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Show MOUSING THE MIL !: .New Toils Dec. IS- The stock market continued to show ihe organized Ho.-- and tperaiiiHii of Micculative pa: supporting poo! iu the uirasore in or.e i.:r! of the marker real:z-iro- !t while t lock were led on to - rrengih c,.iy in ihe day were nunwe-- t he u.ircuiwl iln- - uiai-kpeeiabie and tho wile of unfavoran reflected liiue a after able eft eet on nen.innut of the rer.ew-t-xcuri-tieprominence of thi class of i partly This had effect ed by the coming into prominence of Amalgamated copper and sensed en'iralv removed by the retision of the demand to the railroad list, led by in Iti ion Pacific. The tran-setiihe atocks were of extraordinary volume and Villon Pacino roue easily b successive stages to new record level. 1U rgprenalve advance hud general hanging tendency, including sharp tenet ions in stocka which had been opened at violent advances, fail mouey was appreciatively easier again and standing hwns of lhat rUa werecomby ihe banka and trust panies at 9 percent compared with yesterday's prevailing 10 percent rats. Assurance wee not fully restored lhat ibe money market could not be kept ra-- t aempl from dUiurbauce for the of the year and the quutatioiis for time loans for tho shorter periods very firm with a commission exacted for securing thirty, sixty and the six ninety day louna be-ilegal rate. Hut with the immediate supply of money more plentiful the important speculation was quick to avail itself of the mean afforded and to nidi Into any point of the market that ottered a promising loud towards an advance. Lean aitenliou was paid to tho foreign situation and money Market broad showed no appreciable changes. Helling of stocks for continental account, howHver, was reported from London. The movement iu Amalgamated copper was but a supple-moo- t to tho universal kpeculatlve with the la amiriiie copper industry. Its advauco to par ww greeted wlih w demonstration. The price of the nutel couiinied to advance hers and the market to secure rarty delivery. A favorable fim was produced In Loudon and reports were current of ssIpi being made at much abovo the market to secure early delivery. A favorable effect wqs produced by the report that a settlement had been effected of tho dlepuio over freight rates on corn for export, averting tho threat of a war of rates tho Atlantic and (lulf port terminals for Hits traffic. The easier tone of tho call money market was clearly followed by the recovery In foreign exchange. The recent selling of hero for foreign account Increases tho demand for exchange. Tlio etatement of agricultural exiuirlt for November, however, showed an expansion In vnluo over those for the corresponding month of last year of $11,102,-1Gthe value of cotton exports being well over these for last month and reducing the discrepancy with those for the November preceding to les than I2.OOD.UOU. Exports of brcadstulfs and provision me mime bow a heavier valuation than for any mouth in more than two years past. The of the United Mltj Workers' convention, fixed for tomorrow, received n good deal of discussion snd wa held to account for the restraint manifest in tho movements of the coaler. The Judlolal derision In the New Tori: municipal election contest was the ground for tho flurry in tho local public utilities. The closing tone wan very irregular. Total sales Bonds were value, $3,860,000. H United la tea bonds were all unchanged on call. oi point d s. re-ii- ,o ou con-tinne- d de be-twe-n 5, pf nfa-a- d l!y as much good wlilie in of I It la Feared General Strike Will .... 45c. Oaia Ne. !, 3uac: fa 23c; No. 3 while, Rye No. 2, tide. No. 2 jvhit, 31ifa224c. 324 district. REPUBLICANS DIVIDED. Trenton, N. J., Dec. Monsy, 123 4 ........114--M'i, 76 86 b4 95 B y 1-- dS2 6463-4- . San Prunelwo, Dec. 13. The official quotations for mining stockl GixkI feeding barley. She; fair to today were as follows: choice malting, 42fa49n. Kiuturk Cou.. I. Alta, 3. Flaxseed No, 1, 94c; Mo. 1 L. Vi4u Con., 2. Alpha Con., 5 $1.08. Mexican. $1.33. Andes, IV. Mew, pork, per bbl.. $12,874 fa ll.bd. Belrtier, 20. Occlitemal (ion., V6 7.55. MO fa B. and Ht i., $1.35. Ophir, $3,874. laird, per lb., $7,524 Short rib aUlea ilooHel. $li S767. Uuliioii. 25. 12. fa1 Hides clear $7.124 Short (boxed), CrledoiiM. 54. 1ctoei, V. 7.25. IThiI. Cun., 19. Savage. 51. M hitAy, baelsf high wiues. 8 1. St. Choi la r. 0. S.Torpkm. 13. 13. ConflJt-nrv85. Clover, conlraei grade, 812.751 &ig Ileh her, b. C. C. nd Va $1.25. Kferra Nevada, 39. ' RaMipta and Shipments. Silver Hill, 83. Crown Point. 15. I'uioa Cell., 57. Exchequer, 36. Artlelee. Rcpta SVpta G. and I'urrie, 11. Utah Cou.. 5. II. and Nort, $l.05t-ll- i Jacket, 13. Ptour. barrels ......I S4.K00 834.8110 Justice, 5. Wtu-at- , bushels .....i 4i.0k) 30.000 bbd.coo M9.E00 Silver i.ar, I554v. Corn, buahol 343.1 Dd 467.30M Mexican aoilar nominal. Oats, bushe l I Id.uiHi .70i) Higiir drattH. 2c. . Rye, lAihel 57,100 Idd.dUO Telegraph drafts, 4c. Harley, buahela 1-- Sugar and Coffee. New York. Dec. 13. Sugar -- Raw, firm fair refining 3 centrifugal motassee sugar 2 96 test S ; Refined firm; crushed 5.40; powdered 7-- 4.8V; gtwniilaled 4. TV. COmiR Nominal; No. 7 Rio 7 78. Wool. Mix, Die. 13. Wool St. Ixuis, Steady: territory nud western mediums 2dfa30; fine modium 22fa26; fine 1992L Chicago Pioduco. rhlcago, Dec. 13. Clone: Wheat Dec. 85 Xlay old 45 Corn Dec. 44 8-- n, .............. i, , ......! JAPAN AFTER THE WAR. Produce Exchange. On Ihe produce exchange today the butter market closed steady; creamer-ion- , A 17fa234c: dairies, 17 fa 20c. Cggs Kaxtor pit mark, caves Included. 18 ft loyd New York, Dec. Griecom, 2Jc: firsts, 2 IK1: prime finda, 24c: exUnited H la les minister 10 Japan, arrlv tras, 2'k', Ubeean aieady, lDitflSc. ed of Ban Francisco, on a short leave SALT LAKE MINING STOCKS. I ant night he tqlked in- of tcrestingly about Japan, her condition ts afier the war, and political in the Far East. "Since the war, Mr. Griscom said, "the Jnpanee people have settled down to their regular occupation. The Roosevelt. government is liuay paying eff its war debts and adjusting iiseif in finances. 'New York, Dec. 13. Tlie Time toThe whole aim of Uie J.ipane-- c 1 toward twlastrial expansion at present. day say: Because of the Interest shown by All tlielr efforts are turned In that diS President and Mrs. Roosevelt In tho rection. As to the after-peacrioting, Mr, ' opera "Haenxl und GraetdTt ha been Grihcom said lhat the dissatisfaction imasible for sriMiigementa to be mnde was for a apectil pvrfoimauce ut the over the pesce or PortNinmiih temnorary, and had become un- - roimliian Opera house to be attended Important now. The feeiing of dlseou- - iby the president ud his family. The tent has entirely disappeared, and the performance will be Riven for the people fwl groat gratitude ! eflt of the Legal Aid society, of which toward Ihe American people, and ytr- - Mr. Roosevelt Ik vice president The performance will take place on for ticularly to PreldenL bringing about peare. The Mikado is- March 15th. a date act by Mra. Roosesued an edict tolling the people that, velt aa one on which she could get there was a Fuwrnuunt raring for away from her social duties in Waah-IngioBhe will be pre-ewlih her their Interests, and advising them to attend to tbeir regular occupations. children, and tbe president has said Tho people obeyed, as they obey ev- that he would not lnt anything except erything emanating from th Mikado. national emergency hold him in WashMr. Griscoin declared emphatically ington. lhat after the excitement due to the first new from lortuiomh had subUNIFORM LEGISLATION. aided unanimously sided, the pe'-!'-.' and recognised For Regulating the Operation of with the the wisdom of making per with Ruscompanies. sia. Ito wa asked about Korea and tho Japanese protectorate. Beattie, Wa!i.. Dec. 13. Congress"Korea is noi airicily In my provman John 11. Johnson, of Minnesota, 1 saw accompanied by hla wife, arrived In ince, he said, "and all bough hla depar-- j the city last night, lie made the first Marquis Ito shortly lure from Japan 10 Korea, the Korean announcement nf the plan which he question has developodl since I left Japan. People In the Untied State up by ITeidem Roosevelt to secure j are boiler Informed ronceruing Korea uniform lcgialu ioa in si of tbs rtif than I am. ferent slates of the union, regulating "I row Admiral Togo frequently bo-- I the operation f lusuranes companies. fore my departure from Japan. Hie "The insuruiii'H commissioner of minister added. "HO told me that he Minnewda I no-- in New York," said Intended to vLit the Vultrd Ktutes with Gov. Johnson, gdihering Information hi fleet next, autumn, afier first pay-- , from the tm. v. .gallon of Hie New ing a visit to England. Japan's ally. York Life aud Mutual Life companies. 1 told Admiral Togo that he would be The purpose of Hm inveailgatidg is to cordially received, a the American secure daia on hich a call will be la- people are alway glad to welcome a surd for a nnvung of the Insurance commiaNHinrr brave man. nud the attorney genMr. Urlscom Intends to go lo Washeral of all or .lie states to frame to be paed by all uL the ington in a day or two. HI departure from this city has been delayed by j xiulea regulating the operation of in- a cold brought on by the change to aitranee compnu,M ihe American climate. He has not decided just when he will return to ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. 1 13.-L- pro-pec- North Biar Mining and Milling Co. Principal place of business, Ogden City, Weber county, Utah. There are delinquent upon the following described mock on account of assessment levied by the board of directors of tlie North Star Mining aud Milling Coi; on October 25. 19115, the several amounts act opposite tlie name of the respective shareholders, leg-Mati- Attributes His Downfall to Lending Transactions. : LETTER. COREY'S REMARKABLE Which la Addressed to Pittsburg Newspaper Reporters. mix'd and butchers 8t.7r.-i- i S'l-ong- ; iMi.Uiiii, lamha I4.!ifa73. XIo.. Dec. 13 Cade ll.Oi'O. liXiif r :ei-$: 73 (1.25; ii.v:ive cow and heifeli. I.T 1st, r,.1d; v'nrker iTTI'J fi ed-'82iMifa-4Df,; 82 50 Iiuli. v s'iilve 8:;.o0'ii T.ue; Ci-v- . li; ct,vs A Money Cbieugo, Dee 15. William J. Smith, bookfor twelve yeai confidential keeper fur the liuhert 8erenon Drug arras: ed for eonipany, diputcb from j - e "Tlie newspaper reporters of IVta- burg." In i: Mr. Corey tells of how li: life bad been made by the demands upon him for infor- nisi loll about his uephewV affair, anil be ba decided to make good iis of ih ldlifonl information he pi-- 10 Dc. Receipts 13. J. 1). Corey, unci.- of William Ellis foray, president of the Uniied State a reniark-alilSteel corporation, letter thl afternoon, addrrxsed Kansas City Cattle. J,;g!ir; follow: Name. ml-eia- U. S. I . S. 'fftiinding 2. registered refunding 2. coupon !' F- reglsrered -. U- - F. coupon. 1. 5s. old 4s. regia; err.l V. S. old 4. eranrui V. S. new U. S. American .:c!ii.m 4. founon Tobacco t ToliaH-- ;a:ie in . 9s 103 I'ja-.- !' Oi-'- n I 4 Is j H'vinelvn e-- 4 iif Id ine jr Corey lelU in his Idler ot liav- ing ivrer.tly given SJo.ouo 10 'ne mini iur Hie relit f of ihe Hiifferijig .lev and aj lhat mo:v iiaun y iu Ku-i- s ueodetl. He s that, public like in read aliout seanilal they should be compelled m I'.iv for H. He declare lhat lie l.as a m.tnh.-- i were be- fo:ir,- wJiii-'-- Xi-- 1 4 -t i! : wi.fi Jc 1"4 11 ore an' Oh'o 5!. Oirrei l13i loS giuierul A:ebin adJcr'E:nt i It'S; 131 . '.r. l fl'Mifu ( enir.il Central rf Georgia 1st me....... 503.50. Srong 10 ,c Centra! of Georgia 2d ine Recttipi 12.DDD. hulk of wile $1,909; on .heavy and Its Most Famcns 92 105 -h yr i b'lr.wif !' j wb'r-- mu I 117 83 0 ' 7:-- : li,-- pubiii- im-c- n M. Sc'rWdii nnd 17' fluib - i dy 1 'o to .0 ii ,fona. He doc doi lu' ' t j .i- 1; I: ., btti VwU Coapfitaant ana drawtag'iww slstpfng cara, sbssnrattxR cars, to j torn Library m WM I lights, change. and ixfa VWBB6 through la Cfcfcag Dhecl moosedoa lStPaclaadHianeapoCs CHogi & iKfi-Vni- fa. n i .he hukv.iiii I;..,,,,, lo.ii'f c:e. he says, in rh mime;- !. eiii.ceri'i'eil. or r j; j. p - .t i.l! id m,, m - pro-qui- et j , i i J -- ! 11 ! 111- - ! ;i- -y 1 I .lid Sni' U. ! a1 ie I esn iei lli f ilU-- Long Beach Los Angeles L' .1 i. lilVt MltMirMI Na 9 Bull and Pocatello Express Na 11 Tintio EXCURSION RATES . -- "i Na 7-- Salt 6 Lsko Salt siffr" . ond siisstefMl1 Lake and PeMf' font WINES and LIQUORS Falstaff Cafe 2425 Wash. Ave. Phone lu;oa Cache Valley Trains south of Juab do not n Sundays. CL A. HENRY. v 7 Ticket Agent A. B. MOSELEY. w. . Trav. Pass. Agent Ogden, UUb. D. E. BURLEY, O. P. A T. A. Salt Lake City. No. SLADES - J inter-mediat- HacKs atnd Vans Day and Night iie-'ci .. May list, 1M3. ' DEPART. No. 7 Butte and Portland 12:0$ f.S No. S Pocatello, MootpoUor and Butte :P- No. Jl Cache Valley . Na 4 Eastern Ex prase .. 4:Wfc Lake No. 12 Balt Tlntic No. 6 Salt Lake and i:m mediate points . No. 2 Balt Lake, Prove. Milford and all PInl south . e Na 10 Salt Lake and . points .Hti' No. 6 Local to Sait ARRIVE. Na 1 Fast Mail fro .- -- Excursion Wagon in Seaton. order of rhe board of director, made of October. 1905, 0 thc 25th miiny uhore, of each parcel of stock as necessary will be old at the niy Eccles office of the secratary, at 2 building. Ogden City. Utah, on Thursday, December 28, 1305. at 4 o'elork p. m. of raid day to pay the delinMOVING PIANOS A SPECIALTY. quent assessment thereon, together with the octet of advertising aud exJ. C. SLADE, LESSEE. penses of sale. 408 25th Gtrcet, Tribune Bldg. J. H. KXAUSR. Secretary. Bell, Ofllco 220; Bell, Rest, Keclea building, Ogden, 'Phones 224. Office, 20(1 denoe, Independent, Office 224, itsh. Residence. 1144. Wagon for Sanitarium will leave NOTICE OF SALE OF DELINQUENT Utahna Drug Store corner at 6:30 a. STOCK. m. and return 11:30 a. m.; at 2 p. m. and return at 4 p. m. New York A Great Western Mining. A Co., principal Smelling Development place of business, Ogden City, Weber Cotiniy, Utah. There are delinquent upon the following described slock on account of Asenient No. 7. levied by the Board of the New York A Great j of Director j Western Mining. Smelting A Develop-- : Him Co., on November 6. 1905, the J several amount set opposite Hte B. M. LEEDOM. H. FATTISON names of the respective shareholders ; ; Riverside Coronado San Pedro Gieaer. H. B Glider. H. - S... Soov, u, Talinmn. W. G. Tranafar a Specialty. ,f,urnpr s N... Scavenger Work. t And in accordance wlih law and the ' SHORT UNB 3X01 CARD. o Comptnu, Curby, A. V, j OREGON and Inter-- ' 5 Salt.I-akte C. A. HENRY at Depot, Ticket Namediate points S.fr- -' Office, or wrlto to J. L. MOORE, D, I, Na 8 Eastern Express ... 7:05 p. 7: Ms Butte. and 8 Portland Na A, SALT LAKE CITY. 10 Butte and Pocatello 6:00 p. Na 12 A. I 1 m ANGELES. Alihnugh be l:.nl taken almost $3.(W)i) front the fund ef ihe company in less than a year. li;rle or none of it wa as was evinred hv spent on hin:-i- r j M appctriinre when nrrpHted. His elurblng wa- - eiii and worn and hi overcoat wa no: warm enough to teet bim t'roui ilie weather, "The money all went to the lonn a follows: j I Name. N'. Cert. No. Sharer. Ami liark. he raid. "They kept threat-- a 85.69 1120 j ening to garui-lie- e my wages end T ' Brougham, Jos. H., 8 312(1 knew- if ih. happened I would lose $5.60 Brougham. Mary E.. 4 30 15 .15 my job and lie sb'.o to ilo no'hing for j Grieve, John 9tl . 15 IT .'lie eliiluri-n.'- ' Grieve, John 3o 27 .15 Siniil, lived w.h hi wife and iwo I Grieve, John cl.iliiren in a ro'iagp. And in accordance wi'Jt law a:d the .My first false icp w.i takeii (ibout order of the Board of Directors, made thriH year ag:i when a friend of mine on the 6th day of November, 1905. so invented ea.idy slot rraeMno.' Smith many rliares of each parrel of stock Reid. borrow 82m fir.m ihe monnr niav be necessary will be sold ut - g:u 1 tor f'.:3a, il r office of tbe ccrrlry. ar 20i I nre ey 1endi,,which hoM I '(i i i;' :li PiU'ilii'c ebs fovlrnuF. Ordeu tity. Uah. on on ibe nvi..-- ' F.vurdhi. I.cceniber 23. t'ch. a; -''i 'I. i fell brinv-b. ii'dork I lii. ef SiilJ (io. o iv i lo: r' I'.''"' i".1 friend r.or ib.- - n'tuney lic'M uui 111 oi!. c nr:l 1 wa- i :i : he money wu er wi-i- the eos- - of uvc."t:uig mul ex- lender. ai-i didn't 01 iu. .0. i oi of il. cid my w.fe and children. .neither J. H. KNAUSB. Sccratarv. I T sb.'.l r.ia::e nf t." Offica. 2'fl rlean hr.-! Terminal LOW tub - Pasadena No. cert. Shu res. Amt. 1 ; for Jiou.iiini. m, - he ftirgrr.v. Tent City THROUGH OBSERVATION DRAWING ROOM CAR OGDEN TO LOS I Caeh, 87fa64. thep Sl.""frj.73; Hog a ! New York .Pee. Pittsburg says: Fi.f'5; good litavv Sl.b0fa5.05: roiigii heavy 84.7"ii.l.x;:ght ll.7ufilS2 igs 84.254 8:7; lieeves $l.k3i5.Drt. Kaii-- a SUMMER RESORTS NOTICE OF SALE OF DELINQUENT STOCK. I 3-- Chicago Cattle. J3. Kecelpts 22 01!'!. S'lMdy; beeves I7jufi6.70: cow and heifers 81.5Dfa4.7o; wtorber end feeders 82.4DIr4.15: Texan $3.50 '! t.iC: wextern $3.30114.60. Hog Receipt 32.000. Market 3c p LEGAL . Jlun-wve- Xlav 7 07 Jan. 6.87 Rye Cash, north we1. Max Cah. north wmt, 1.03. Timothy XI arch, 3.47. Clover Cash, 12.76. SIu'-- To California se 2. higher: "Neglected colds make fat graveyards. Dr. Wooda Norway Fine Syr-u- p bclpa men and women to a bqppy, vigorous old age. Met-mere- ly 7.22 Kibe Chicago. Mi I Ifks IM LnaM one-fourt- e Oat Due, 3o May 32 Pork Jan. 13.00: May 13.22 1 2. Lard Dee. 7.52 1 2; Jan. and May, Harley lOveriand Limited Awe-pice- 44. 5-- The J'u Ve, w-- 2. .May 88 3-- Uhray hsSwat I Rlrar sad Okqam "safe-guardin- govi-niiL'e- Bar silver, 15 Mexican dollars, 50t Government bond and railroad Bonds steady. Money on call easier. Cfi 10 per cent, titling rate 7, dofiiig 6. offered 7. Time money strong for snort dates: eleedy for an: month, sixty und nlneiy( days six 'per cent, p!u cuinm'u-sioii- ; rlx months C lcr cent. TM Orfy DsaMeTtodt -, nt . York, Dee. 13. Prim merenn-tpaper C per cent Sterling exchange firm with nrfual biiwusH In bankers bills at 4K5.9iiffr 486 for demand and at 482.S0fa4S2.85 for sixty-dabill; liosied rate 48 3tf 2 and 4SS roinmetvll bills The Repub- yesterday and selected Samuel K. Robbins of Burlington as the Republican nominee for speaker. Niue teen members of the Oil ucii s thereupon walked out. Previous to this action a written protest against Robbins' nomination had been presented, signed by all those who left the caucus. The statement expressed the w illlngnesa of the signers to be bound by any caucus action which would prevent them from supporting the principles of equal taxation nnd limited franchises. The state10 a poinl where they have to deal with international finance, as we are fait ment said that these principles lutd becoming the dominant financial pow- - been defeated in the put toy hostile er of the world, and have not only to cotumltlqrx controlled by those favor deal with financial conditions at home, lug Mr. Robbins. but abroad. This has brought about a new development in banking that SACKING OF HARBIN. must have lrgtalatRm to protect it. President Hamilton spoke a strong London, Dec. 13. The Daily Teleword in favor of the ship subsidy, de- graph prints the concluding part of the B. G. W. TIME CARE IX EFFECT claring the fact that thl nation la dispatch from Mojl, Japan, begun Mon-daMAY 12, 191'i. umra manuin reaccounts producing continually by giving detailed factured goods and In grains than cau fugees of the alleged sacking and burnbe cun Mimed at home suggested the ing of Harbin, Manchuria, by mutinDEPART DAILY. g our inter- ous Russians. It says the mutineers necessity xof est by encouraging the building of net fire to aud pillaged houses In every No. C Atlantic Mail ah' points 7.4oa.m. East .. Amerlran vessels that will deliver our direction and seised 11 the wea lions No. 8:00 a.m. Balt Lake local product to any pun of the world." and ammunition they were able to No. 12, Jialt Lake 1:35p.m. 14, lay tkidr hands on. When dawn came, No. 2, Chicago audspecial... Louis Bl Uie all to these ACCIDENT. accounts, AUTOMOBILE according FATAL 2.30p.m. ., mutineers crept to hiding places. Day- No.Limited 4. Atlautio Express, all In Chinese the revealed quarter Machine Overturned and Fall Over a light 7.06 p.ns. points east Cliff. ' rutna and 4o0 Russian cltlxeus lying HarIn of ARRIVE wounded streets DAILY. or the dead 8an Francisco, Dec. 12. John H bin. The authorities, the accounts ,No 0tden KvocU, ...n;20 g. m. Baird, a capitalist and club nun of tbls say, really saisted the mutineers ills Ma.l, Balt Lake the city while No.and5, Pa: city, was killed tonlghL by the auto- sacking the remnants of 11:30 a.m. all polnia east mobile in which he was riding falling pretending that they were making .fa No. J, Chicago nd Bt. Loots upon him aud crushing him to 8jth forts to suppress the mutiny. Limited 2:40 p.m. The accident took place on Coioeit No. 13, Local from Park City road near Ashury street. DEFUNCT BANK DIVIDEND. and Baa Pete Valley .... 7:00p.m. Mr, ltalrd had started on a trip to No. 3. Pacific Express Iron Ran Mateo, accompanied by Elisa Ruby 12:05 a.m. Pittsburg, Dee. 13. The first distri- Sail points east Neil, the adopted daughter of. John bution of funds to depositors of the Cara to Omaha, Through Nral of Renora. When near tile Twin defunct Enterprise National bank of Chicago andSleeping BL Louis, New York and Peaks something went wrong with Allegheny will probably be made with- Bo ton. Free Reclining Chair Cara. A out Miss Neil .. and aulotnibile the got six months. All efforts of tha re-.- perfect dining car aervicq on all in it It when to of tbe machine rectify toward through trains. . celver are now being directed overturned and fell over a G. A. HENRY, Ticket Agent, Ogden. affairs In shape to pay a divl-getting Mr. Baird lending to the bottom, with L A BENTON, Gen. Agt Psgr. Dept about the first of May. The dent it. When relief arrived he first dividend will be about five per Balt Lake City. nndeVthe machine cent. en out fron, of tho total as0. B. GILSON, Agent. Ogdenk Only sets of the Eoterpriue National bank, $225,000, has been collected to date jSBaTiST by the government, officials In charge , 3K Hta'ahuJr, , j, tbe defunct Institution. The total of Marie llsird Baldwin, was married hist eollaicral upon which the 'Officials s trafflc Wrrt B!)Pnil,f j hope to realise is 6950.00U. Of this j 1jJe Southern Vacitic, amount more than $500,000 Is due from the Pennsylvania Development com. LEGAL AID SOCIETY. pany. The government offlcials have now decided that no criminal prosecutions s Speciie, Performance Under the will be made until after the holidays. of President end Mre. n. PTew 13. lican asaemblyinen held a caucus here Closing north-wester- e sde-(uui- MINING ITOCKSk AN FRANCISCO En-- Ncw York. Dec. 13. It was announced today that the teamsters in the emp!oy of Clark. Chapin and BushelL wholesale grocer, had gone out on strike by order of tbe local lodge of the International Brotherhood of 1 canisters, the firm having refused to clnsed sign the shop agreement which ihe uuioi insists upon. Mr. Bushell say that V has secured a sufficient number of men to take the place of the striker snd with police protection will be able to defy the union. If the firm succeeds in doing this there is said to be a probability that a general strike of teamsieri will be called in the grocery ............. .10(4 145 I uion Pacific 4s , Union Pacillc eonv. 4 United Siate Steel 2d 5s Wabash flrids Waiuwh deli. B Cash quotations were as follows; Western Maryland 4 Flour Eauy. nnd L. Erie 4 Spring wheal No. 2, 85 W 88c; Na Wheeling WIscousin Central 4a 2 No. 82 fa 87c: red, 88fa8V. 8, 2 No. No. Corn jellow, 2, 454c; peciten-a-s TEAMSTERS ON STRIKE, lh T'aclflc Isis..,.. leSDi. Tol., St. L. and wcatern 4s the have in the last year. 1 tiary 1 .....i..... ......... ........ o In r Tlie Kim. orUi-- r etr ee .... PECEMDKlf II, 1003. MORNING, a 85.00; pit vi MARKETS OF at UTAH, THURSDAY OGDEN, Cheasptske and Ohio 4,i......ily",,i t olCiigo and Aliou 8li i:sM new 4 .....--...lKeceip; 3.000. Steady ;mut-io- u Burlington R. 8 4s Sijvcp Rock Island I3.&0 ii I.fiO; led '' lambs O I1 f R- col. a $4.25'8 Rock Island R. .60; fed wcLli-- r$ C. C. snd St. Louis gen. 4....102lColo! 751 ludustri.il 5, series A To.., Colo. Industrial 5s, series B CHICAGO FUTURES. 8 Coioi io XI idisnd 4 bl 4s In and Souiht-Coiora Futures Ranged Bl TIM Leading . .lVj Cuba Follows: lirovrr mul Rio Grande 4a. .....1018 82T Securities 5s Hgh. t Low. I Cleaa Dis'.illere' -- .K'l'.uErie prkw lies 4s rHa general 48 . , . ..........m. be Hocking Valley 4V- Japan 6s .. ...... ..........a... bbt Japan 6s. second series 921 ceriificsu-- s Japan 41 Japan 4's. cenif., 2d ewie.... 92 It'd Louis, and Nash, unified 4s ..1036 Manhattan con. gold 4s 81 V Mexican Central 4 254 Mexican Central 1st inc bT Minn, and HL Louis 4 Missouri, Kan. and Texas 4....liH-- ; Missouri, Kan. nnd Texas 2ds.... 5b 5 Nat. R. K. of ilex, consol 4 99' New York Central gen. SUs 154 New Jersey Central gen. 5s lui Northern Pacific 4s 774 Northern Pacifio 2s 162 Norfolk and WesL con. 4s b5Ts Oregon Short Line rf. 4a M2 4 Pennsylvania coriv. 341 1024 Reading general 4s 116 Iron Mountain cousol Cs 87 St. X and San Fran. fg. 4t 80 SL L. Southwestern cou. 4s Air Line 4s 894 bI Southern Pacific 4s 97 So. Pacific 1st 4s, certif 204 Southern Railway Cs $1.90 packer STREET LSD EXAMINER: 22XX where: to eat TIME CARP Effective May 21st, DEPAAr. and Mail Express. ... 6 Na No- - J Overland Limited tot Biuff. Omaha, Council Dewvrr, Kansas City and V1 it daily Express for Na 4 Atlantic Oman a CoH.n,1, Deavei, Bluffs. Kansas City ( i-- Pacific Express fw-Council Bluff. B Denver, Kansas City .,B ' east dally Limited Overland 1 No OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. t'0"11. Omaha, front Evrrylhing here the best. Short orCtty. Bkffa. Kansas H pnio1 ders at ali hours. Ter and Al kinds of game and fish in ieien. . Extra fine dirrer Sunday, from 12 te No.d.uly 9 Fst Mi" 11 25c. m.. Fine lunch from to 4 p. C. A. HENRY gnd 6 to 8 p. m. nrVpt L. B- KOSLiXY. 21 , . Trav. Pass. Ars-- . I 224 Twenty-MtStraek Ogden. Utah. BOSTON No. 3 CAFE ant -- Jim loung. Props h p, - - |