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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. . ri i en t i o n in r s1 n 1 2! ateH with life scenes, coming to the well, f for instance, as the women of Hibhcai fame did, to fill their earthern jars, with water; even so they do to this day pre-- T se rving their ancient customs. It was surely an; evening long to be re- memueicu, auu uui aiuccic uianKs .are-- , due to the hostessrwho entertained us so j did then nrHain ;:cfArit I' uu:fnQl, ble.ictpr ' ..... . - j? f V 'Dieisings, anu inou..sna.u5,-..nonow::time and in eternity, and have a seat in ihe,celestial. kingd6m .of God, in the name of Jesus. Amen." ; President Taylor then said, "God bless the Treasurer, Sister Home,. and bless her with every blessing that her heart righteousness, and Sifter Bathshe-baSmitand God bless all the faithful who love Israel and keep God's commandments, do this and every promise heretofore made you shall be fulfilled, and more than now has entered into your hearts to conceive of." The President then took his leave to go by afternoon train to Ogden. As this was a most extraordinary meeting it certainly should be recorded in chronological order in Conner. tion with other important facts. This was the first general oriranization. It will be noticetFtfie others were wards and stakes, and as Sister Eliza R. Snow expressed it there was a body but no head. According, to the best information obtainable there were twenty stakes organized in a Relief Society capacity when the Central organization was effected by President John Taylor. The Eastern Arizona Stake comprised a It he branch es 0 f t h e S dele t y f hliTTiad . been organized in wards in that Territory up to that date. That Stake was organized about one week after the General Society officers were appointed. Cache Stake which was organized May 19, iStS, should have come in the first Chronicle but the date was in'doubt until after the paper containing the'article was .1 j . ""T-- JT 1 r- - Cleveland, and i;mf;3 o,i set her apart I could riot ordain these sisters to anything Vmore or to greateT powers than had been conferred upon Sister Emma, who had previously been ordained to expound the Scriptures am Joseph said at that time, that beim' ar elect lady had its significance, and that' ddignttuiiy. the revelation was then fulfilled in Sister Emma being thus elected to preside over A CHRONICLE OF THE RELIEF SOCIETY. the Relief Society." President Taylor set apart the Relief II. society olncers as follows: Presi1SX0, June "Eliza Roxie Snow Smith, I lay my 19, Saturday morning, dent John Taylor, at that time President hand upon your head in the name of o f the Church ot Jesus Christ ot Latter Jesus, and by the authority of the Holy i!av Saints, met with the sisters in the Priesthood, I set thee apart to preside Stlt Lake Stake Conference in the As over the Relief Society in the. Church of sembly Hall, in this city, and after ad- - Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, and I dressing the congregation for a few min-- 1 confer on thee power and authority, and minutes, mentioned he had brought with ordain thee to this office that thou mayest him the book called "The Law of the. have power to expound the Scriptures Lord," and requested Brother L. John and to bless, elevate and strengthenthy Nuttall to read from the book. Brother sisters. The Lord is well pleased with Nuttall then read concerning the organi- thee, with thy diligence, fidelity and zeal zation of the Relief Society in the Lodge in the interest of thy sisters. He has Room, Nauvoo, Illinois, March 17. 1842, blessed thee exceedingly, and will con when Mrs. Emma. Smith was appointed tinue to bless thee forever and ever,and I resident, and Mrs. Sarah M. Cleveland bles5 thee with all thine heart my desire in -- Ann - upon thee tt11 Whitneyherotinrighteousness.and-seal former blessings conferred upon thee by selors. readthe Holy Priesthood, in the name of After Brother Nuttall had finished ing as directed. President Taylor made Jesus. Amen." "Zina Diantha Young Smith,. I lay my explanatory remarks concerning the organization and the powers and duties it hand upon thee in the name of Jesus and He stated that Emma by the authority of the Holy Priesthood, gave to women. Smith had been previously ordained to and ordain thee to be Irjirst Counselor to expound the Scriptures, probably by the Eliza R. Snow. Ho'nor thy calliiig which Vrophet Joseph himself, but he did not is an honorable onel sustain and assist issued. At the Jubilee Conference of the Church know, however he (President Taylor) said thy president and thoil shalt have joy in which was celebrated in April iS$o fifty lie was present at that- ttrfie and was thy labors; thou shalt be a wise counselcalled upon by Brother Joseph to ordain or; the Lord is welt pleased with thee years after its organization, the women of Sisters Cleveland and Whitney, Emma's and will sustain thee., and no man shall this Society had a conspicuous part in the counselors. It was then moved and sec-- ! deprive thee of thy blessings; thou shalt offerings made to the poor. They gavethe unded that President Taylor publicly ap- - j have the gift to heal the sick, and thou wheat that they had stored in granaries and held in reserve for emergencies, and point Sister Eliza R. Snow president of shalt be blessed in time and in eternity, in the name of Jtsus. Amen." all the Relief Society. President-Tayl- or against a day of famine, to the farmers for "Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney, in the seed; it was a free-wistated that Sister Eliza had been secre-offering pure and and sisters the Christ of Lord and the were first asked to name the by Jesus tarv of the first organization of Relief simple, virtue cf my office and calling in the vote separately on this question. The Society in Nauvoo, and he then nominat ed her for president, and she was susHoly Priesthood, I bless thee and set thee brethren gave of the Churcfi cattle one tained by the conference. apart to be Second Counselor to Eliza- R. thousand cows and five thousand sheep Thou hast been tried and to widows and the destitute, and half the Sister Eliza then chose Sistexs Zina D. Snow SmithH. Young and Elizabeth Ann Whitney as found faithful and God has helped thee debt due to the Perpetual.1 Emigration her counselors, who were then nominat- and thou- shalt be blessed in thine old age; Fund was also canceled. These, things made it a memorable Conference in ed by President Taylor and sustained by and thy name shall be honored through not so much a time of celebrating, the conferenceAlso, Sister Sarah M. all generations. Thy heart shall be filled Kimball, secretary, and Sister M. Isabella with peace and joy, and thou shalt be a but more a solemn assembly though all It was then stated wise counselor iir thine old age. Thou rejoiced in the growth and increase of the Home, treasurer. work of the Lord, in thejirst half century that those sisters form acentral organiza- shalt continue to be esteemed as a mothtion for all the Relief Society of all the er in Israel, and thou shalt continue to after its establishment in these last days. On the 24th of July following this Jube blessed as thou has been; and when staTes and missions of Zion- thou shalt have finished thy labors, thou bilee Conference there was a Jubilee ceAt a meeting of the Senior. Retrenchlebration. This was just about a month ment Association held in the 14th Ward shalt have a place in the celestial kingThou after the appointment of tthe General ofAssembly rooms, Saturday, July 17 18S0, dom of God with thine husbandPresident Taylor came according to prom- shalt be blessed with all the blessings and ficers, of the Relief Society, and the event ise previously made, and being invited to privileges pertaining to this office and was then elaborately and appropriately celebrated, .and the Society had the priaddress ihe sisters said, "I was not aware calling, in the name of Jesus. Amen." thevilege and pleasure of participating in the "Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball, in until last evening of thjs meeting at least of the Lord Jesus Christ and by exercis es a n d i n t h e gran d street parade I had forgotten it. and had arranged to name of V: ,: ,;r the Holy Priesthood, I set thee in the City, :T leave the city this afternoon, going north virtue A very large banner was made of home-- , to attend meetings at Ogden. - I under- apart to the office of Secretary of the spun. silk and handsomely embroideaed in stand that one of thpbjects of this meet- Relief Society of Zion; to record important eventand keep a faithful record. colors. The name of the Society and the ing is the ordination of officers of the ReThou shalt be quick to discern and a date of its organization, helped to make : lief Society that were elected at your conference held on Saturday, June 19, 1SS0, ready writer. Seek more earnestly for the banner quite a historical feature. The at the Salt Lake Assembly Hall." ' Presi- the Spirit of the Lord, and thou shalt be banner is really an expensive one and is dent Taylor inTiis remarks repeated in blessed more than thou; hast ever had only displayed on great occasions. TheRelief Society at that time the represensubstance what he had said at the confer-eric-e nower toconceive of.rAs thou hast been -f in lif erthou shalt xontine ta be- tative organization-- qf all the1 sistersr was " Dreserved and on held 19th, June previously also said, "As I stated at that time I was preserved. I seal upon thee thy former notified that A Sentiment From The ; -;- j j de-sires- in' h, : r j j y ; I and-Eliza- -- beth - 1 i - ! ll I t - - his-tor- v, - - . - i v.-:- - : . ! |