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Show '. . ' f.', -- ' f.'.l ' 4 f J ..t . 7 7r Bdlhttn the Hands of the Women of Utah should be a Poiuer to better the Home the SALT LAKE- - CITY UTAH, SEPTEMBER, 1906 Vol. 35 CONTENTS. 17 , 17 O.icen's'Mea of a Lady Relief Society RcDorts Lake Stake Woman's Voice 17 Alpine Stake Bear iS .'. 19 Mcmoriam Relief Society Reports Wavne Stake Ensign Suite Liberty Stake rionter Stake In 19-2- Oneida Stake 23-2- .EditorialThe Spirit of -- Jbe Age 2 4 An Inter- esting Entertainment A Chronicle of the Relief S ciety Editorial 'Notes Visits of Missionaries , Poetry Weariness.'.. Journey Acrcss Ihe Sea and Plains 20 21 22 24 1 7 19 WEARINESS. BY MALI) HVG;ARLKV. A long dusty road a hill-Up- ward slouly and piiufully-foilinwoman a old' and bent and gray, ;.s llcv tired hands bear a heavy burden, s And graves aie the of her way mile-stone- All is silent and dreary Even the trees like specters stand Hereft of autumnal-tintediraiment Tbe touch of winter on every hand. Leaden and gray the skv above Brown and sear the earth below Look up, Pilgrim, and rejoice' For the God of heaven wills it so. witn nnnisn men. "Mile, Monod. president of the French Council, then called for a few words from the representative India, and Madame Rustem ama of Bombay, in picturesque East Indian garb, in a charminHv simnlp and at the same time dignified manner, said, intnglish: T feel that the one thing we all ought to work for is to get the right of suffrage for women. In my own country we are under Jforeign rule, and neither men nor women can vote. We have had. for the last twenty-on- e years, a large political union, and in it menand women -- both are delegates. v We Want the right of suffrage for women as well as men, for we have seen, in all countries where men are freed first and leave the women behind, that it then fakes many generations to bring the women up to an equality with the men- So we in India have started together. We want justice for women, and the right to vote.' , "The men of Finland, even when their own rights hung in the balance, were willing to demand equality of rights for their countrywomen, and thousands of East Indian men associate women with them in their work for political recognition, and ask that the women shalb come with men into the kingdom of political freedom. ''Think of that, American men. who claim to regard American women so highly, yet are willing to allow your mothers and sisters to be classed politically with idiots and criminals!" - If earth held only gladness. Sunshine and flowers alway; And the heart knew naught of sadness, Thou woiildst even forget to pray. The deeper the darkness The brighter the light That shall fall on thy weary eyes, And weariness, loneliness be but a name, In that land bevond the sk es NEWS ABOUT WOMEN. new line of work is opening for trained nurses. Many of the big transatlantic liners are now carrying, a pair of trained nurses on each trip, and it is, said that they make such a good thing out of it that Ex. others are sure to follow. A FOSTER AVERY. "During the recent Executive Committee meeting of the International Council of Women at Parisi the French Council held one public session, to which all the international representatives were invited. There we heard woman suffrage, between the lines 'f the witty and brilliant reports of the Council's four departments: Philosophy, "education, labor , and "Finally, after an address from the InternationalPresident, Lady Aberdeen, a .word of greeting from each of the representatives of other nationajouncils, Baroness Alexandra GripenbergSof Finland expressed her thanks to trie noble omen of all lands whose; work for the uplifting of womanhood had, in her opinion,., made possible' the enfranchisement f hef'cOuntrywomen through the act of May 28, which conferred upon Finnish women the right to vote and q be elected l Less than three years ago a husband wi ed an unborn baby away from its mother, because his religious belief differed from hers, and the child was 'taken from her arms at two. weeks old. Nor is this law a relic of barbarism handed down from the remote past. It was enacted in 189A Yet the opponents of equal rights assure us that the laws are "more than just to Ex. women. We had the .pleasure, of meeting Lady Laurier and her distinguished husband when they visited Salt Lake City about two years ago,-anas many of our people reside in Canada, we are very glad to know that Ladv Laurier favors woman's peaking in public, and has herself opened the way in the British domain, according to the following note which appeared in one of our exchanges. "Lady Laurier.the wife of the Premier, is the only woman who has delivered a speech in the Canadian House of Parliament. She was discovered at a reception at the. foot of the throne, and at once a demand was made for a speech. She was at first abashed, but ascended the steps and made what was described as "a pretty , d oration." The Czar has signed Finland's Woman's Suffrage bill.' This is a great victory for the women of that little island. Baroness Alexandra Gripenberg gave a most inter-estin- g accdunt of the causes that; led to the recent victory of equal suffrage in that country, and now that the Czar has signed The Bathe bill it is indeed a triumph roness has been long associated with the International Council of Women, and has been ah active worker for the political - j -- -- ar-;- 3 freedom of trie women of her native land. She was a representative oLFinland at the Congress of Women at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. The international .conference far Den-ma- rk, if it accomplishes nothing else, will open the eyes of Europeans to the aggressive n at ureTb f t h em ovem en 1 1 o gi ve to -- NATIONAL COUNCIL OF FRENCH WOMEN. MRS. RACHEL No. 1 1 National Council of Women .. . News About Women A State and the Nation. women a legal, political, educational and The social statuts equal to that of men. movederide that time has gone byto ment. In spite of numerous defeats, it is surely gaining ground. Anaconda (Mont.) Standard. The large number of Whitehall women who wentto the polls .yesterday and registered their choice" for schooktrustees was a step forward and an dvanci in ci- -, vilization. . It forcibly reminds us that the time is coming when woman will be allowed the use of the ballot Jat any election, and that she is step "by step severing the disfranchisement which an unfair custom has thrown around her. Whitehall (N. Y.) Times. ; r': r'j In the State of Washington, the husband still has the legal right to -- will the rhildren a wav from their mother. He can thus bequeath even a child tharisTin- born af the time of the father's death. . "OUEENfSripEATOFA7rADYT"" When the Dowager Queen Margherita of Italy recently was asked her.idea of.a ladv, she described her as "soft of speech and.manner," but with perfect control of herself, loyal, with the ability to practice and . This foval definition of a lady opens the door to all womanhood. There is no exclusion here, no mention of the 400 nor of any other limited body of fashion. Every woman may be. a lady; according to Queen Margherita's generous inclusiveness. Sh akespearc when he made King Lear speak of the dead Cordelia, his youngest, and in his affliction his only loyal daughter, had in mind such a lady as Queen Margherita describes: Her voice was ever soft, Gentle, and low, an excellent thing in self-deni- al self-restrai- nt. . "m woman. Only by the use of the word woman,, it is evident that his idea was that the finest woman Globe. isthe:finestiady.Boston |