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Show wiir the: DCSCRCT MCWS SHOULD dc 8UUSCRIDC0 run in rncrciiENcc to any in urn HAPtn. I, It I Hi Orgtn el the ftureh of Jetj rhrltt t,r Ittirrtlay Halntt, atel Iho aiitburlattl iiietlhim thrtih wblrh th tlewt, wltlirtau 1 hutmUWiit ut the r.lnrcll Atillmrlllet are C1rell, an I gh i n tu Ihe Halntt. 2; It mty altvay bo relied iihiu at a . locating or drrWitlug Ihe right tld eT etrryqiiellonpniifrfrpiibllrJoiirnlt tolrettuiin. 9. It It dtvnteJ lo tb Inlerrtta of Ilia Itiller-dayHaluli an 1 hat, from lit In t.-Hon, t.-Hon, tallaiitlytlrOudcd their llsl.lt to 1 whoitilxl the principle In which tiny Mlvret an 1 et ry lttertlay Nihil about I therefore feel under el ligation lo do hi part In helping lu tutUIll It. 1 lilt not publlthed for ij.eriiltlnn, nnd navrr hat Ntjn, but fir Hie gmtl ttlil h It It etable of aeeomplliblnci the pmlll, If anylbtr Iw dtrlvnl from II, being ilvull l.iriliiiJIng lit t bcr r ll fuliirit, aud UlKdlllog lb ceui-Uliililly. ceui-Uliililly. 5. It It doing Itt ulneitt to rtlabllth hoinc hnlutirle, auiong wbleh are ii-r mtkhtg and type.foiin ling, tUrttitt jung and electro!) ping branch nrttwary lotlidTlopmiitaud In trpnuUnr i. thaeominunjty, but whlih, during their Inhn-y (which In Hilt 'territory they h.ivo not yrl utiicd), ii only la) carried uu at a ccutiUry lota, 0, Thcrelanodttigtrofauytubterllier totheNl.tt falling ht pt what he tub. eirlho fur through ftllura ef Hie buttnett and n tuiclltlon tf the ihllcntkn-u rtutllu the eato or liundredt of litwt MHr ventoret every ) tar, 7, ll tt now prlnlettlhniughontlii uow an I rttuUbhl lyjie, aa thai even tho ged can erute It without dlnlcully or dinger 10 their e)o-alirit. 8. It It fire from ohjertlonabtoaiher-tlM-im tltt, no that no parent need fear that hlachll Iron will hae Ihtlr tnlud cur. rupimt fruui having ueor to f ti In fa I, 11 rrfu Ihotltandt of tlullara worth of the brat IylDgalrrtltrmeultauniMlly, liito It It tUtoleil lo lb moral and Irilual Intarett of Ha redr laitea I of 10 gvlllng gain at their exnu. 0. Itttonoftnol regutateil hy publlo oplnl in nor ll.e hoj of gaining auii. NcrilieroraJlfrtlMinut. It rulroitt'ttt tint wbleh ia light Bill conditio, thl tthich 1 wrong, nvardltwv uf retulta, fioauritl or othrle. 10, It never uautrtte It realm ,y pallr.lng i. It I'Ol.llunt of telf-praUo for nutt Item. II. The NKWit praetlee no dtee Hon uu 1 revorta luno tuUerfnge pi lutluco oplelo aula, rlbei but on the mnlnir), piefer to tltiid eull oitu intrllt, u, L lplo a iiwtpat.r, ullhn proiiiltuenly tu do 11 uliiiott lo give 11 palrout the full value er thell money u priitiiitu wblth It hat endeavored i rallbfully keep lu Hie luitt, 1J. Ineniirliitlon, iraUallerlayNilm iwii airord to tulM-ilbe tor ouly ono now-Hlr, now-Hlr, Ihtt ir ahould I tho Untriikt Nawtj and If moru Ihtn one, tho Nt-tt tkuuld linaritbly be the llrh aCDtcnusiov iiatui Mr 0 Mo. a Mo. 1 Mo, flnly, III) 00 uo fiio i,vj s i llrrlh, .) 1.7a ,ia M pis iriirmiy, w t-o iblri4t ul r iiiunuul mlou to TUU DJ.ni HI r N'l s to, bill UkiCli),'LUI. 11 MillllaajklljIWrttaiBeSMWtyTSanagBai IHIIJlUUrLlllilllllUJlllTMHllTiTT I j 26, 28, 30, 32 E. jjp ,-p I jj, j7fljil ' First South St. 1- " A j) First South St, 1 1 lu iJJJXDJiiifj 1 1 1 n uaiiiiiTjimjIT i DRESS GOODS, . 1 jTveny Dnv goods House kccps onnsa coods, cut 'j $ Rcarcoly n houso In Amurloa can how tho collection of .fflg j Buporb llilnca wn aro prop.irotl to offor Mils Sprlnp;. Thoy nro v K V strung nlonir from Now York to Salt l.nlso, nntl SOMETHINO j i NCW IS AHRIVINO DAILY. Tho purcli.tso-t of lx pa.t bo.v " I sons would not equal the solocllons of tills soason's lino, anil K I Lnillon cannot form tho falntost Itloa of how olcgnntly nntl I K U tnatofully thuy oan dross, oxcopt by calllnK and oxamlnlnrt h ourcholco stock of Fronch Novollloo nntl tho othor artlstlo ' If H offuctn In our Dross Goods Dopartmont. ! U IJ Wo shall Bhow n llnu of Fronch Chnlllos, tho patterns and H l colorings or which aro pronounced works of nrt. jH W Our Combination PUld Mobos mo tho most tastoful, at a jB J modornto prlco, ovar prottucodi and about twohundrud pat- M 1 torns of European Novoltloe, ol which no two drois patterns. ,E aro allko, nro Bomotlilng to bn proud of, jflB Tho Wool Plaids ombraoo uolors navorboforu attomptod, W and, tOKOthor with tho pattorns, aro simply Immonso, nnd In mt stylos sultnblo to all agss, HD ? Our Dlack Ooods stock Is vory comploto, In which wo aro !jj il' showlnp; many, iinvoltlos Hint taro olforod nt tho vory low B L prices wo plnco on Honrloltas, Sarg03, Cordu, Diagonals and in I WASH DRESS GOODS, II -pHC TLMflS APPLICADLC TO OUII WASH DI1ES3 OOODS II I aro handsoms, protly, owoot. Those throo style of' IMS bonuty nro nl ombraced In Iho cholcost lino over offered In W H any ono houso, Tho croam of nil Importora and manufnetur- ijj fe ors nre colloolod In this ono arand display. H I Wo load with tho groit European Novotty, Korah Molro, In ?' H prlntod goodt, a now wuuvo inudo from Egyptian Cotton anil i H Combod Varna, comb'nod with tho Molro offoct, producing n "ft IW rlchnoss only to bo found In tho hlghost class silks. Every JB 'I tiouuo ntlvortlsos Scotch Olnghima nnd Zephyrs, and show M m I moru ugly than protty pattorns, but with us It Is different; wu f. rfl havo nn Immonso nssortmont, and ovory pattorn Is n boauty, K y tho colors raro and rich, producing clfocts novor boforu wit- nossod In this class of cooda, nnd nro perfectly fast. ' I Wo aro nlso showing stylish patterns In Amorlcan Cine- jE I Th6 old stand-by, Prlntod Satoons. Is largoly roprosontod (ft In all qualltlos, nnd tho now Canton Cloth, mado by Simpson Si fl 4. Sons, dosorvo spoclnl mention for Its richness of design. ffi I Tho pattorns In Prlnte this Boauon aro bo vory protty wo H must sponk of them. j X WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES. L WIIITE DLACK COODS IS THE ONE NEW THING UNDER jj tho sunt you want to see thoml they nro In Embrol- dorod Flounclngs, India Linens, Nalneook Chocks, Laco fi Effocts, Cords and Strlpos. Ladles of mora advanced years jj can havo 0,11 tho comfort thoro Is In woarlnrt n whlto muslin . dross and yot bo drossod In black. You should buy thorn early, & i tho novolty bolng so groat, thoro aro Uoubta of thoro bolng U Jj onough to supply tho domand, I W Wo havo a moro uxtonstvo lino than ovor In Whltoj Em- IH hroldorod riounclngs In forty-flvo-lnch goods for Ladles, nnd liflj twonty-sovon Inchos for chlldron. You will, of course noa J riounclnus In other storoa, but If you want ctylo comblnod Hj with choapnoss, you will buy thorn of us. Hj iiMjiiimrniMjjuiuiLrqjjjiLirrn; I 26, 28, 30, 3! E, 1q 1 T U' tt' 30, !2 E' H First Sonlh St. ll' - 'jj First Sooth St. M m j i lu i ijlullu rnrmi J LlJinaiLUTl R.K. THOMAS. I |