Show NOTICE all paid up subscribers to the roundup round up can get the national bimetallist for one year for fifty cents or cents will bring brine it to you till after the campaign this office NOTICE FOR publication no 2995 united states land office salt lake city august 8 1896 j notice is hereby given eiven that the following settler nas filed notice of his in tendon to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before ed benzley county clerk 0 will rich co utah at randolph utah on Q september 19 viz WILLIAM WILLIA al C SMITH H E for the N 34 S W ya N W ya S fl ya arid and S W ya N W see sec 21 tp 9 N R 6 E he names the following witnesses to prove his cont mons residence upon and cultivation ot of said land viz john cornia borson orson cornia corma S L huffaker and charles dean jr all of woodruff utah BYRON gloo register first publication aug 14 1896 NOTICE FOR publication no 2996 united states land office 1 salt lake city august 10 1896 botica is hereby given that abo follow ing named seti netiler ler has haf filed notice nolice of his intention to make final proof in support r 01 ol his claim arid that said proof bug will wil be madr made before the coun of rich co utah at randolph utah on Sop september 19 1896 viz BARNEY FOX H E no for the S E ya see sec 21 and N E ya N IV ya sec 28 tp 10 N R ra 7 E lie he names the following witnesses to prove his conti residence upon and ol 01 said eaid land viz john W D dykins S daniels ot of 1 Ilan n d dalph al b utah and geurge george gal bredt li of woodruff utah groo register first publication august 14 1896 great removal SALE in order to open up with a brand new stock stocal of GOODS in our new building we intend CLOSING OUT our entire stock stocal of dry goods hats flats shoes etc at prices NEVER headd R D of BEFORE profit no consideration THE GOODS MUST GO 4 loh it out N fw B oft of 9 mit ul 10 panr win nio J arl B F aill n d 01 dl U it aa him beeman cashin ZERO AXT 7 1 wf dealers in hardware harness furniture carpets crocke crockery ry wall paper etc are unquestionably the leaders bo th 1 in m risty y sd and extent of stock and in the low prines prices prevailing everybody ir io fic cop co knows that when he be buys anything of us he be gets just what is represented or he may return the goods our terms are reasonable and we take wheat or oats at pr prices ices that are always at least as high as any other A few specialties are our own make harness and saddles alanes 4 tio tie steel ranges story dark clark organs and pianos glidden barb barb wire mail orders promptly Atter attended ded to evanston wyo T M hr r el T ym W NN M ir HIP 0 ua S EU E U 1 MRS 8 TYSON prop CAREFUL ATTENTION I 1 N to GUESTS oldest and best hotel in town our rates are reasonable stable in connection RAN RANDOLPH DOLPHo UTAH liki lake TTO toa BIA M rutih IN N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of golden colden high patent sheaf fa T E jfe A NCY A W ta T high uinta patent sheaf straight patent T TT tin 1513 3 graham craham family pride F A L ali 0 U W SL bib germade made and mill feeds of all kinds 0 r eie k L n ber log common lumber at mill 1000 per m delivered in randolph 1200 less lesa than 1000 feet 60 50 cents extra lath at mill per m delivered in randolph 3 go 4 C pug |