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Show T 2 Ogden Man Fined Brigham Gty, Utah November 7, 1 961 Tuesday, THE BOX ELDER NEWS, For Shooting let so that runoff water can flow down to A&rftu&teservoir. BC Sign Also, the nearly eight miles of pipe on At is not An Ogden man has been fined a which the city accepted bids recently to construct a pipe line to Chatfield total of $75 for shooting at a stop in Brigham City court last dam. It's for the city's project to overhaul sign week its water distribution system, right here in He is Neil Wayne Harris, 20. of 1070 Douglas street, who drew a good old Brigham City. $25 fine for shooting at the sign and The stories about the agreement to pur- $50 for damage to the Judge chase Chatfield dam and acceptance of the VeNoy Christofersen sign. suspended bids were carried last week. Can't decide jail terms totaling Ziy2 days Two other men in the car with whether the news writer or the news readHarris, Dennis C Bramwell, 20, of need the who ers glass- 243 Harrison, and Kenneth L mayor questioned Hales, es. 21, of 3408 Washington Blvd , OgCouncilman Don Chase related the other den, pleaded innocent to the offense night about taking the mayor and City En- Trial of each was set for Nov. 13, gineer Francis Todd up to the dam last week and Judge Chnstoffersen placed in his jeep. They went up to inspect the bail at $100 outlet which tunnels into a hill in a around the dam. Schools The tunnel is high enough to walk The Box Elder Board of Educathrough which is what the mayor and city tion, at its most recent meeting, Don a to graci- discussed the need for added fapoint. engineer did, up ously declined to go along, said he was cilities at Willard and Bear River City schools and a new junior high going to wait outside and go for help if school in the district. anything happened. Supt. Walter D Talbot was asked He says that when the two intrepid ex- to prepare an analysis of buildplorers got out of sight in the tunnel, he ing needs and finances and also to in investigate site development could hear You go first." "No, you go Tremonton. Vote Independent, 7 November Stop . , . by Bruce It's here . . . election day. And trust all of you good voters will be casting ballots in what is a very important election to And the same Brigham City residents. for towns who have the surrounding goes the responsibility to name new municipal officials. never could figure out why citizens dont get fired up about local elections. After all it's the closest to them, not like sending somebody to Washington, D. C., 3,000 miles away. If you vote for a local candidate who says he's going to do something and then he doesnt, you can call him up and ask why not. Itll have an impression. And if you dont care enough to vote then you're not doing your job and that leaves little room to criticize officials for not doing theirs. So get out and vote folks. I Consider I S K. W first." BOX That certainly was one time when the mayor was in the dark. wukly nawtpapar (stabllihad In 1196, published every Tuesday and entered at Second Clan Matter at the post office In Brigham City, Utah, under the act at March reciprocal agreement has been approved to permit Rodney E Lind to attend school In Idaho although he is a Box Elder county resident. The agreement was made between the Board of Educa tion and the Idaho school district A 50 ' ; 25 or M1MMI UTAH STAY for City Council EXPERIENCED The Quartermaster General had this to say about my command of two large Federal installations: Thompsons performance of all duties was outstanding. He exercised sound judgment in solving problems, approaching them in a calm, objective manner. He exhibited qualities of leadership and executive and administrative ability to an uncommonly high degree. He has an engaging personality and was able to obtain the utmost cooperation from his associates and subordinates, also to promote and maintain excellent relations with the civilian communities in which these depots are located. (Paid Pol. Adv Paid by Candidate) SOUTH NATIONAL cjHycQTit1 A 55 answer call PA If no 3-- 3 1 31 ELECTRIC When Fun Starts Bustin Out THEYLL All Over! EVERYONE'S LOOKIN... EVERYONE'S : T f 3 ITT ALUMINUM fa'?. r Self-storin- t t b a loo! in for -- i- 'i x 4 .Y- I V ' , f r Perfect Partner! SIDING NOVEMBER 7:20 P.M. AND 9:30 1 5. gcrvnUA js COtOM Bgfx iuM l b jM hi(iNn te t C Srt)TTORVNBrAN'RUGS8WOWNMI)RMYHAMUTON BROOKSWEST by (ALNDt LI MAYES Iioik thf 1 cby ROULRI I RAVER poaucM tnd 0(10 PkLMUiOUV f OVER INM COLUMBIA rl kwx (h tm gM fistte. ) Show TLCMNICOLOM r Paul at 8.00 P.M. (7-7 V sMvy Sla r r ' M , ( - f '"The ANATOMY OF ono m Minot b mi ir tb TUl MfWMftN IV MMlf Ikihr Mint K MAhugoh nrnuwfimo UIJCUBB ML O JOHN M FRED CLARK , UNA MLRktL 8:50 P.M. 7.00 and 1 1 :25 P.M. MURDER BE SURE TO DRIVE NEWEST Mi LX yt . tFRtM ANGIE ZIMBAL1ST.jr-DICKINSON:KELLY-AMEG- MATING GAME" BLOCKBUSTER gOH $ : f.0 DOUGLAS , mini screen I P M. (US GUARANTEES uiy - CiNeMLcoPC LitSIbit THE MATING GAME 4 r. row st si Kk t r, uric.hm - Xi- Sunday - Monday - Tuesday J.vlr. "BUT OP THU YEAR! SATISFACTION M AND ONE SHOW ONLY. Opens at 7:30 P.M. r ?' W , RANDALL FEATURES AT Box Office v ( HEATJHAT BOILS arv GEORGE COMING! BIG ROAD SHOW "16 IPCO ALUMINUM lit S Tony WINDOW V, ;i yv f 4 learn how to live, tbve and never pay taxes! Aluminum Combination or t . " TRIPLE-TIL- T or 4 ... v i , f THISISTHE HUMAN nd JOs F PH N WFICH Hr a?, a Wt off ' fiVU k - 4T i V BuxiUd v . t - I 4iL j y by ' Tp"1 ! weather-strippe- p GEORGE W GEORGE UUOV k i ate hm, lee Darin Walter! v Slezak; aitaa ly xr v V. Dee i O RANDALL F HOOD At'1 7 Bobby No other door like it! Completely Sioim panel glides tip or down ns wealher changes. Tilts v . "W" 1 Sandra $2995 Installed RIGHT in 30 minutss or less! . v ' ' Lollobrigida r DOOR frm n fte ip ay By GEORGE W GfcORQk B'OdutM LiJ Hudson fDf' J:-- COMBINATION i ' ;!&- AND. Starts Wednesday for 1 Week Gina a. m YOU WARM m jwipf KEEP "As tense and thrilling a shocker as has come along In years! ufe magazine Rock You wont believe anything could be so funny-un- til YOU SEE IT HAPPEN WITH YOUR OWN TWO EYES! HEATERS R wsw T06YMKMS twuno jow AMR AS Mem THAT GAVE THE RIVIERA ITS MOST MADCAP AFFAIR!!! pre-hun- IN-CA- t ' ftAvn Thursday thru Sunday LAUGHIN'! CO-HI- ft Box Office Opens at 6:10 LAST TIME TONIGHT & i I ully 3-24- CITY ililf rr-r-fa- -a mimmi y ! BRIGHAM UTAH PHONE PA THE ROMANTIC RENDEZVOUS Rattle-proof- OF PERRY, EDITORIAL MgmwaH8K'io8iA JBI cleaning. Thursday - Friday - Saturday THEATRE DRIVE-I- N rd JOKER - Thompson (Tommy) Saturday, Sunday See the -f- Him- Open Thursday, Friday, WINTER WONT WAIT! IYa- -' SALOME ' AND Fulton G. Ago wh.A ROGER BURT HENRY IT SSQCIAT10V -- 1 BABY" JOAN 1879. Nov. 10, 1936 Mr. and Mrs Alma Pratt and buby of Price , spent the weekend in Brighdin City on their way to Carson, Nev, where Mr. Pratt will be employed in the engineering department of the U S. Roads. Nov. 5, 1936 Deweyvllle Mrs. Henry Nielsen and son Earl, Mrs. Lewis Jones and daughters Ann and Patricia, all of Brigham were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N Peter Marble. " MERCEDES Ago Years P.M. DAILY 1 Tuesday and Wednesday "ANGEL Journal Nov. 9, 1911 Last Saturday evening the Academy of Music was packed almost to capacity, the event being Brighams first charity ball Among those who attended along with a host of others were: Mr. and Mrs F. W Fishburn, Mr and Mrs. Harold C. Day, Mr. and Mrs R. L. Fishburn Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs Wynn L. Eddy, Mr. and Mis. S. C. Wixom, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jensen, Mr .nnd Mrs. Frank Earl, Mr and Mrs. Henry Pett, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nelson. . " Years & S, OPEN Chat. w. Claybaugh, Publisher Subscription rata S3 SO par year, payable in advancer in combination with the Box Elder Journal (published Thursdays) St 90 per yea rr S3 00 for t months; tingle copy, 10 cents. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation, Utah State Press Association, National Editorial Association and United Pren international. Represents. Advertising tlvei Utah State Pren Association. Salt Lake City, Utah. Approve Agreement from the fitas of the New NEWS A Virginia Baron, city court clerk, says that perhaps we tend to restrict our children a little too much. She backed up this contention Ruel Eskelsen by telling of the time when her Mayor says he would like The son was younger that someone asked him to straighten out a misunderstanding. his name. city does not intend to tear down Chatfield "Leland Dont, said the lad. dam south of Mantua, only to open the out- - v ELDER PICTURES OF THE PICK DOWN TO THE DRIVE-I- N DAiffON M MARSHALL- - ffrnM . fiMut.1 y, R( MAOT Vm; Hi,soin . b, .T2SSS MkiMut' Vinfn' SF"mjn I'lTfiriTOTiy WARNER BROS. AND Jerry Lewis as THE BELLBOY TRY OUR KARMEIKORN ITS DELICIOUS! - |