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Show J UUDKN DAILV COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY. OS IT SIX TO no. aodfc. Um lm Ala irfuductti ruriulrt in a The Council Voted Tint Way as Nirht on Mot tfc: fct for.rr J. II la Uh read. Cuohjy dl v xls TL tt tsrin.i It the il ith a wjs and a vrti-rii.-- i' rtvjunl to ordered. j.. jie. of Mr. Oa ti 'he toua-t- l mw SMjrfiof t'ht fi th for McuJay ot at 7 ul jus-?- cay "la fcri' s.vl f..r : ? Sj!s tk-te- a y L'-n-- ruir iv ni frelrfil h oH-vl- c f c rw' I. "I Wct-ei- it ti oouai-- d tiiea &Jjx:raeJ uutil - -- Me-luv-- h uj d - g Itiuiuf diK-KL- n-- -- jr iss-u- e coru-ru!t.i- je.-li.re- d supervisor read onJ approved followed, aod reu!tftl thus: First Cuo!idM L Sk,ea 2, Broaing aftor a single eliffbt correction, 1, llaiiljT 1, liow&an 3 ll?l Jier 3. The mayor tho aunoueeej the standStooaJ Soea I, Uryi ciii;; 2, Kivuian ing cooimiUeea as follovs: Third Cotll 1, LruniL 3, Laws Aliiam. IX and Dliott C Licenses Lundy. Grare, Cannon. liom man a&s t'l iiui Calvert, Spwieer. A Hison. 1L V. 1,'hodea, t!ie present chief, o.d r'ir Heparttneut SaurtlifT, Luudy T. W. era nomCollins, John J.Mrphs and Mo Maui. . inated for chief of ths tire dejiurtrueat. Cinnon Fiaau'-"and Kjeu-irGrave, The first UJIot resiiltcxl: ." Uhodes Water Supiir Elliott, McMasis and Collins 1 Calvert. 4 Jorephs Streets DtXN Calvert and S;ear. .The second stood a follows: llhodes Elliott Kers- - LM Jrave and .', Josephs .1 The fciayor gav the castPublio Buildings aud Ground-Caa-no- u, ing vole for lUiode and elected huu. Graves and ShurtiiiT. 1. X. Abbott applied for the pl.ice of Polit-Couini&iin The mayor, Can-con- , building insrector, C. B. Anthony also Allison and McMauis. applied for the place. Ajt'tion aked. Sanitary Graves, Lundy and that th city engineer ba m ide iiiPioc-torI. F. (Vlli.'is was placed in uomiisa-tion- . Tue mayor stated that ha had had a The first kdlot refilled: Aljlwtt hard time to make up the committeoe City E;'.gineer 4, Collins 1 from such a few persona but he thought o. Anthony Th - swoiid ballot resulted thue: would prove satisfactory. they S. Mr. Elliott then rose aa l said ho AbUitti Engineer to The engini'i'r was dec'.ured idhed to present an ordinance ritgulat-ia inf jKH'tor as well as cn'moer. act ofticere of aud the compensation city Wm. M. Lewis applieil for reappoint-nieu- t Hid he desirod it read before any city as innpoclor. He was the officers should be appointeil. The only applicant and was re lectvl by was read ones. and to till tlio plnco of tire Mr. Cannon moved the reference of warden also, as proposed by the new orthe ordinance to the committee on laws dinance. and city attorney for report during the W. Lv Porter, present incumljent, evening. Carried. to be reapioiuted as janitor anu asked The committee and attorney retired of publicgrounds. John superintendent ordito decide on the condition of the K. liovle also acked for the place. Also nance and the council took a recess Toeodore McLain. The first la)lot repending their absence. sulted Porter 5. Royle 4, McLnin The committee on laws soon returned, 1. Thethus: second Porter C, Iloyla 4. Porthe council resumed its session. elected. Mr. Allison stated that the committee ter was declared J. Clayton applied for reapJoseph to ordinance referred it the reported pointment as poll fix oolloctor. Mr. lubetantially as it had been presented, Cannon movjd to refer this pe'.ition to exwith some slight amendments as to on streets. YeasC, nay 4. committee the pression and time of payment. asked for reappointPowers Henry On motion tho ordinance was read a ment aa city scavenger. Referred to the second time and taken up section by sanitary committee. section. Dr. George W. Jones ntked for the The Mayor's salary was fixed at of city physician. Dr. H. J. Powers post Mr. of motion ordinance. On the by made application. The ballot reMcManis an amendment was proiiosed also Dr. Jones Jones 9, Powers 1. sulted, 1,200 make the Mayor's salary f to per was declared elected. year. J. T. Drowning asked for appointment Mr, (Jnnnon opposed this amnumont as 14oforred to turnkey of the city jail. and favored the salary of HMO. committee. the police v, Mr. Lundy took a similar view. J. D. McGillis applied for a place on On a roll call on this amendment the the Referred to police police force. yeas were McManis, Speneef, Shurthff, committee. Frank D. Mitchell applied 3. Nays, Lundy, Graves, Doe, Allison, for a place on the police force. Same Elliott, Calvert, Cannon, 7. rofereneo. Mr. Doe at this point moved that the C. P. Lambert applied for on as trie uiuie proposed ordinance lay as city sexton. George W. Larkin now salaries is no ordinance thero Using afrked the same place. The ballot is no of city officers and there hurry for was asforfollows Larkin. 10. Larkins this one. Mr. Elliott opposed this motion as he was declared elected. Beardsley asked for the position thought if officers are elected they could of W. T.auditor. W. 11. Green was also city collect what has been heretofore paid. Mr. Allison took the view that as the placed in nomination. Aleo E. A. The vote resulted: Boardsley, former salaries were tixed by resolution he inclined to think thisordinance woulQ 7; Green, 2; McDaniel, 1. Beardsley was lie unnecessary. He aaked the opinion declared elected. Thomas E. Fitzgerald applied for the of Mr. Heywood, city attorney on this use of the room formerly occupied by . point. p Mr. Heywood stated that to pass the the committing police magistrate. Reto the committee on public buildproposed ordinance would foreclose the ferredand grounds. ings term of whole tho for business salary The city recorder's report was rend, the council, and no man can be disdisbursements charged whether good or bad. Without showing the receipts and an ordinance the salaries can be changed of cash for the past quarter. Referred to the finance committee. or the appointeees discharged. Phil Ford was dog tax coMr. Dee's motion was carried. llector by acclamation. Petitions were taken up as follows: The report of the street supervisor was Mr. T. A. Perkins asked to be continreferred to tho committee on streets. ued as city engineer. The recorder was asked by motion to The report of the chief of fire departread but six names on each petition and ment was referred to tho committee on fire departments. The report of the city approximate the rest. H. H. Hollidge also applied for the attorney was referred to tho committee position of city engineer. lie has been on laws and city attorney. The report assistant city engineer. of the city engineer went to the commitW. C. Parmley also asked for the place tee on streets and sewers and city engiof city engineer. neer. The fire warden's report went to D. V. Ellis also made application for the sanitary committee and chief of the the same position. tire department The report of the G. A. de' Hemecourt also applied for superintendent of public grounds was the position. sent to the committee on public buildThomas L. Waggoner made a similar ing and grounds. The finance committee of the former application, R. W. Faris was another applicant for onncil recommended an advance in the the place of engineer. salary of the chief of police of 8200 for On motion of Mr. Lundy the coancil the previous year. Mr. Turner explained proceeded to ballot for engineer. Shurt-lif- f that this was a report made by the old and Lundy were selected for tellers. committee, but not acted on by overThe different ballots resulted as fol- sight. It was referred to the police lows, the lowest name being dropped commission for report after the first ballot: Mr. Lundy moved that each councilFirst Perkins 2, Hollidge 1, Parmley man be furnished by the recorder with a 3, Hemecourt 2, Waggoner 1, Faris 1. copy of the contract made with the city Second Perkins 3, Hollidge 2, Parm- and the water works company. The recorder was directed on motion ley 4, Hemecourt 1. Third Perkins 3, Hollidge 3, Parmley of Der to provide a copy of the complied statutes of the territory and Fourth Perkins 3, Hollidge 3, Parm- session laws of 1800. Mr. Elliot called attention to the omisley 4. Fifth-Per- kins 3, Hollidge 1, Parm- sion to net on tho oflices of jailor and ley 6. clerk of the police commission. Mr. Turner stated that it has been Parmley was declared elected. The council then took up the election customary to refer these appointments of city attorney. to the police commission. So 'referred. McManis nominated A. R. Heywood. Mr. Allison moved that the city reElliott nominated James N. Kimball. corder be instructed to furnish each of- TLe oiiuuUn C;le i i Ik-ma- . e e o orJi-liiinc- 1 7 state-mei- d e SPECTACLES, n if L;rt aud iu greatest po.?t in irs l.jss of cou.mander, t n. W. 'f. Sherman, w hich l us as fUlow: (ecwal W. T. Shenaan died at his houie in New York at btilf patt one oVhx-oa iSatur.lav, Feb. II, K'l. of John A. Die Port N'.t. 3. Grand Army of the lirpub'.ic: F ir the last time our old commd and Jeaeral W. T. Sherman, has met with thoe whose lii.veraeKs and blankets Im hail shared when his dost toy from li y to day was foreshadowed in suovesi and reverse or w ritU'n in more leiblo characters of blood and carnage, aud Ms his old asociutiM in arms tonight recill the incidents of the past without knowing why there willcotiio dp before them the shadowy outline of a picture thr-flits by" like a pai.iiu return but to again wing; anil 'gain, each tiu:o more distinctly until it Brumes the form and shape of a t hoits panoramic view repre-entinleof infuriatetl ineu in gions, advancing and retreating, and now net ting again in the shock of bat-tl- o with cru.slitKl and broken columns, trailing ensigns and tlaiiiiting banners, bruiml and bleeding men in ranks, singly and in groups; tho silent nnd motionless forms of the dead, with closed eyes aud bloodless lis, and ulxive the sound of these scenes of battle our old commander's voice is heard and his electric presence is still, in memory, seen and felt by those who knew him. We close our eyes and turn away to shut out from our sight and efface from memory even the faintest outlines of scenes which come to us un'oiddea and unwelcome. But they will not down at our bidding. They come agnin and again nnd pass before us, demanding recognition. As we look once more at this picture, which is only a vision, born of memory, as it slowly unclasps its album and turns leaf by leaf, and looks upon the faces of the dead and living, the loved ones present and departed, we feel the by gone days, with their hopes and fears, their joys nnd sorrows, coming back to us again and creeping with their noiseless footsteps of sunlight and shadow o'er our hearts, aud then we hear for moment a the roar of artillery snd musketry and hear and feci the stuncing minnio ball tearing through our quivering flesh. We seo tho helpless and bleeding men upon the field, with the strong arm of their commander around them, his loyal hand pressing theirs, all brought to life again. It is but for a moment, we re cognize the battlefields of Hhiloh, Vicks-burAtlanta, Ezra Church, Kenasaw Mountain, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, Dal ton, Resaca, Savannah and scores of other engige-mentending with the last battle of the rebellion, Bentonviile, N. C, and with them all our lamented commander whose loss wo mourn tonight in common with the nation he loved so well. s t at-- s, Resolved, That the sense of the KBKL'AKY Ip. IbtJl. at THE TOILS. SWlff tii.-o'iiit-y ac-tio- y ti ivwlar day f f ! ic Sundy th cKicty eourt TLt otasrticg busu,tB of ii urw Iraas-te- j by court was tL tL f alijtjo tg resolutioiia i W. Crusa,wbo un rftir f roa, the tv-- rt to be suorrvVI b Judg Iiih)b: Uhuulak. by th of cut oAe il II lt.W. Cr3. Probate J jdL.e of Vt'U ,4ity and r? friding odlier this aojrt, thert-fi'rtv- , from, o a jJ -: 4 resjtta J s Is' Tr.u ln Us reUMi.t tai court and the .. ;e t4 tiiscoto ty -twt a and tho lth d t.i-e- rinly t-- iation and I igh ble, ju;t HfA able ta:in';- -r in hasc.Mi.lu.t' .l the nmy und c bis and .frr,f, entoroilon therord o.?i.--- tt "Drs. Freeman Jk branch Burrows, Salt Lake, office every Saturday at Broom hotel, Ogden, for the treatment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat nnd lungs. Spectacles accurately fitted, difficult cases solicited. eyes inserted." Glass Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills Act on anew principlo regulating tho liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure billiousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest.! 00 doses, 2o cents. Samples free at il. A. Walker. ' DRESSMAKING DONE PROMPTLY AT PAINE & HURST'S. SILVERWARE, ) ou.-.h- j. TIIK LOSS HEAW. n The Lii-- s d of KiI A Co. About iuc Tliuuaud. 'llie w nter a finally pumpel out .f tlie basetxient of the giotvry liotise F. J. Kieel A Co. s that a gunny i,.,rk Vtuff! into tho break whor the sewer wa'er came in snd the fire U.rt- - after engine soon made the could be flr that The house eMiiiiuU yt ut from Wti ff lo,f t. The question ntwconn-- s u p, w ill the ci y or sew, r rai'tot hav e to pay for this da mag, llie question Will lie rawvl aud prob.ibly w ill lie te-U- REMOVAL SALE W. H. Wright 2 35 5 Sons' Co. & Washington Avenue. iiiiiiiniiiijtmiiiiJitimiiiiiiininmiiimiiiiin Men's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $270 per pair. Boy's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots. $2.00 per pair. Ladies' best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $1.50 per pair. Dry goods, shoes, hats, clothing and everything else at the same rate, which is cost, at the MO val Silt iI II. Hit Sons' The sale lasts only till March 1st, and until then thing goes AT COST FOR CASH. 6. every- in At the rate goods are going now the stock will be terribly broken up in two weeks. We urge you to make early purchases. You can now get a silk dress for a little advance on the price of a wool one. WHY NOT WEAR SILK? Wraps, baby cloaks, LACE CURTAINS, hosiery, notions, laces, mens shoes, etc., a very complete line- Must go before March 1st, and cash takes the goods- - lll!lllllllllimill!it:;ill!ill!l!lll!MlllltlllHllllllM W, H. WRIGHT & .S0NS COMPAM, 2355 "Washington Avenue. J E WELR Y, d Ujomplete Line olid Grold and 1 G. RAINE & COMPANY. 24S3 Washinerton WATCHES, Silver-mounte- Spectacles Properly Fitted. ret;r-r- t.e Jn-ties- K W. Si.unii-r- , J hn Pi.i Signe.1: Fmlerii k F.,. Sef.vtmej, tr.d vkaud J. P. Le-l- idev, cou.-'t- i Buy while you can save the retailer's profit, and come while the assortment lasts. will have a arn n.lutio:. t ivtrl; aul prepuro and deliver a noiuuons lo iie de-to- te fcpj.fr ara- wh'u-i- , : llit the I jie l,o rvret ir to i.im Heir regard I t lb the right side, short breath, pain or distress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak nnd hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling ' of ankles of dropsy, oppression, dry cough, and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Heart Diseases, free at H. A. Walker who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequalled New Heart Cure, and his Restorative Nervine, which cures nervousness, hadache, sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc. It contains no opiates. ..Sk-er- . wiihrg to y threfor ami LADIES' SHOES, of which we carry the largest line the city, are included in the SLAUGHTER SALE. Those are: a habit of lying on .k ltt tart trgM jud tu th o:ii. il d ujwu b.m; a, tti!icurt, eacU bmxi:! r t.eiu(, full;.- ral.Ujf likss, tart-bhis abaciit-nf.nded- s a.t ,rOjU baa ever been h 1 .k Ju-.'g- . of-f- Sudden Deaths. Heart disease is by far the most frequent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. CE nitfigl aJ ll.r.t las tiia is expert i bere totbty tJoot.v-- Lira Uat-t Lb sneae of hi Murphy or Tttoo.pHJB seis to Lve THE f'EOYO JAIL BEElKES EE-- f (bade eouKtiUij of a rMord as a biviker, Lavuf e.-petrnkfroatbe mi'KEb IS WiHEX. bolile at Salt Like, and u siud to be a pretty tough citin feoI3y. The Lo-1people state that he has been druck Kon-From Meep by ti,r shrritr to ever stsc bo ntue there, ca tivting a I'rivOB (VU-Iijt- rirt (Ju to during th eight and tWpic off its jg t!l-uIn the day t:mt. Coart I'rurewliujs. lljoti.i.n w about 4 yeirs of i ith fortu. clean tharen face, libt Lair and a pfcir -Baldy" Tbouip, alias Jim Murj.hy, of LilHtnt blue eve. He drw half iWu other upert!oua and neatly and in Keoeritl appearance is with but a rrimmaL handle, languishes once more in dur- anything ance vile, a rktim to the ly ax like A Trnaut EefaHnrdl. watchfulness of the laws mink. Will Verge of th Slen-hauthlavr -Ilil.iy," .:ue time aMi, it is said, made an arret-- last Light vhk-patrol entered a gentleman' house at Provo in as the result of a ioe of very clever a fit of and appropriwork. detective ated several artK-le- to whh-- he had bo On the IVoemWr Lw John title clear. He rrreted oa tha Mu lV.na! J a 19tf yoarold youth tU was charge of burg!ary aa l oontined to the aeat to the reform achool ia this city Provo jail awaiting trtaL Oue evening frtwu Irovo as an incorrigible, suddenly about two weeks ago nluie the turn- took ua tver h.'l:uing dislike to the tLe prisoner key was cu.ifigiiio t tot inn;; plaid u;no him in to their tartrate evlU, the foxy in that iua itutiorj and made hk -Baldy e!u.!d the vigilan-- e of the of- Careful tr.quiry by the olliivrs failed ficer and slipped behind an open door. t; diseover traoe of hi whereabouts The same nigU he suiv-edin tun and he h.id any Ixvu given ui for Ut. Verge bis out and when way mornneliiig neit uofi4d a d,ocnptitai of the truant and ing the jailor --made his usual rounds Las been keepiug e for the pait two no was there Billy" tn nser roll days mi a young man Vthoseacthms were Fowler Sheriff calL immediately aent not absolutely above suspicion. Last "of the out circulars giving a night the nieriiiteudi uL of the hKl missing man out without result. was notiiiJ aud as the rvsult For the past twod-y- s Sheriff Belnup was srre-leiu a Tveuty fifth has noticed a ninn hangiLg aliout the street s:doon. lie the iiigl.t iu paed saloons wbw.-s- phi?, and general make up the City jail and w ill have a chance to tallied very c!o lv with tkat of tho eluluatietu ut the reform school tosive -- Baldy." lie called himself Mur- explainHe states that his time day. emit be and wis quartered at the Wasatch run aw ay has been phy piis.ny at Kail Ixike hotel on Twenty-fiftstreet Sheriff liclnap boeame convinced from a few T. Soften the Kkin. little circumstance that he wns the much wanted juil breaker, and hist evenL:.Jieb abosu skin is t j roughing after supper proceeded to the hotel ness when exposed to the air may remedy anil placed him in bracelet?- - Murphy the ditlieulty by plying Wisdom's was in bed at the time, but submitted Violet Cream. It restores the n eural to the arrest very gracefully. He con- uctio.i of the tkin and iuduix's Botliics tinued his slumbers hist night in a dun- - and elasticitv. fore- going be spread upon the records of John A. Dix Post; that copies of our u be furnished to the several papers of this city for publication and that as an earnest of our sympathy for th9 bereaved family, a copy hereof, under the seal of this prst, be forwarded to P. T. Sherman, lit his home in the city of New York. EX0EIXi Jl Ia.E trnevh, J jS F?rr-Mofjci M JtdiV vvfecicj- UelL. MSVptfta Skwa krd for ths earn poslt. J. T. liroa niLg ciike a saai,r U. A. U. MEETING. al J. T. THE APfOIXTIVE OFFICERS. StarJet M s u a tiaaUr appid. appLcatt. Orfiaonir I. Prum ti tanj to the bsr, Arrasiiffiiifnts for Death. did Sherman' W. CV.3.B. L a!so IlaiJey XhSit InrIade-- tLe (Vauriliwa I'jJwd. AnLM Bon Itilip oiaa as anoU (;tA-- f Akjit or the Rtrftcuc: At Krwia the Third, Focrth tud applicjint Th Lt of apolituats rioted the of John A. Die post regular ah J. Q. LMvitL Fiftk Ward. tie tl.it a uieuVr No. 3, (J. A. IL, Ltld at their hall last pan rm'A Utt tLe ard cays in votc; exeuiag, arraDgeuieots were made for a ei'.y Jfio-- r as Mr.dravr Lai di:e. t in its first busi-tt- s XL new eouocii appropriate eereiai.nk to be observed The rote sluud as folloas oa atecwiuo list eight, present a'l tLo r!y on Saturday next in comnaeaioration of torney: the death of Ueueral V. T. Sheruiaa. th cwttoed. Tho major priJtL lUror Heyuoud MtMan'm, Lucdy, Sjjen--eprjf am of whicb will be pul.luJied in Bryan was also present and lare (i raves t. UHHrrow tuoruirg's ElDee. KiiDjttll KhurtliiT, Ailistw, altecdance of city officers, easdiJata Amor. oiher .roxsJius held, a liott, t "alvrt, IVtocoa ! K.iuUUl a as ila various to vsas am! it to pr?jiure a fur appoiatsaeot apimiaTt-of the ! the expressive f;vl:rg ballots on street 'Ifje text tpectatura. t. W K V Umbrellas Oaxlen, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge. Ayenue. - DIAMONDS. |