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Show A 12.009 Is U ! PW04JH3. AND niMXlXt'C FIN ANCE Cmm iimw tJ tfrctod l mar that Nqairwaneeu of Kwderate annua briaf im fact a It was baitt po kit U f rscitar. T'-- $9ild.B i 23 1 is aridtk, Tkc boat is dtj- - of iS X cirrulur to LruLaa ty ajd a lLa auua 4tie4 fvnh aaf asan lasnifj of ( its. aiotx jt. Ur. jw-r- ttk-- f Lr&nur. Luf rocf. ti title are O.clU s..s i U T) v. 0.4a. tvr t. i !arer ana dors ia th t- trfc ive ptrtamKjas ailor J Iischt to tix roots ia ... -. IuJk,, tjt First Shipment of the Season Just Received. ! ap-ra- ad -- Oof A pr. an j Leavi OGLEX 1IALKKT WtooU-a- mn I let f ao. aa WW W laM. 9m USa MICUt am SaL In C( lilt U hu For r vatrUiva lm-- of rrar arti bo-tv- o. tins rrmi brutr was mdrU4 to f IM ua of taat kraita, rraturnl unetjiiakjd, lotKrurattua' uur mui awrv Itr. fVrm' PrcamfiUua. if.Uk-- art lo knilthfiticnu mttum rry fuao kail W-- pt-r- tx to fate Mirur aia "Jarorite PcritiWa " M a BtaaUv turn fur Uw not uxnljcat4 asa ouali-ltn caam of and at In the arraokWMit of the rooms ia lit llrxtaXory It will Im boUubJ thai the reception faaJl exwnd only to tha foot of .the stairs, which arc incloml by partition. J"be conventional long, uarro hallway to nif:ion ia urmw bouse 1 omitted, and the space In irivrn to the dining room. lucruaMng il width by some 3 feet. Tbia adds upward of SO fret of fluor span which Other would ctUierabie be wasted. an derived Iy (hia arrangement. 'J'hhmjney and flrepLacefcra placed on tha aide ia tha middif, giving abundant apace for the fuutry on the If ft, with a trood aired rhlaa cluart and a hack hallway laadiuxto tha kitchen and tha cellar stain, with a alorc room for the kitchen Uu:kof tha pantry. 'Tha parlor U separated from tha din-i-t. circular K room by heavy purtierea, baa Iwiy window io front and an open fireplace on ooa aide. ntrt Carriages y IriKitfrte, eaotmiv lu-ipainful inntMruurxm, unnaiural iirutauaua. tums of tu ak taik, "frmski waaaeaa.' womb, ir. anu-vrrou- a, rtlrovmkia. a brw(-duw- Hi Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS ant rlraiiaa the liver, atomack an4 bowels. Tnt-- are purely ana penecuy naroursa. was) m in bUd by druavarta. K ceuia a vau. lvalue CEIUCT. Prtcaa. Ue -- Wb-n- k "k-- l it. I tn, 4.iU arw so. 1 kai. mtAxJ. t rwt biip)r. twain-- , Xo. 1 tWtrf . tevaukc Xu. ( s as IS I a i as ct twwf fL rlMHtd hii, .. Hrftn Cura. . Co. au 1 1 Fred. j. Kiesel AA j ctwitnl rj company, & to FlAxe. Hhit HiMrala " js -" Mraxbt (rsd a,el kuiMmu, pe braa sul burta rfa ij kbi llw (25 WHOLESALE &ilW mi Hai. .. rt'a Ttmarttif, str'ht Ui, m m 1 GJ500EKS, in . l on Vt IU W Liquor and Cigar Merchants II M - wud II J M Paoovrs. UoaartM att, , hnt. per Ruttr, Mutter. I Uh. jm aw a I lb . " ta a per lu llliiW, Luwna Mwd, per lb... I ratal Mck J At U M'4 VimlrM sarks TsbU salt, pr tie p'rt'n kHail m ara ahuat It per I t'loaarawTMiMlt DRUGGISTS. Furniture Boyle M juj auU-Ab.- i" I rhruuie eonjratMiai. tuaemtna-tof the vomit. It is a-- Manuiter4 to n Mt ml set too ix reery nr toae, aiuoey Manufacture by Woklo'S DigecntAIT Msutcax Ajmoclatioh, UuSalu, M. V. tiaatou. and art4r Tin. Itsaf lv A 1 KaT tt. th tuart. ataej IkW lltet JJt All a,,"r?'. Jtlt 1U av awtl.ajf. It I 1 fe.ttSaik su hurhar. t a ai t jtu iiV b W lraeM, 1.4. re tst luMlil uai m.-t- IIMllMta) AAa r MA. fc tat tr a.'.viartlwlfmt. Alt I, ts. l.l il , ItmistiL lfM t ltl SAUL. 14 U kiifl 837 T w ea t Itiatrihatlaix llrpt the hwrtk, .arth hi. Ogden, Utah. PocatelJo, .Idaho. W fc. AGi'NTri i'OU Aa. IJ., IOllLkt, Wedding Goods, JOS. WALLACE US CARL UPMANN'S n STRATTON Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican . DRUGGIST. PKK PIKE'S Perfumery and Toilet Artieles, CIGARS AND TOIUCCO. m ROUTE! INVITATIONS, STANDARD GUAGE Programmes rrwBA-- SALT LAKE riTY, aaa su norm- - 23 19 Wakhiustoo Avenue. firnrV PACIFIC Visiting ASPES and F. B. IIURLBUT, WasL WUOLIAl.a The Pabst Brewing Company's Milwaukee Beer DRUGGIST, ud Comer Wasbirgton Ave, " FEE fifili Street Twenty- - wder Breca general passenger airent, Finest Stock or TOILET ARTICLES GEO. A. .LOWE, In the Market. DEALER Cnni W'lTrn rrononncml the hiwt in Territory uUiii II A I LIl Xrv it and natiffy yourwlves. J. W. McNUTT a. & CO., ivvhhia i llE rUi'tl'SIER and TOILET ARTICLK. KIRST STORT. lit the second story thore is one larjje chamber with circular bay. and one small bedroom ia front, one chamber above the dining room mid one in the rear of tho house, with Ulrc.'c, hall, bathroom and rl recto complete. "The attic con'.. das three bedrooms aud a hull and one storeroom. und'-Tho wllir th? entire hoiuse and la.i acniicrete (ItHir and 8toTe foundation w.tlU. The Imildini; above the fnuml.it ion walls is of vvooj lower tory fi'uoaihuil with tonsils nnrt grooved lnm-Ix-- r and clap!onrdi'd, side walla of wo ond titory and nil roots itraixht; nwnis throughout, nr.' plastcrml two coat nut jiuponvl; lluor in lirst story and treads and of Uirs tire of yellow pine: ne.wols rails and balitMert, top of bti.li room nnd kitchen .siuit and water closet vt of r.her ry; all other insido vrCNxlwork of whilo ritr H I LP CIGAKS. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Ii'itth Ht., efr Voting, OQDKN Wa;oii Material, Heavy Hard $500 Reward WE will Coiuixnait. for anr llio nboTO rrward )v l,Vflriptft, Sick tMC ware, Iron and Steel. ! uf tArvT liulition. or t'ont.veness we cai.ntt cure vilU rli:K 'hn Hi aircrtioiw aw otrfetly ronn'Urdwiih.. T: rnro purely Vt;rtW, and novet fiUtoKlvoi-.ttfactl"Rnar t'ostwt I.i t'o l)xc rontalninf; St) rill . IfcS renin. Pcware or rh1 imilittion. Tl.o v.nutI" m.amifarttinHt only by SUE JOUN C. VEST COMVANY. lillCAUO. ILL. K9ldbyA.lt U A Mi Kit, Oeden. I rah. Ikkcr Ilarbed VrtW lraes;it. THE OGDEN TRUNK Black- Wire, smith Tools, Etc. OODKN in'AIt. . THE BltUISSWICK ! FACTORY Finest Billiard Hall in Utah. ITp Stairs Ovor Miulen's. We have the lnrsrost Hall in Oirdrtn and np Brunswick Tables eiclus- - the COIE AND SEE US. I. G. Proudfit & Co., .J THE BRUNSWICK. Mnuufactnnw the Best Tronic. nrririnff Talc en iu pron.ptly sttondod to. Old Trunks Kxchanee. Orcird called for nd Dclivcrod to all parU of tho city. KLINR ft OPPMW, b St. No, 270 Twenty-lif- t Worlt Ar us bv Ann .' THE CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul Aiutta, RAILWAY :rtsw rat. Oihnird.'inir(iswFl. Why im mnflo th wotk una Ht ao in. r vtq b- - hrr.tr lOfcftay.Atltre, Wetltow yun how nd ttrt t'in work In fw work-or aU lit tint. Hit r"Hur n known K Kff ltd arnnirwrfVil. PrtrcntrftTw, y. my imif II.llHCtAO..UoxtHFl'ort1al,MtlD SE00SD STORT. . pins painted two coats and varnished; oltimbiBit of good quality, bron.',cJ hard-wa- r for first story, japanned la the ntorj"ar"j nttie tho whole bnildics built r.'irnnleri for , .T ft!.03O. . Big 41 ta aekncwlrdjff4for the ieadinr remedy Thi iiaffryporpilar plan, harms been daaliasV.y ti uses.' D. . h txa tf!un Mia tJleet. OerrrieBa) 1 h. inlu um mmat)T frtr (.eaeorrhceworWhitet. feci Hand I prescribe t antnmrnAm! nfi It . . OBIT ItT BmiO IU Is the only line running Solid Vpstlhnled, d and Electric-lishtoTrains Doily between Chieatro and Omaha, comToed of Mnsoiflcent Sleeping Cars and The imst Dining Cars in Hi World. Stesra-hCBto- d f EVERYTHING 1ac- tv n.titriritttaL mTck S. ALEX MITCHELL. ' 'ommorcial V(tent, T. F. P0WKLL. Traveling A(fent. W 1C1 S. Main Orders respectfully solicited and 'satisfaction guaranteed. Street, Salt Iike City, J. KIESEL F. & CO. THE THE OGDEN CR ACKER CO. HOT S PRINGS, (INCORPORATED.) Of this city, are equal to the most famous in the Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of ; The curative properties of these waters are most wonderful and bathing in them is most pleasant. No case of rheumatism or blood disease has yet been found which could not be conquered by careful treatment at these springs. Arrangements have been made to have all Raymond and Whitcomb excursions stop over here for at least one day and all Union Pacific overland tickets are good for a ten days' stop over at the Springs. The PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. HOTEL DEPARTMENT THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washihgton Avenue. Telephone 207. world- - Is in competent hands, service may and first-clas- s be had at the Springs Hotel. Come out and try the baths., The Motor makes through trips from the Broom Hotel corner as per time table in this paper. Fare 30 cents for the round trip from the city limits. The Hot Springs Co. Factory in Rear O.of Central Hotel 25th St. P. Box 268. , THE W. OGDEN 0B ACKER F.rEICE, Manager, - CO., Ogden, Utah. PiICHEY'S UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Wo cany the largest, most CASKETS Vost oflChicaso. FS "of bodies comnletn aud clrsrant stock of FUNERAL FURNISHINGS Sorvices conducted at and for shipment a iecialtj. KICHEVS UX0EETAKIXG PARLORS. COREY BRO'S & COMPT, 2132 Washington Avenue. LIVERY &md STABLES HavinB pnrchased the entire Livery and Transfer business heretofore carried on by Messrs we are prepared to receive orders for Ilarun Bros, SINGLE AND DOCKLH THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN PARTIES, PRIVINa RIGS, MOVING OF BAGGAGE CARRIAGES FO OPERA AXD WEDDING OR FUENITCRE, LADIES' CALUNO CAUItl.UiRS WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. Onr Hoardins and Feeding Department wUl bo found Satisfactory in every respect Transfer Co., COElY BEO'S & COMPAN Wtikhineton Avenue ' In prepared .o dn all kinds of DRAYI2ST G. BAGGAGE Any fnrtlirr information rs to Rates of Fare, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by Tw&wtWta'rjitoallanffcwra, 111 FIRST-CLAS- TO ODR "OGDEN OFFICE." TO BE ADDRESSED lea Cream for parties supplied at ono day's notice. , Loris M. ScmvoKitnR, Cor. th and Washington Ave. . Turbine Wheels, Encrines Saw Mills. IXPOETWD AND l)OMK8TtC STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. OGDEN'S ltoad Cai ts. IJuckboards, lit Pure Ice Cream. I- N- Buggies, EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, COHSTANTLY Home Made Tallica, Great Sanitarium, mm iiiijtviuvil Wajrona, DiaJGGlSTS Fine French Candira. Thronuh Pnllman Bleepera sod Pnllman Tonrift ran hot ween Denver and San Franrieo. ThrmiKh the heart of the hock Mouutaiiik: tlie imiat eomfortable. tba safest, and the (randoet of nil transcontinental routes. For rates, pamphlets, etc, call on nr addrea J. 1). KKNWOKTHY, jeneral aiteut. nania re nonte.tvtit iakei;tt. H. t'OLI.HKAN, f eneral manager, Colorado 8prinfln; C!o. t'HAS. ft. LEE, Denver, Colo. Hale! ( SPECIALTIES ELTAIL AMD OB GLEN-WOO- EQUIPMENT L'ttsurpasted. - c-i-a--R- -s. Ave. bl'Kl.M.H. SCENERY UDequalled. hand-mad- e, WIZOLKSAIJC Commercial raLlisLing Co, 2404 VIA MAN1TOU. LKADVILLR. STORM'S Custom house COAST. west poiota. k CARDS DENVER, COLORADO 6PR1N09 A PCEBL0 rresrriptioat Carefully fompoundod. & ' AND 8 ! -- AND- -- r7" 2T,lh St, JKIjIiA.HT, Pronrietor. Practical Founder IVO .1 5 Furnitnre. Moving No DICTION CITY MACHINE W0R 12. a. Specialty. Telephone and Machinist bet WaU acd Uncoln, Dealer in Btcam Knglnea Boiltr., Pampa. Kte. I m tmOA ar.4 erect . a. Boilers. Eosters acd Mschluerv fcv mnfc-- , k Twonty-tMr- I ' J-- - a . . taaohlnaworkaajlraKAlriaiPMSisUratteniljiltaMihnn - " ' ' - mJVfI' sLne. rf)UeT- - |