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Show .WOMAN'S EXPONENT at- 24 -- AV'Sl... bn explamecF about our Mothers' Work for the benefit four stakes were to go4o Saltair. Sloped of our visitors, and made closing remarks for a good attendance. PrAdMpn t - . VISITSOF MISSIONARIES, -- . 4-.:. A meeting adjourned until 2 o'clock. . Afternoon session. President Annie W. Cannon Dresiding. After the opening ex- - ercises7oisterrreiiit-t;av- e -u- nci-cH-ic secretary sferGertrude-Simpson. Conference ad journed until December Ye 9th, 1906; singing "Gome, Come Saints;" benediction by Sistfr Pettit. , Claikk L. Clavvson, ; Secretary. of.--at.Prest- the Seventh Ward Relief Society Bave a Patriotism." Reference was talk on made to our people when they responded so nobly to the calls- that were made in - on during the monthjof August, 1906. San Luis Stake. Monday, rtujfust 6. Conference at Manassa, Colorado, Sifters Sarah Jfenne Cannon and Harriet L. Harker. Morgan, Tuesday, August 7, in -- QNliIDAJ5IAKI:. T of the branches throughout the stake.and closed her remarks with a blessing- on all Relief Society workers. -Si- Stakes'isited by missionaries senFTrorrr the General Board of Jhe RCpf Society, -- MbrKanXitYiJianfercn Stake meet- house. Counselor Annie TTlIyHeTarid Conference of the Relief Society of ing Sister Priscilla P. Jennings. ' confer, Union, Thursday, August 6, ,une si in Stake - Grander Oregont a ence Pres.dentLou.sa IV Counselor Ida'S. Dusen-berr- y meetinghouse, mc l nere were present ui ucutiai uv"" and Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth. Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde and Julia also met with the Ward ReP. M. Farnsworth. of the stake board five j The sisters in Baker City, Oregon and in members. After the opening exercises J lief Society d' reading of minutes, the financial and treasurer's report were approved. Solo, conference in the"Not half has ever been told," by Flor- Idaho Fall?, Idahcy me eting house. Counselor Ida Smoot ence H. Jonasson, and Julia P. M. Farnswortl). General and stake officers unanimously Dusenberry Jordan;J.lonay, August 27, conference . sustained. in Ward meeting hou. Pres. Benson said this meeting was for at Riverton, and Isabel. M. W. the officers. All the branches of the Sisters Ellis R.j Shipp made by invitastake present reported work as "being in Sears. This vijsit was tion of the Stake president, as Jordan good condition; Mothers' work especially in May Franklin, Weston, Stake had been visited officially doing much good. Treasureton and Glendale were not fully As was announced last week by dispatch organized Preston first ward has a room from Helsingfors. August 19. the Czar ha: in new meeting house to meet in. built a new granary during the confirmed for Finland what he refused for year. Pre?. Benson advised a review of Russia. He has signed an act granting outline for Mothers' work, also taking universal suffrage without distinction of the lessons on keeping the Sabbath day. sex, and specially permitting women to Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde spoke of become members of the Finnish Parliablessings obtained through Relief Society ment, and to occupy any position under work, also throu'V earnest prayer, also of Parliament from Speaker downwards. Madame Jorgenson, a leader of the the exalted callinof mothers, of the Sabbath day, explained that our organizations Finnish equal rights movement, predicts were a blessing, but did' not come before that many women will stand as candidates care of children, advised the appointment at the first general election. She says: of a committee tovisit and welcome new "Women will support female candifamilies. dates until such time as all the legal disSister Julia t Farnsworth brought greet- abilities of women are repealed. We exings from Pres.' B. W. Smith, of the Re- pect to have nine or ten women members lief Society, spoke of all Gospel workers in the first reformed Parliament, which having one aim, told of our people as will open every profession to women "The army we do not want to enter and sisting the sufferers in San Francisco. Pres. Benson announced that meetings I expect no candidates for the police. But throughout the stake would be held on there is no reason why we should not the first and third Wednesdays of each command shipsOn the lakes in the far month, also advised all to buy a volume North many women run small steamers. entitled "School and Fireside," by "We have met practically no opposiKarl Maeser. Reported the Stake tion from men, and that in my opinion Relief Society as being in good condition, gives Finland a right to claim a higher the board were united, supported by local status in civilization than any other presidents and stake presidency. European country.'' Ex. After singing and prayer, meeting ad' " journed until 2 p.m." LimvN. Benson, Cor. sec. Save Your Money! ( Continued in our next issue ) Z UW?'':" at-L- PKj early days in the valley. "Our Father has said we must serve Him with our might mind and will, and in obeying the commandments which he has given us we are ; patriotic to the laws of the land' Sister Farnsworth said this was her llrst visit to us, and she had enjayed hearing the reports and also Sister Sampson's talk on "patriotism; referred to the noble response made by the sisters of Pioneer Stakewhen the call was made for aid in behalf of the California sufferers; was much pleased to know we were gathering grain; urged the sisters to send able women to the Nurses' Class, and to sustain our e hoped we President and her counselors; prayed that the time should come when we should stand at the head of all women in the worlds and that we mi'ht ever be blessed in our work. Amen. The officers and General Board of the Relief Society and officers and missionaries of Pioneer Stake Relief Society were read and unanimously sustained by by vote. Mrs. Eva Richardson rendered a piano solo very beautifully. President William McLachlan desired the Spirit of the Lord to rest down upon him while he addressed u?. "The work of the priesthood is to fill missions whereby they obtain testimonies. The sisters may gain testimonies by their faithful work in7the Relief .Society." Urged us to put all hatred out of our hearts, and cultivate a feeling of love one for another. The necessity of observing the Sabbath day and keeping it Holy was forcibly told. When the Lord speaks He de: mands our attention. Let us give it and He will bless us. Sister Mary Alice Lambert gave a brief outline of her recent travels abroad; was very proud of our young men who are in the mission field; reminded the young mbthersthat they had a" great mission to fill in properly rearing their children Sister Sarah efenrie Cannon regretted she was unable to attend our morning, The Queen of Denmark pranfpH an meeting but had enjoyed what she had four's interview to Mrs. Carrie Chaoman heard greatly; agreed with previous Cat t .just before the meeting of the Interspeakers that great responsibility rested national Woman Suffrage Alliance, which on mothers; but thoughtquite as much was in session in Copenhagen- - during their August, and expressed her warm interest depehded on fathers if they-didutv: d raved for all who were interested in the movement. Judging from the press i! in Relief Society work. dispatches, the convention was a great President Annie W. Cannon reminded success. ..... : Ex. hnahtu...., A.rU ' ; Ma-plet- on would-coritinu- j - C - I : . And when you get a dollar, deposit it with Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Company, the oldest and largest savings bank in Utah. Since the establishment of the bank we have opened more than 41,191 sav- -- ings accounts. d . - - -- permiuimari.i.cL The laws women and alsochildrenwho are mino f to open savings accounts in their o':i name, subject to their own order. Have you such an account? If not. open one NOW "r- -: -o- ff-Utah -- : R. K. THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 67, 69, WE ARE 39 ;uutu IN 71 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. OUR.NEW STORE, iXy, yussiuic iui yuux money, We pay - FOUR - r on any amount from one TPV I IM 1C uu I TEREST dci-- i Ur to five thousand, and compute said interest WRITE for any information desired. Semi-annuall- J -- PER CENT- - No. 1 y. osEPrrR-SMiTnrPre- George st- M. Cannon. Cashier. East Temple Street, |