Show ODD SIDE OF LONDON LIFE New York Pres Press The stranger In Egland England Js is dered ered by the tho redundant tank thanks which greet greot or 01 assail him according to cir circumstances cr on ever every possible occasion I It Is thank you It If ho he does and thank you oun It If he be thank roun you If ho wm will and thank you I if lie wont wout T Thank Is Inflected downward you upward Thank you means meana grat tUde request assent Bent command oven Imprecation as a varIously applied A favor conferred elicits i it ot of course But the street car conductor entering to collect your tares fares begins with a general thank you and oten often re repeats repeats peats It as the pennies drop Into his hand Te The barber barber thanks you If the proffered bay rum is accepted or do de dined cUned and agin again when he takes his fee and nd hel helps s yo you into your overcoat The move on of the policeman is euphe euphemistically thank you while hl the thank you of the cab driver drier or the as you loiter an the cross crOSB crossing I ing conceals a meaning that would blue the air It if uncloaked Between 4 and 6 5 afternoon ev every ry bOdy must have hae tea tea The very busy man has It brought from a a nearby res restaurant restaurant to hIs office or store Without this postmerIdian draught the aver average average age man or woman would be Irritable unfit for business incapable of enjoy enjoyment ment Street gas and electric pl art galleries schools colleges gardens rented to workIngmen even lodging houses are owned ald and operated by cites cities ResIdences in town as well as s court coun countr tr try are surrounded by high wals walls often topped wih with spikes barbed wIre or broken bottes bottles Protection against ene enemies rules mies originated this desIre for privacy privacy vacy continues i it The Englishman is painfully sensitive into any peering Into his private preserves Indifferent to tie tile opInIon of the tho passerby In the street his house Is rarely of ornate e ox tenor though richly furnished and wih with wals walls literally picture covered and his beautiful lawn and garden are carefully hidden away at the back But i it should be said that the nobility and gentry in the main show a very Ubera liberal hospitality In allowing tourists to traverse the gounds grounds of their countr country places and even to go through their houses when not themselves In resIdence Te The best socIety broadly speak ing lives In the countr country and Is gener generically termed the county famIlIes It ItIs is the ambition of every Englishman to acquire means sufficient to support a country place None voluntarily lives in a provincial town who can afford a residence outside which would rank hint him wih with the county families HIs so 50 socia cia cial consequence Is vastly Increased if he Is able to change his residence from No 16 Simpson street Ironton to Grange Wold Doctors fees for ordinary visits vary wih with the supposed Income of the pa patent patient tent tient which Is indicated by the rent or orthe orthe the value of his residence Consequently the tho ordinary fee may be anywhere from 60 50 cents to aly ally more In London the locale of the doctor also affects hIs fee Removal from east to west Increases it as a arule arule rule Empty dwellings are not taxed No direct tax is paid on an occupied pled dwell Ing The pays ar an income tax on the rent received or ott on the rent able value of hIs own house which lie he occupies The tenant pays a house duty to the general government and rates to the town The amount of these Is based on the rent he pays and the aggregate Is usually about a third of the rent Thus If a tenants rent be his taxes wl will be about 00 Eng English lish rents are therefore not so low as S they may seem to the uninitiated for foreigner eiger eigner accustomed to other systems ot of taxation The landlord In perfect good faith does not menton mention rates in letting a house for they are no more his concern than gas or or water charges So the uninformed renter is anty antly jarred as the demands for pay payment payment ment ot of rates for divers uses are dropped Into hIs leter letter box at different Ures times by different officials The de dc demands mands cannot be evaded except by se secret secretly cret feeing fleeing wih with ones effects The rates do not attach a as a len lien upon the premises To escape from them alo alto altogether gether one must lodge In a hotel or boardIng house But In any event the tax on incomes exceeding a year must be met met Rela Relatively vely fe few people 0 own the rest resi residences dences which they occupy I It is not unusual for one to Jve live i in a rented house who owns several as good or beter better dwellings I It is less a a queston question of means than of preference despie despite the fact that the landlord as a rUle provides little beyond bare wals walls for his tenant He mal mM Install gas pipeS or electrIc wires but the tenant must mustin in general decorate the interior and al always always ways provide gas and electrIc fittings These he sels sells to the next tenant i it he can at a discount on cost price Tile renter who moves frequently Is thus heavily mulcted both coming and goIng I If premises are out ot of repair the landlord rarely undertakes to put them in order at best merely offering to alow allow out of the rent a percentage of the estimated cost of repairs A general electon election for members of a anew anew new parlament parliament consumes several weeks Balloting in each district Is finished In one day but aU all district do donot donot not vote the same name day A man owning land in different districts may vote in aU all of them Excluding this clas class a aman aman man must have been an occupier of a dwelling or n a place of business twelve twelvemonths twelvemonths months in a distrIct to entile him to vote A son of age cannot vote if lie he lives with and Is entirely dependent on hits his father and does him no service A coachman sleeping In his employers house canot cannot vote he an can If he sleeps in the stable A dozen clerk clerics lodging In rooms In a a big store may vote ote the themay they may not if the owner also lodges there Men whether few or many lodging in one big room cannot vote though using separate bes beds but i It a partition not necessarily as high as the ceiling though it must have n a lock and k key for its door Is put uP between the beds bedsaU aU all is the tho mon men can vote provided they have have lodged tere there the required time Lunatics may vote during lucid Inter Intervals Intervals vals Bankrupts are disqualified and also returning officers except when the vote Is a te tie |