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Show lllflll Ut'ATIIUi. HUJHN. AT no time In tho history of the C'liunh have an many of thovileraut, of lulli vie', of Ihe community rusVil away as during Iho last few months. Tho latest or ttils class, In Halt Ijike City, to depait to thu other life, Is Al niena 1 air, of the Heveiitcentli Ward, a widely kuown aud greatly respu-nd lu.. llsr death occurred at llllitu minutes ast two o'clock this morning, tho immediate cause being general di Ulll surliidiued byoldagv. Almena I atr was a daughter of Henry Mid Harah Itaudall, and was lairii In Ht. l.awrcuce County, lw York, ovember 53, 18H, nuioi-il, when about tweuty years uld, toNI. agara ( uuiit), where the embraced "Mornionlsm," bilng liotld ly l.ller Haiuuil Mullliier lu April, IS 13. Formerly thu lud Uhu h slnuuih Methodist III IBM the migrated to Nauoo, 111, where she Uiaumtho wlfo of Lldor Wluslow Farr, an I passed through all the trying and alf.sacrll!clng ordeals, under which IhoHoliibjof that tlmo suiriml. To fttthtr with the rest of the family iho left Nanvoofor Iho West lu June, 1111, tarrfiii at Winter utlert and Kanea. vlllo nearly four years, her husband In tlm meantime performing n mission lo the 1'as'rru rUMes. Alter her arrival In tlreat Halt Lake Valley, In 1W, sheoccupled a limn habitation near Iho mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon, where sho was often exi-osed togrent danger from marauding Indiana. Hub. sciurntty she tlvcil on a farm mi Dig Cottonwood, where her hutlxind (lied In August, 18'H. 1'revlous to Ida death she ha 1 removed to Halt Lake City. For over forty Jean aim followed the proferslsnof midwife, and Intlistca. paclty waited upon Ihoutauds of her elstrrt Her life has been an examplo of unfaltering faith aud unwaerlng Integrity. Thefunrral will l held tomorrow (Hsturdnj)nt I p.m., lathe Heventecth Ward meeting house. |