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Show t-- r ;!! V St THE DESERET NEWS 6 MY HUSBANDS LOVE BY ADELE GARRISON. Newspaper Feature Service, Inc. Committee Plans ance of Childrens Day, May First. MADGE'S DEDUCTIONS DREW ADMISSIONS FROM DICKY. . 1 had not long to wait for the meaning of Dicky's sudden change from anger to a humoroua Tb tpecUi committee on ob scrutiny of me.. The words errant of child health day May wounding Bees Dean's vanity" the were 1 held Ha Initial meeting at scarcely out of my mouth beof kwpnol Saturday and approved fore he answered with a meaning the chld health activities In the smile which enlightened and enfor adoption Balt Lake school state. On May- 1 raged me. throughout the "Thats one of your beet little will be field exercisee appropriate stunts It. trying to annex poor In the school having the theme of BessiesIsnt let me throughout tell you little nanny?my Well, child health. Clinic dear- - Thats something, the etate win aleo streae their work a little Job In a succeed at won't you on this day. The committee t appointed by thousand years She Is altogether eUbeolth Iq .jlan d, ,.4h. observance of the day Tn the centers and by the school. health feeeion is good for tbe soul, they women's clubs' and other clvte y, so I'll give my spiritual organ Personnel of the committee treat. Alfred had nothing to do follows; ; with that little party In which the Miss Charlotte Stewart, Dr. H Y. Richards, Otrector car was wrecked; tor your logical was right we did wreck Bureau Child Hygiene, aecrefary; deduction E. Jensen, Mtss Mathilda It- - Alt will have to get another Itr. ons when he straightens out tho in Peterson, state department of but yours Miae May Anderson, Miss su ranee on that oi Ann Nebeker. Mr. J. T. Worlton, truly wea alone responsible for the of city expedition. So you see. your symasetstant superintendent schools; Dr. W. a Felt, Mra. Geo. pathy for Leila has all been wasted ST better"M. Bacon. Mrs. Rose H. Wldteoe,. VU-eMrs. J. W. Thornier, Mrs C. E. X knew V3S Attained. T. I was seized Mra Provo: Maw, representing H rrelt, repreaenttng Ogden; with a sudden desire to laugh, for ' R, little too tranepar- Mue Charlotte Dancey. represent- hi. ruse wa. ent. Sometime during our wordy ing Logan. battle he had become obsessed with the idea that It was my own jealElder Andrew Jenson ousy whieh was behind my animosGives Third of Lectures ity against Bess Dean. Instead of concern for Leila. The discovery of lectures had appeased his anger and tickled - The third of a series wee hie delivered on Churrh history venltv, and his "confession" bad been dillberately concocted out ot by Elder Andrew Jenson, assistant hole cloth to fan my anger to Church historian. Sunday night In d ward chapel. , the higher flam a Subject matter of the lecture was He Is Ko Convincing. the erection of the Nauvoo temple, own Quoting bis slangy parlance experience of the Saints tn Illinois to myself I resolved grimly that he and the martyrdom of the Prophet would get away with nothing like Patriarch Hyrum Joseph and that;" and I finished his sentence Smith. The lecturer also gave account with a mocking little laugh. expend my sympathy of the opening of a mission on the on I'd betterbecause y of your myself Society Island. the first mission I Suppose. No. Dicky, dear, it Latter-daestablished by the are well Baints among a speak- won't do. Your effort meant, bat neither particularly aring people. " nor convincing Final lecture of the series will be tistic Oh! I'll bite. What dye mean given In the S xteenth ward Sunday that?" he demanded sulkilyby 29 cover will and March evening. Church history from 184 to list Just this" I retorted coolly. There probably are half a dozen distinct reasons why I should be Jealous of you' Dicky gave a distinct start and eyed me suspiciously "if 1 ever indulged In that most unprofitable of all emotions But Bess Dean Is not one of the reasons Neither Is the friend whom for reasons of her own she half-doz- brought to the Joy ride Into which she Inveigled you end Alfred. Yes if yiu were honest with yourself or with mo, you would acknowledge that Bees Dean, for no reason except tq gratify her abnormal- -, vanity Dicky Interrupts T know two or three more fore- - - 3 n' - statft-boar- r? I .continued calmly, "regardless ot Leila a feeling, and has bamboozled him Into thinking her the original faithful, family friend with the corollary that dislike of her on Leilas part la rank Ingratitude and unworthy prejudice. Nice prospect' tor Lei is but she isnt going to have to face it thanks to Dr. Bralth waits. Just where you come in I don't know". Nor care.'' Dicky finished n; -- ? - a 1,. fact that Wouldnt turn a no matme ter a hat you found I so as didn't long just mqke a pub lie spectacle of myself and bur your vanity. But Just as an evi 3 cnee of good faith and distinctly not for publication to Leila. Ill tell you where 1 came In. It wee also in the role of faithful friend, trying to keep Alfred from making a bally aas of myself. You're dead dame, and right about the Dean most of the rest of It. Very clever deductionBut whet you didn't know was that I've been trying to beat the truth about Beas Dean Into Alfa noddle for some time, but I've had to go about It diplomatically. Im glad Edwin has been able to uae a sleige hammer. Now, if you'll kindly excuse me, I'm going tb get out of here for a few minutes." He sprang up, seized hie bat and coat and went hastily out of the door, which slammed after Aim as if reflecting his turbulent mood. Zt. J Twenty-secon- y. - - Twenty First Ward to Jubilee Open -- .Two Avenue Homes Hit ' ' By Fire; $l,800Damage ytfThe home of Mra Ida Bolton, 111 Sixth arenuS, was damaged 11.000 by fire from a defective flue and the home of Commissioner Harry Finch, 535 Sixth avenue was damaged 1100 from the same blase, according to .Chief Bywater'a estimate. The roof of the Bolton home was In flames before the fire eras discovered. spread to the Finch home and threatened other residence. Chief Bywater said. Three fire companies were sent to the scene. In addition to .the loss on the building of the Bolton home, contents - were damaged 1500. 22 , . ,, COLLEGE HELD SAFER 3-D-ay The Twenty-firs- t war will open a three day Jubilee, Thursday. March ?(, beginning at 4 p m.. with a cafeteria dinner to be followed at 815 pm., by a program. This te get together and home coming to be In the amusement hall, built SJ years ago. Funds raised will be used towards the erection of a modern amusement hall and class rooms, on the spot now occupied by the old hall. have been Large committees working on this jubilee for eev- nf era! months under direction Wallace C. Cast Teton, John P. Owen and Orson John Hyde, exe- MittVi chairmen!' The program toj- low.-- , TT.uLwr-Cf- tori rtinner followed by program. Jos. V. 8mltX. chairmen; Friday. March 27. p m. Program and dancing J. S. Sears, chairman; SaturdayMarch 2S. 2 to 5 p.m. Cbildrena party, story telling, games, etc Raymond J. Ashton, chairman. it ye: CH1CAGO. March 2! (AP) Colleges of tdday present a far safer Influence oer youth than the en-vlronme; of home life. Dr. Alfred E. Steams, for 26 years principal of the Phillips Andover academy. "ht ln ? ',ub: TOKTolarrh 4 By AsVb-elat- ed Press) The alien land ownership act. paseed by the bouM of peers. March 16. waa approved by the lower bouse today and will become a law shortly. The law liberalises condition under whtch fmelKiteii may obnrtti land In Japan and bars from land ownership citizens of countries in a re prohibited whfeji Japanese from owning land. iP" the peppy bran food Shanghai Arsenal to be Auctioned to End Wars 1( BY A. P. FINCH. o SpecU! Cable te Pally News.) SHANGHAI, March 22 (CPA) Kiangnan arsenal, a storm, center of Shanghai military import- ance. direct incentive of three wars yfara will be, so id by auction. according to a declaion-o- f the ministry ef war and the Chinese in. 12 Between Season geoenU chamber of commerce. The arsenal and contents are estimated to be talued at $15,00ff,04. First will be th auction of the ! UNIONS day. Pipoal of the arsenal will en able the merchant to proceed with a acheme to turn the Shanghai district Into a special citil area.. (Copyright 1925, by Chirago Daily News Co ) v Medium Weight YORK, March 22. Establishment of an "opsn door" department in the motion picture Industry throuch which the public I Invited to enter wth suxaestlons end criticisms was announced here today by Will H. president of the Motion Picture Producers IiT Distributors of America. Jason B. Joy will direct the new department, headquarters of which will be in New York. Mr. "Haya explained It waa decided to establish the department after the executive committee of the producers and dtetributors' or. ranlzation had adopted the of Its committee on public relations. Ha. PAIN Bnmi Bnipii. sold the world over, has for years - been relieving ache and pains. It brings ipiiri alins, and blessed relief where and when yow need te most. OST THS OMOINAL HtENCR BAUMEBENGUfi MEipOLATilM Coding, antiseptic Gears head A judgment n . , 1 ' a-- ,! ' a!th al nj 0 t. th Swie-Germ- a-- Twelfth-Thirteent- Relieves Rheumatism . - Chronic coughs and cold lead to serious lun trouble. You can slop them now with an emulsified Mwosoten to take. Cromul-slothat is pleasant ds-v- r is a new medico and with twofold action; it heals the inflamed membrane and kills tbe germ. Of alt known drugs, creosote i recognised by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chrome coughs and colds afcd other forms of throat Creomulaioa and lung troubles. contains in addition to creosote, which elements other healing soothe and heal the infamed membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, while 4he creosote goea on to the stomach, is absorbed ' into tbe blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroy the germs that leid to consumption. Crtomuieion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of chronand colds, bronchial ic conghs asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and otheju fjtttlPS of throat and lung diseases, and is excellent for building up the sstem after colds or the flu Money refunded if any cough or cold, no matter of how long standing is, not reliewd after takAsk ing according to directions your drugg t Creomubion Co, Atlanta. Ga (Adv.) n, En Cw.l v. BREATHE FREELY! Anoint nostrils with' , , johnny and polly chuck ' REJOICE. 6l Twelfth-Thirteen- Screen Companies Open Jap Lower House Passes Public Suggestion Bureau Alien Land Owner Act NEW 22 TVhenin By Thornton W. Burges. pasted in " haate or (ASAUftlOOl ) fright, Youll find is eery seldom right. Johnny trhuck It u bed enough to vent om be not and to get it it able thing is worse to have eomethmgand then lose jt. Thie had happened to Johnny and Polly Chuck. A great tone had fallen and blocked the doorway to their new home under the old etone wail in jhe upper corner of the Old Orchard. AH day they siuuLaaiideRd ahout- - looking "SUNDAY bCUt for a place to build another home, UNION. The but not another, place could they conference of the Deseret Sunday School-Uniofind to cult them. They felt qute will be held In tho TabernacHs,.8alt heartbroken, Polly Chuck particLake City, Sunday evening, April ularly. for it was she who had 5, 1525, at T o'clock sharp. All made that fine home. Ae tfie Black Shadows from the Sunday school-officeadd teachers are urged to bo and a Purple Hill came creeping into the K ALLOWED $l.0(0 FOR Old cordial invitation is extended to th, Orchard, Johnny and Polly public to attend. sadly turned back to the new home A special meeting of stake super-- . which would be a home no longer. , ,, Intendencies and secretaries will be j . They would ,leep in it one more J held Sunday afternoon. You remember that the April 5. , night. The Travelers Insurance com-th- e back 1525. immediately after the close of door was atTI open. e Look! exclaimed Polly Chuck, Sunday afternoon meeting of pany was ordered to pay eompensa-thconference in the la- - ; tlon general of Ruaaell Worthen. stopping o abruptly that Johnny room (fourth floor) of the juredclaims was right at her heels, at mho , West-tor the while working Bishop building. inghouse Electric company. .A de- -. moat bumped Into her. Look where? grumbled Johnny vision by tbe state industrial com-- 1 mission based on a recent case de- - j rather crossly. Over by our new house, whiselded by the supreme court re-- 1 versed a former order holding the pered Polly, who mas sitting up bean apple tree and peeping hind -j liAetna Life Insurance company Jt is Farmer Brown's j around it. able. The Silver King Coalition Mines boy and he is doing something there. A special meeting of the Super- company was held liable by the Johnny Chucks I do believe intendents and other slake and commission to pay f 1 4 per week for that he Is the one who put thgt Probward officers of tbe Yeung Men's 21 weeks to John O'Hagan for IS stone over our doorway; Mutual Improvement association per cent loss of the function of ably he thinka he hae trapped us we cant get will be held in the assembly room the left leg in an injury at the domn in there and Anger an A suspicion minof the Bishops' building on Sunday mines. Compensation had already-pai- out for temporary, dlsabtl- -j gledNogi Polly's voice. morning. April 5, 1425, beginning t been such thing. snapped JohnAll Y. H. M. I. A.lity at ( Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Palloudakis ny Chuck. officers and members of stake' what is he doing over "Then presidencies and ward bishopric of Crete were allowed 11.000 for are especially Invited to be present, death of their son. Steve Pallas In there at our doorway? demanded GEORGE ALBERT SMITH. the Cast legate disaster of tbe Utah Polly. Fuel mines. While Sllveuro An- Johnny waa forced to shake his RICHARD R LYMAN, don't know, he conwas killed in an accident head MELMN J. BALLARD, 'gelletta But you may be sure it is General Superintendency. I arising out of hie employment with fessed. I the added Judge Mining A Smelting com- - nothing bad Perhaps. he I he 1 taking PRIMARY ASSOCIATION. psny Jhe commission held there in a nafterthought, no dependents and ordered that stone out. A meeting for Stake Primary Huh! Polly tossed her head and employer to pay 1555 40 into combined Injury her tone waa scornful. It was clear the Bishops building, Saturday, th she thought Johnny" Chuck that funj April 4. ftj 7 pm. All stake PriIt must be nice to Hans A. Wick man mrho was inImply silly. mary association workers are in- jured In ihe change room of the hae so much faith tn others. said vited to attend. 1 suppose that If he. mas Coal Reddy Fox company Spring Canyon LOUIE B. FELT. . x denied compensation on the ground should come along and tell you MAY ANDERSON. was he that best friend you your that the injury did not arise out CLARA W. BEEBE. would believe him. of the employment. ' General Presidency. No, replied Johnny, keeping UTAH GENEALOGICAL STAKE CLERKS. Ensign ward amusement hall, corner Ninth avenue and D street. Tbe meeting of the April 2. at 18 am.. In stake clerks will be held Saturday. t)ieFriday. auditorium of tbe Bishops April 4. 1425. at 4:1S p.im, in the building there will be a special j j r - Church Notices Presiding Bishop a office. meeting of all stake and ward officers and commitntset-Istale FOREIGN LANGUAGE GROUPS. genealogical prlasthood Libarty tee members. At 2 p.m. ln th will b held at the First ward Meeting will be held aa follows same room there will be a meet- chapel, corner Eighth East and orof Latter-da- y for ing for family and surname Sooth. Thursday. March Saint in Sait Lake. Pioneer, Lib- ganization work. At 7t p.m. a gen- E'ghth 25 at A full attendance pm. erty, Granite, Ensign and Grant eral meeting will be held In the of all the priesthood the stake of stake who speak foreign lan- Assembly hall at which time Elder is Mcrequested. Elder David Joseph Fielding Smith. Church Kay guage Council of the Twelve of the Scandinavian Sunday, March 29, historian and member of the gen- will be the speaker of the eveAaaembly hall, at 16 26 a m. Dan- eral board of the genealogical soning and will have something of ish Friday, March 20, at I p m.. ciety of Utah, will deliver an ad- interest those who attend. to give Third ward chapel. Seventh South dress. and State; edishWednesdAY. March 25, at pm. Temple Notices ward chapel. Missionary Reunions 1 Norwegian Thursday. April 2. , The Sallt Lake temple will close I 30 p m.. Fourteenth ward chapel. LONDON CONFERENCE April Friday evening. April . and reopen &uRday. March 22. 12 20 pm.. Assembly hall. Dutch 4 at 9 26 p.m. in Pioneer stake Tuesday morning, April 7. 124 west Fifth South street. hall, Four8 2?. March GEO. F. RICHARDS. p.m.. Friday. Take car No. 12. 14 or 17. teenth ward chapel. President. South Afrlrao April 4, at S.20 p.m. in the Seventeenth ward The Mantl temple will close on RELIGION CLASS. amusement haLL 129 west First North street. All returned mission Friday evening, March 27, and reA Religion Claaa Conference will open Wednesday morning. April arWtmd1 friends Invited. he held Sunday. April 5, 1525. at Rounhra Convention Newly ap- 8. 1425. LEWIS ANDERSON. in Barrett hall. It Is de8 pointed delegates will meet with President. sired that all stake and ward of- the consolidated commitficers and teachers be in atten- tee. present When a new and permanent - --Aaet has manicure and ward dance.- Incjudina stake committee WOT be elected. Meeting been complete designed that is mall enough board of education. to be held in the board room pub- to enclose In a case resembling a THE GENERAL CHURCH BOARD lic library, Friday. April 10, t p.ia fountain pen that can be worn on OF EDUCATION. sv sharp. a an ribbon Educaaround owner's neck of Commission the By New ZemlamW April 4 at S 20 tion. h p.m. sharp in the ward chapel. Special proSTAKE BOARDS OF EDUCATION gram. Mmionartea. 8aiqts and MEETING. friends cordially invited. Musterole looeens ' stiff Joints Gonna of Btak German ends and drives out pain up A special meeting A clean, white Swbs conference will be held Sun- - ointment, made with oil Boards of Education (Stake of and othersL tnctndnisr day afternoon at 430 Tn Barratt it usually brings relief as mustard, soon as Stake Teacher Train ins Supervisor, hall. April 5 to rub It on. start you Gorman Rmnkm The of German Religion Superintendents Sytke all th good work of the 8wis Saints and miisonaries oldIt does Classes, and Seminary teacher, and fashioned mustard plaster, will be held in Barratt Hall, Mon-da- will hold a .reunion Monday, April without the blister. Doctors and 4. at 6 p m. In the Odeon hall. AU nurses April (. 1325. at I a m. often recommend use. its THE GENERAL CHURCH BOARD friends are cordially invited. To Mother,: Mustorole Is also Staton April 4 at 8 p m . made la milder fora for OF EDUCATION. the new roof garden of the babies and small children. By tho Commission of Educa- on Smith Memorial building, L. D. & tion. Ask Children's Mnsterole. LV campus JUI interested are In- 35A45c for In jars A tubes; hospital AXD vited. - six. 13. SEMINARY PRINCIPAL! Northern States April 4. at 2 26 TEACH ERV MEETING. p m. In the Deseret gymnasium. .. prlnffL. A. meeting . AoTHiHam April 4Vf 8 in pala and teacher will be held Sat- the Eighth ward chapel, corner urday, April 4. 125. at 4'20 pm. Fifth South and Third East streets. In room 403. Church Of.'ice Build- Take car No 9. - Southern State 2 at $ 16 ing, 47 east South Temple THE GENERALCHURCH BOARD pm. in La Grand April ward. Special OF EDUCATION. program and dance. All returned By the Commission of Educa missionaries and partners invited. BETTER TH8N A MUSTARD tion. Scottish April 4 at 9.15 p.m. in PLASTER. semi-annu- PAL SEES BEST OITH TRAINING iNjscn OOLS J ' Two officers' meetings win be held on Thursday at a m. and I p m., in the auditorium, fourth floor. Bishops building. The Id o'clock meeting will be limited te Wake officers, stabs board members and stake representatives. Tbe t o'clock, meeting will be limited to stake Officers, stake board members. stake representatives, and ward presidents. Due to lack of room It will not be possible to accommodate any ward officers excepting tbe presidents- Two general sessions will be held In the assembly hall on Friday, April . at Id am. and I p.m. All officers and Relief society workers are invited to be in attendance. CLARISSA 8 WILLIAMS, JENNIE B. KNIGHT. " LOUISE Y. ROBINSON. General Presidency of Relief So-- semi-annu- chair--man- a RELIEF SOCIETY CONFERENCE The annual conference of tbe Relief society will be held Thursday and Friday, April 2 and i. 1125. Copyright by Obterr-- - Conference Notices Look where? grumbled Johnny rattier croaiJy. his temper. No, I wouldnt believe Reddy' Fox. But I know Farmer Browns boy 1 know that he wouldn't knowingly do anvtHng to harm us er make trouble for u. There, now Polly Chuck, what did I tell you PoPy couldnt find a word to say You see Farmer Browns boy had just lifted the great stone out of the doorway of their home and put it back on the old stonewall ln the place from which it had fallen, and now he was taking care to see that it waa so placed that it couldnt fall again. He had remembered knocking that stone down when he had climbed oyerthe wall in the dark the nght before and at the' first opportunity hqd come to replace it. It wasnt until then that he had found out that that stone had filled the Chuck doorway. 1 would have stopped last night If 1 had known this. he muttered I do hope it hasnt driven those Chucks away Johnny and Polly couM hardly wall for him to leav, half way though the Old Orchard before fohnny and Polly Chuck were smpering for home as fast as their legs could take them. AnJ such rejoicing as there waa when they found their doorwav open! They ran in and out a dozen times almost squealing with delight What did J tell you about Farmer Browns boy cried Johnny Chuck at last. Polly pretended not to hear. This is going to e the best, the very best home ever said she. (Copyright 1925 by T W. Burge ) TOis next storv: Granny Fox Pays Her Respects. BIRTHS. Earl and Eliza Curtis Barnes 850 Egli court, boy. Walter Jason and Augusta Maud Purdy Hurt, Oxf jr.l Apis . No. li, 115 west North Temple boy. Oscar Carl and. Gertrude Marcella Brink Eklund- 841 Baddley court girl. Helabnan Mos-aand Marie Magdalena Ptewe Gold. 1050 west Thirteenth South, twins girl and boy Abel Magnus and Borxhlll Marie 1482- Bergatadt Paulsen. Hollywood Ave., boy. James Albert and Anna Hall Wilding, 5252 south Fourth West girl. Arch Lewis and Allis Mae Smith Welpton. Apt.. No. 35 Seventh East, girl. William Henrr and Rose Emelia Hanson Davis. 1265 Alamena Ave., Dei Moines Debaters Win From Westminster Team The debating team of the Hni- varsity of Iei Moines, Iowa, won Westminister college from the team at the First Presbyterian church Patur.lay nght. Speakers for Pes Moines were M N. Thompson, J P. Stoker and J T Westminister speakers were MajifOrd Shaw, Robert Ort and Raoul BlumUeng. Judges were ;Ttleron parn.,ee of the U. of U. G F. Kline of the Fir-- t Metho- diet church and Han B Shields. Miss Katherine Phelps played a J. Iiaio"solo. CIURrrY WORKER DIES. NeV YORK. March 23 JAP) 73. Countess de Loygler-Villar- s. well known welfare and charity worker, died at her home hero J esterday. Before - her marriage-sh- e a Miss Carola Livingston of New York. FIRE HITS LUMIltR YARD. A garage of the Rio Grande Lum0 ber company, south Fifth West, was damaged 140 hy fire bn Sunday afternoon. The blaze was caused by spontaneous combustion according to Assistant Fire Chief Walter S. Knight. 718-13- - h HELP KIDNEYS BY Take Salts to Flush Kidneys and Help Neutralize Irritating Acids. girl Kldiwr ttuil bladder irritation Ralph Orlando and Vivian Eric-so- n often result from acidity, says a Porter, 1406 east Ninth South, rtoted authority The kidneg help , boy. acid from the blood and Charles Myron and Beatrice Em- filter itthis on to a here it the bladder, pass 82 D street girl. ily Williams Ware to irritate and inflame, George Gordon and Catherine Pe- may remain sensascald a burnine. ng terson Walker Erskine. 1856 Emer- causing tion, or sotting up an irritation at son avenue, girl. the neck nl the bladder, obliging Darrell George and Woodmansee Clark, 262 Al- vou to seek relief two or three timea during the night. The sufferer ia mond street boy. passes James Matthews and- - Bernice in constant dread,a the water sensasometimes nih scalding Ella Simpson Franklin. 67 north tion and is very profuse, again, Stale., girl. H difficulty in oid!ng it. Constantine Peter and Vera there Bladder most folks' weakness Theresa McIIrath Chlepaa. 511 call it bccaue they cant control Seventh East, boy, Glenn William and Josephine Urination. While it ia extremely Pratt Haueter. 822 Euclid avenue, annoying iaand sometimes verypain-ftrtrtnl- a often one of the most girt John Reuben and Helen Harman simple ailment to overcome. drinking lots of soft aater, also Baldwin, 804 north Sixteenth West, bov. gv.abnut four ounce of Garnett Lamar apd Irene Althera from your pharmacist and take a Fraser Van Norman. 563 First ave- tabiespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast. Continue this for nue, boy. two or three days. - This will help neutralise tbe acids in tho system PLANE KILLS OIL MAX. so they no longer are a source of 23. ARDMORE, okla' March irritation to the bladder and urin(AP) F. 8. Bennett ofl, man, waa ary organs, which then act normal fatally Injured, and William Korhn. -again. waJ Jad Sails I Inexpensive, and lemnn juice, combined wrlthTlthla! Springer yesterday. and Is uaed-- by thrWinda of folks, m ho are subject to Sri nary disorders caused byrid Irritation. Ja4 SaJtw causes no bad effects what-- " ever. Here you have a pleasant, efferr vescent drink whlc relieve- - your bladder may.jjuif.1y irritation. By ad means have your physician examine your kidneys at least twice a year. Adv. NeIHe-Katherin- Be-gt- te Jad-Sal- ta hrtPri,inJBnJrWr'fij 1 lithia-wate- THE REASON So ' many buy of us is that they like our ticular time par- payment ASSEtyUTOQpi Sagarhouse. Salt Lakes Oldest Hyland 613. ' |