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Show A I( tolt, fMMt to rvru t TecuCUc JDi-r- xi 3 12.300 DWEUJSX tnwn f emlal to fccee Mi Fas iLmunl at AM FIXAXt'E n'lM.MtUCK. AmkmV ab) lantdi wmm daafnaa1 trf mi Mm-- tie nagitirwaaeew acvJl Umitjet moderate WMt tivia kiitt upua tklU 3 tret a (it. It TV ba'JJlaj i 33 fart la widta, wa a i;Ch of 3 i rt. Tuc front ia Lrulaa I f a lay. earctilar loser aud a w tjuitk onst tie illub ej- Ii tfvii r m ia ti iraaoe. 1W wlarair Li rucf, tich it ptctarmqa ruoasa i to lite ud a.31 bhl U attic. frw-.tx- ft I,, it S r . ttti ft. I 1 OuMiea'. kw!tf!juJ Ji P. it r -- First Shipment of the Season SL ar Ootper. lAt mci Tin. IT fuia. aa,v J; Kaw !. hirui, Ua 1 M . ikaiitjc trtc. 4, fcutJ . i.w. Just Received. ; tin.; ilALKKT EKIhiIIT. OGWIX ATT Wboluaala Prlcaa. L.J--J i m Hrt AM 1 tt 1.1. liib A I'.mrtd lai!y wuJjuJ dalra, otitk. tira t Itjr. I taJi. i ul Mk. M mum luMiWlkp mxwm. 6yatwy W 4 uif 4 Ftvm-npiM- i- W fl 1'- (ie iL In tti arnuj."wiieiit of the room in lit C rotatory It will b autioed that the rrcep-Uu- a ball eiiida oa'.y to lb foot of the Main, which ara tin lined br -a partition, fb conventional long, uarroa- hallway ao temruun ia narrotr bouats U omitted, and the extra kace ht irivra to toe dining room. iutrao-iniU width by some 3' feet. Tbia uU upward of SO fart of fluor apoca which would I'totnsbe ht wauled. Other ad vantaee are derived by thia arrangement. Thetiuinney aod fl repine tre placed on tba hide ia the middle, c'v'Dt abnndant spare for the pantry on the left, with acood aired rMiu chwet and a hack hallway loading to the kitchen and the cellar aUira, with a More room for llta kitchen hank of the pastry. 'Tba parlor U spanned from tha din-U- n room by heavy jKirticrea, 1im a circa lar window in front and a d open fireplace on one thie. a lifn BOW of truirrtra. I inful uHtiMruatiuo. unnatural aup bin, or falUUa' of Ua Itnuuna,wwisprutaKua. ImcK. "tvfiuue weaamtM. wimuu, DaUi . enfm-- chrooie hi and biOaiiima- It la MtaUacttua in every ootirrtjin. of the ob. uln-ratm- a to me (aarauteea or money Maoufacturfd hi Wokld'i Dtsrr.wuar time, Maoicai. AjMuciariOM, rtL.1 (a-- r HafW. biea use. fctt, l cat- Hark? , brea iuc . Ku. (srat , fwil, hade) , riMH 41 t a, Cora, ciau(ial t Hari-y- rva a-- J 9 ii ax tt 1 1 di ansa a a IX , n i .aiajw jiaiar Co. i. Fred. j. kiesel n company, & 31 W WHOLESALE W a GH0CER8, in hu Liquor and Cigar Merchants i on II v II M IU 1 bkl w ft 0 . lu Keica. per tHiltiUa, P i U Luerra aeed, per lb... rental aarka Seamleaa aark Tatila aalu tier ton tintacoanM.aalt p'rt'n Krtail prieea ara a la Kit DRUGGISTS. I I t kolittl Uat. per bbl . Uraa at! frtturta 1UI. atr'lit Tim)liy, rt'a I iino lijr, m ad Paoocra. Butter, heirt, per I lb Hutter. I tab, n a,i,Uitj f Lurvna nwubite and tha Uver, atotnaca and bowela, Tbry ara purvly ver'tubi aod BerfecUy harmlna. OM a Dvaa ceou a viai. bold by druairiata. S " " Mod Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS u I Furniture f I UK) V IC j Funt. Toy BuSalu, M. V. 1 1 " II ura patent MrajKlit (rada IMW .'a iaa t rxrtjirmiaia. braruif t, b. Ilia. Ia Oota, aaraxU. of (rat and bm Uiw rnral tmui r wa UkVM-to tv. prrttct aevita, rratoml Vf Uaa uae of tbaa iDrttrunuiMr tooir aod aenr unuaiL toe, lir. Pkiroe'a ItturM vlika et ia Ifcuthhf attlua vry fuao aod to laa tksj ptuuf mat Liorxl. lavoHte P 1 1 irKo " i a ritlT cunt fur uh BMt vomiiicat4 and ooat vait. at an a t auu- - w Larai, Mi lk For ber autchlna .J&3-r- Carriages j W'4 1 H 1 w IIBb, I W' h' Pfj j Oft a at, . iu (awarlM . y, -, I a( .k awjr AUaUk-- tvr .al Mt VBjT.-- . waaTUti aj a iu m I It fe.Sok Jt R. y ka. Waaler, ttatMi Kaf m axta. at. tial a l taMart.la4f'a afffto a w IS per eea, hiarher. r t M" . lajau. - """' rt ! . iit) . . 4 ' t Mr y-a. UUtrlent In? llrpaa ta fcartk, Ogden, Utah. Pocatello, .Idaho. at ttraf fc)'iiC I'll . Uattard. rM K. At. Iran II uni, 4U,, lOAtlLAlaa, ftllaU Wedding Goods, .70S. WALLACE S3S an AS7 Twenty, a art a n UPMAI'S CARL STRATTON & STORM'S Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican DRUGGIST. PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE! Fi'rfnmcry and Toilet Articles, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. INVITATIONS, STANDARD GUAGE Programmes BKTKk)l DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS F. B. HURLBUT, IfUOlESALa wi ASPEN and bPKINtiS. EQUIPMENT L'niurpaaed. MAN'ITOD, LKADVILLK. SCENERY Unequalled. - i DRUGGIST, Ave. ml Twcnty-fifi- ii Hotel Street, under Broom GLEN-WOO- ThrotiKh Pnllman Sleepen and Pullman Tonriet car between DenrerandSan Francinoo. ThrouKh the heart of the Hoc Icy Mouutaiua; the moat comfortable, the aafest and the route. grandeat of nil For ratee, pamnhleta, etc., call on D. KKNWOKTHK, aenoral affent, or addreaa J.deacriptie Santa Ke Honte, Salt Lake City. H. COLLKUAN, ceneral manager, Colorado 8prinK, Colo. C11AS. 8. LS. tan&Lil passscger aseat, op the Market. a In the second etory there Im one Iari;c chamber with circular bay, and one wiiall bedroom ia front, one chamber above the ihnltiK room Kwi one iu the rear of the house, wil h atairratp, hall, luU hroom and fhwets complete. "The altio con;;iias tlirae lfilroorns aud a hall and one storeroom. The wllr extends ttnilor the entire house aud has a cmcrete fltKr und stone foiindntion wall. The buildini; Above the foundation walls is of wood lower utory haualbeJ, with tongue mid grooved lum-1n- r and clnplmurdcd, hide walls of hp olid story and nil roof straight; rooms id.vstcrdl two coats and throughout. papored; Ihior in lirst .st 'iry nnd treads and risers of )"tirs urt of yrllnw pitio; ntnvol-rails and lulitstert, top of b.tUirooni and kitchen hiiiii and water c!o?t wit of ry; all other inside woodwork of whito ; impleraenfs & CO., Wagons, DRUGGIST'S USE rtlit L'MER Turbine Wheels, Enjrines Saw Mills. ware, Iron and Steel. ! . ftiiltoKlveit.-'.t'.-iraetlfm- AI.IU WOld by A. II H IC. Irucl't. Ocflen, OGDEN Baker I'tah. Harbed Black- Wire, smith Tools, Etc. I.artr bioa. RupvrroatM. fontHlnlnfr SOI'IIK SJ rnts. llowar of counterfoils msmifnrtnrtrtt only and luiilatlom. Tim SUE JOHN C WEST C).M1'.SY, CH1CAOO. ILL. OODKN THE ITT AH. . MIUKSWICK ! FACTORY TRUNK Finest Billiard Mall in Utah- B TTp fcttjivrs MW nt - iTcl). COME AND SEE US. I. G. Proudfit & Co., THE BRUNSWICK. the Ret Trimk. Xlsimfactorea Repsirinff Taken in promptly attended to. Old TrunkDelivered to Kxchanae- - Orders called for and all parts of the oity. KLINE A OPPMAN. No. HO Sntia; llul. arur tot J (Aaav 7 ' 17 S 7 TIL pAjM lT Il.llallett v fe St. rn.il. at ftiiiwliaVn bv Anna Pisa. AvmIb. THE CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY "ny rut.Olh.r..r.oftra'.!l. aom .Ti .rar eaa.WI a Tn rand thi wok und Ux- U h'rrn n. wtirr'Tr yo from t to jl' hm, fb b1v wirnlnr urt KJ Twenty-hft- h vihjT iJ",onth' b- jBFrtanm the only line running Pel id Vestihnled, AUif. Wtiow yvtuhow IOdjf. rtm Jta ancl arart wn. t un work In or all til. Ih.. Iliv Bioa.jr IV.r wrk-tr- f. K.llur unknown amnnit thfat, KKW .imI wondarfiil. rrttt.rfi-9- ., Uoa a I'wtlaad, Mala STOBT.t aeknowlfdgfij Wf O the leadlna; remedr for aorrhoe afc fcleet. licacarrheeaiorWbitea, ! . 1. 1 t. Mi., rov. Miv.mfnAtiHIriff it r.piI wnw pins pnintod two coals and varnished; hard-war- a pltimMnji of good finality, bronxed for first story, japanned in the swand storj' ar,;l nttic the whole building built C).'nple.iforf2.C30. Tht i a tery popular plan, harina; bH"J D. V. Kisa Ja?iJ:itMfa.-it'.tiaica. N'tifM In ioMAYfO to""' fUira aaaai vtrutan. Mraniry V a. TlaaNa2'aari A I'.aiu. iu. Bale oy wrttarajiata. aBIt t. aAkVV, Steam-heate- d Trains Daily Klectric-liphte- d between Chieaao and Omaha, composed of Mnsuitlcent Sleeping Cars and the iimst Dinlns: Cars in the World. EVERYTHING to SEOOXO and FIRST-CLAS- S. ! Any further information as to Rates of Fare, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by AI.K.X MITCHELL. 'omtnercial Acent. T. F. POWELL, Traveling Affenr, 1C1 S. Main Street, v wmm EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY III TO BE ADDRESSED lea Cream for parties snpilied at ono notice. , day's Lot-lM. ScnwoEREa, Cor. 2rith and Washington Ara. TO ODR "OGDEN OFFICE." Orders respectfully solicited and 'satisfaction guar- J. KIESEL F. Salt Lake City. & CO. THE THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. HOT SPRINGS, (INCORPORATED.) Of this city, are eual to the most famous in the world- The curative properties of these waters are Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. of Central Hotel 25th St. Factory in Rear P. O. Box 268. tism or blood disease has yet been found which could not be conquered by careful treatment at these springs. Arrangements have been made to have all Raymond and Whitcomb excursions stop over here for at least one day and all Union Pacific THE OGDEN W.F.miCE, " I first-clas- Manager, and FUNERAL FURNISIIircS THE FINEST HEARSE Telephone 207, COREY BRO'S COMP'Y, & naving purchased the entire Liverr and Transfer business heretofore carried on by Messrs Martin Bro s, we are prepared to receive orders for SINGLE AND DOUHLE DRIVING RIGS, CARRIAGES FOB OPERA AND WEDDING TARTIKS, JIOVIXO OF BAGGAGE OR FURNITURE, LADIES' CALLING CARRIAGES WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. Onr Roanlius and FeedinB Department wUl be found Satisfactory in evorv respect COKJUY BKO'S & COMPAN" Wahhincton Avenue Vinds of DEAYINQ-- s UNCTI0X CITY BAGGAGE ,Practical -- AND- St. UTAH. 2263 Washington Avenue. ?JS2 2.1th EST U H H LIVERY & FEED STABLES Transfer Co., So Utah. of LChicaso. Services conducted at onr Tftrlors when desired. Embalming of bodies for shipment a specialty. KICIIErS UNDERTAKING PARLORS. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN 1 Furnitnre Moving Ogcloii, CO., 2432 Washington Avenue. The Hot Springs Co. I prepared to do nil - Wo carry the largest, most complete aud elesrant stock of CASKETS Is in competent hands, s service may be had at the Springs Hotel. Come out and the baths., The Motry tor makes through trips from the Broom Hotel corner as per time table in this paper. Fare 30 cents for the round trip from the city limits. ' CRACKER UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. overland tickets are good for a ten days' stop over at the Springs. The and , MCHEY'S HOTEL DEPARTMENT Over Maden's. We hare the lnrowt Hall in Osden and use the Bruiiawiok Tables oaclns- - S 11 r. 1 STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. most wonderful and bathing in them is most pleasant. No case of rheuma- St., 3S.r Young, OGIK?f Waon Material, Heavy Hard cr in mmmum in 1 1 - Order by Mail Promptly Attended to. WS will put Uionbovo rrwanl for anr " of L1CT Cuiiipiiunt, l.viorln. Side r.rrtMibe, Indiseition. Ooi tiltatlon or Cit'.ven;.9 we r.u;not iiq Wort'i Llv:rli'l. hcn Iho rtircclitm. art strictly rompUKl with. Tin y are ptirrlr VcrrtMnble, and nnvi 1. OF" Pure Ice Cream. . $500 Reward m Fine French Candies. Home Hade Tallica, andTOILET AKT1CI.FS. CIGAES. THE 1 Buggies, Iload Carts. Uuckboards, lMrOSTKD AND DoMKHTlO h Co., Ave. OGDTN"'S Great Sanitarium, DEALER IN bet J. W. ilcNUTT KIRAT 8T0RT. PobMing 2101 Wash. anteed. In Territory I tl'lTFn Pronounced the OUUd It 1 LU Xrv it ami tihf)' yonraelTM. CHI! A-R-- S. r- SPECIALTIES: TOILET ARTICLES GEO. A. .LOWE, la C-I-G- me Denver, Colo. Finest Stock Visiting WHOLESALE DEALHK8 Commercial EliTAIL AND Comer Washington 8ALTLAKKCITY, nrnrv PACIFIC COAST, aad all north. WUluX, point. VIA Custom house CAEDS PCEHLO mo rrctcriptioM Careful! Compounded. S3 19 Wokhlnatoa Avenne. & hand-mad- e, a Specialty. Telephone . Sealer In Rotler. Tfeater. " ' Founder and Machinist.' 0 . 1 8 Twent fiteara Kortnea art MmT,. -r" MACHIMWORm Snil.ra bet Pin Wall vi txd Lincoln. .t,. .ra "7,!t. """vn w unp, . . r tract HtrlnM |