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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE C. B. ""qaa7 n".. CAUGHT IN THE WNU Service, Copyright by Robert Ames Bennet Entered as second class matter Etbruary 8, VJ27, at the Tost Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, under Act of Mar. 3, 1879. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Salt Lake County, Utah One Year in Advance Six Months In Advance Elswhere In The United States One Year In Advance 1936 FINDS US IN (Continued from Last Week) $1-0- Garth calculated the volplane an lie hit gle with his utmost skill. If the too soon, propeller the water would have to be used to pull the held plane In to the landing; If he on too long, there might be a crack 50 $2 00 A FIX up. It was a matter of fractions of seconds. He allowed for the fact that the slight wind was abeam, Instead of sucking down from the glacier. Ills one failure was to notice in time the shrunken volume of the glacier stream. The plane took to the water smoothly, at almost the exact distance offshore that he had planned. The difficulty was that the outswirl-Incurrent lacked the force he expected. Instead of slowing down or stopping short, the three-seatedrove In hard at the cabin plane. The stream mouth lacked width enough for the small plane to squeeze past the large one. Nor was there room to maneuver between the offshore rocks. Garth He acted with Instant decision. to clear swerved the three-seatethe tail of the cabin plane. As he stripped off his goggles and swung down from his cockpit with the mooring line, the pontoon stems smashed like eggshells on a water worn rock, across the narrow ehun nel from the tail of the other plane. Before the current could float the three-seatback Into deep water. Garth leaped ashore. Lilith hud opened the cowl of her cockpit and was starting to climb out. Garth r! glanced at the threatening sky. "She has settled down hard and fast. Miss Hauiill. Better stay snug aboard until we return." Mrs. D. The girl's reply was to scramble PHONE HOLLADAY 53-on the shoreward wing of forward The Christmas program last Clifford Olkeson is spending the Garth waded out In the plane. the under was Sunday eveniing, the holidays with his folks. Clif- Icy water and had her hand down HenMrs. Mr. and of supervision ford has been stationed with the his rifle, the three pairs of snow-shoery Krantz. The choir gave their Deer Creek project. and all the blankets. He direcunder the ennual program tossed everything to Dillon, then tion of the choir leader. Special Byron Brockbank has been took the girl on his shoulders. guests were Miss Jessie Evans, transferred to Oakland California, The policeman had started upcontralto, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Sal- where he will report for work stream with the outfit He walked isbury, Viola Livingston and Jan. 10, 1936. across the now shallow ford withJune Whitehead, violinist, and out getting a drop of water over the Gordon Sorenson, Vibraphone. The soft strains of Christmas tops of his heavily greased . Roma carol's were enjoyed by the people Marchant, organist, Garth slung Ullth on his Ida Krantz, pianist. Far, Far of Holliday ward on Christmas shoulder like a sack of meal and Away On Judea's Plains, was Eve, as troupes of Merry carolers splashed after Dillon. cimD Ywr the rhnir nnrl rnnPrrPa- - went from house to house singAt the rar bank Dillon stopped to tion. During the Sacrament a vio- ing and scattering good cheer put cm a pair of snowshoes. Carth lin duet entitled, ."In the Garden" along the way. lowered the girl upon a bare rock, was rendered by Oren and Lucilc and ran down the left bank to swing The evening service next Sun- alxiard the cabin plane, with him Salisbury, and Ave Maria was given by the string Ensemble. day, Dec. 29, will be under the he took the blankets. When he came The choir sang, "King of Glory," direction of Miss Janice Farly, ashore, he had on dry socks and assisted by Miss Evans. "I know as one of our monthly theme pro- moccasins. that My Redeemer Liveth," Mar- grams. He frowned at Ulith. She wn garet Marchant; "We Shall Feed Wopplng awkwardly along on snow- His Flocks", Miss Evans. VibraThe M.I.A. three-ac- t play, "He Slices behind the policeman. "Take off those webs and get Into phone selections A and B, Gor- and She" is in it finishing stage don Sorenson; Instrumental sel- and will be produced after Muthe cabin," he ordered. "I will not," she refused. "I'm ections, violins and Vibraphone: tual, January 14. "That Sweet Story of Old," choir going with you. I came to see that Mr. and Mrs. Mark K Driggs, beaut arrested." "Worthy is the Lamb," choir. "Don't be a fool. We'll be there Seraphic Song choir with con- entertained on Christmas day for tralto solo by Miss Evans. Christ- the family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard and back before you've more than mas Thoughts, Charles Tike. got started. There" no time to wait Mr. and Mrs. Waddops and famiChorus, choir. Brother lies of Salt Lake, Chase, home for you. Wizard may iwoop down Knowlton conducted the meet- from Laramie, Wyoming, where any minute." He had slipped on the third he attends the Wyoming State ing. pair of snowshoes. He took hi ritle is and home who June, college from Dillon and started off as The boys of the Ytivitca club, from Arizona. The constable followed at guide. under the able direction of Ralph the same rapid gait, lie was .n ei. are Kirk and meetAndrus, Fryer The Ytivitca club held a snow shoe runner. Lilith planning a Christmas party for ing last Friday at Stella Peter- perlenced the girls, for Friday night, Dec. son's. Current Events are being tried to Imitate their deft swlnrln trlde with the webs. She trlnneil 27. discussed and studied at their and plunged face down Into a drift meetings. Instead of turning back at the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moss had a cry of appeal. Garth oulck- Mrs. Ruth Howard entertained girl family dinner on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Moss are home from for Mrs. Sarah J. Howard on enpd his stride to a run. A severe Washington, DC; Mr. and Mrs. Christmas in honor of her 78lh blizzard would thicken the skltn Ice Wayne Moss from Oklcy, Idaho; birthday. Seventeen guests were and c!ie the water lane out from Mr. and Mrs. Nat WagstafT and present, including children and the utream mouth. That would mean a wait until the stream ran family from Uolladay, Bcrnicc grandchildren. dry with the freeze up of the els. and Afton. CliT. With the coming of the Holiday Above the site of hi olj camp Mrs. Owen Lambourne gave a we have students returning from Cartb halted and signed for his for her son, school to visit and spend the few birthday party Wayne, Dec. 20. Twelve guests days rest. Ardella Putnam from companion to listen. Down through were present. Gamrs and refresh- the AC. and Wanda Andruf, the snowy stillness came a clear ring of metal on metal. ments were enjoyed by all. Gwen Andrus, Lucille Bower "They're drilling below the frost-linand Ruth Woodruff from the B. to Mast a shaft," he said. A Christmas dance will be held Y.U. "Richer gravel on bedrock, at the Dec. 27. in the amusement hall foot of the plarer txoiigh." of the Uolladay ward. Proceeds Bishop Ryberg and family are Dillon forged Into the lead, to be turned over to the Relief sjHnding the holidays in Calif '11 trail me now, sir. "leu Socictyy. ornia. Without any protest, forth fell In behind. The laiw m now In comPRACTICAL TROOP I RGH7 'ear unto wisdom, and apply thine mon d. A few RELIGION strides brought them heart to understanding; Then to m dyke of Igneous rock that "Christian Science" is the sub- shall thu understand the fear of waUed the lower end of the placer ject of the sermon to le read in ;ihe and find the knowledge From behind trough. 111 Churches of Christ. Scientist of stunted 1W.; and the Sprue, they peered across the tree-len- t on Sunday, December 29. j following correlative from the width of rock to where a large The Gulden Text: "Arise, shine; Christian Science textbook. "Sci- fire was naming at the edge of the for thy light is come, and tie 'once Mid Health with Key to the matted tlmberllne scrub, glry of the Lord is risen tipn Scriptures." by Mary Baker EdOver the fire bung three Iron thee," is from Isaiah G0.1. dy: "The hour has struck when kettles. I'.eMde It stood abig small lesson-sermoThe also in- proof and demonstration, instead for reeking gravel. Itut there cludes the Bible passage: "My wn of opinion and dogma, arc sum- cradle was no one working the rocker, nor if thuu wilt receive my words, moned to the s there anyone In support of Christsight Even and hide my cormnandmants with ianity, 'trakn-i- wise the the ring of sledge on drill in the simple.." thee; So that thou incline thine (p. 342). newly dug pit. juM beyond the fire, hfl'l roused. Nt so good Cartu murmured. "I m not so sure It's a 'irprie.H FEED HAY. "You'll stay here, sir." FLOUR .GRAJrj COAL! ALMOST every New Years Day has found the world more or less full of trouble and black clouds draped here and there. Hut in 1936 apparently is to begin with an extra load of prief for all nations. Mr. Mussolini, who recently told a reporter that he was ''just a man", is still trying to put the bite on Ethiopia; the Japanese are crashing China .around; Russia tells the wide world that she can and will fight anybody, anywhere, with or without rules; Great Britain is still in the market for some one to do her fighting for her. Apparently Uncle Sam can fight or maybe not; anyway he is anxious to not loan any money to stage a fight. The Chinese students are trying to whip the Japanese by committing suicide in great numbers, just as an idea, (this sounds like doing the whipping the hard way.) Big wizards like Walter Lippman and others think the world is making progress. The viewpoint of the ordinary person should be that the League of Nations or somebody should be given power to hang anybody who strats a war. The wars in the past have been fought in the name of patriotism but have made the financiers. poor poorer and made the rich a few Making warships and other fighting equipment enriches the p b'ld fellows some more. Why work or ight for fellows you do not even know? Well Happy New Year to you. Make a New Year resolution: NO WAR FOR US! r po-belli- J. er NG ADA WHERE TO TRADE IN SALT LAKE CITY young Very DIRECTORY, well, Bowers, Reporter Western Furniture Company, Juvenile department is the largest in Utah. Special large size crib complete with mattress, crib blanket and beautiful Baby Book, all for $9.y5. liasy Terms. shoe-packs- Hal-leluji- ah Iid, n FRED CARLSON & CO. W0NB Hum U OppoMU (11; lltl ('(instable Dillon spoke with cool logic: "If It a surprise, I tieed no If he Is warned snd aMMatice. prepared to resist, better for you to support me from cover." "Well-perha- ps." "Tb only wsy, air. You stood ro ion eel all tlio uro; to n of : mar' In.sbt weL ;!" f The SUTKIOK South State 1830' He' ,1 , prouiuk that aeuiu disease. down-throw- " I)irv m. Hv Typewriters-- All Old Gold Wanted makes. Late models rented for luru your eid jlrtery crowns, hridses. old watdj "Jf "". eusl. today. paid, 'iru.ie your old wui u on a new one. KLi;i) UU SKU month immru Initial rent applied on pur$i;.(M). chase. AiMing liiiichines, dupli cators, writers, biipplies, and repairs. the home, 1 ,' H., eli-e- CI tast First South tSALT LAKE TYPEWRITER COMPANY Vacuum (leaner Kipairs-- I im Has. Smith Main 2761 Have Building Was. 5fi92 i Kenovi.e now! We will huiiill' your building under national housing act direct. Immediate action. No delay. .ir.en Supulics THE AMERICAN "It pays K. Hoofing Co. Nils. 21)0.1 io keep So. G Ily. 2181, lly. 2483 Oldsiiiobile Sales and Servic- eNever before have our sales rooms housed a finer buy tha: PE5ERETM0RTUAR. Service Above All the new 1D3G models. We vite you to inspect them. i&A cr 'mat PMZJm Luckily, he did not at once try to spring up. As he paused to feel at the numb arm with his left hand, the bark flew from a limb close over his head. The scar of white wood showed that the bullet had been fired from off to his left. He flattened down and crawled Into the snowies hollow alongside the tree trunk. In the hollow lay his rifle. It had not hurst. Itut that was no consolation. The first shot from off to the left had struck square against the side of the breech and smashed the magazine. One look at the weapon showed that It w as ruined. He wormed past It to the far side of the tree trunk. During all the many seconds that had passed since the firing of the first shot he had heard no call nor any sound whatever from Constable nillon. He peered out under the low drooped spruce boughs on that side of the tree. As he expected, the worst bad happened. The policeman lay on hlg back. lie had been shot through the heart One glance told Garth the fact that bis companion was beyond all aid. He looked for the constable's carbine. It was nowhere In sight The low drift behind which Dillon had fallen gave Garth enough cover to crawl out beside the body. p,t tne carbine was not under Its owner. Garth pulled the snowshoes from the feet of the dead man. tin the heel of one web he perched the con- - LINEN CO. SUPPLY UTAH LUMBER CO. U tah Pioneer 1st So. W,ier . wa.,i,c-r- All kinds ol Lineu aud fn. forms fund-dieat teasuuablt prices. I'iitmuue a Utah indusirj to keep your fellow man at wort Materials m West u Korkluj A 1 MASTER KLKCTK1C M10F ISA Ka.st lird So. iiy jji THOMAS HOMER State cleaner service for ut vaouuiu or roll, for' (.uaraMeed www mad.,. umke of Have a good opportune moment. abstract available. So. iaoiui,, St. l'.trls and and eury wake Good abstracts, get good loans Why spend valuable time nt ftti 101 ulir elcanluK. Abstracts shock. A. K. TOIRSSEX 501 South State Was. A BOOKS MAKE in 6111 EXCELLENT GIFTS A Complete Variety is Availably Make Your Shopping Complete by Visiting the DESL'KLT HOOK C0MPAXI 11 East South Temple Mas. 696 TCI HE WHERE YOU grocer recommends and sells GRAINS OF GOLD AND KELLY'S QUICK COOKING TOASTED BREAKFAST WHEAT Demand the Kcst Your local DEER lie 26 oz. glass 5c Sandwiches SPECIAL EVERY MONDAY CHICKEN SANDWICHES 5c 502 South State CHURCH DAPTIST MILLCREEK MONUMENT monument marking the site of the old Gardiner mill, the lirst commercial, saw mill in Utah and the place from which the stream and canyon of Mill Creek took its name, will be unveiled and dedicated Saturday at 2 p.m. by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association, with the Albert Smith, president, as master of ceremonies. Seventy tons of stone from Bis Cottonwood canyon has Rone into the building of the monument, with the base made of stone removed from the foundation of th Temple. The monument has been prepared and built by the Priesthood of Wilford ward, the Gardner family and the trails association. A Hon-Geor- & ROSIE GET FRESH gc o'cltx Sunday morning at 10:00 Bible school and morning wc: choir ship. At 7:30 p.m. the cor.:: "The Cantata. render the of the Christ," by Ira B. Vu under the direction of J- P: NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Pa-- - - T J. P. Pavnc will be in pant; panist, and the parts Mrs. mime directed by . Frame. About 15 characters cho the while ac in pantomime accoir Mrs. T. scores. renders the follows: is as program and tenor Hear Ye! C'r nni--ic.i- t n p ..vi,. solo iH,tr.ilt(. A. E. !!..- -' r en's chorus. Mrs. c.. XV t;, ..,::,, 1111,1, .. m . .. i n,.ny iwr. iiim .'.- The Holy N:r.ht. i or WailinC. Basso' Lmj ;md rhi-sie- r - , ' R H herd's Wate., Chester Lyman. Tidings. by Mrs. Chester r J s..pnofc Cb.-- .r. B- -j Lyman. i '""-- nethlehem.eh' ... .... .. r inn. n is tiorn. en"" 'llinc' "CK bv Mrs. II. II their So. contralto :!.'. dauchter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold lis Coi V- ' 11 Z Watrous. Roscnweitf jtnd Jack Barlh of LirJt ..- Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Morgan had as their Kucsts during the and week, . pbnt-a- . M'" son-in-la- I e G.-d- v There la noiliiu,; mure c.,n,DIrt. Hy. 5327 Slate ...' j i.iu h.uji Quality merchandise in ., depa. tinenis. at our ket, delicatessen, i,ut,... WALT WILLIAMS USED FURNITURE STORE ""6 South vr COM st Hrii.'ulu-n-.. .Stove and Furniture Store Full line of gas and coul ranges High chair, new, $1.75. Kitchen chairs 50c, Coal Range $7, Dresser $;.(). All kinds of other useful articles. We buy, sell and repair. We try to beat everybody's price in used furniture and stoves. cock-cappe- 11V AM, Was. 8132 ' umms payuyenfrV o .)u COMPANY . j Miiall estimate WESTERN FURNITURE South State L C0!n,B "U the warm air Vealher Strips. (Sn,f,S now Instal "A Good Deal For Your Money" 135 UTAH ai What Save v...., Ntnn Mm ,.,.1.1uu; l s, DRAPER OUAT.ITY FFPn BUSINESS-PROFESSION- I BY ROBERT AMES BENNET Telephone Murray 35 Issued Every Thursday the firings Dillon," he ngreed. take position." "Wait till He shifted to the left side of the stunted spruce and crouched down where Le could peer between the lower branches. At the other side, the constable stood up and stepped Hardly was he out Into the open. a harsh shout when cover of clear the eiriie from the scrub beside fire: "Halt! Throw up your hands. Constable Dillon paused. Hut he The did not put up his hands. surrender. not do Northwest police Dillon merely swung the barrel of his carbine baekward under his arm, and made quiet reply: "I have here a warrant for the arrest of Vivian Huxby for theft and assault to murder. Any persons who Interfere with his arrest will make themselves liable." red jay, "Rah. you gibed. me." bluff Huxby can't you' "You're covered. .Move, and you get a bullet through you. Drop that gun and shove up your hands." A sideward jumping would have put the constable back Hut he was a member of In cover. the Northwest Mounted Police, lie treat could no more be considered Also, .he by him than surrender. had no authority to shoot his man. The warrant called only for the arrest of the accused. He had to do his duty at whatever risk. "You will be well advised not to resist," he said. With that, he raised his right snowshoe and slid it up a low cross-drif- t in a forward step. As he bent forward to bring up the other web, a rifle roared In the dense shrub. Garth fired Into the faint haze puff of smokeless powder. Hack came a bullet that clipped a branch at his left elbow. He shifted sideways towards the tree trunk, and rose to peer through a higher opening. A slight movement of a spruce spray In the scrub brought his rifle to his shoulder. Another twitch of that spruce twig. His finger tightened on the trigger Crash I He . hurled down on his right side. The first thought that flashed Into his mind was that his rifle had burst. Ills right arm had gone numb as If broken by the -- WILD Associate Editor, J. U. Wallace Wallace, Editor sponsible for lady." New York RosenweiK City. Mr. and Mrs. spent Christmas Day here and left Thursday for California fur an indefinite stay. Murray First Ward Primary President. Mrs. Fred Morgan, announce the next Primary meeting will be held Tuesday, January fith. Cfe. choir. Thy i ol.ligat.. s(prano bell Ltetliain. The mrn.ber; rrntirrrd . . school t- lasi gram y m . vrr r, .' k-, ". nicnt. ,v i ' has-- ' of Ihe wee- ii i ;.' "1.,b5: PWJ; coming SuivIh l.mging our ?f(1. Dr. D. R. McKinnon of Morgan Christmas mv Snt Thursday in Murray with Guild is .Mag:";: ,r "j his Hitter. Mrs. Fred R. Morpn party at tlx' 1""! , v and family. ff Payne next M t!; usual will be ,; Mr. ord Mrs. L, W. Caldwell "slumber" had as their dinner curst. s Christ vwir.W breakfast Tnesdav mas Day at their home on High M Swung tht Body of th Con land l)i ivc. Mr. and Mrs. tablt Acton H,t Shoulder. Davis of Salt Lake, Mr. ard Community ..j JPth. Mrs. J.mits Drier- and family of He Sunday, D"'" itiWp'i rap. , ,,,. rc.'ic S. his city, Mrs. A. F. Ilobbs of ilar Si rvi ayi ml lirtcl the cap that It v a at Mnlvale. Sermon almxe n.o peered R,.y Nordbrrg and Marlop r n,,. (lrirt ' tin lake The rap fllpp,.,! Hanson. Pleu'-' .ff !. v Will in .?;' St Sunday Jhno, pierced throng ,y Miss P.lanrh Jaiis!-,from the nemh will 1m HiJy Cotnmui" lhln.) ti. r,,,, hostess t (IVmrmlx-rthe At Ihe of of the a.m. i;.(t) 'hili. Monday at her home lur in up thr.v feet to the left t tl Lake. Iwk for the rn rhino. It , Iii h Aid th hlf biirlo.I m the vu!l n Clioich betft8 Mr. and Mrs. M R. Fled feet ay. When Miet, .iiin on , j Srhwan mst entertained at a f.nmlv Hmni i have fiung out hi. '"' will ,nr:Liineheoti h lll(g aity, Cliiistmas Il.iv :. ihfir pitched over tnckwardg. homo ,,n Stale Cuvcis slrtn t. Huibj had pruned j,,. C(,nl(, were laid f(,r If, cordis rifle With r1nn.11. ' mi unit y, Rn Mr. and hi men were rir tieirl, To A.r. and Mrs. lwis F.. Ti ion O.n .ilitl.tltHs! ,.rt ... make .v ,u.u UIC carum would tnteitained their HuMi-and prandehidien !,nf (Continued Next Week) prandrhildrrtt at rimn.-dinner at Iheir mas Day at their home on Vine State street. i . ( 'N:J , 'f F.ph-ra- I - 1 1 ' r t,;,-- ,,,., ' 1 n s r-- ar bot,!-e- , ' nil-xi- na : ... :t.i-en-- - . str--t- "-- Mi--- ,r C!-i- :' f'ht-.ci- . h-- nr |