OCR Text |
Show no, i THE ' WEATHER - - ' ' - - - scaler with. and thunderstorms ill the MOUtim ' ' TEMPERATURES Maximum' Friday!'..... 88 10 CM Saturday '..... $O Minimum Friday ..., 66 1 12 noon Saturday ..'-.- . S2 Minimum SaturdaY ... 64 '' 1 pm. Saturday --S- S, ' a ,a.m. Saturday ..... 67 '' , -- ,,, ' Sunset SaturdaSti 7:54; rise Sunday, 4;57. ' ' ' - - ' ..., , -- - '.. . 1 - t - Italy Calls 10 , 0 jiff ore Men To ATM'S' .il n - ,..., ' ' , '- - -- ,Err. i) e '4 . Price: Five' Cents - - ' ' - i0 , . - .k 11 - ', ' 4. MCtl ,.;::;.' ! , 4 -- 11r. k ---- - o' .... '' , 4 a e : ', , - - - - t - Li ATI PLANES , " ,,,"- -- - ..., 1 Maneuvers -- 1 - - ::', - rt-- i 1 ' , 1 ! - i i 1 I. . v , i I ' - o . ' ' -- - - , ' - , ' 1 . - , 7 See ITAIAN On Page 3 ' Foreign Minister In Rumania Resigns i ' 1 . . - 1 - , 1 - . .- .- 4d BUCHAREST, June 1.(AP) GaForeign Minster Grigore fencu resigned today, because' of "ill health" and was immediately replaced by Ion Gigurtu minister of communications, a close friend of the German government. The resignation of the tall, 47 year-olGafencg, who has been and energetically during his two years' as- foreign minster, came as a surprise, pro-Briti- - e f A''''''.. t '", t .,- - : - ,,, , -- , Ilik ar pro-Frenc- h 1 il . ',. - . Baseball 0 1- , I f NATIONAL 'LYLE. 000,- 34 210 000 003 000 001.- , , , : -- - Ix ; s, .' ' i: :' , ' v ,.:. ::..,:i dp. ' i': - L.....,, , , -- - ---' , i , 11 t I y 4 , t i ! ; ji ' r 1 is , - . ,' , ... I It A , .,., y, ,., ,, t . - - - - - 7 , t ::, . .. . , ,,,...,, , ,: , 1 , , , ,, .,...,,,,, .. ' .. , :::i,:,::::::i::::.:::::i;;',:;:-,- , ::::,.0 :.r.:.:''.fi!':.1-4- lik:,:e::.,::::.4'..Z , .. , (), . . , ,,,, " ,, , 4 ,- , .)) ., - I, - t , . , .., . 4 e) 411, - - , ....,,1" 1I ,1, lima milegmagiopaN. so, ogol:Z..mmimcifolabs, ' , . i , .. . . A.. io go ,tion of selfishness and misunderstanding and with the development of good character, Elder Richard R. Lyman of the Council graduates of,ttalt Stata.Agricultural Col- lege this morning in the anaual cólninencement exercises - A large crowd gathered In the field house for the rites which saw, graduation of the largest . -class lnilJ. S. A. C. history. To the 562 graduates, Dr. Lyman advised, "Walk with care and accuracy old fashioned paths In t6e of Industry, unselfishness, hon. Neio,To Last 1847 esty, reliability and dependabill Pioneer'Dies'. - tY. - "Meinbersof the class of 1940, enter the great conflict and battle Of life With heads erect, hands lean faces forward courage high and confidence , In youselves,-- May your every action be prompted and guided by the high ideal of the boy scout who hon. nin, his promise says, 'on my 1 will do my best!". June, 1Utah's gallant '''band of original :1847 pioneers had been thinned ',by rdeath to one today. Mrs. Msnomas Lovina Gibson Andrus, 98, known as the West's ,oidest pioneer, died last night at'100 of a heart attack in St. 'George. The only remaining per- 'son who arrived in Salt Lake Valley in July, 1847.- iMrs. Brockbank of Ann Park Mary Salt Lake, who will be 96 July ; ST. GFORGE, , STRESSES CHARACTER Dr. Lyman introduced his sub Jed r13Y quoting Dr. Willsie Martin: ''There is no substitute for characterpower without char- peter is a menace. Charm with. out character is a snare. Clevers ness without character is an strument of destruction. Wealth In-a- , born March without character ,debauches its in 'Monroe Cottrity. possessor. Seek first God's kingto and Miss, George Washington dom and His righteousness, then Gibson. When Ann Mary Sparks can safely possess life's othshe was four years old her par. you er powers." start. the and Church ents joined ,He continued to illustrate his ad westward with their 10 Chitext, r The Importance and Value ldren in company with what was about of Character,' with a known as the Mississippi Saints. one of his classmates story at the Uniat the The company wintered, D. 'vereity- of site of Pueblo, Colo., and part of Horton, whoMichiganBryson as chairman of the 17 in the that group, all, entered Rackham Foundation, was largeSalt Lake Valley with Brigham ly responsible for making an en24. The Young's company July dowment of $16,000,000 to the reothers, along with the sick de., search department itt Michigan.' tachment of the Mormon Bat. "I feel it highly appropriate to followed under Capt. talion, refe,r,to this latter endowment ort James. Brown on July 29, 1847. this occasion because one of the Mrs. Andrus, a child of 5 at that first and most important subjects ANDRUS On Pais ; See LOGAN Os rage 3 Mrs. Andrus 1842, - Conditions Require Power In President ' Chief Contends Gernians' Report Million , Prisoners Taken In Fight eamp to another en route to the Reich. tal manpower of all the British AMERICAN , and French .forces in the battles MILE. of the Netherlands. Belgium and 002 000.... 3 0.1 nothern France, and the three St. Louis New York 111 040 01x 8 12 I French armies which the Nazi J3ildlPH, Kramer and Swift, Suttee; declared they had smashed in The British their Chandler, Murphy and Dickey. Cleveland ...010 000 000 1 2 I report, they have successfully Philadelphia 210 020 10x 0 0 ' 2 withdrawn from 130,000-to-14Allen, Dobson; Harder and Hem& 000 of the 175.000 Tommies they sent into Belgium " and some ley; Ross and Hayes. Detroit '....322 010 tom x x x Frenchmen .also have escaped Washington 000 100 sax x 'x x across the English Channell.) Newsom and Sullivan. Most of thenvare - relay krakauskao and Ferrell, Early. ed from one Intermediate- - prison - , There , . areSenegalese fetchMoroccans they with Negroes; ing, caps: representatives of the from yellow race, apparently Arabs. Jews, French one Nordicsall in great comradeship of defeat. Some carried canes. Some had almost no baggage. Others had Indo-Chin- guilts slung over their shoulders and small suitcases in their hands. k Prisoners of tite mere primitive raced seemed to enjoy looking into cameras , to be photo4 graphed. Many Frenchmen and English. men, on the other hand, put their steel helmets over their faces. , - -- , .,... , e--- ------ tiló war apparently- - imminent, it quickly interpreted by'reu trals as a gesture intended tel reassure Premier Mussolini' that Nazi power, was 'sufficient- - - to ,during Itelp the Italians-eve- n the present German offensive in , ' Flanders. Two bombs fell, in Marseille, a city, of nearly 1,000.000, and two in 'the harbor, hitting in English ship loaded with cotton. Nimes, ,about AO miles to the northwest, also, was bombed. Two of the attacking plane were reported brought down. In Paris, the French command's communique declared that ''' the Nazi 'expedition had been cepted by French fighters In the Valley,of the Rhone, fnd that a number of the invaders had been shot doWn.'" ; Reports A'ilt Bern, Switzerland, said heavy damage had resulted In the French industrial section near Lyon. with bombing parin suburbs heavy ticularly where factories were known to -be turning out plane parts and : .' I ' , Nazis Report Sinking 5 British Transports , Capture Of 26,000 French Soldiers In Lille Battle Claimed By Berlin , , , By The Associated Press' 1 ! - , . BERLIN, June I.Raining more death on British troops , I air force German today seeking to withdraw from Flanders, the added five British transports to Its list of sinkings while the WASITINGTON;.June 1.I.4A1) 'Ndzi Infantry was reported marching 26,000'Franch prisoners General George C. Marshall, ' fields around 1.111e backto prison camps from army chTef of staff, contended-, Tbe German high command today that the ,"recognized pos: Basel residents a saw bombing of announced that the resistance sibility dangerous developsquadrons leave their German ments in this hemiiphere" made of French units ' trapped in , and bases shortly after noon It "essential" that Congress northeast France bad been brok 'return several hours later across grant President Roosevelt'm the Rhine. but admitted that the daft for authority to call out two of which One planes cult terrain around Dunkerque, I the National Guard if needed. came over Swiss territory was , He made the assertion in a --rendered worse by the flooding brought down by a Swiss fighter from canals, was hindering Ger. Madrid Acts To Halt statement after some members after failing to heed warning man action against that port, the of Congress', had voiced opposi-- , shots. , War from Allies point of Withdrawal Demonstrations, L tion to, the request., , Marseille ' is the built at foot It , Flanders. Under present laws. Marshall of a h1U, around which loftier -The Germans reported these MADRID, June be impossible said, it would It heights rise in a naval successes'. were posted at the ed without the consent of Conguards faces directly on the-ic- Five British Its transports bomb. and gress "to send any unit' of the embassies French and British foreign commerce Is greater than ed and sunk outside Dunkerque. National Guard to assist a reguthat of every other port In consulates today is students dem. One destroyer and one sub. lar division in any one of the marine sunk by German torpedo onstrated 'against British ' posse', France. possible situations which might , , slon of Gibraltar:. arise in this hemisphere." ' speedboats. t : destroyers or cruisers "The War Department is opPolice 'dissolved one group and ten merchant ships totaling posed to ordering the National which 'reached the Puerto Del 70,000 tons badly - damaged by Guard out for active duty," he I Sol in the middle of the city. bomb hits outside Dunkerque. added. formed One enemy warship torpedoed Another crowd quickly , Marshall expressed belief that 4 off Ostent, even if it should be found neces-- , by a Nazi submarine and began Aouting "Gibraltar! ' Belgium:, I essary to mobilize ' the citizen the Gibraltar!" They also sing NEW DEFENSIVE LAUNCHED soldiers only a portion would be LOS ANGELES, June L(AP) SPanith racist hymn: 'Face The high command said the Involve- d- He also expressed the A giant Douglas DC-- crashed ' Sun." , latest successes increased to six to the hope that expansion of the reguand burned In A field today the number of destroyers sunk lar army would make it unnecesAn armored car ',Wall lientft, to by speedboats in the channel and the British embassy when the shortly after, taking off from sary to, mobilize the guard at the number, of , submarines to this time. He stressed, however, Los Angeles Airport. killing first demonstration started. ; that "time is the essential factor" , Manuel four 'occupants. 'comsame time, in preparing for possible emerToday's high command - At the serof. a An El Segundo , German police Aznar. leading Spanish journalist munique indicated gencies. , four said he counted fensive was stirring along. all as spokes man for War Department officials notoften geant regarded ' - , bodies and that all died instant.. ed that the president fr onts. - - - - the government, contended in without it reported bombing attacks an article timed to coincide with ly. Two were thrown from the consulting Congress may "call" the guard into service to the arrival of the new British plane, he said. against Allied troops in a forest near the south of Abbeville, with a threatened invasion cope Dobglas Aircraft CO. In Santa ambassador, Sir Samuel Hoare. or Gerwestern terminus of the that Britain might as ell yield. Monica said the pilot was Bud Insurrection. To permit sending man forward line in France, and Gibraltar because of it lost mil1 National Guardsmen abroad, a sally against French forces at Jail, value. however, would require a Czech Fliers Busy Le e hesne On the other end of The development of long range declaraemergency PARIS, June . meant Aznar sine that. the said, cannon,. tion by Congress. -- ' he een Czechoslovak fliers with the An authoritative source said - "whereas In earlier time Although some, members dis., Trench , air forte have shot who held Gibraltar dominated the the high command probably Rented from Mr. Roosevelt's Nadown 41 German planes In the would announce the tabulation strait, now he who is lord, of tional Guard request- ,the strait will dominate Gibrak of its collection of guns,- - war past few days. Czechoslovak aurallied unhesitatingly Congress, ' around . . thorities said today. the president's call for another equipment and other booty &ban- - -tart"A rearmed Spain would make One sergeant alone accounted doned by the Allies in Flanders billion. for 12 and one lientenant seven, In an allembracing Gibraltar indefensi ble , , Aznar commu. From both came the announcement said. staunch support forparties ,nique. The epokesman said- these the broadenstores are "enormous". edI preparedness RepresenHe described British reports . tative Martin of plans. Massachusetts, a the Republican leader, Flanders said his' ojdhle00;irlyyreltrorenato.from "shame- -. party would Join in Jul cynieism ., . to improve defenses. every effort ' German assults on - , , The latest arms reCommends. , the remain., der of the British Expeditionary tions gave the nation a prospecForce fighting for Its life i n the tive military bill roughly three. fourths of the $6348,79.1.000- - Dunkerque a were - reported ' proceeding "iavoraoly".. spent.for army and navy during America's 1irsUulLfI5caLyearin - CLAIM GAINS IN SOLT11,, une tators that the launching signall, --- on the Allied tank attacks ed the 'beginning of a renals waMrr.LAPInThe.35;000:toti battleship. - sance h . Roosevelt spoke southe rn- - front near -- Abbevillei of naval preparedness" that in round .terms fit "more than a "foundered" and the high corn- - Washington. first capital ship adwill protect the United States billion ' mand said the Nazis gained dollars," authoritative dition to the United States fleet from any attack. in that area in a for- quarters said that the , expendiground The was the launched into 1921, since mounting 'Washington: tures contemplated in. yesterward thrust following the Allied nine Delaware River at the Philadelguns and built at day's special message ' ' woald attempts. a cost of $65,000.000, exceeds by 10:18 ctn. at navy yard phia come to $1,375,000,000. Added 'to the air action on 1,600 tons the largest ship the (EST) today before a cheering regular and extraordinary meas.. the front yestup ' the Germ ans crowd of 30,000. navy now has afloat. However, urea now pending, this would said 49 Allied planes were shot the Washington and a sister ship. Wartime restrietiona blanketmake a total of $4,672,011,352. down. 39 in air fights and ten the North Carolina, which will ed the navy yard as the $65,000.. While Congress evinced readi000 "battle wagon" slid down the. be launched at the New York by guns. Nine Ger-ness to vote the mounting milman planes are missing. navy yard later this month, will ways. lions. Mr. Roosevelt's accompanyFifteen-year-olIn Norway, the high command not join the fleet for more than , MarVirginia National Guard recommend. ing , ; a year. Said. the Narvik group held its shall, ,grandtion encountered prompt oppoThe present ship's immediate of Chief Justice John in the face of strong positions daughter sition. , , enemy attacks. Marshall, christened the battle- predecessor was sunk by gunVANDENBERG SHOCKED fire before completion In Novem4 .(.The - communique did .not. .ship in honorof .be.r.tionlestatet. Senator Vanitenberg the , bee; 024, Id act ordanCe-wi- th , state where the German posi. , Washington. , told reporters the request for limitation arms Senator Walsh (D.Mass). chalet, Washington tions are. Both the Allies and power to call out the National treaty. The cruiser. Washington, Guard if neccesary to maintain, . the. Germans hive reported Al-- man of. the Senate naval affairs Seat, lied forces entered the Norwe. committee. declared in an - ad- -- atill in service. is now the ties - ' bee DEFENSE On rage a week.) dress,to the gay throngs of specgian ore port earlier this ,, ) Spain Guard Two ,Emba'ssies - , ; ',- semi-circl- e. , , Giant Plane Undergoing Test Crashes, Mils ' .: 5 - ' specifi- c-national , Dritish-Hol,: - t 0 n lly 15 000 , , , , ' ' --- 5 ' Leit In, rri trap y--- - , r - Rescue Of 160,000 In Flanders Flight Reported ' LONDON, sh Tommies June 1(AP)Briti- from the Flanders trap by the greatest rescue in military his; tory estimated today that all but one division-15,- 000 menof the original British Expeditionary Force of 175,000 men has been Safely removed from Flanders. At the same time Minister of Bealth Malcolm Macdonald announced the government regarded the danger of a direct attack on England 110011 as so real that plans for the dispersal of school children should be ready by the beginning of next week. "Parents who do not register their children by Monday evening run the risk of not having tnem taken away," Macdonald said: ' ' Be explained that "the situation regarding evacuation of our large cities and industrial towns le reviewed by the governcnent each morning.' g The Tommies, saved ' from annihilation by their comrades' brilliant rear guard action, said the single British division and two divisions of General Rene Jacques Adolphe Prioux's French army were the only Allied troops still covering the Dunkerque retreat. This would mean that ' some 45,000 men were leftonly in Flanders of the 270,000 Allied troops which originally were 'Nazi-lai- basted d - - , home-comin- trap. General Lord Coil, B. E. Jr. commander in chief, was likened by the British press to Sir John Moore,hero of the Peninaular War who saved his army from annihilation by Napoleon' s troops. Re. turning soldiers said Gort had taken personal command of the rearguard fighting. While all of London's evening papers proclaimed the Germans had lost half a million men in their attempt to wipe out the B. E. F.; an official announcement said the Allied supreme war See BRITISH On Page S Nazis Report, Flagship Sunk 1 - - nierica Launches First attleship Since 1921 - - , itorth.7 ern France and Belgium has net. ted what is perhaps the most mbtley aggregation of human be. Pigs ever assembled in prison (API - , - -- -- - Head Of Army Backs Right To:Use Guard , il will, underLOGAN, June 1.Declaring that peace and come contentment will and only through the eliminastanding Mrs. Andrus Expires At 98 , ' ;, , , 4,,, Wilg s , ' . - of Salt Lake,' Taking top positions during graduation exercises at the 1) S.'I. C, today and tomorrow are, left to right: the who will deliver the baccalaureate sermon tomorrow morning; Pres. Elmer G. Peterson confers degree s to Ruth Linnebach, of Salt Lake, Lois En. speaker, Joe sign, et Clearfield, Katharine MacKnight of Pric e and Maurice Johnson of Salt Lake; Elder Richar d R. Lyman, commencement - -Ehlicli of Tooele, insetvaledictortan: 11; Elder Lyman Addresses Students , Thirty persons were killed here and in. the harbor, It was one of the biggest air attacks of the war, and the first on south France. , ,, With Italian -- entrance 7 Into , , ' At U. S. A. C. Graduation - ' :, , They Feature Utah State Agricultural College Graduation ProgramRt. Rev. Arthur: W. Moulton ood Ellariicter "eld Peace Need ' ' ley-toda' , , , ' ; ' - , , I.ONGreat .. , , , - :t- ,,:s:, , , - waves of Ger.' MARSEILLE, France, June mail planes bombed Marseille, France's second city and biggest port, and struck heavy blows In !he rich Industrial Rhone vat, I c ::.:: .if . - -- -- ,Air.: ' ------, 1, . WM.:.!:.:::i' ' . - ::::.;.;.'::t,:::::,,:.i-,:.!,:::,;fl'- . ) ?",;.: o . .:::::,;:,::::,2:.:.:',:',:;:,4)::;;,...::.:::':::.':-..-:,.,:;:7,:': ;;,1;00.'rr':,,:;:4!,1: 0,- t t: , . 1,(AP)"German heavy artillery tonight was', tossing tons of shells Into Dunkerque, the Allied port, Pt cityPARIS; Flanders, Awdhoill; ita4-nenpri- net wtheer;Fbaretnatehogretharegaruair,day to!: Jacques ' . break-throug- ; . Fire On City, Of Million , ,11 - I 3'9 '1 v " sberger, I !4 . ' Killed As Fliers Open ' 9 0 8 1 Pressuell and Mancuso; BY LOUIS P. LOCHNER Mooty and Todd. IH2O WITH THE GERMAN ARMY 2 -- 3- 0 002 .000 --' BCincinnat- i- .010 020 00x 0 AT THE FRONT, June Posedel and Lopez; Thompson --Germans estimated today they have 1,000,000 Allied prisoners, - and Lombel x x x not counting the Belgians and Olx lax St Louis -- 101 00X XXX.. X X X ,the Dutch or will bave after the Mulcahy and Atwood; McGee, present operations are ended in northern France and Belgium. Shon a and Owen. German New York at Pittsburgh, post. - (The estUnates, , however, probably exceed the toponed, wet grounds. Brcaklyrine.toOnOt (7-11allen- 0 .-- 4 k 1 I 4- - - 1 . o Italy ar Seen . Irk' Ails' nalcts -- : f - , , d , ) t. , 1 - :.; 10, ...- ----- ' t- . 1 Signal 0 - om , ;....) spring:Military reported under way in northern Italy, with one full army Icorps engaged in exer-Cises near Florence. 'These developments shared the passage spotlight ' with - the through Italy of a Spanish null General headed by tar)' mission, Canovas, bound for Berlin. told of. Madrid from Dispatches that the growing insistenceir there hold on British relinquish-thehas been made repeatedly bytlie Dal. Ian press. Diplomatic observers linked the Spanish mission with these demands and speculated on what role Generalissimo Franc6co Franco might play in the Italian from fight to dislodge the British Gibraltar. EARLY MOVE EFFECTED tension, Amid the persisting some observers expressed belief that an announcement Of RaiIan entrance into the war might come over the weekend. Others lin., thought it might. be delayedFuel'. til Premier Mussolini and - an ultirer Hitler had served Great matum on France and Britain demanding territories. as to the Nothing was known the Ital. when discussed subjects Ian ambassador to Germany, Dino Alfieri, conferred yesterday with Hitler at the Fuehrer's headquarters. Nor could it be- - ascertained were lief-what, if any, messages Mussolini and by exchanged ing President Roosevelt.11 Duce bad re-- . The report that preoccupiehad been-tofusedor accept a message from, d---to the President lRoosevelt through brought a United States embassy Wildenial from Ambassador he had asked liam Phillips that in recent days-"I- f the see premier to to commuanything had I . normal the said, he hicate,",the , would be through channel , minister." foreign XII' re-- . Meanwhile, Pope Plus to ambassador ceived Spain's audience. private in Vatican the press in the Italian , Comments at left little doubt today-th- war asItaly an Intends to enter the the ques. but of Germany, ally when she ,tion of where and to strike was veiled by a grim official silence. EDITORIAL MAKES THREAT The most significant new de. publication velopment was theInternational of an editorial in Relazioni, leading foreign affairs that declaring commentary, upon Italy's territorial demands France and Britain "will be en' forced by arms." This declaration of Italian poiIcy appeared as Fascist leaders expressed retentment over the ..... . ) 1 ' . , ! - , , Year 90th, ' ' v o ' fft.:: ,''',, Simultaneously - maneuvers were ' - - , ' ' ' ' fall.- ......, i i ; ' ' - - , , ; : Illdbo ,,,,... I Clit4I (7NdiD . , ROME. June today called up- - 10,000 noncomInissioned officers to supplement a force of 50,000 enli$ted last . - , , :4 ,1 I, 1. , 358. No; 54. lot' ,,, , IPS : 7P . 2 10 IT.,l. , , 4.'s' 43 . i I.' li k , r , .1 Nu, ':'-'- Ope-nO- Northern-Bonie- I .. , , ' we 11 ' , 01111101110 , it) it Co. g . mi 1 ' , .. - - . I 0 D AV,.,,) -- -- In tune zones bring late news from world ' capitals for today's Deseret News , ' -- -- EW - nalS 2 43 .4 Difference . 4 ''''''T' - I C ' ,.. 1 I . so ' June 1, 1910. - -- -- .. . .N , V' k Salt Lake G , Utah, Saturtla - - , ,it, I 1...z.; lit IP 4, r,.., 1110& ,TOS . ernumm,,wa,m nAll t LF , , .. 491 it Of 1 11 ' - 7 l''apt 1 - 0 lb :dame' fe., P - ' , ; i - . , 't Generally fair tonight; Sunday partly cloudy and showers 41h i - 1A-1- -'j - -- h antl-airera- d . , , - - BERLIN, Nile authorized German spokesman said today that the Battleship Nelson, 33,950-toof the British home fleet,flagship had been sunk with the loss of 700 of her crew of 1,329. The statement was made in re- sponse to a question at a press conference and was not votunteered. A the correspondent told spokesman that there had been rumors that the battleship had been sunk. whereupon the spokes- man replied that the rumors were true and that 700 crew-Ole- n had gone down-with the n ship. , t, , The spokesman declined - to "milt-give any further dt tails for tary reasons." , - -- - - 471, z - The Nelson is Britain's biggest of battleship with a tonnage 33,950 and a normal complement of 1,3G1 men. Last February the British she had been damaged by I mine. She reached port under own her power, was repaired and rejoined the fleet some time in March. - The Nelson and her sistershim the Rodney. are the only Brih tIh warships mounting guns. Each carried nine Of those guns huge guns and 12 Laid down in 1923 and corn. pleted in June. 1927, the Nelson cost 7.504.055 pounds (then about six-inc- h $37.500,000.) She was capable knots.' - we:- '- - : 3, gt, ,1 4 t, (4. - ot about , t , - |