT REFINERY itlC C'ul! t,i r f ' Vi's e.1 can.' iL-- r iru 1 , . !' -- GRAND OPERA HOUSE viTWca! . : j in-- ,(j Yt.aaaAaaSAAaaaaAaaa I i OTTO FLOTO OF THE . : I.,,- , ;i will no: of hN Inner i loi rim; - To Buy the e h:- vi,, ii Choicest i . i adoptisl wii' -- .! roii ln llii.-- , iiu; ;tu nii-- l na: of ills sli;- - wi.l :f;c Eiimt cx.iniiiii-h- i Siii-i.c- far MEATS . till- going buck to tinof ti'Mchine lor case of exuruiioii mi.) u ii o' I, 'ai,1,1 nil tl-.- ill.1t I'CIl.-iiil.- - , ,,!); w c.-- i: - - ul row itc. c'i-!.- n li.-- lie lull! .m; .ii.d hu:ie "I liope, fur a.-ur Pictures - . :n-.- 1mi:-'1.- PRESENTS w..u I 1 li.iv,- io scud uni I.rush Wbcie till) h.Ui no t llte nri thi- i:ii ....... i. u- perieuce In.- want unc wim illR- i.n i . in i- - OUR BUTCHERS in , The Places . liliu. mi an. lilKi" Wliiidi tilite d.-at- lK-x- l -- -t - ii i luic I !lle . TONIGHT ii tig I tills echo in rct.iHd -- n .. . In . n with u ii. - . lli.i n.1" (tie : - .. .hi. . paper lie ; - 1 ii ni,-. - a pi i.iuaii.i :hi.- - m-i- o . - t'--f j -- L' J, lii,.ii.i he - - amusements. i t. t'a Not Ecu e i I1 it etJi Seen T"at : ra ' V J. V. Coi!roA9s Moling In ailvntn-- i in ii in wli-- ban-Wha- u-i.- "If tbeie arc any .ulmi-Hi,yiieiii ainona men, would like io tor soils the same In print." i uf ;h,. intii-- r - 1 imsi-nes- thru- - i . defi-udai- HOLIDAY EXCURSION i RATES. eon-uiiu-- is Dac.23, 24, 25, 30, 31 - fr I ! yi-u- ft - Miii-idc- . EXTENSION ; I . rimip-.ieiii.i- OF THE BIG Short I Jus IL IL, i uiuu I.i-title it. It. auJ Southern raelfie Co. one fate for ihe round t'p within u ia. Inis of two hiiinlred and fifty miles frniii Tickets good to point. I etui'll until Jua. 4l il. 19l'V. ( A RAILROADING Dramatic Trent Representative Actor Pboacs Hall 21a; lad. 355 Plana for a $50,000 Plant Have Been Drawn. Young SHOPS OF OGDEN Ladies of 6t. Joseph's Parish Entertain Their Friends. of a salt The plans for the Two-iul- d ii fee purpose of the t 1lu- hi refinery by the Association Salt coms) new train over the L'uiou - of.. Si. Joseph Fari-- h MEN AND. TEAMS ENGAGED ON pany, at iheir plan'., at JJitle Moun-- ' young ludieNorthwestern and Iho Chicago Jaclfic, who. this evening, hope to entertain Sun THE WORK YESTERDAY. A Sul; Ixike tain iu this couuty, have beeu com-- i Iv.lro, AngcicK and thereby procure Usuis Vill arrive In Ogden alioui 3 and thsir plced. It. T. Harris, 'ecn-Urulteiid-ant eipenuetreasurer cf th.' company, slated that fund to help p. ut. Tuesday . Ikneuilier I'J, and will uMin ihe erection and furul-liin- g while he vo.;M uni as jet give out any inaie fur the wes; ut 3:40 y. m. All of vf Great of Bagirining Improvsmenta. ihe iff -ethe new sliars. For the past, weeks iho details lor the-ne(It la lied icfur:ua'iou train luive been rcyiiriliug Og-to Importance enruesi.youuA ladles have been wurktMi out. with iii except km of the i eon i ruction ot ibu pluui. the action ibidtn. faithfullj-aud and long rehearsing iff tho Idaho Youl Growers which will iv out In new those who have been privileged to tako a few lime raid, , As staled before, this train yesu-nlayul Weiser, Idaho, day. behind the wiirfant scenes, a glance that me plant, would be bull:. will he a 11 is t chut limited from evrulug's merrliuent to all Who Chicago to las An time over ibe alsive Work . commenced yeaierday Hu said iha; ihe officers of the Idaho an of show iheir Pagenutue limw, and the tirm trsiu wJU leavu npprerintion upon the extension of the Horn hem Wool Growers' association were also cific machine bin pa in this city. ofii'e.'i-- f ami sionkholders in the Aseo homo tiilcnt, and nt the same time on Lh J7ih. Crews buve lend aid material to adorn the The plana of the new bulhlliiK cull ciaMon Suit ciiji.puiiy, and that the fortn tho ig w train and liave -l nun tin: God wliu so Infani liaK levied su t phiee of I for a 9 5x120 foot etruclutv, which will mer wmi pixHiHited from the freight serihe beautiful altar of vice. The be built to the east of the present muuf 1 per Load on tho sheep io repoe upon dltilug cars will is- - bandied ch! no bljop. The transfer table win ownuJ ly the members Of the com- St. Joseph's church. fixmi tlu' Ok'Ilui bealiuailera front also be extended si feet to cover iho pany, for toe purpose of building the Omaha to Ball latko. Tbe first train extenalon. Tbe addition ia to be used refinery. tor lho east will leavo Los Angeles on WACOM PURCHASEJOFA be will ag a boiler shop and equipped In has been estimated timl the plani the 21st and w ill be Ihe ltd uni trip of with the most modern machinery. nil! cost in Ihe neighborluiod of (he train which puasro west on the d Tin.- old machinery will ala be lH'.ll. (imj and tliai 1l will be one of the must Cauici Litigation in Second District fixnn the present boiler shop. modem in the country. Court. Thu old built aliop will be need as a As to the number of persons who Within the uesr fututv- the eight tank shop where repairs io engine would find employment by tbe erection Before Jmlge Armstrong in the Sec- new engines which are to tendirn will be mude. of the roflm-ry- , Mr, iiurrls could no: ond Hi xtricl court. Killing without a tskn passenger the pi ncc of the Van Pcdru Bupi '.'iniendent of Motive Power and Mate, as the erection and operation Jury, the case of U. F. Jones vs. Goo. to be returued. will rcsch OgMachinery J. F. ilunn wan In ibe city, of the plant is in the hands of an cast A. el si., is on trial. den. Six of them an of the Pacific type and together with Alasier Mochanlc urn exitcrt. who is to arrive shorily. The action iw a suit to recover money and two Hre Atlantic type of engines. Luckeii diiicussud many improvemenla Mr. Harris said that since the or-- sllvgcil to have paid liy the plainWith Ihe addition of these engines the us net which hare comfur the chops yul g.- uiizatlon of tiie Afeorlaiiou Bali tiff to the defendant, tor a wagon. will lei well supplied with eompsiiy 1C been made pubi'c. of the present yenr, pany on Sipi. The coinplsinl alleges that the motive js.wcr. new DO for ihe The work of excavating cars of salt, all plaintiff purchased a wagon front the they have shippinlnddilluUA is being done by men and of which were soli) on ordors received dufendaut. on which be made a pari J. K. ilunn of muiivr power' In teams employed Ogden and they h.-v mall. As a result of the action o! payment. tho defendant secured andS:i:t. fiuifbliii-r- j of 4 lie llarriraan line, are eniii'o;. ed by. the day. It ia under- the Mslio Wool ('VoweVs' ' sasociaiion, of the wagon, and is alleg-i- d hours Inspociing Uiv seieral xpeat bbl Growers' associs stood iiuit tba Htruclure will be rush- yesterdav. the to luive fused return it to ihe ui plrnl of tho company at Ogden. The ed wl'h all possible speed. (ions of Mum Lifts.' Wyoming and Idaho plaintiff or to return the money paid maehliie shop, round bouse, cur shop As soon as the exirnsiun is com- will become yllled and pool Gioir inter- on the wagon. and rnsc-- wliup were given especial atmm will of several on increase est tln-pleted took The defendants claim that is understood, many be made In Ihe new largo force of Already the railroad companies have the wagon, and have the tention where, il nre contemplun-d- . Mr. Improvements Yaie 'on all to men employed. common' a all It to aeeim- a promgiven upon money paid i M)ln.K Ihinn left yeKterday afternoon for In tiie Intemiiiunta'in country, issory mue. given by Ihe plaintiff to on a fruit train. In hi private the rale becoming effect iv PcembHV them. JAMES And an Excellent Company . Under the Management Plyr A J. Coleman Friday VIRGINIUS RICHELIEU Saturday Correct Hotorically "ry, - Accessorioe, on Sale fritt Cectumcc, Auxiliaries. Thursday, 9 a. m. S1.00. 75c, 50c, 25c. Twenty' Fourth St. Twelfth THEATER Succastful Week of M'S LULU SUTTON. The Moatana Girl." TONIGHT The AND ALL WEEK. Ticket of Leave Man SAAND SATURDAY iS 20 and 30 cents. NEXT MATINEE. Ne higher WEEK, M'LISS. ' Lindsey TriE CENTRAL MEAT MARKET FOR EXTRA CHOICE FOR YOUR CHOICE WE HAVE THE BEST. TRY US. Chi-cag- o trana-fsjyfc- - Is-e- Wa plcaao everyone. Jboaeo lad. 171; Bell 171-k- . RICHARD GREENWELL. Mgr. Phoaes 2311 Washington Avenus 2321 Washington Avenue We Keep the Best Meats BIELS BALLARD & RINCKERS Arrested and Given Thirty Daye on Rock Pile. Kalabunda. the mail arrested Tnetdsy night ae a auspicious character, was tried on a nharg of vagrancy, yesterday morning. He pleaded nol guilty, and fhi suddenly changed bis plea to guilty. The officer testifying stared ihut, tbe man was arersted in front of the Salvation Army headquarters, where he had been for some time. On his person was found a largo handkerchief containing a rock tbe sise of a map'sa , On- the way to the station attempted to deem the rock, but was detected in th set by ihe officer. Jle lruf no money, 'your honor." said the witness. Guess scein. You xesrelred me hui did not find my wsd," blurted out the prisoner. After tiie evidence had been given, ihe Judge gave the foreigner $3M or not SO days on the rock pile, lie did attempt to pay the line. Instead bo informed the patrol Iran that he did not care to go on the orck pile that day. In the courtroom the fellow suddenly chanced his mind and concluded to go out to thestocksde. Ed a Pair of Military Brushes? Xotti e i mere appropriate as a Hmg present tor man than a amonc. a Ring or a pair of Opara ,!, Lady. . Kala-bund- . . . AN E ' iB iealgns and moderate i in prlcea era pick out Juat what yon T"' large otnek. "t W. I. Buswell Dr .f,street West Tn'onty.fourth c. M. I. CITY. Ls Angeles. California,' is called the most advanced of all our American cities by William E. Curtis, a noted 6picial writer. Every two years tkr charter of Los sAngeles Is open to amendment. Chang-- may be proposed by the council or by the people. has The Municipal League of the e.ity covsecured revisions of the charter merit sye-teering the adoption of the in all departments, the "Initiative and'rsfvrendum,'; tor local legislation, Anahd other notable reforms. Los and bass, geles has no political party lines are not maintained In city Elections. A most InisresUng account of the "Rscftir experiment is to Na--bet volume of the found in the tonal iflgs.. bt Munietpvi Proceed- - car 'dj. 11. Tho offices of 'lhe'AsnOolaiiou Salt and the erce company arc located tion of the refiner)- will contribute to the wealth of tbe city. - BIGGEST MERGER YET. lire Trsvriiug Seventeenth -- irect, Denver, imf with another broken loo IVa' i in Railroad N ;n l In this scheme the Rock be tbe backbone of the merge,-- . Tw thoucand miles of radios !. with a preten: canluliaition ut a quarter of a billion dollar: xi .:) ged to be involved. The aiory hangs Us org.n on th, hull moreiiieni by the Ilanicou Colored i ft Southern sux-- i aid ;hc b.- - in stock or oiiiei- nmds slieged H-io-- JENKINS NOT PUNISHED Judge Murphy Advises Him Search for Werk. ts and Go w-- a DEEDS. The following warranty deeds havei - volved. sim to it is Salt HsKerU-- 111:;; .1:1 cjiti U Is among ',ie'g.K. tn e. Phil. P. Hiicboor.il, general agent of the passenger department of the railroad at Denver, is in Ogden Wa-l.iie- li . DAY. J73 25th Street IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR MEATS Just phosa us and wa iHuspn ttu Both phones fill. 331 Twenty -- Fourth St. ELITE Meat Market ni fv-i- Are Ours SalL Lake IS to the Wclby of Hie Rio tiling in rte-effect that The apiiuiuinn nt of H. Y va)kut,i Grande lias Sup:. ordered that two trains of f KucJ. the board of th' a chairman foul he given rlqhi-a- f wny ov r all mh-c- r : s in Island is a'.lcged 10 be the fl;v Three Sal- - Ixike i: movcn-- i n: rloi-eiheir gates yenterday. -- aid to In involv.-- ii. i'ie jids The roads c: merger Many Ogiieiiiir- - have made sri'angi.-meri- i Chicago. Rock Inland ft Pa- i 10 uttem! ihe funeral of th Al on. Chicago into Samuel C. Ewlug which will rake Choctaw. Okhihom ft Gui' afier-iiuo: hi- Lake plare In Sail Chicago ft K:erti Ililnuis. Ii - undeivHNid iba! a party St. I xml ft Sail Prime Leo. large enough 10 jiiaiify a educed rale Bnrling'on. Cedar Kajild-- - a will go down from this city. n. :! . 1 d Pliosea Bail a-- IHt; lad. 1S4L MARKET Tbs Finest Masts on tho market are always found hero. Phones lad. $43; BeU S3. C. H. GREENWELL, JR Proprietor. 2323 Washington Avenue Twenty-Fift- Street h Groceries and Choice Meats of AH Kinds Our motto Is to please. Everything flraCsL Phone Ind. 174. W. W. STONE, Prop. u. 1 c low (Vntr-iJ- . Miwwoni'i, Ki;-- a ft Texa- Colorado ft Srm'hern. Colorado Midland Fort Worth ft Denver CP local machine! Pacific are tig-- ; tiring oi. unuilier smoker al tin ex- j penwe of three of iheir Lumber who! are contemplating matrimony. The first ro poy th" fine of $5 will bn Howard MaeNviii. who 1.11 everting beare Two other came a sls ei and wlli folio v in hia foo.teos during the at the Thu -. wimps ff the Sou' nc-r- - . Kansas City Southern. Yoakum Syndicate Huee in Tex- -. EMlma'ed mileage. 23.u'':. Estimated capl'al $200.0u",i'"' been filed in tbe county clerks office: Ogden Woolen Mil) company to HuWHALER VESSEL LOST. go I White, a part of the northeast: j 31. 6 sec lion of township north, quarter j Ssu Francisco. Dec. 13. A range 1 west. Cons'deraliou $1.7."2. recelv-- d here by the ownrr ! Horace B. Forbes and wife to Perry ha beenwnaler Bonanza stating that ' iff ihe Spidel, a part of tor 9. block 10, South xbe has been aipped in the ice at Consideration $2,140. Ogden Surrey. British Alaska. Th vesGreat Western Exit ft Soda company King' a Poifit, sel is total loss but all the craw wrr to Mrs. A. G. Horn, lot I, block 4, saved. addition. Consideration $100. Emory A. Smith and wife to J. A. or.i- Women love a clear. Jieal'hy Smiih. a part of lot lu. block 33. plat Pure blood makes it. Bur-A. Ogden City survey, ConwideraGon piexiuu. dork Hlood Hl:fiv makes pure VW bolt-isy- L0ND0 N Meat Market A. WRIGHT, THE ARMOR Meat Market BEATS THEM ALL FOR FINE SELECTED Prop. i'resh and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. We handle Nothing but Prime Steer Beer. MEATS FRESH AND CURED. TO CHICAGO AND RETURN, S44A0.! FISH b Her-rima- n bsuL NEVADA 124 Your Cuts passenger ('. Khod.-x- . travr-luiof the Chicago. Milwaukee ft PL Paul, wl'h headqusriurx at Denver, ia in the city K. gu 34$, FRESH FISH ARRIVE EVERY cn hninees. ine-;i- lad. Pxewngor Agent Mc.Mauura of the Chieago ft AU at Salt Lake is in Ogden tin his Initial trip, having succeeded Mr. Boils who Is In Arizona for his health Isl-'r-- The' final decision of the court. In ease was given by tbe Jvnkins-Iie-s The deJudge Murphy yesterday. cree ot lho district court. In the divorce read' to Jenkins, csso of Jenkins in order that he might understand his Provision la made to aliow position. hlra to see his children once a monlh. provided he pay the stipulated alimony. otherwise be is not tn rveu ee the children. Jenkins agreed to abide by ihe decree in the future. In rendering his derision the Judge aid that Jenkins was guilty of disturbing the peace of Mr--. Hess, which called for a suitable punishment, but I; would not be inflicted this time. Thu complainant sutnd that he did not wi-- b to ee ihe dcfimdsut punished. "(to and find work. If you cannot find employment In tbi city, go oul in the world. It is large and a man need not he confined to one place,' was the parting advice of the court. WARRANTY Freight 171-y- ; FRESH AND CHOICE. m SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER. Bell Meat Market Mossy will bay; so Inferior oats ban died at Ilcr Ii. Has He SIS. 2478 Washington Avenue i jjIAHNA THE POULTRY Eiiner Pboae 199. PISH AND POULTRY IN SEASON.' In-c- u hsmUmi-men- of of Pretesting Sumptuous Rivals of lit ci-ti- i HACKETT AND MEATS MEATS re-ti- ng Supported by NORMAN PISH BEST. Meat Market li , LOUIS t get tho beat al this market You are euro POULTRY AND PISH IN SEASON. IN AND OUT fri'-ud-- . Veritable Butchers For Fine Meats - Aifierica'e Wholesale and Retail DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT G RA N D Saturday Choice Meats and Jan. 1st. unicn-llltui-l- Friday arid Bros. FOR i i l - OPERA HOUSE Fred L. Keller di-iii- s EAT SALE THURSDAY. Grecnwell fi-- ain-we- r 75c, 50c, 25c The Market Affords ! ul th. cn I. iln-ma- PRICES 5 I OGDEN ii'l'Ua.'J cf Li. mail is again d,ar;me,lt at Wright's, Gb?- oi llrfc a: her desk, afisr an i.,ik 'be iuMt'ki1! Fiai IN ' - l.!'u- - I I li. 1 PENMANSHIP A y CONTINUE I vife JUrrie; i: i Elko-Tnor- q f v i DEAD MAN . Y, - I BODY OF IS TO COAL K. of T. ball. -- bJ vaivle ouH Harrell. bUho. Is in Ogdtii. , At tin- U. S. CunukLael and C. L. Wun-u-a.in I, cm ibe Aura Kina mine. T. ott lii f. TAM, I OiilH-.N- . SHORTAGE OF Ijiii-'.- fur iliu week - a card ; p.ttiurd iw In- - gUen Frida i owning b ;ht ' Miugbii. mayor of Wei;..i ;u LXA.MIi:.l: . v:rdy. tit - JRIII.MV. Ou Dec. 14tb and 15ih the Colorado Midland railway will sell round trip tickets. Salt Lake and Ogden, to Chicago and return for $44.f0. The scenic Midland Route ir, t.e rifV way over the mountain. This i the lice for the best service and eriipnirnt. Ob serration Pullman car through 10 Den-- , etc 77 We: ver every night. Tick" sfueond S'"lth Rwl! Ijifce Both Phones ST. TWENTY-FOURT- Home Made Lard and Sausage. Specialties: All Meats are Strictly AND POULTRY at all seasons. 138-$1- Just phono u and wu wti! taka cans ot you. Firat-Cias- s in Eyery Line. Pbon Bell 4T7-L- ; lad 37$ |