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Show r.,rr7vr-T-- . T T1IE DESERET MARCH MONDAY NEWS 23 1925 ) Calls Worjd Peace fasfticn forecasf MAPLETON. Minn., March 23 Dora AP) Heroiam of MU Simon, telephono operator, who remained at her post in a burning building to summon assistance from three nearby towns, saved the business section and probably the entire town from destruction from fire which caused a loss estimated at $100,000 here yesterday. , After sending out calls to ManMiss kato, Wells and Amboy, Simon groped her way out of the smoke-fille- d office. She fell down the stairs, receding severs bruises. Fhe was severely burned about the face and hands when an oil stove exploded. Fearful of Pacts OGDEN. March IS ( Special) Roy Charlton, 3 ton of Mr. and Sirs. Arthur D. .7fcaMtonf Plain City, la at the Dee hospital, and is not expected to recover from Injuries received Sunday. The child s lung Is punctured bv a broken rib. The little boy fell from a milk truck driven by .his Uncle, Fred Agoing Singleton. The truck was round a corner and the rear vheel passed ever the child. 2212 Stribling Arrives In San Francisco Wil-flaBAN FRANCISCO, March IS La Stribling, light heavy esterdav weight, arrived hero STREET-DRES- S from Georgia, areorapanied by "Ma" DISTINCTIVE FOR SPRING and Ta" Stribling. to engage In d bout here next Saturday Kasha, that lovely soft material so with Tommy Loughran of Philadel favored this season, was selected for delphia. street-dresThis this straight-lin- e pattern which conies in. sues 16 HERB'S INDIANS 44 inches 36 42 and 38, 40, years, TAKE SECOND IN bust measure, is also Suitable for fine- - twills, silk crepe and the new I s. BOWLING TOURNEY ribbed silks. For the size, 3 yards of material with H yard of contrasting are required. Price . ISe in stamps or coin (coin preferred) at least 19 . Fleaee order pattern JT. T. BUFFALO. Marrh 21 (INS) Herbs Indiana of Cleveland, 36-in- the champion five man team last waa in in second, place today tournament now in pro- gresa here. Rolling k total of 2 90S pins last night, the Clevelandbefore 7 re beat out the grands of De- W,gllw10 ? ? who werer' folding second troit, from the east tf one position by point. Andrew Planer and John Fischer, a Milwaukee combination, scatter- - jf n SWEET 16 SHOP' lng 1,253 pins In the clashes, are In a tie for thrd place In that event with Patterson and Devries of Chicago putting Fulton and Mounts of Indianapolis in filth BY COURT IN NAME USE with 1.245. K, Karthelber, of Chicago, went Into second posftbm In the division with hit total of 1 8M and C. Brown, of Toledo, with The "Sweet 14 fchop of Salt 1,873, holds third place. Lake has a right to its name in Malad Legion Track Utah, as tha result of a decision Team Bests Scholars by Judg J. YV. YVoodrough g( Omaha, sitting on the local federal MALAD, Ids., March 22. Special) The members of the local port of bench, who Monday dismissed the the American Legion proved thefr petition for an Injunction brought track and field superiority over the bv the "Sweet Sixteen company' of school bos by defeating Them high 57 points to 48 in g dual meet last San Francisco. declsrca Judge Woodroufh the week. Orltn Hunsaker of tbs blah school purpose of the federal trade mark crew wia high point man with firsts protection la to protect th public In th $0. 100 and 221 yard run,, and against deception and a company the broad jump He waa also on against loss of--' business in an esthe winning relay team. tablished market'. Following are the first place win- The San Francisco company from ners: dash, Orlln Hunaak- a small beginning In I? 13 hat built Hunsaker: er; dash, orlln up a retail business with five stores high jump. Boy Pavla; broad jump. on the Paclfie coast from Los AnOrlln Huasaker; mile race. Milton race Ouy geles to, Portland. mile Jones, Glee 4; discus. J. D. Brice; ahotpot. J. It was shown, however, that its D.-- Price: Javelin. Jim Thomaa; pole mail order business Is small and vault, Roy Davla, relay race, won that the Coast company was pracof hv high school team. -u const.tlng BWilliam,-Georgtically unknown in Utah, therefore Orlln HtHisaker. no Injury was don tv the Salt McKay and Fph Hawkins. Lake store or deception practiced HOOPER RESIDENT Bl HIED. .on the'Utah public. Judge Woodrough points to reHOOPER. Marrh 23 (Special) Funeral a.rvlcea for Oscar Chris- marks by the JTnlted States supreme court condemning use of a tensen, were held Sunday afternoon In the Hooper chapel, with R. E similar distinctive name in another the bishopric presid- market for th purpose of preventWMdlon-- r wee by the ward choir. ing. Music expanvon of a business. Greenw-el- l Charles ingHowever, and in this case said the ' Robert The speaker were Pre! Fowlee. there was shown no ulterJudge Weber cake: E. Browning. George J I evl Beua. Bishop James R Beua, ior motive of this kind. Tbe injunction was dismissed John I). Hooper and! Mr. Wlddeson. The grave In Hooper cemetery waa with costs awarded against the dadlcatad by President Browning. nliintiff. WATCH AJD RING STOLEN. , Th value of this diamonds proOGDEN, March I! (Special) K duced in South Africa last year was d police C. Johnson report! to tb treater than In been stol- while th coal output reached A123, a had watch Mondar. that recen from his room at the Creeion ord total of 12.500.000 tons as made, hyne Entrancw hotej. dlamr&d ring of a pass-k- ey. waaAelclen from the valued at 615. WOMAN EXPLORER 1 Frants apartments. It la reC. Ranson. W. Mrs. ported by IS FEARED LOST MANSARD ROOF NOT MAN-- -- ' two-ma- ts iM iVjSjfAM. 224-ya- one-ba- lf one-thir- HIRAM K. MODERUTELL. red (Special cable to the Dee New and tha Chicago Daily Newa) (SPA) ROME. March . "Limitation of armaments la a for expedient political temporary inter-eet- a furthering the nationaUHJo countries. Large of certain countries like the United 6tatea and Great Britain have a direct small interest In disarmaments; countries, especially Italy, no." This waa the opinion given by Senator Enrico Corradlnl. founder of the Italian Nationalistic party and reputed chief adviser of the Italian government in foreign afon tha faire, when asked hla viewdisarmaauggestad international ment conference at. Washington. hia He added however, that that he opinion was personal and name ol was not speaking in the n the government. . According to my opinion and that of the political philosophy which I represent (hat of the NaItaly's . attional Fascist-par- ty titude on disarmament should be on het interests, based exclusively Senator Corradlnl said. "We must see whether it would That is all. be useful to ua. Xlm Ration of armaments la much easier for the United States than for Europe. Europe, with Its la population bursting its bounds which composed of many nation accustomed for centuries have been to war. Th United State ha a small population In comparison to Its territory and can grow in. Its own house. Those European nations having denser and gtronger populations must expand at ths expanse of the others. "England with an enormous empire has every Interest In perpetuand ating the status quo. EnglandinterAmerica have also a mutual est to promote in disarmament, namely to restrain a rivalry which might become costly. Likewise France has every interest artificially to render eternal her military predominance by persuading other nations to guarantee her frontiers against Germany. "But can Italv, poor and prolific, blindly sign a disarmament treaty? Tha wealth of ths United States terrifies us. Rich, highly Industrie allied nations can arm quickly. The poop ones require long preparation. We can study the d armament proposal and perhapa accept them, but we must ask oursehea whether armament limitation ran give us some temporary beneficient effects of peace end tranquility to compensate for limiting our liberty of action which is every nations right. PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO HAS HARE KERNEL, In n piece .of pottery discovered In Sussex.. England, and thought to data back at least to TOO B. C. thera i A kernel of wheat, still m- bedded 'and' preservation. Th find seems to prove that agriculture was pursued in that part of England at that time and tbarsfor regarded aa historically important. , e, v t I Waah-eonnectl- on rrum-stanc- I , " - adjo-iters- I I caleu-moq-h- e prssi-den- na . , i fr Sammy Lyte. proprietor of a State street hotel, charged with being a disorderly person, pleaded not guilty In police court Mondav sH for mominiT and th cas March 30 for trial. Ha wks released on his own recognizance. Lyte was arrested Sunday At Second South and State by patrolman J A. Morgan, who alleged that Lyte used abusive langauge and Interfered when Morgan waa talking with a questionable character. Morgan said that Lvte told and him he waa threatened to have the patrolman before th civil service commis-- fgoing-JOo--f- , sion. The patrolman said he was talking to Charles Howard, arrested several weeks ago on a vagrancy charge but who was discharged, when Lite interfered. Morgan said he cautioned Lyte to keep still and alleges that the latter then became abusive. Lyte denied the charge hut did admit that he threatened to have Morgan summoned bcjgre the commlsssicm. Morgan has been active against certain characters hanging about on Second South between Main and State, police officials say, and as a result has Incurred their displeasure: Morgan said he had the names of three reputabla ..Cltixens who volunteered to act aa Famine conGALWAY (IN'S) ditions in Connemara, are partly the culmination of years of want and privation. in Times . are alwaye hard Conneriiara, and year after year of on the varg the people live starvation, with the result that when a year eoms which haa an e, exceptional rainfall and ilttl resulting in poor harvestsIn j and poor chances of gathering th pest, the population is in no hardadditional to withstand shape ships, and feverish illness soon becomes prevalent. Th condition under vrhteh the Connemara pendant lives ar ap-- 1 A .Connemara cottage palling. compares unfavorably even with a anv It in other country. plghoure generally consist of a Hi one room, th kitchen. j dwelling which meals are cooked and eaten,, and the other a bedroom. In which th whole family sleep Case si e known where four or five people sleep in the same bed. while I mvself inspected 12 in which cottage people slept in the same bedroom. It is rather a misnomer to call these Tha dwellings at all. places rooms ar at th most eight feet hue two windows one In high, each mom sert-- for ventilation and light. In nine cases out of 19 there is ho glsss In the framworkJ Of the' W fr.d oi" s. a piece of sufficing to keep out th An honest mans word sun-eh'n- I two-roo- I e I canvas-general- MORE than three hundred years ago, "Miguel de Cervantes said! An honest mans word is as good as his bond. Advertisers must be honest men, if they would remain advertisers. Their announcements are signed. They must tell the truth in their advertising. For their own protection, as well as yours. What would it profit a man to advertise Pure, virgin-wosuits, only to have you discover they were sheddy? You would soon separate the sheep from the cottcn. And you would never deal with that man again, And further. you would teirall your acquaintances what a skinflint he was. As a matter of business, if not of personal principle, an advertiser must tell the truth in his signed announcements. Thats what makes the advertising columns of this paper such reliable guides to honest merchandise. The printed announcements are bonds between you and the advertiser. Read the advertisements. Read them regularly. To be informed cn the newest and best in everything. To' save hours of shopping. To make the family purse do a bigger, better job. To get goods of known 'quality at the most attractive price. --You would not plan a motor trip without first consult s and guide-book. Is it logical to plan a ing without first consulting the advertiseshopping trip ments? Read the advertisements. Then go to the stores with your mind more than half made up. ol ' ly ACTING HEAD OF !! U OF MICHIGAN j putttng-t- ! SUSSEX found-6rgraa- i ha waa seized from behind, an apron thrown over his head and a revolver pressed againat-hl- a side and told to remain quiet. One of the robbers menaced him with tha revolver .while .the other took the money 'from the safe and departed through a rear door. Tha first then left by ths front door. Soon after the turkman robbery, I D. Swingle, manager of the Hawthorne drug store 1650 Ninth East notified the police that ha had been bald up by a Ion bandit and robbed of $47.' SFUtgle said th robber entered th store, pointed a large revolver at him and ordered him into a back room. . Th bandit then rifled the cash register and fled. Swingle gave tha police a good description . of tha robber. Dora Johnson of 341 south First West complained to tha polio that pass key burglara entered her horns had v a- -e r1 --. of 'the blrda' communication medium since the days of King Solomon. There are many legends associated with the exploits of the Arablane wherein birds figured The Mohammedans importantly. know the pigeon ae their favorite bird, due to tbe story that a pigeon built Its neat in front of tbe cave wee hiding, where the prophet thus favoring hla escape from his enemies. . 3.-- eae thw-poll- Arabians' rs"rTalttvtnlhaf they understand the language of blrda They piaintsfn that many of their e- . -- Lea-co- untrymen-hgv- i "Clarence Blrkmsnmanager of ths meat department of the A. B. C. Food Products company, 1071 east Twenty-firs- t South street, was held np and robbed of $796 by two armed bandits about 9.30 p m. Saturday he reported tha polic, Blrkman-'tct- d he was about to close the place and was orlg-tnat- : - -P- DLICEAUUSE CHARGE SARD'S! The Mansard roof, a popular type of architecture used In many aa for InAmerican buildings, stance on the Department of State Building in Washington. waa madea popular by i rancois Mansard. French architect who lived from 69$ to 1664. but he has been found to not be the originator of It. About 200 years before the style was t. by an architect named Mansard evidently advertised same at the the roof end himself time and in popular conception he waa given credit for It. SAT THEY KNOW BIRD - v d. Boy Fall from Truck, Run Over, He May Die yar. the bowling Wealth of U. S. Terrifies l)s Declares Fascisti Representative. IbT OGDEN, Msreh (Special) A reward of tlo ! offered y .B.shop Clarence MoiTts, for information leading to the arrest of the person or oeteona who ret fre to hi bouse, 3780 Washington avenue Sunday. Firemen report that the blase started under the roof where kerosene soaked paper and raps were discovered. The damage was slight ' Granting of the pfcfmit to th Creat Western Coal Mine to suffer for eale 80 r(M ten dollar share of preferred stock comes after. a complete Study of the compan)' condemn. BT R. T. BDLKELEY. The- - Am?aav ha t ror NEW HAVEN'. Conn..' March I panned mlth Heher t Jex aq pres- INS) New England celebrateAU ident Charle Bailev. mo presi- hi.lorir occurence this prlng. dent; T J. Yates .secretary; R Leo- New England mats will Join Jo treasurer and Charles Ander- -- ?rv the ISOth anniversary of the son. A- - F. Elggfen nd T. Sato Hattie of Lexington, start of th additional directors j War. on April 1A Retolutionarysome Th financial gtatemeht ,f hte'gnd emphaals on the j9 wth -of shows assets current Ride of Paul Revere. company ji.dnight 1 $124 673 with fixed assets of state. legislature Connecticut's for the 744,247. h ts appropriated money In the latter Hem included state's share in that celebration 33 200.722 In ral hold. tigs and then trill aid New Haven in s o.w n the and coal land . ?12 E7 S S 1& j.a-i- ts 318 1 in m:n dno of the Uignnrfc Governor Foot - f.j-ir138 m n1 datM also which 12 rfanizalopment company from 17 75 tion expense i rre of The company boll ornc tout's delegation In Con- coal land by lease and ded heavily is endeavoring to have Presi underlaid with a ve-- v high grade den (oolidge travel to New Nobituminous coaLrr HTiMn some time in May. Then the thefFoot of at will Guard spend three daye queetion oanerahlp exita events ef'the present ttme. jnfirstcommemorating sr of the company's history. Statement Issued. P.redsf Arnold, then a New HavValue of the land for cal Is en merchant, commanded the Footlisted by the federal goernmot a Guad news of the Lexfrom $H0 to a high os 5175 per lrgton fxght the came here. Celling acre. to he forced the arm, romp. toy As to oualitv of the coal. a tae. Prnif-rrnn offsciats of New Hav-r- n ment by Herman Harms, to nAM munition and march-s- i chemist hold it to be the ne; th to Bostoif. where the Utah coal he ha eer analyzed Fa-- thsrw a service that From eerv standpoint aa to lo. lined Guard darted the 'Revolution. and Scenes inthrough cation, geologv, topgraph In 1775 will Nen Haven of the coal, proper v quantity in the ceehcadlon.' aster holdings, supply 0 the Foot Gptrf&tor the "riie birthplace of Helen Keller, at Tu scumble, Ala., is to be preserved by those who regard power and aesihi!ity of the lands W1jj heJWchmond. Vs., It as a shrine. It waa here that M Isa Keller (inset), blind, deaf and dumb from early childhood, th project appeared good accord- - ir.f.fra(0n g c xjght In- rhariMton. waa given the first training that mad her one of the world'e greatest women, a public speaker, and ing to a report mad to the recur!-- ' fjintry; te City Guard. Atlanta. . author of many book. hi' ; r,a competent ro.Inml'on City Troop: Philadelphtla geologiata R I. Artillery; Tratn or t In a statement issued Monday In Newport. wind and rain. The Ar. tilery, rrovtdence, R. I doorway with the reinstatement serves not only aa an entrance tt n c Grav(i; Andent and of th company, former Pre.'dent Umo-abl- e la. also, aa outlet for the smoks Artillery" and Boston ABtorr in tha from th peat flra. Gaorg aupport of ) us, leers, of Boston; Veteran Corps commissions action said The sufferings endured bv chilnf Ait'Ilerv, and Old Guard, of "W have over 3,000 stockholders. N- - york'. and Amoskear dren reared under these c Fusl-Ih- a town has been sarted. or iccte. of Mancnerter. N. H.. all and In these surroundings store building at th cos of een'dat,ns from Revolutionary times. are written on their plainly thousand dollars, and othr hu.M-lng- s pinched faces. Even in the rmre are now there e expect bv 51 IKS' ( I.TM ATE CALCULATED, prosperous districts of the west ' CODEX. Marctj 23 OGDEN, March I (Special) (Spesjal) In the housing conditions are shock. fail to be thlpp.ng coal Our poi,e I'"Coblentz, a physicist cf memory of Louis Frederick Moench. ing. Th government has effected Jame A Drain, nation! command-e- r Is going to b to have each min-- . Wash-qf of the bureau of standards of many Improvements founder and first principal of the American during the Legion, and own a home of his own with a .pot n t. ground upon which to rate fng'nn .v that the climate Weber stake acedemv. now Weber (past few years, shd bouses are to jp.ussel! Creverston. national vegetables in the slack business Mars for a tofew hours at noonday collgee. s bronze tablet has been be seen which are healthful, clean of were Baker Herman ruesta similar which that prevailss. Jand tidy. These pise.- - In the college, main building. pariod of the cosl business, which government The legion head ar The tablet waa made ty order Of house er let at a purely nominal pest. Monday in the spring and summer at Washington. D C. Th wsre met at the Union Statlon.br the last high school graduation rent seldom on - htion Is for Mare, cmWe every expect clasa of the Institution to 1922 of cents Poet Commander R L. Oissn, and poiyee to be a stockholder iH a1" savsttU unlikely ther' t. 'a week. which Sherman Couch waa .s any permanent on local lakes and of members Mars, offeers the Workmen to Control. Meot of tha miserable hovel are due" to the comparatively- - small The taVei rerrle the lnrr!pt(oa; legacies left from tha day a of the post, was A town canyon want "We this and trip through owned on of water Frederick old that planet, rgdn Dedicated to Louie typa of Irish landlord, who In charge of J. Francis Fowles At controlled bv tbe laboring men quantity etther animal or vegetable. A Moench. a Founder end First Prinnttionsl officers were We want It so thst If a man works Life, r''"1 th er all. must be able Slake Academy, 1889 cared nothing for the welfare of guests if it exists cipal of Weber the a luncheon at Itf the Weber tha people who worked for them. last hlfh school Presented Iv mine, and to withstand long drought and glten by the Ogden Chamber under ground In the coal The name and who never spent a cent on Im- club irradutftmg cTaw. 1923 roid. of Commerce 'Tots Ttlie affair enough money to start a of 148 student are Included on tne provements or upkeep. Additional was attended dire, bv members of th tie business of his own. that h can' tablet. government improvements In aght American Legion and .Auxiliary ,do so without asking permission oflpanv today has the same property are a new land act and th pur Commander Dram gae the prtn, coal company. Itr.a! it always represented it had. chase of unprofitable holdings from ' flPl address Mus'o was br th any"We want waa it so" they can have indictment that "The legion quartet romnosed tha farmers same same bv the Federal grand, Jury the th competition, Irene Clavton W Irving Peulter, ' brought same or chances the fiscal the" for the Edwin against Peterson good vagents -and Elwood Pesr rights - , least leather believe n The commander and adjutant schools and good churches as In Great Western C'oal Mines com KnM at Pm-to of like has do size. Ipany ny other municipality Clty absolutely nothing ' earthed in tendon ana found to believe by thl policy that we with the compahy itsejf. jw be sufficiently serviceable , for us A new aharpening device which! for! labor will obviate has troubles "This company fought v. on workmen a shoes. razor blades Includes a. knurled i are ao prevalent in the coal camps through two or three years of ?!, Resembling and worn like a roller that raises the nap of the j of America. very hard times and we have been r01 counter' leather strop with each stroke..! Aw"tC.h "I want to say further that the' ipr goiiera. from it preventing com becoming glazed. Great Western Coal Mine cofn-pn- ArmsbelUbHJaxJon Reward Offered for Capture of Incendiary ' is Dream, Italian is H road-map- . j- t s. A signed advertisement is. in effect, a sealedi bond i 1 between . you and the advertiser Whiter Alfred It. Licfyii. ' Aean of the Bauvrday R'tpMV'AoS 'fStp wrist watch. school, haa been named gold graduate Of Mrs. Della J. Akeley, naturi acting jiresident of tha . alist and explorer, from whom Ilka scissors, . a,lty of Michigan. - A committee no word has coma sirfea she en- ndw Implement for removing hairs j of regents of th Institution U tered U East African jungle last from plash catches them between now seeking a successor to the November. rubber anda, Marlon Leroy Burton, , Vafety Unlver-Operat- f " )t" - I, frVk !,'Wk |