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Show OFFERED SERVICES f NOTICE The application of L.D.S-- . Fifth ward, whose address is 5th South Second West, for side yard variance relative to the property located at 5th South 2nd West, has been given Board of Zoning Ad- HEATING AIR CONDITIONING FR RENTTwo ApFLFPA 3?562 bedroom SLEEPING QUARTERS for girls ment apt. Unfurnished. with kitchen and living room Refrig erator and stove. 505 South Sixth , privileges. PA West. QUILT BATTING White Miracle fine Celanese fiber quilt batting for only $1.50 per pound at EVERTON MATTRESS CO Phone PA 24 E. 1 So. FOR SALE RENT Two new sleeping rooms, private entrance. Could accommodate two or three men as a light housekeeping apartment. Call CR Bear River City. 2000 and 3000 gallon underground gasoline tanks and used single post hydraulic hoist. 2 cubic yard dirt mover, like new, for sale at half price. Call Dean Bradshaw, AL at Garland. FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL or OFFICE BUILDING 2200 Square Feet 710 South Main St. FOR RENT Large two bedroom apts. Utilities paid except lights. Washing facilities, large play area. $87.50. See at 207 East 7 South or call PA PA FOR SALE a pgWBMaaMBMBaBWUlWKBW FOR Brigham City Ph. Seely Realty Co. PA 71 Having heating problems? Need sheet metal work? Planning on Installation of air conditioning system? Call us today! Free es- justment case number, 138, and has been scheduled for hearing on Friday, November 17, 1961, at oclock in City Council Chambers. The applicant and other interested parties wishing to be heard are requested to be present at that timates! Weed Control Now Possible, Thanks to Modern Chemicals Heifers Need Training Prior creeping perennial weeds in the gardens, fields, ditch banks, fence It is imrows, and other places. portant to kill them before they Do cows need kindergarten trainspread and become more serious. County Agent A. Fullmer BENZOIC ACID is effective in ing? Allred County Agent with Utah broad-leafethe controlling State University Extension Services weeds such as morning says they do. white Canada thistle, top, glory, Here is how he explain it: and Russian knapweed. Liquid The last four weeks before exforms of it are sold as Benzac and Tryaben. The granular form is pected freshening are the kinderBenzabor. For effective results, garten periods for dairy heifers. apply the liquids at one cup of Thats the time to get them used to chemical plus one gallon of water feeds and rountins used for the milking string. per square rod. IF YOU USE the granular form, HEIFERS cannot be expected to pounds per do a apply one and satisfactory job if they are not square rod. accustomed to things before freshSHALLOW-ROOTEweeds, such such as quackgrass, are readily con- ening. It may take three or four CRABGRASS and other weeks for the rumen microorgangrassy weeds can be controlled by trolled with Monuron applied at the isms to adjust to the feeding pro lb. per square rod, or using arsenical compounds. Some rate of gram for milk cows. of them, such as Pax Crabgrass Atrazine applied at the rate of A similar period may be needas fall to Killer, are recommended lb. per square rod. ed for heifer to become accustomtreatment to be applied anytime These chemicals are soil ed to the feeding schedule, milking before the soil freezes. These They prevent plant growth routine, her stall, and other new surchemicals remain near the for several years. They are parShe must also find face of the soil and kill the new ticularly useful in keeping ditches surroundings. her place in the social order of the weed seedlings as they germinate free from weeds and in keeping the herd. next spring. ground bare in yards and other Fall treatment is often quite ef- places where no plant growth is IF TRAINING Is not begun befective in controlling small spots of wanted, the county agent said. gun before calving time, all of the changes can result in undue stress. Modern chemicals (herbicides) have been developed for controlling SEASHORES the gardens, specific weeds in fields and lawns. Many of these Sheet Metal Heating work best when applied in the fall, 'k Air Conditioning reminds A. Fullmer Allred, county Phone PA extension agent with Utah State University. time. If you have been bothered with Case No. 137 scheduled for hear- broad-leafeweeds such as dandeCHUCKS SINCLAIR ing Nov. 8, 1961, has been post- lions and plantain, you can spray 1961. 17, Nov. until SERVICE poned them anytime before their leaves BOARD OF ZONING 108 North Main PA Mix 2 turn brown from frost. ADJUSTMENT. of 2, of Accessories Tires Tubes gallon tablespoons per Tolman Burke, Secretary. water and it on until the foLube Wash spray N-These perennial liage is wet. weeds are killed by the chemical CHILD CARE in my home. Phone being carried through the leaves PA down into the roots. To Freshening d deep-roote- d 7 BC Court Tries TO BEAT THE HEAT USE 1 SALE Living room couch FOR RENT bedroom, unfurnished home in west Corinne. 4 burner and matching chair; $60 mo., plus utilities, PA electric range. All for $75. PA or PA FOR NEWS, Brigham City, Utah Tuesday, November 7, 1961 THE BOX ELDER LEGAL NOTICE Persons for Drunk Driving HILAND FOR SALE 1960 trailer house. 55 x 10 ft. 410 North Main, No. 26. Ph. PA ICE CREAM For Home Delivery ot one-ha- lf D Dairy Products Phone WANTED for five pupPA PERSONAL FOR RENT OR SALE Two bedpies. Ph. PA A number of persons have aproom trailer house, $75.00 per in city court recently to WILL pheasant hunter who picked FEW PIANO FOR SALE Good Westinghouse LESSON openings peared month, or $2700 00 sale price, answer charges of drunk driving. electric range. Will sacrifice. up Collie pup in Perry, please PA with experienced teacher. PA Following are fines and jail terms return him? PA $25.00. Call PA after 4 levied in these cases and for other FOR RENT New two bedroom m. p. violations: WANTED duplex, exceptionally nice, preDean Jarris Christensen, 23, of FOR SALE Standard size pool DRINK TOO MUCH? fer adults. Call PA 255 North Fifth West, fined $200 WANTED Responsible person to Too much stress may adversely aftables. $150 to $200. P & W Needs Some Help! and sentenced to 30 days or drunk tend children at my home, day fect health and milk production. Youre not alone so did wel FOR RENT Furnished apt. AvailThis usually can be avoided by Inor live in Gary Jones, PA driving. The jail term was susContact for Free! its MUST SELL Called into service. able Nov. 15. Married couple pended when he paid the fine.' troducing the heifer to the milking Dont wait Phone PA 1961 Falcon station waJess Laughling, 47, Intermounstrip about four weeks before exonly. No pets. Revere Apts. 17 or PA , miles. tain school, drew $200 and 60 days HELP WANTED gon. Only 8,000 careful West First North. Ph. PA pected freshening. or drunk driving and $25 and 12 Fully equipped. Phone PA Take time to handle her and The Utah Wing of the Air Force sands of educators, civic leaders, or see at 144 North First East, SALES REPRESENTATIVE SAWS SHARPENED by machine, days for no drivers license. FOR RENT Two bedroom trailaero- government and military officials, overcome her fear of 131 West Association will milking an of For local area. Car and referTheron Mer-rellE. 51, Jensen, stage' at evenings. work, Always precision er house, close to school and ence necessary, $140 per week Fourth North, $200 and 30 days for space education seminar Wednes- industrial leaders and parents and equipment. After calving, make PA Phone the machines certain are RECONDITIONED milking store. $60 per month, refrigerators Willard. minimum earnings if you qualidrunk driving. The 30 days were day evening, Nov. 8, at 8 p. m. in youth as well. and close and also gas and electric clothes stay properly operating fine the to invited he when Phone PA school auditor.the Utahns are attend Box the O. Salt P. Write 2068, paid suspended Highland High fy. the heifer while the milker is on $39.95 driers, fully guaranteed, Lake City, Utah. State age and Kathy Hayden, 29. of 361 28th ium in Salt Lake City. The Aero- seminar Wednesday night and by Ph. to $89.95. Breitenbeker Elec- FOR RENT Sleeping room. 30 026-3175 and for space Education is parents are urged to bring their her. This may prevent an unfor1 Foundation sales experience. street, days Ogden, tunate incident which she may asPA tric, PA drunk driving. The jail term was high school and college age sons sociate with the milking act. Above WANTED AT ONCE Man or wofine. she when the Nichols said. all and are to attend Invited civic, paid suspended daughters, FOR SALE 150 hp air boat; trade MOTEL ROOMS for rent. Winter all be patient with heifers in trainman to supply families with of 206 business and 51, edF. Perce Watkins, military leaders, rates. Single, $15 per week. 2 for tmck or what have you. Ph. ing them to milk, the County Rawleigh Products in Brigham South First West, Tremonton, for- ucators, and the general public. Grade "A Pasteurized : persons, $20. Berts, 89 South PA Agent urges. Dealers earn $50 $200 bail on a drunk driving There will be no Many City. feited charge for adMain street. CREAM TOP and part-timand $100 up, weekly FOR SALE Kenmore gas dryer, mission. charge. der Junior High School in Brighain HOMOGENIZED Write Thomas Houston Davis. Brigham Rawleighs, Three bedroom full time. never been used. $95. See at FOR RENT ACCORDING TO Commander UTK-11-ColoCity. Milk & Cream Delivered Denver, Dept. City, fined $150 for threatening home, partly furnished. 64 North 505 South Fifth East. Basement Keith E. Nichols, the program is At Fort Leonard Wood, the unit rado. with a deadly weapon. First East. PA TRY ITI apt. Phone PA obwill receive intensified corqbat Donald W Janssen. 36, of 947 designed to enable people to FOR RENT Trailer house suit- ARE YOU looking for a good part training and additional training in 24th street, Ogden, $50 or 25 days serve the aerospace age as an time or full time income? In able for two. 1 bedroom. PA petroleum storage and distribufor reckless driving. He paid the avenue to great areas of human Phone PA tion. Brigham City. Many Rawleigh fine. progress. It will cover the entire In a combat theater of operaDealers earn $2.50 and up per B. George Reed Galbraith, 28, of U. S. space program, civilian as 2 bedroom unfurFOR RENT hour. Write Rawleighs, Dept. tions, the units mission would be 467 South First East, $50 and 10 well as military. nished lower level apartment, to store and handle bulk petroleum. Denver, Colo. The Aerospace Education FounIntermountain days for driving during revokation. Group Slipcovers, Draperies, Carpet available Nov. 15. Very roomy, of Logans 889th Quar- They would set up seaport pumping Reservists is of the fine. He leaders dation composed paid Meets Every Friday, 8:30 P.M. comfortable. Automatic washer PA PA Owen E Hess. 22, of Fielding, for- from all areas of the aerospace termaster Petroleum Depot, acti- stations to unload petroleum barges . Building 6, Room 108 wood HELP WANTED $2.50 per hour vated for one year, reported to and maintain up to 90 miles of pipe- hookup, storage space, feited $15 for passing in a no pass- field including education, indusor more for part or full time Intermountain School Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. two weeks line. To do this, the company 'is zone and $40 for driving 80 try, communications, panelled living room. $95 month. ing government orroute work. Large repeat ' Ideal for couple with no more to Public FOR SALE 1952 Ford, good conago for instruction in their military divided into two terminal opera-tio- n in a 50 mph zone. Open Meetings and mph departments. military ders. Man or woman. Write platoons and two' pipeline plaPA than one child. PA I. Morgan, 31, of 218 24th or PA Phone PA dition. $195.00, or your best ofoccupational specialties. The units Harley SPEAKERS at the Seminar will tnen," from northern Utah McNESS CO., Box 4014, Oakand toons. for appointor PA street. Ogden. $25 or 12 days for fer. Phone PA of 889th from 52 types be The is the land the Calif. authorized drawn 23, faculty , southern Idaho, will be trained in ment. SERVICEMASTER of Brigham public intoxication. 1958 Air University, Montgomery, Ala. such specialties as petroleum stor- of vehicles, from jeeps to gasoline FOR SALE Chev. sedan. 410 North of William 41, Evans, City. Cleans your carpets, furFOR RENT New large basement BABY SITTER wanted m my will bring the latest slide age, petroleum transporation and transports, to fulfill its function Very clean. Ph. PA niture and walls with factory Main,'. $25 or 12 days for public They home. PA as an Army support unit. after 5 pm. and moving pictures and other petroleum terminal operation. apt. Ph. PA intoxication. trained personnel. Work guaran537 North Fifth East. , The unit's commander, 1st.- Lt. 35, of Intermountain visual aids. Eli Begay, PARKS TRAILER No PA odor. teed. Ph. our YES, you can borrow Carpet The greatest deposits of potash Similar seminars presented in Gart F. Evans, is experienced at school, $25 or 12'2 days for public Steam heated apt. Shampooer FREE to clean your FOR RENT As a civilian, in the United States are found San Francisco, Boston, Pittsburgh handling students. intoxication Faw-son Stove, refrig., drapes. $85. LOOK carpets with Blue Lustre. Brigand Detroit were attended by thou he is coach and teacher at Box El- - near Carlsbad, N. M. WOMAN WILL DO house cleanYourt Apts. Apply 60 South ham Furniture, 31 North Main, Adults Only will and for $1.25 hr., ing by day First East. Adults only. Phone PA Four new trailer spaces 1 tend children nights, Phone PA blocks to Safeway, available No, FOR SALE One Sparks oil stove FOR RENT One bedroom basement apt. Furnished. One block vember 1. Make reservations for sale, very good condition. WILL DO my home. ironing from town; adults only. See at now. PA Trailer Village. Brigham PA Ph. 119 East First South. n FOR SALE Excellent AKC Livestock FOR SALE bachelor FOR RENT One trailer space off FOR RENT Furnished er puppies, two months, Two minor accidents were inone block, close to highway females. apt. Available Nov. 15. PA Pedigree furnished. school and store. Quiet. Willard. FOR SALE Ten Jersey cows; vestigated by the City Police on 540 South First East. 130 North Sixth East, PA five to freshen soon. Phone SH Saturday and Sunday, according PA ! to reports in the City Police office. A dozing driver let his car rup LOST and FOUND into the curb early Saturday mornSeventh ing between Sixth and North South on Main. Walton Norman LOST At Earls AG 6th and Main, Saturday evening, Padgett, 118 East Forest, 4:Brigham 15 a.m. small black purse containing City, was driving north at and fell when he asleep apparently No identification Zip$20 bill. hi car struck the curb, causing per in top and side of purse. $100 damage to the vehicle, police Ph. PA reports indicate. STRAYED near Lincoln school Padgett was cited for fatigue Long haired yellow kitten. Call driving by Officer Harvey McCoy. A Tremonton girl PA failed to stop for a red light at the FOUND Black and white puppy. intersection of First South and PA Main Sunday afternoon ot 4:46 p.m. and her car collided with a bus. LEGAL NOTICES Driver of the bus was William Probate and Guardianship Notlcas. Con- Dake Wood. 3192 Pearce Street, sult Clerk ot District Court, Brigham Salt Lake City. City, Utah, or raspactiva signars tor Damage to the girls car was estimated at $300 while the bus damNOTICE TO CREDITORS also age was set at $25. A. CALL, Estate of NEWELL known as NEWELL ARTHt R CALL. Officer Dell Fife cited the girl Deceased. claims with for passing a red light. Creditors will present HOMES steri-lant- s. Aerospace Education Seminar Set Wednesday; Public Invited s. " A-- s, Reservists e, Begin Active Superior Dairy Nelson Jessie Duty Training UTK-10-2- A-- A 1 N7-9-- 1 1 City Police Investigate Minor Mishaps box-faw- Its here... vourhers to the undersigned at 47 No. First East hi. Brigham City. I'tah, on or before the ltrth day of February, A. ., 1 High Hopes 962. MAMIE P. CALL. Administratrix. Omer J. Call, Attorney for Administratrix. 0.17-2- 3lN7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of HELD WAIHWiUS. Ieretrd. claim I rrdttor will present leader in NEW low-co- st farm power Row you can pair up the advantages of a rugged Diesel tractor with IH do you get this ouW convenience and dependability. And only on the features that shortens every g production-boostinatanding combination of vouchers to the UMdeiind at 27 hirtt Kimham I ity, SetuilU Ihink Bldg, t tnh, on nr htfoie the 2nU day of Jan uary. A D . THOMAS . . . ball hp, 39 drawbar hp (ort.Ma daoplow Tough, 4 cylinder Diool powar-- 31 thru furrow In mot soil. lxclu.lv difforontlal lock, which In.tcmtly lock, a .lipping drive whoot la ha mala. light forward g.ar. to givo you groator flexibility in .pood, fro I Vi la 14 mil, par hour, a fingertip hydraulic for prociiion control of implornotil. ukA a Tall crop cloaranco . . . door vlow of your work from -- I I tools than my other Diesel. It's carries more featured III Diesel costs less to own, saves you to 50 on fuel, and has tire lowest maintenance expense ever. Check this catulog. Gel your copy today. out yourself, or get tire new Match your payment to your income with the Plus m C g ground-grippin- . . . the money-save- r, PS. 0.11 B-2- work-da- y WADIKH AdmimsUitor. Omer J Call. Attorney tor Administrator NM4 2I NOTICC TO CRCOITORft Joint Estate of William Vtnddnup et cased. Mary Jane Waddnupa, nl Will Creditor ptesent claims with vmiiheis to Ih undersigned at 27 Hit Semirltv Bank Bldg. Itilgham ( liv, I'loh, on or before the 2nd day f Jan urv. A. D. I'J WADDOt IS, Administrator. Omer J Call, Attorney for Administrator. THOMAS 0 31 NT 14 Z B-2- too. A full B-2- ' IH INCOME PURCHASE PLAN BRIGHAM IMPLEMENT CO. PA West of Brigham City l.1. Lure, 191.1 Po.lrr Chilli Mimruliir Il..lriilijr AkI-lion- . .f AmniN, )) Ilia Inilril Nation to ilroniuti.M iho tart that lltn fur lifn and lirnlllt .if million now an fining fiimt InrurabUi ili.ra.r, ran only ito uaWJi iu wu.ldaA fur hin BRIGHAM CITY VOTING DISTRICTS |