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Show . - , . . ,12 1 - , ., . , - , - DESE11ET EVENING ' 1 - , ',. NEWS.110NDAit. SEPTE3111E11, 16 1912 , - ,,' . l' - ' . , , II I , s ' '' ; also prodheunc:171! FIlE valley. APPBENTICES1 11 11,1A1111000-11A110Et. ,v to treat gold ,, , , I , ,, Atter in A abort residenco Salt Lake ' ' he went to Iron oounty and settled, but , , on the request ot Heber C. Kimball, ha :FIVE .o. . , returned to Salt Lake to take Interest 1 WITH 4 :In the affairs of the Church. ' ill, : In 1882 he helped to establish the l I y Chicago. SepLI 116:Pive 'naval mission in the Sandwich Iolanda, and ,, . " 1 were drowned and five are again in 1866 was assigned to duty I , ,,..1 I as a missionary there. On returning the capsicing n11411111 a the result-O' from his first mission hp purchased States United II , With In the front Connection Lawson of Strike cutter; : ,'7 ': t - 1I it'lurch - 'James Expires what hat; become famous as the Eagle ' North Ch1-- 1 , at training-smtionavel I' '. f' 1 Valley ranch, which he held but a 1 The , , Textile Workers in Lawrence, cato.. Ills, late this afternoon. :, - , Peacefully at the If short time. f y y ' i,.14 . were re. , 'r victims bottles live of tke He of on Ketone the at settled horn. '). 1 3.11. Age of 92. Mass., Last Winter. West soon after arriving in Halt Lake ' , etivered and :Identified lied It is be '' ' -. for end constructed the home which now I 1 boys unaocounted 1 i stands there in 1852, ,',: ..''' . ' were drowned.' , Mr. Lawson le survived by The five Identified dead'are: Elizabeth Lawson big! 0 AN ACTIVE, USEFUL WEI irds74 lire. WAS ARRESTED IN BOSTON e 1,11W11011 and the R. C. Marlin, If )esis old. Bloom. , 1 mid. ing childreh: Mrs. D. H. White. Atrot, I !nodal, ' Old. A. R. MeNitt. Alrit. Harry Chapman,: 0mmommemm IS years I. L. Southworth, - I , t i ;1 ,,,141 : .. ' , - .. Mrs. Royal t'. Hamra. Thee lhanohe , Pittsburg, Pa. Vallee' ,, , Turner. old, : Lawson and John Lawson and William i Eznet Nature of First )loney hi the ,' 44'.4 Citarges Against Or. J. Wallace. IS and Jamea LAWSron. Jr.. all of Salt Ind, 1 ed Estalbllah Sandltieh old, In. ot 21 Lake. Also he is survived by 18 grandyearof ilork. i t ,:,C0i,...ned. Antlitibus. N, W. gopher indingrial ;. ; ,a0;. , children. ! diatutpolis. Ind. , Not litatett, Wanda Miselott. en 4.,'', Stanton. J. A. Petten, 2: .vears old, Funeral servieets Will be held Tueaday ,, afternoon at I o'clock at the Seven'. .. , 1 : ,. Ohio. '1.,,,,,, Gunner's Mate M. N. Neale who was teenth ward chapel under the auspices ' :,,..5 atriarch James Lawson, 92' yeare ot the ward blahopric. Interment will Itostor, bent. U.William D. Hay- in charge of the cutter in whichin the , e the I:' & member of the second band of be In the ts'ity cemetery. ;. sood of Denver . general' organiser boys were drowned. afteris eiding rescue disappeered. Ita said to havei , or the Industrial Workers ;,Fieers to'arrive in this valley, for 65 of... the told friend. that he held himself reeit '" i ' re REARING SEPT. 25. World. waa arrested here todety on a sponsible en a measure for the irreck I of Utah. end nearly e' ' .:' , .ot that time in Salt Lake. died at his I1; .(1..1:,-raolas warrant issued as the result and that he feared it might affect big , , Willard -of caste etIlanstent , ,, f:barged ii . ; 1-.)-'t ;; north,,:secoo, West ,,eteeet, When last seen Negis was 1;ysterical, , 'r With firihenbs Poatooned. In connection attlx the Officers of the naval training melon at 1;22 o'clock. (onsplracy evening :,,orday .., ' '.:1.nlittriarch I lAWS011 had been lii for rrike of textile Workers in Lawrence fear be may have committed14 euield4 and 20 ''' era days only. having been borne The ease of the state vs. Willard Han. eTheboys were between last loAnter. lie was released on 11,000 mid, , Yeam of age and were from the , 4 - ..:', I . ' , his bed by old age and infirmity. Al- - son. former county attorney. charged L, , state. western and dle . ' with bribery and attemptir4c to bribe. The exact nature of the conspiraeX The early lettthe Arsining station , ; , Wag IbOtPW prellsninary hearing ;, , witiiiiiiiiiia' ;wood is charged was shortly after 2 uclOCkand'Inchirgeot! after er111a-- 1 winces Mate Nees. criminal division of the elty court ror not mentioned in the indictment. ; ,, 4 o'ilock. the cutter until about le I ing 10 o'clock tomorrow inotninc but it :' Jatfiefore his arrest. Haywood, in was headed for North Chicago. cut-ta- r and will A few minutes later. while the addressing a MOSS meeting of IS:WWI :t was continued until Sept. : I ' be heard at that time. PoNeft.-Lake ; was of north ', on I le' ' had Boston ( persons Common. -'- 0. '' The eatte against Cox Varnett and mails were lowsounded a call for a general strike struckandtheanboat. r the was throvre Into i ' Frank Spencer. two of the nine alleged ered - ' or New England 'workers to begin 1 the water. Gunners Mate Negle. It id confidence men iiin were arrested in :, ' . ' connection with the Hanson came but nation-wid- e movement as a Protest said, planned to let the cotter ride out ''' ,, - - , I who are charged with robbing F. E. but the saves soon were , against the "arrest. imprisonment .and the morm. Lenbart. a Colorado man. will come be. running so high that the boat dragged of trial tter (Cr. Justice of the Peace L. W. Harris 'Its anchor. an4 gradually was being .! ,' .(,...e,,,,, -t These three industrial workers. who driven on the beach. late this afternoon i Iv ',417, .7. t ,,,-An agreement waa made this morn. 200 feet of the shore. When within sere active during the Itawrence st ; -'overturnect.-nnd'itwoe- .' rutter-Wa.- --- - - - 11110DESv -- -' " -- --,,,.,, t, ; Ing tietWeen Jest-- . Counts...Atty.-Morr- is the ,.....-iiiiih 'complicity to , and Atty. Soren X. Christenmm, counsel cupants were thrown into the water. for the defense. to take the testimony Direct From TAW Cafe. Will Appear at Cafe 'Maxim for a limited En- murder in connection with the shootCaptain W. P. Pullman, commandant! ' :, to the 3 of Mr. Lenhart soon after oclock this , ing of a atriker, Anna La Piazza. dur- Of the naval training station, saw arid gement Starting WedneadaY,. $W. Ilith- ' Mr. ill is from his headquarters because Lenhart afternoon, ,. a ates.,,,,,,, Lawrence riot in ing last danger January. ,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 ' ' boat to the resew!. but and desires to return to his home in s ,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!1,,.e.e.,,,,,,ovse ,, At todays meeting banners were sent a motor had I , P,arnett and Spencer are this craft was capsized before it were 1 , the disPlaYed h.rtain on at chaColrged -, Wednesday evening of release ; the for the ealling and the man in charge and Mr. Len, far gone robbery M series of affairs In first which they three leaders and Haywood was obliged to swim back to the shore. harra testimiony alit be transcribed and and Personal. i ' .,' propone'eving. e r , used in the district court if the case J cheered when he cried: STRUGGLER ARE SUCCESSFUL. goes that far. i Airs. V. Brown entertAiro'd at a .1Ve will the jail doors cm close I Mn. James tverg prfrrtaine the mem- - luncheonIt in honot'Of Mrs. tiarlh Avery the mill open battled with the waves and Several . , gates." I here of . the crytgal lindgc lub this aft. or Karma, ci(4 the deeoratb,ns being finally floated sekore on oars and IX1CN D. , In a the speakstrike' Ezta Mrs. urging general 'ernoon in himor of Thomp- lin lavender end Kreen, and a few pieces of wreckage. . By Mrs. Minnie (leveland nt 10061son. who er declared It probable by the end of A 'number were reseued from the short1y to spend the friends being preeent : lImenrk west nighth south street, one dollar in winter hi satittivrn eulifornia. I surf said by officers of the training sta.! and it the week. surely .' coming a sack of Hosier's Flour. and she also Mrs. S. il. Sharman entertained de- - would come before Sept. SO. the date ion and cared for at houses near ;,. wreck. found that Hasler's la hour perfection. Mrs. Henri Johnson and Mrs. W. E. lightfany tit a bridge-te- a In honor of set for the beginning of the leaders the scene of the W. F. Fullam, who took per, COUIELM Itt the Mrs. Nelson Story, lhe mcmis belng tridia He advised the assembled work'. this Captain entertain vening PATRIARCH JAMES LAWSON'. , : , . the rescue work de--as! , tthme ht the frinter in honor or their decorated. in atsterg and four tables ers to begin the strike tomorrow. - - oonal charge of TO TIOROVE HIGHWAY. 1 scene. Mims Sin:1 Geary. one ot the au- "If you leave your benches tomor- soon as be could reach the were Allem ItieZ Shan- sister. Assisting Inlayed. 001111CiOUS the be remeined Yugnto the apprentires were row you will make no mistake." be dared stz of brniem. Atlas tumn Lucile Warrens the 5.- recognizing At the meeting of the county commisand speaking with and missing, but that the names of until said. "Any time between no be ascertained ill I The L' Ye around him. he continued to grow sioners today improvements were auMr. and VirA ti,iry Dpiwoodry Sept. So will do. but the sooner ths victims could not 300 View club n had meets Pay the, boys aker until shortly after C o'clock on better. If you go out tomorrow. Pou the roll of the at a dirtrwl InnOwled t.tY dam- - t noon fin the purpose of preparing for will be the forerunnp rs. the called. vanturday evening. He knew the end thorized to the Big Cottonwood road ing at the country lob on FrOnY evo- - the years work. The sesslon is held It was reported Abet several of the ,'It approaching. He asked to be between WIWI place and Brighton. bii g. guard. of a great movement for freeat the home of Mra A. McCurtnin. ! trim his pillow. and life ebbed The work will not be done until next i boys were unable to swim and became dom , a s .t ,wly until he sank Into the chap of tinting. With a view to escaping the aaid that such a strike, as seasick soon after the squall struck the MISS nob), Mork) all aututon bride. t Mrs. A. J. Gorham, president of the a Haywood ith as into a peaceful dumber. Only soft dirt and to secure an easier grade. Will be iguem or honor at a Kensington movement of genend protest. "would cutter. hour before he bad recognised and the road from 01 lea's place will be tomorrow to be given by Mrs. F. IV., Utah Federation of Women's Clubs. has save IIIMP as did that great movement rereived a telegram from Mrs. 4'. H. of support whk b resulted in the vindioken to E. J. Newman, former mem, chained to a point higher on the moon-taball. McMahon, who is attending a meeting cation of Moyer. Pettibone and myof the board of education of this n side. The work will cost between PRESITAFICELEBRATESI of the General Federation In Ohio, self." who had been his lifelong friend. 81.000 and $1.200. Mrs. Charles !lead and Mr. Albert lAvreon wee born at Hinnies elating that two Utah women have been The indictment on which Haywood n. will be hoeitessen at a recepHager .1ronshire. Scotland. July 20; 10.0. by the board in appointments was arrested was returned by the tion on Friday. the hours being from 3 honored 11,7401DS IN GOOD SEUL to positions on important committees, Knees county was a deecendant from a distingrand jury several to o'clock. Mrs ;shed ticatch family. While his Joseph Cohen as a member of the months ago and although the state f others all followed co leittalatIve to arrest committem,a,M Mre.,William ;Wilco made preparations professional Mina Wallis Rogers entertain the Wesley E. Xing, local manager of the Ire as doctors and lawyers hi chews Jennings a member of the school by- him when it was announeed that he Oomorrow club Billikin night. American Surety company of New lite at shipbuilding and on the sea. gieneq:committee. Both have won the would come into the state today no Millbury. Mass., Sept. 16.Mise Della ro. ',tide a young man he entered the endistinction York. has written to eitY Treasurer through their excellent Interference with the mass meeting a party today in honor will McCrea entertain Mrs. William Glee-& work in the state federation along atm. was attempted. Haywood held a re- Torrey gave Bona Robert at Napir it,Y,cf Prank Godbe that the accounts of the The , informally on Thursday afternoon. the liar lines. and their appointment to the ception on the Common. delivered his of her nephew. "Mill" Taft. w. Scotland . who built the first otty treasurer's office are in better amusement to be auction bridge. hurreld ' then sway prosident was SS years old today and I ;,,,smt driven vessels of the British general federation committees shows speech. and Prom It11 to 111411 he assisted in shape than those of any treasurer's ofthe fine record made by then; through the crowd to One of the Com- he was the gueet of honor. but Mrsi.1 i fry. Mew Cwirge Sutherland enterta;ns at eye, of the general body. With nth; i ' ' , iMing both English and Turkish bat- - fice examined bY the company's audieteme. mon elite where officers of the teat. Mies Helen Taft and C. P. Taft. tor. H. J. Douglas. 'Mr. Douglas ye. a luncheon en Wednesday at the Hotel McMahon as auditor. it makes th police mot him and took him In an Taft,. A the president's brother. and - Mrs. C. Utah women appointed to official po- - automobile to the police station. became Interested in America at amtly mails s thorough examination Utah. ; He was order and in ISA took ship at Of the treasurer's office and found the P. Taft, were present. Essex of Mr.. Orson P. Eldredge will entertain "Aunt" Delia bed plenty of apple .4:corneal. England. for New Orleans, everrhing in excellent shape. superior criminal court tomorrow. Lawrence at for next affair of an county at Monday such as the president was fond I there aftermon that year. dept. stm, Roy 1,10,iare Ii entertaining at :,' riving pie Bail was furnished by Attorney of when he went to achoo; in MillOrleans he worked hie way LIVELY'WEEK WITH ;,nrie-bleher sister, Mists Vera Eldredge. one of dinner today in honor of Miss tea Hunwho i Los of reed H. Moore Angela!, but there were many other things the seasona brides. Other affairs Hr. ter. a. Eeptember bride. t :,,, the, hilealasippi on river boats un- Etter. bury, has been engaged to defend to accompany a perfectly good birth-- s t , ri.' he arrived at Nalevois in 11144. He ALLIANCE INVESTMENT CO. planned for Miss Eldredge previous to to and I ',I. Caruso. Glovannitti with became the her Marriage. pyt acquainted day party. The president went The date of the meeting on church in the morning with Miss Tortnte. and after some investigation of i Whitneoyf IttytiMile-2the pretest Ai Nell and Clark who mill Young operatives A beautiful ..: ,:; 0 for a motor rid. in the W. Medea Hair& of the Alliance wedding ,,f Thurridee Moreton" faith became a mint- has bun set for Saturday, Sept: were on strike in Lawrence last win- rey. took her for started back afternoon and ..' the Church. company. 11 Main street. re.. evening Wail that of MIKA Ellie Hague ..t.re i ' in three Boston rat to ter special (tame all the guests later in .' the with ceremony Moffet, eleCandiese and Beverly business ,. porta great activity ,', ACTIVE during: ,' .LED trains. Lira ,. the day. the past week in real estate salend being performed et 1 o'cl,wk by the 'Helen CnIller. e ho has been ND Hee. Eitner I Goshen. at the home of till'ing a theatrieal l It became known :Imre todaY that i le crowed the plains hi the cont. mertgago loans and ineursi.ce. ::A, Den- in BY engagement 4 INDIcrymENT the president recently came to the A portion of the business la as felthe bride's mother, Mrs,. James Ragas, vei ny commanded by Parley P. Pratt, to, here for a the summer, during of .''! 'street. in APRIL LAST remeue the GRAND of the Unitarian church 1 zrny the winter of R. Glenn he kews: Hotbed! to Fred on south Wet,t Temple own will be at home with l with a substantial contribuMillbury home of Mrs. Mary Smith. Lindlor. 10 acres of land located at presenee of the relatiVf4 mid cites. Mee. J.titayand i II::: undl T. at White. Whitehall. ! Lawrence. Mimic. Sept. IL-- The tion. The money was sent through Miss of President Joscph F. Smith. Tenth South near nedeond friends. The bride vas attended by her ..; ft .;i !thaw Delia Hague. end Thomas dietment on which William B. Hay- - Torrey and in hie letter accompanying of the aptness he had acquired road. consideration 11,100; I. E. Baird .: I,' Winton A arrested annottnee in was wood bewt Mini. way, Mali today the check. the president amid be was i k, 1,, lb machinery while at sea and in to Pf.'T. Ballinger. large t0h1711 modern .. daughter. charges tteonapirarty to intimMate in very pied to make the contribution bowie on State street. near 'Fourteenth! !Crandall tricnde atteuded the reception ttohMbri.koentdaae:Seiroo.,,Jt.. fiTo. business. of ,'.,I; he buiMing proved the marriage connection with an "Alleged endeavor to "Net in memory of his mother." ; .: assistance to the early set. South. lots 61 I. Al- - following the ceremony. ' textile strike of last stn. , Among the Mealy things he hambra place: consideration 11.190; II.. receiving ter, Sire , ,i.t., , rEeo",I cmAtt yel.uetAtivthkelL satin:n:1:1hieln'r. ". according to Dist. httt n :it:tI:.: , ,... .... CARD OF THANKS. ,..., R. Schofield to the Alliance Invtotmout F. 911leeley entertelned at a i .i.: ok; :ie. company. . The district attorney said the indict. at her home - Friday in For the many kind words sPoken i I Powder Biscuits' block 1. J. Ilr!irIT hoetionlo'ts ilitionaintidkfte46! and Niro. J. t. Hague.t The bride wotel honor of the seventy-eight- h their , birthday ment Was returned by the Vertex county and thoughtful' deeds sideration 11,100: Edith Hill to Joseph cif but. ; G. Z. at her annivereare with Mrs.. the .:. rend jury mother., April sitting , hour of sorrow, the family of Jeremiah e w. Smith. fish farm. Fifth a goan or 441111e crepe de ehme !'t i .4 ''. secret. time Imure Light as a Feather the wait At 2 a the $ .their deceased. to The! to being from Eardley. kept express Sr.. Stokes. ot Pearl embroidery. capias Emit neer Fifteenth south, consid- trimmings ceeleek. The retitle were .beautlfully warrant wax issued but this was never many friends who have been thus William Kraack to A, veil. caught with roses. hung el thea decorated, the"1.,irlor 'ration 14.400: ;:' ' e; :,' Rwiltre.lostififtoVersziellill,Ediletrof served. Haywood having left the state. kind. considerate rrand sympathetic. arrieti anti and. l'ht h n, diningroom gO" Brewer,-30,1teJ. farm at Granytet: liai School Magazine liosionCookites ' Another was warrant in dinissued the in And Porele aStel.. table espies' the they estheir deep appreciation. , ; , consideration 15,600; the Alliance In- - boo.ni uquet of t,ny roachu,ls. wilh I T1.6 incriiiini having a rluny late, cloth over Sept. 9 by Chief Justice Aiken of the pecially are grateful in Bishop W. b. , ,i Baking Powder Biscuits made by this vestment company to e. W. Mathews, ittreamers iit StliklUX dlid ofribbons. - burble. 00111 Of purple Marreachuseits supreme court, 01141'11)44We. it his counselors of Sandy. ..' house at 471 Emery street, bridesmaid'', gown alot i'the vkhite marupon thin warrant that Haywood .,.,-1- ,c, !nips Wei() fat ahead of ordinary and hie chilled an aster'. The library wag in eerie Bishop Soren Resinueren 11.600: H. Toronto to Leo eineette over yellow '' i t' was t arrested powder biscuits that, if once tried, consideration t ent today. of Draper. and iwitiniae ..jteeeteteg with counselors and the -choir lot 2. block I. Ashton & Jen-- arnitul oellow res.'.. The &Tore. Johnson, i' never ..' will tow other wes any and recipe. Art f ! ''' IN.itelbedRe"Tiong'ant'ilm, ubdivislion, consideration 1971; A tient' thrOligt14)Ut nE'.arditey din. : ::, , , it the next time you run short of kiwi hall, wits in ' TNADRIDGED J. Brewer to William Kraack, five-l- e IT c ''' The receptiori wrzsrEirs i 1:441.nr4r44 'Arfro. Mrs. 11. G. Eardley and l the e.:srlor in Ease this bread, ,::,J., 210 l i whet; and ' asters. recipe. avender hounP room DICTIONARY at 1MS Pierpont avenue, ' the Mr. T. Jel'urtis. the was Veltee at smilax. Presiding and consideration 18,000. were the Misses Hazel 1 Wft.', Bound in heavy LAW Binding; 1.1Se ''''''' '. Thin company hasinpent considerable color ehosen for the diemenerm. The'', punch . ,towl , Armeria Dirdley and Thelma 4 -- doubled Indexed and profusely! pease. in securing bargains in every 'table was covered with a einny lace i i money :7--7 ,:,,w-,..4-ACurtis:. About 10e pruritic called during to illustrated. A n.00 book for '' ite(ejo.4-- , class of real estate for the usual de- cloth f)v,T yellow, a large leaehetdeco-of- ' the t , e..1 1: ' efterneen. ma."' number, w,,s,, subscribers Postage 110e . ' mand of the fall market. I ,,., Mr. Baird naoturtiume making tip, tb tid,, e , Mr Arthur Weiler. Mrs. the"given by extra. ....o. .. states that inquiries are more numer- ration, with 'mallet. ba.ketsof man- Sylvia Ball and Niles Anita Eardly. p , .... , L Sub-Norm- al ous than ever. and that thry have a learne flowers at each:corner. The .LN A .....,... ,.. .. ' wee,. efteutivelY :',, t '' 7 tel 'i 'number of large deals pending. ,Vr 4teer atel ,,i4. ' ..., Mr. rind Mrs. J, J, Coiesannounee the I room This with. aunflowers. banked .. , . i...i 1,... of their daughter, Annie - ., . wa$ in charge of Wm Esther Nelson, COMPTROLLER ,i ; i and a number of girl friends et the !engagement MisHalt. the date of the MURRAY ns :: ,,ii, In &,I in the hall being undecided. --:yet bride assisted !marriage serving. -- --i ' 111,1,,., :. MAY BE ASKED TO RESIGN the punch bowl Witti presided over by ! Xeltatt l'olvder bliDeuks le' I The Association of City Clubs hes Miss Mary Monet and Miss Winnie '' e ";;".6 d through-telecteA .nrlt,Pr as JollowalPresident. Educatorsagreeihat-man-y chil rit'w elosttotar; 3( io g raj shorf-- ..... Music. iivas furnihe Vilebb. our paper a PATENT To -1.I emiiriti Wetiell or,hesvice Out the evening byThe C Pakies iteies.,. president, Mrs. to D. Travis: seeretary and treasurer, dren in the .public schools are REREAD uad are equipped to ,31inseert about 1 cmjb oni14 or tvalitr; 11 Lawrence O. Murray.. comptroller of aj'Ilt tra. Mr. and friMrs. Monet wilt beI at Ira in Mrs. Arthur Betz. The next meeting of hindered in their about "el. i currency, to resign his plats,. because i.,1, home to their "elide? the bighon alias el service leaspoottlui sail. ;i progress to the Progressive ! i, were the (libson apartments on vest Sixth association will be held in the offices YVt.:. in the securing of PATENTS. Sift three times. the 11012r, salt and leanings a great surprise.teday to theparty, to of DEFECTIVE board of the cOMptrol; South street. miration. ettr and gyESIGHT. t i .' TRADE lees Work Sour friend. into the 7 MARKS and corr., the on baking powder. 7. Oct. building. . count), when city :, ',:' , of Schools fi. If. Christensen will shortening.- using lard or butter for More than a Year ago. when it was RIGHTS Miss Nellie memslaat was guest of , , Don't think it worth while reported , f.., ybil 13upt. was thaCtwnptroller Murray the club nomen of the city."' 'shortening. Then mix to a ,1117 soft about to resign to become head of a honor at it picament evening Affair we have an sasetdolo at Whaler ,..:..' to have the eyes of your little dough with the milk. The softer the bank in pittaburr a statement was gken given by Mr. and Mrs. J. e. Ilenager it D. C, who hes' been in ' ; Isom, out the a of the decorations with biscuit the in enters the dinner, 'i,, t,! way approval of Secretary eves, the lighter It Pftl.ND. folks tested? It may- - mean evyears. and practice tor twenty-ev- e ,..commem. Never ksead bakiny powder of the whieh declared it was the wish being in autumn leaves and dahlias; edministratlea that Mr, other guests being the Misses, Mn'. E. l'art!a r,r Garfield; 'Vail. if you bars an Invention. glad IN thedmilebtotothaPtialea nerve out his term. tt lulls has' anuottjt aBreer. for their success. erything Pehle'. a cash found Mrs.. Waspe.. Miss Miss e,,opon for one dollar An .'tr ' ;,; roll Cut in small shapes and year to run. a rough sketch aad description a sack of Iluser's Flours Shoals found r! ' ' Comptrnlier os a sheet or very ihallow pas is friend was a penional Worsiviek, Mrs. iteneditt Mr. and Mrs. t that Murray 6111.- with IC and we will hare Come Mr. to Mrs be can't an Smith, Willinms. beat i'ml,r for Colonel 1 v. i of HUKte,r" general Itoosiest.li when the lat- Carl expert..... wren. Ix placing biscuits is the ter was home Mr. Eliktmon t, i,hake and Mr. .,. beards li,Init made of Not, sad hut. tut lie pnosident. was thorough formerly ,, place well sport, not allowing edges No charge for testing secretary of eommerce end labor. the records of the United States ., i', to touch, Small biscuits are better than The outward evidence of friction be, Mitiv !Win Edtnini& o as gue,A et ' ST,t1.1.-- !IRV n DEINYti '' ',,.! large ones. Urge biscuits do not have tween Ntr, Miirray and the treasury do- honor at a tea given tor ;I wile ter 0! patent office and wUl send you eons-plo- ts 1.1, the proper amount of time to raise and partment was letql recently when ft .rtl 3 to :. OP"1.1 .s, ho 1, a ,o Ai re- ti oit.i En,repaid as to- Ewa securing of p.m. Platt Andrew. youtic daily. former Resistant serei; ; ,.;',', hake. 1. ,.,,.. tr,, lice, from 7,tri .. between and Main tary. retegned. and in A fSet.ctereirtat'ry) rAtrf;1.-- - efunit17 ti.,?ch,.,(;e"It'04The room,. (Poet: our charge the patent wave pbe ikoell the new IC e Cook's bookt dont Taft in th, alit won denounced ;". a ini AVO41 Trtlii, IP. Voll cannot buy a win be as moderato as that of say i, ', i; Illehefol Vesith in unmeasured term?, roil,. hlis II- yelinW i4lid Whif 6,19g IrteI of el,Petistof recipe tbet ottootylottt , ' Ane ,"111A.. 1T1f.,,,"! .1:,,r1 .Brad tram-sial- l k$ ' ; ministretion. Vi . ,..,' and -' gesccepeasfulterx;rirtotrar tithe 41: tta;., first class gateman. cited itrocer. tLii:,...--elth !Teo. geturett7,-Compiroiler . cliningroorn hack" anale all murrav ament ether officials as one i $ w4i., liing (hiring the att. rr000 r A, les UlTad 41)4 sell for tilts io ; veloobie We se..4 could It ln..li,t,cents book. back bet lin his slatemsnts. cheap : , ,, Nine,. :,', vorY ,,,,1I 1,,rotl. All Remota King. the colored en, the, named. sY ;.. tletatenacked le - Ruin of KC Baking MurraY and Lee MeChinte7 teP Arit',',; MiAs Marjorie inentv .i101 , Morse Wyo. CO.. ChirlIO bniall l'Mr. ths rotted statee, denied Mr, I .128 MAIN STIttET. Hirth ..t::: t l 1.; Port.da tie IVA ban evolis Dook certifscates. ' fate - Tux DESERET Mr. NEWS. -''. allegation,. t Mr. , it'.!.f ' Spotini la' were howtver, lun4 Ini, W. silent. die'y Mr, anti M. I'. liadben t11 en- i ' Salt Utah. Lake Cfty, and gentleMen. I. to 3390 I 11 II ) .'r',..,!it G Ell - Coining .; 1 tdublatledetplywilnl,ttas . E........"....."1".1" . , . .1 ' le' - 0 REs !k plAssEs a 000 , 13111 . MINE HOMED , 1 ,'''' i . ,,,i ' . ' ' . , . v! i eleved ' ; 1 , ' 4 I ' i , , . - ,', , , ; . , ... . , f .'1, , . I ( - , r I, h, a 1 , 1 7 , : - , , , e ...., L.!. - - IIISS-11INNI- -- --- - . , .. ,,,, Pre-Invento- a Special Cut Prices on Toilet Articles n4 Patent Medicines . I CanthrOt 9 Daggett a Ramadeli's Cold Cteunt. Ze size tm, Steil & Remade ll's Cold Cream .' ISocial - 4 , 1 Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold 11.00 size Froulna Eureka Cream Milk Weed Cream. Plc aim . lap Rose ClUdinititi - - Pink Pills :"ti S. 14.. $IAS size $, S, 04. 2116 size re '- wee ...... Sloan4 Liniment, Ire to. 21 l'; sits Moan's Liniment, loe aim t: Borax. pound ...... ilc Borego, pound mfefmo.1,1 Silver deposit not glass Cream and value; set Sugar BOWL 11.2 At No 6 Store "noun riser Satutettes. regusale price lar C. At Sto. 6 diem 34,- Leatherette-Ortem- SprinkierTop, ti Bottle. regular tee. Cologne sale prine Kent Complexion Brush. regular $iAl. sale price Bobber Cushioned fix1r. Brush. ideal alyie. pyramid pattern. reguler. Se. sale price Parisian Ivory Pielure Pram. 0 ; easel. with fancy picture. reirllar to)e. tido price I& Black Metal Frame Wrror. 3x7 In.. regular rte. oak pre. . late, Viall's Floating Both Sown, eake, regular Pe. sale prim NVortestor (old dtvlot Ratter, reguIre lar MO, sale price Griffin Awiright Safety num. b U.O. priee blade& regular Arnold Safety Rasor, regular ( sale price At No. Itt,,r' Iletol in Matting. Lunch Boles regu, corners. Drees 'Trimmings lar dm and Mc, sale price . .. Rubber 010VOS tat Itealetoad 10' MC kitot. Mee kind B rfor ni Alcohol Stove No 'dret,i, tar Mr. este twine Gill Picture Praises, rarallir di N, sate price Stem At N. Durham IMalea DeMonatmair t Se to puttom a4I - Indira dee 11. sale prim '.0 At K'se. I Store Polishing Lowrey'- s- Byer-Read- y Cloth for brass and all metal. 1: rotrular Sc. Nair pries 1"mbrrilas. ell alyhts gni ritve Et on 61.00 to We are socente for Mark Cro'al t o Gt10.g.' mind Leather anode (hove' for Ill 'o and Women SL:a pair At Store Ne. i. Speeial gale of M.nlcttt e anode at No. 4 mom Illanfruro Stick Niekel pteei Nall Pile Nicht Plated Tweezer dot Emery Boards Ear Spoon, with Blackhead Rrmover ...... - stit. ! , 2fr 1;, ... Laxative Drente Quinine ro--17- .. re : urtil .26erAelltlIPSo Williams' , lit47-41- I: 17, Z1, 04. eee . , Me Brandreth's Pills .. :. 4.,e - IleDevrnnvet- r- I ,,-- ,'' 4., ;Ant Verona PIM01.0M00 ti,' lik 010110 Arnica Tooth Moan Tenth Soap Form lid. 30.0 sine Forman& loc aim liall'a Canker Cum ' eo me flrarro t , re ,.. ! ani-ho- m ei. lie Transparent Violet Soap, box Xtt, Williams shaving Stick Zie Vi Mama' Q. & E. Shaving Soap Lioid'a Eueetrix . TOtlie. tontl shige." 14, :SI fallintrite Pinaud'a MAO size .. VI, Pinaute ()Uinta Tonic. ..... 1:t imprtiel Gramm. rtebe $ize aize g, Imperial Grenum. . ' , EC !be 41111 after-enterta- in ' SKt 1;4 Amoam White Rose Soap 4711 ! 'tN frsea. lie Bath-a-mre- i , oc 7k ,,, I olt Ele rat Robertim , !s r, kinmomiown Ponder- Satin skin Powder . Java Rive Ponder IA BidAhe Powder Iticksorker's Teleran, 2 for ktennetee Talcum Colgate, Talcum i - team,(,,20: Milk Weed Cream. SLOG eigs Flesh Food DieItCrit Cream de Lis , : lev All' Chare' '; ' ;ilk, tam 50c , ' Sale ry and Our tweat year reocleSept. we bays oonbe special bargains to to to Druggists' Sundrlea In clean .up our stock beton , Invoking. and for the vieek of Sept le tre Pro, 'tut onto remexhible values. , . , I DRUGS a '' . ;) - 1 J'ff' I., : 't SCIlitfiltifJOhOSPil'1' ,;- 1 . , .,.. I, 19e 11 , , SchrammJohnson four-roo- ilo ., :a: ,..,, Asking , ., . 'n gNri eve-acr- , PROGRAMS Special prleea to all Church orgAti- tuition on progrania ticket& dodgem ..A promptly and care-O,' ' ' IL "; '""'"' 11E. .8 Ellt.;1!114EW8 "'" :4 four-roo- g m se-W- r DEPT. ,. t' v . i . r, .i -- ;. ' 4 R '' . v o 134'. tntiflheetthboAeloidg'kir;tw'oNtlhni::sr.:o ,.- I'.. $he Csrs ,, ,..- ,. ' - Fe Stortio"Where Stow" i Regal Shoos 1 :mMre,54.. i ..:, . it I , -- hit" ;.0.-err- I el ,. - :ard , -- , ., ,.,..,- .:. , 1 IC -- Child l urrithat ALL TUE LATEST o& $3,85 to S5.00,... -- -- p ' . - 6.000 ', e,.. legA ' ,, 3 178ACI - ' ' o b I 0" . - I( , ': 1 ' ,' 1 ! ' ' it 41 Dayne.sJewelly omparly Patent',.Bureaw ' A , , . ate,,...recroptof teetyr3-centot- i .1 , a M.-- Nnd AA ' : f3S, ' '" .. ' , ' ', : r - , ,, 1, ' l. IT ' . ' 0 - . , . - , .. . s ., .. ,.. - , . , . ... . . , ' - . , ' , . , , 2, - ' , , - - , , ,', ,,, . .. I , ,0, . f.:100,0 . .,, e , 4 , ! ,: . ,, , .', -, , , :',', ! ' , . I: IIMMIIIII111111116111111"111111111111.111111Ni - 8. ,1:51, 1 - - N, , ', : ,1 1 1 ' I r , LS? ' , 117a42 . ,..tre L A 11LEss p ' ; , , -- , ; r, smarm,. ILSOM HOTEL ' Mac-Yea- Co- b- 21 East Second South . otng I 1Vebstersillse ratents1 111111111 - . i j !, The ' 1 7- . 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