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Show 0WVS DAILY COMMKRCfAL: WEDNESDAY. v I TZ ZCOZ-Z- T.COZlZiZ - Z have them in all Grades and at Prices to heat the. World. AVo GOODRICH & CO, 313 :24th St. W. W. FTJjNTGKE. J? ?j B 8 g 1 X A cj ? o : in ijuii:r. city Commmc if Mr. Iiuu-rof- t tUm1 for their i in Ieoier, himself, it is undf-rtjuand ui Dot return until th last of th rtptit. tooiybt. u still inJitpo!-Judg- e aa quit unwell SOLE AGENT FOR Ville different kinds of Heating: Stoves in stock and can suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy rl.t i: iljHf? kui pat-rotisi- hue a ll- beoome tmrsiy t.theMany evenir.c. not carimr to go out be - uur-Ini- r iDl'sej IN o. Sl on-inifOgden- n WATCHES, DIAMONDS, GOOD GOODS. t'irt ei KENT-TOK- fcTOKg Cud EEnNt! JONES TO THE WISE iu LOW PRICES. rr. FOR SALE. lfOR 8 VLE 1?T " r I? lxLlljLllilLjL VE RV 4 H E A P. THEEE (KX)U IOB 8ALE- -1 HAVE. FOB HALE. A LAKIiE. I wi:iud, :anil .afe fatrly turn ftiitl atmi ill tak a euxl Dillrl rhran. row aa iart iin.nt Laukalilp I'aprf lor uaiaim. j. u. num. (omiurirui un.r n-- M hi'.rn-ir- an-- LOST. IN THE VICINITY and W atliintloii. a laily'a Irallm i.iin trrilay aftrrmxiu, fl9M in PM.rv jf und a trunk ki ). Kinder ill bfrparlxt by I. av iug at ofl of 10ST-H)5IEWIi- ri(E trt con-tuni- ir Ha-rii- liuU-- iu l uioo d pot. NOlTH WASHINHTOX AVENUE J lad) 'a liclit rolonvl muff. Laeattlii uilior and b rewarded. XST-- A W'NCH Of Kins WITn NAM 8 lilnto nmrtod K J. Slvraa, North Ogden, I tab. LfUTe at tlii olllre. F. R. LASHER. GROCERIES. Fruits and Produce. 185 Twenty-fourt- St. h (IK TANKER BLOCK.) Telephone Xo. 24-4- , Oaden, Utah. Ordra Solicit! and Caroful and Prompt Attoiition Uifon to Peli'ery of Tboin. BEITMAN BROS., Cigars are Unequaled.' FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. UMB RELLAS AT t. Less Than Cost. e old-tim- e . Come and Get One. THE FAIR. It. Before They Are All Gone. Proprietor. W. G. CHILD & SON Washington Avenue. I ES-qu- ir KOOM KOI SK KOR KENT LXiR KENT V Etxiiur. of K. iUU Imn Mwt SDITICIENT. eorres-loadeii- t'f ACENt'T. ;r. n WE HAVE WORD Hm. KOOJI TO HEM. K &rtwQ$WQh A KOOMS. rH.L. ?T W Wall tv. nufl. CLOCKS, FANCY AND STAPLE G JipCER lES. y raitti- SKs IN ALL FAKIS at XJ. Twcnij-fuu- LAI J h i U EKM-H- Ul bUlIU 0 (vii. 1KX)D Tfi-iifl- Mite o d &uur. bum vtjuk.w. EtNT- -3 J,U Washington Avenue TIIK LEADING JEWELERS. rprntint tuarr 1VR Nrb. FOR RENT. ITBMSHID FJOST - EM u J) t BEVT-Mf- LD rXlU KENT Nil LL H KMSHEU H!ONT J tun CiUtrttii lil to I uii-- tirut. 3WjJ Several attrn j(nUuiQ are in the tween the act's sit and surfer for want of city bxiWirg for investoienU. Nearlj 2,0011,000 I. M. Short returned from anei-t'l- l glu ot waU-r- . Yesterday tlia t'iiinHiiien at the launtrip in the nt ytUrday, juct east of II. Shng'a barsar, on Jim Da ton, manager for Uaorffa Ki-t- , dry Twentv-nftstreet, celebrated their new Lm his bwfcl'j Darters at the Atlua. year by tiring several thousand large or several blocks away it ISurelara areaUxit aain. Th Immibs firecracker, of L. 11. Mitchell wan nU.red Monday souoded aa though an infantry engagement were ifoinif on. The polkte depart nivrht. ment and tire department turned out, mera lure J. U. Zalle, that Sling's stock of fireworks cantile liouee of llii'hmond, Vu- -, m at the thinking bad caught tire, but they were iaugbed IVitic. at for their pains. The mtr are fmtt Imnu laid aouth W. A. McMillen and A. N. Denting, on Waliiii.rton avenue Mow Twenty-ttiir- d who have leased the hotel, are in 's trwL the city furth'rinj their plans for great hmtelry. Thuetfeutle-inelletxl A lturnit have moved to their are the proprietors of the Jonlin in the ICtnvl hotel huildini; on Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descriphouse, at Joplin, Missouri where they trwl. Twenty tiff furnish to a hungry public WH) meals per tion. Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. Parlorn are very opu-hi- r day. They are known a ainotu; the fUi)o'e (i Ufiiu ' a Nerves Dothing but the btst hotel men in America, and Ogden : is particulsrly fortuuate in securing very frtmhest bivalves. : 24fi3 WASHINGTON AVE. : them to manaue her now hotel. The SIGN OF THE BIO CLOCK. OGDEN. UTAH Saver ill families Iwlow Twentynilli ttroet ore ohliged to move out of their gentlemen were not prepared yoeterday to say just when the IUntt would be housea yesterday, o intf to fioodod base-nnopened, but promised Tie Commercial ts that in a day or two some developments County hiinrirjtendrnt of would be fortlK'oming. lVery has auotiue in this iiuue calling for teuuhora for the dintriet whKUof Licblr International I nstituto. the county. old surgeon of nbove Institute The Nellie, the lit 1 o two yeiur-oldaughter will be nt the i J room Hotel, Ugden, Feb. if Chark8 Whitehead, one of the city 25th and 'Jtilh; at Clift House, Salt Lake, was buried victim a tiremeu, yesterday, February 27th and 'Jttth for the purpose t influenza. of examining and contracting with all With the iron works started up Again requiring braces, appliances or apparA Full Line of Lenten Goods, Sardines, Salmon, Boneless Herring, Codfish aud the woolen mill in iieralion, OdK'en atus for deformities or aihnenta requirBalls, Lobster. Trout, Kippered Herring, Clam Chowder, Shrimps, Anchovies. ill go through the year of lS'Jl under ing surgical ope: a lions. Special attention to the eyes, ears and reproductive auspicious ciruumaanues. " Oysters and Clams, Baked Beans, Fresh Mackerel with Tomato Sauce, and hip joint disease, curvature ot Salt. Finest Line of Coffee in the City. Something should tie done for the organs,etc. crosswalks at the eorner of Twenty-thir- d spine, street nna .Washington The Tiki rcwrincd. irand Opera House Bnildinjrl They are in a wrotehed ooudition. The trial of Roy B. Pratt und Clarence 2516 Washington Avenie. The members of John A. Dix Tost, O. who ran from Goddard, away recently A. li. of Ogdeii met hint evening nud to the memory of the reform school and were recaptured. cnin on before the probate court yester( ien. Sherman und Admiral I'orUr. day, but was postoned until Friday At last the Utah Lo:m and Ti ustootn-imny'- a morning. now sevon-storbuilding seems to have taken a move on itself. The Teachers Wanted. large force of men was very busily at Persons desiring positions in district work there yesterday. schools will please apply to The funeral of Nellie, the infnnt Johfth S. Pekrv, daughter of Chas. A. Whitehead, will Room 4, First National Bank Building. occur at 2 o'clock this p. m., at the residence of Wm. Pouter, corner Twenty-tirs- t Mayor Fitler, of Philadelphia, gives all nud Jefferson avenue. the fees he receives for pcrformiug the Preparations nro beinjf made nil over raurringo ceremony to charitable purthe city for the commencement of spring poses, mostly to the Southern Home for building. Severnl largo nod elegant Destitute Children, an institution in tn boere:ted ns soon as spring which Mrs. Fitler feels great interest. opens, ;is well as some new business blocks. Ogden City Cemetery Notice. All persons wishing the water to George . Feroivul, ot Ord, Nub., is in the city lookim for a location for busi-nea- sprinkle (towers and shrubbery, etc., in Mr. Peroivul is n gentleman who Ogden City Cemetery will place their Htands ostooni in his Nebraska names at once with the sexton, C. P. homo nud ho will be an addition to Lambert, corner of Twentieth streetand IS Oadou's businefs men worth having. Jefferson avenue. Will F. Cr.rnn, who has been ia charge Arizona's Delegate Injured. of the Salt L:ike Tribune'a interests in Ogdnn the past tew weeks, tinishes his Washington, Feb. 17. Hon. Marcus A WELL KNOWN HOUSE work iu that department today, and will A, Smith, delegate from Arizou; , slipped nain ta!;o the rouil as traveling fell on the marble floor ot the Kiggs NEEDS NO BRASS Muu(4;er Ij innon will arrive and house last evening and broke a small tfnlay find look over the field. bone in his right leg. He is doing well BAND ANNOUNCEMENT Friday luyht's production at the this morning. bi will a welcome change in the (irand WE ARE STILL wms ly line from the too plentiful farce Tho Wort.1 T.nriched. STAND comedy of the dav. Mario Wninwright The faciliti s of the present day f the AT THE OLD jr presents "The lloaeymoon," one of con-'ucproduction that ci will everything thi"se BETTER PREPARED jure and enjoyable comto the material welfare and comfort edies, which do the beholder" good to witness. of mankind are almost unlimited and THAN EVER TO MEET t no of the famous ArnWd Pulace when Syrup of Figs was first produced THE WANTS OF OUR St;:ble cars arrived yesterday over the the world vas enriched with the oidy Pacific lruion frotn the east containing perfect laxative known, as it is the. NUMEROUS FRIENDS. only several head of Senator Stanford's which is reand remedy pleasing truly THE BIGGEST THING horses, part of the lot that was sent to New York last month to be sold. They freshing to the taste and prompt and IN OGDEN will be sent to the senator's stock farm effectual to cleanse the system gently iu at Palo Alto, the Spring time or, in fact, at any time IS OUR BARGAIN LINE This is the season neither winter nor and the better it is known the more popwhen is dull. FURtrade OF HOUSE spring ular it becomes. generally Winter goods have gone out of date, and NISHINGS OF EVERY To meet frequent calls for mining spring goods have not yet begun to sell. .Nevertheless, many of the best bargains blanks. Tub Commercial has printed and DESCRIPTION. of the year are to be had right now. W. has on band for sale the following: Notice IL Wright $ Sons Company offer great of location ot mining claim, proof of AND SEE THEM. CALL inducements to purchasers, and it will labor performed, power of attorney to to close call on them. locate and sell and mining deed. buyers pRy The Western Union Telegraph comDeath From Kidney Disease pany has received a new switchboard from New York with a' capacity of fifty Is the unfortunate and untimely endwires, which is made after the very latest ing of thousands of the American people The invention is decidedly annually. Oregon Kidney Tea is guarpateuts. convenient in case of storms and will anteed to cure all forms of Kidney do a way with many of the petty annoy", troubles. Take it in time. anees to which operators are now subROSS, jected. Married, Feb. 17, at the residence of Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing. the bride's sister, Mrs. Wood, Mr. William G. Hedges, of Ogden, to Miss MarJ. F. garet King, of Nashua, N. IL, Kov.ollioia-tinMoody, ot the Baptist church, EDGAR F. WA1TE, The bridegroom is the superinPacitendent of bridges cn the Central LATE OF CfllCKERIXG 4 SON'S, BOSTON. fic railroad. The wedded pair went to Salt Lake city last night 241 1 WITH General Superintendent Bancroft's F. WARREN MERCANTILE COMPANY, stau of clerks are expected to arrive in offices in the and occupy Ogden today i"73 Washington Ave., Ogden. Uniou dipot which have just boon rono- h 1XK our customers. iwn r. WOl tUtN J. iL. OK KU Address V fcf'h Mnwt. HAVE NKARLY ONE vu-itii- wr l . W'JMUKtuutu-jo- WE i hundred - Ut WANTED. j k. awLifd Thyoucg radroaJ mandid ho, not fi hi to ao vintf p';P in jfr few" diamond girl prrn,e4oii to w juM ly hea b went ring Th Wright LUk ut daily coring Th ritig kail riht; od so is the hntio ixrtuplelioa. tij IfirL und f jrlLertuor to a blm will have legal tLat are Lut rxxu confined Hurt to u it U.r the ano ol uiU-- r of spring crptijrs. to the tmd-- r AlfreJ E, Duncan, of fcalt LaVe. a The niacaifmnt of the Grand opera in the cily yeeWrtla)'. homte mould roofer a favor on the Tli real Ut tranatVrs jeUrJav br imitating the man the refill! nar!jr rU,UA). Keiunt of th T.bor Jrand pera lorf wat in Tii CKamlr of Cututurrc will wwt houxe in the auJientw the throughout iron to talk uorlu. tomtfl.t Prhw t- - rcc" " zc c zrzizzzz-zzczzc- : rorc---- - RUBBERS, 'JZCOiCZU Mr. David Eruut ccc "oc rccc-t-- t i 8 "Lauibef 5? ARCTICS, OVERSHOES. K CO la, !??!. TIIIS IS THE WEATHER FOR 15 it X (73 KKBHUARY I |