Show SCHWAB WILL BE GOOD Sells His Smelter and Will Patronize the American Company Advices from the east make it appear I that Charle Charl M Schwab the steel mag magnate nate and one of the big operators In Tonopah and other Nevada comps comp has hasI I agreed to not stop step on the corns of the American Smelting Refining corn com pany In other words and to apply the e expression I of the late P L Kim KimI I bony at the time he surrendered his I option on the bit bi iron mines of Iron county this state he has agreed to be good When the steel trust learned that Kimberly and others were deter determined mined to buy the iron and If necessary necessary sary construct blast furnaces rolling mills etc its representatives went to him and made it to his interest to give up p his option and lose the OOOO pay payment mont ment he had made madeI I During the summer and fall Mr I Schwab was outspoken in his denunciation atlon of the treatment he and his corn com company 4 pany was receiving at the hands of the American company and he openly avowed his Intention of building smelt smelters I ers ere himself to take care of the Nevada I camps that were being in his opinion I so shabbily treated He oven even went so sotar tar far as to buy a smelting plant in Con Contra ConI I tra Costa count county California and this was to have been the nucleus around whiCh his smelting enterprIses were to tobe tobe be bunt built up and fostered He had his representatives In thIs field looking for tor foran toran an opening here and for a time it really seemed as though he was in earnest But the American company according to report has a 8 magic wand ot of its own its chief magicIan John ohn I Hays Hammond has hns made a few ew passes before the eyes of the steel king and he ha has faded Into the background I The milk mUk In the cocoanut Is fo found nd in inthe InI I the following few lines taken from a Boston paper I It is understood that Charles rr M Schwab has haa dIsposed of a large Pacific coast smelting plant which he ac acquIred several months ago to the American Smelting Refining corn com company pany Mr Schwab within the last few weeks has held conferences with J H 4 Hammond and other smelting rep representatives t with the result that American Smelting Refining corn com company pany will hereafter smelt and refine Ute the output ot of the Schwab Tonopah mining properties |