Show CIGAR WRAPPERS FROM MEXICO their use not yet increased by the present troubles in cuba there is a growing idea a anong among smokers that owing to the tro bules in cuba there will be a scarcity of cuban leaf tobacco which will soon affect both the quality and quantity of domestic clear havana cigars ind and a rumor Is prevalent that already many of the so called clear havanas IIa vanas are covered with mexican tobacco and that it cannot be detected by experts the best persons in the trade deny this rumor and state that most of the large american firms have enough cuban tobacco to last them for a year or more and that there is little or no tobacco in mexico suitable for the smoker they say also that mexican tobacco Is detected easily at sight and while it may be possible in future years to produce tobacco tor for wrappers which will compete with the cuban article it will be a long time coming as up to date no effort has been made by the mexican growers to cater to this market the mexican leaf is thicker and duller in appearance without the file rich gloss of the cuban variety so attractive to american smokers what its Is still more to the point it rapidly deteriorates teri terl orates in appearance after being worked up into cigars still another reason Is that all the available mexican wrappers worth anything arc am called for by the mexican trade one anc firm of which is said to be under contract with englishmen for cigars every two weeks the government statistics also give an important hint in this matter the total export of filler tobacco from mexico for 1893 was only pounds of a value of in 1894 I 1 pon pounds ads valued at while the total amount of wrapper tobacco for foi was thirteen ebli teen pounds valued at 7 this country imported from cuba in 1803 pounds valued at in 1894 1891 some pounds valued at and lit la 1895 1805 some pounds pound valued at T the total amount of imported wrapper tobacco from cuba paying duty into the united states treasury during 1895 was pounds valued at these are the facts in the matter and as soon as mexican tobacco begins to come in for use on domestic made clear II havana aim cigars its arrival will ivill be shown bbown in the weekly tables of imports published la in trade and shipping organs what is very likely Is that the consumer of havana cigars will boon soon have to face a darker tobacco on his cigars than ll 11 has been wishing tor for lately new york sun |