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Show TTT" Beta Sigma Phi Chapters Meet NEWS, Brigham Uty, Utah Tuesday, November 7, 1961 THE BOX ELDER For Banquet PARTICIPATING in the pledge ritual were Sharon McLaws, Barbara Swenson, Elaine Shelton, Rita Haugan and Florene Simmons. The ritual was conducted by Louella MacFarlane who also j conferred the Ritual of the Jewels designed on members Mary Lou Fitch and Jenseri, per lane Sandy PHI Receiving ritual honors at the Beta Sigma Phi banquet held Friday evening were (seated) Carlene Richards and Ada Hewlett. Standing are Sharon McLaws, Barbara Swenson, Elaine Shelton, Rita Haugan, Mary Lau Fitch, Florene Sandy Jensen. A program was also presented during the Slm-mon- s, ning. A U. S. Pacific fleet flotilla con-- . I Modern freeways to carry 1,500 vehicles per hour. Sjsts of a cruiser and two destroyer squadrons. Branch Thorne Jeppson, local and handicrafts teacher, has a trade article appearing in the Music Journal for Oct., 1961. This magazine is one of the lead- - j ing journals for musicians and music teachers, and prints articles of high quality and content. Entitled "The Case for the Informal Intruments, the article stresses the important of the acceptance of informal instruments in their own right. The author points out that few of the four milin lion students participating school bands and orchestras will perpetuate musical participating into adult life. However, the more informal instruments can be a part of family life and relaxation for adults. import co , k v MQC0 TYPE iLAKEOTfl officers. CARRY OUT flU-FBEE- ZE WE'LL INSTALL) (AND PRICE INSTALLED AND GUARANTEED 95 $1 S295 GALLON GALLON e Install your own following the directions on the back of the can. Whatever Your Choice You can be assured that the anti freeze protectyour car is the finest you can buy. It is a ing ethylene glycol base Protection ia guaranteed until May i, 1962, writing. We will check your cooling system completely, drain it and refill with Conoco Permanent Type Every time you drive in we will make sure you are nut losing protection. U there is even a five degree loss, we will add e to restore the original protecenough tion you paid for. e and containing powerful anli-sec- p inhibitors. Protects your cooling system from rust and corrosion. anti-rus- t, GET YOUR Sf i anti-foa- CONOCO Permanent Type ANTI-FREE- ZE at., Farrell Larsen's Conoco Service Corner 2nd North and Mam I Jr th9 telephone BRIDE Miss Glenda Louise Brewer of Corinne will exchange vows with Airman 2nd Class Jack C. Ruiter in a late December ceremony. Mother of the bride Is Mrs. Margaret is a son of Mr. and L. B. Rowe of Corinne, while the groom-eleMrs. Henry Ruiter of Redlands, Calif. TO BE DECEMBER NEEDED PTA PATTER O. 'Visit the Schools) Is Plea Per THIS WEEK has been set aside as by the nations educators American Education Week, and parents and the general public are given a special invitation to visit schools in session during the Local school principals, week. PTA officers and teachers will welcome parents in formal or informal visits to the schools. Xi Alpha chapter of ma Phi met recently at of Mrs. Roy Shaw for their regular meeting. Hostesses for the evening were Luella MacFarlane and DeOn Lichtenstein. Guest speaker for the evening was Paul Eubat, exchange student to Box Elder High school from West Germany. Accompanying him was David Carlquist of Willard, Who participated in an exchange program with Finland during the past summer. The two boys told of their experiences and counimpressions while visiting o and guidance at Utah State University. He will discuss children and discipline. psychology Per LINCOLN School will hold conferences from 1 to 4 p. m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Children will attend school in the morning, and Mama will do a trade-aboand attend school in the afternoon. Appointments will bo made by letter for the time for parents to visit. Hour Opportunity to bid on higher paying positions Good fringe benefits. Good stable employment PERRY school will hold .evening receptions all evening on Thursday, Nov. 9, beginning at 7 p. m. Parents are asked to be on time for sessions with each teacher in whose class they have a child. The schedule will be as follows: Mrs. Eva Young at 7 p. m.; Mrs. Rosamond Melartin at 7:30 p. m.; Mrs. Verna Johnson at 8 p. m. and Robert Morgan at 8:30 p. m. Refreshments will be served informally throughout the evening from 7 to 9 p. m. so that parents may visit between group conferences. All are urged to attend. when qualified. in missile Indus try. back-to-scho- CENTRAL SCHOOL will schedule the visits of parents for the afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with each parent receiving an appointment time conference for a parent-teache- r with their childs teacher. Appointments will be from 1 to 5 Beta Sig- p. m., and the children will attend the home school only in the morning hours. Hour Automatic Increase (after 60 working days) For American Education Week Apply in Person West Third South Salt Lake City, Utah 17 Open Daily 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday HERCULES POWDER COMPANY Parent-T- eacher MOUNTAIN VIEW school will welcome parents on the afternoons of Wednesday, Thursday, and Fritries. while the youngsters enjoy Hostess gift for the evening went day "vacations from afternoon short to lucky winner, Mrs. Ruby classes. Appointments will be by letter, and parents are urged to be on time to keep the program running smoothly. BIRTHS The following births are reported from Cooley Memorial hospital during the past week: Crosslin Fields and Glenna Elizabeth Foster Smith, Brigham City, girl, Oct. 31. Doyle W. and Carol Clark Hansen. Mantua, girl, Nov. 2. El wood Lee and Loretta Noreen Bosch Petersen, Brigham City, girl, Nov. 2. Clark L. and Leslie Jean Stapel-ma- n Petersen, Brigham City, boy, Nov. 2. Byron LaNar and Annie Marie Jensen Strawn, Brigham City, girl. Nov. 3. Mearl L. and Joyce Lovene Jensen Kubala, Ogden, girl, Nov. 5. James Kent and Karon Oleta Johnston Ball, Brigham City, girl, Nov. 5. Garfield William and Carolyn Marie Tenold Broman, Brigham City, boy, Nov. 5. school will hold PTA meeting on Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p. m., with Mrs. Dunlevy as program BUNDERSON their regular chairman. Guest speaker will be Dr. Wayne assistant professor of Wright, Willard Couple Greets Grandson Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Watts of Willard were thrilled to receive word of the birth of their first grandchild, a boy, born to Robert and Donna Clayton Watts of Santa Ana, Calif. The little fellow made his entrance at six pounds seven ounces on Friday, Nov. 3. and will be named Jeffrey Clayton. Sharing grandparent honors are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clayton of Garden Grove, Calif. They will host the Watts' for a week-lonvisit in the near future as the new g The history of microscopes goes grandpurenls make an early try buck to the simple magnifying at winning the heart of the little glasses found in the rums of Nine- newcomer. veh, Pompeii and other ancient cuiva. v f.t umi , 'rt r. ?' rm, i iin WITH A FLAMELESS When you move Ym Wdam. H ot mi will Electricity1 pure fin moles heat pamper the eniom and moot delicate fubric , , . protect white alike. Clothe come out .weet .moiling and aunnhma frexh . , . electrically. Clothe Ut longer, too . , . becauae you diy them a fnxt and clean at you with no outeide dirt or weather nh them wear. Yea, like cooking electrically . . . flnmelea electricity u, your better way to dry doth! Sava now on on tletlrit dryar ol your daolart. TOTAL ELECTRIC wytii y HOME Wtgo with a Baikal rf gift.. ..and frbndly graatinga from our raligloua, atria and UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. htarin.m laadam. If yoo, at othara know, am moving, ymm ha INFLATION VLalnnma WUM. BUT mountain states telephone) QUALIFICATIONS Good Starting Salary ct sura (a phona your choice of color and tlyle FOLLOWING WORKERS Excellent physical condition High School graduates or G.E.D. Certificates Ages 21 to 36 Have good work records and background Able to pass rigid securAre loyal citizens of the U.S.A.-G- ood ity requirements heavy-dut- y workers. V. : make life more convenient, more comfortable. The cokL is surprisingly low. Juat cull our business cflko or ask a telephone serviceman. AVAILABLE AND POLARIS PRODUCTION MEN WITH THE IMMEDIATELY: r. to POSITIONS MINUTEMAN to town... Relax! COMPANY POWDER j mm is this your houSe when NATIONAL HERCULES IMMEDIATE Alpha Group Hears Students G&EAVEQH DO IT YOURSELF rtf' ' C5T x.X. d Xi permanent - Ward Bazaar Date Set j schenley A Writes Article musician marriage GUARD Intermountain WHISKY wooe blended scotch whisky ment and forthcoming of her daughter, Glenda Louise Brewer of Corinne, to Airman 2nd Class Jack C. Ruiter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruiter of Redlands, Calif. The couple plans a late December wedding, and holiday season honeymoon. Miss Brewer is a senior at Box of the United States Air Force Elder High school, while her fi- stationed at Mountain Home, ance is a graduate of Kalamazoo, Mich., and is presently a member Local Teacher the Exemplar Ritual THE LOCAL musician also rites were Carlene Richards and stresses in her articles that such instruments as the guitar have always been the vehicles through which people have poured out their hearts in their folk music. In furthering her case for the LDS informal instruments she tackles the argument that such instruments detract from classical music by countering with examIntermountain Branch LDS ward ples of the many composers who will hold its annual Bazaar Tues- - j J,ave 'written pieces specifically day, Nov. 14, beginning at 6 p. m. for informal Instruments. in the Intermountain Branch LDS near the Indian MARIE THORNE Jeppson has chapel located school campus. taught music handicrafts at Utah State University for five summers The public is invited to come and is kept busy the rest of the early for a barbecue supper, with year with classes, such a bake sale, bazaar booths and as the handicrafts class she is on in sale later the evening. now conducting toys in cooperation Bazaar items will include handi- with the local adult education prowork childrens items, toys, and gram. other products made by members She has exhibited at MENC of the Relief society group. meetings and has also developed Relief society president, Mrs. simplified methods for making Phyllis Wiscombe, is in charge ol more than 70 different instruments the evenings functions, with work for cultural and informal use. director Aty Bitton assisting the White Label i Ada Hewlett. The ritual was conducted by Nelda Parsons. Marie join the Mrs. Margaret L. B. Rowe of Corinne announces the engage- Receiving DEWARS (E Corinne Mss Announces Dafe and Ritual Rites Xi Alpha and Epsilon chapters. of Beta Sigma Pho met jointly for of Beta Sigma Phi met jointly for and the performance of rituals on Friday, Nov. 3, at the Sixth LDS ward recreation hall. Chairman for the evening was assisted Mrs. JoAnn Winterling, by social chairmen Marilyn Lund and Jean Davis, and their com anMrs. Winterling mittees. nounced the program numbers for the evening, which included a toast to the pledges by Marilyn Lund. Sharon McLaws gave the pledges response. Also on the program was a "Tribute to Womanhood by Jane Baron and a of entitled "Fulfilment talk Dreams" by Mary Lou Fitch. ' BETA SIGMA V4" mm.1: fiVntiM 4- - Vv L ,ni v.tmwrjJLr wmViIsSJ I HAS MADE DOLLARS SMALLER... the overage Utah Power & tight Co. residential or farm customer gets more electricity for a dollar today than ever before |