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Show - ' - ' 2 NEWS . i161DA Y, StPTEM DESERET EVE:',111rG --- 1G 191-- ", - 1 Titer being possibly only a fair 1 ! I r-r- pr h more weeks during which the A 11. , iiCI111-0'011.- 11 S STILLWELLB1111011,11 OF, can thracite mines Perste 11301ITICAL before the ,i snows set' Itt" tha PrebabaltY'. et" a 4 1 , of. continued ehortage anthracite 0 Marry S, I'lleP,h will Set ail chair- I IN SALT LAKE in Is great, 4 threugh, the mast et the Republican tOlintY icily- IS'-'1IIlARREL Don't you think It advisable te get Wive conventket nest Irriday at the , ,,kr- . Is yet, some of , . Garrick theates. John 11:11AIs will be A formal Opening at a bta 'depart- a supply while there Noted nnamier. ( riot. In, 411thur r on the ea. source of market?, ill a , first vice chairman; (kerne Austin, ntent store always 0 , , Entertained by Tabernacle, ItreStrig ' second vice chairnian; Parley 'Jensen. ,ceeding interest, fascination tenter-M- g ',4 I NO. of I displaYs elaborate the about ; MeantA. Recurrent '1hn House Ekman. of Stories ilecretarY; Eli Daily of e Unusual Cases Twenty-onGravich, r"---Shooting- Down of ,Itillinery and Costtunes and Suits. , Ilirdal , , and Joseph E. turbidpi and best ,,revident 9 as , Naturally these represent the Ar:hur E - '13tille,, " Thefts Puzzling to the Claude Y. Russell, assistant sergeants- Importance Set for October Austrian, Is Told on thought in correet fashions in leading and Irrigation , of 'the Anierkan centers. Part:don conceptions . style the of the organize, temporary entertained Irclatenholata Ilfahacar . IV, t : extmultioa. last ';:, New 111, the Opening Day., Department,: Witness'Stand. vie with the 'creative gcms from tion of the convention. Tint legials- ' Arthur klcirarlaa. Socratarir., srltrubers of the So t Like talternacle .Iferk's big ,designiog houses.- These tive convention la for the puersoss of the at Areal 4114PhtYIn the babquet modes have first place candidates choir , an at elabv:4 nominating Republican 1,oESS 0 - , ' Balt. Blaigallak, Black Haw from Salt Lake county to both houses ing of Tall apparel. ' laireldort Astoria', du: I. thoir stay to wee lieleakosito : attached, Peeuliar interest Oaks , of the state legislature. ORGANIZED BAND NeW York; and 31!,.. 1,tti!,4 ell. are la EVIDENTLY .TRUST SUIT THE JOHN ZEORA ON TRIAL 'a handsome but unpre, 1 ta alk . Wasalcia , t tor wh',.7h' they ':r '.' ' .: Salt Lake on it , The three senators whose terms extentious Opening. 1,00. a tour, The friends of that big More kwew t,) m0,.. abandoned their pire this yeer are receptive candidates. Eke' ", the modes obtained this season that et korolor this fn.) They are Carl A. Badger. S. J. Stookey ri 0 CI Teo rehte" t!,4 11,(01;,i these to new , aItr" extensive C. addition and Marks. were iout for VOA, In the that Pollee Unable to Obtain Clue to Wino store, Relation of fittertnon AntiTront Law itelatee Intended rerard4 ail a three there ore W. J. Burton, Karl Wife builder and Imam o preparation' had. been made ...tor open'eapt,c 'Thieve Sea and Ate 1 at To Patent Statutes to be I mualc critic of Tele of .tets Pronipt4t1 lit Rordy, Charles H. Cottrell and D. ing of it, that delay in moving noto RideouL and during the V,,L ot Ole thoir as eessitated the showing et these ultra- ' In Mauer. , : Determined by IL I I Murderous l'ury. New York 'last ) a., t ,Atentlet) models tit. the preeent fashionable tt was pos.. For the lower house there is no lark IOEN store. The Millinery. and Suit sextions of the rank,. rL, .t.t Eitex. at cove' reit elaar, ' of timber. Among those who have alHite for him to do. Ito made personal were trimmed in tw "putout members Alt Nine ttie more are a robberies and twohabli y Itt'd friendship with Washington, Sept 16.The suereme ready announced their candidacy t The story of how John Zeor:i. 8 though. no effort at decoration was Presit lent C. V. Penrose end Odoese with of :soothe. ' v.;lett'arli' Thomas ri..I M. Jenard H. dozen of Kriebel, the hoir court will begin its faU term with tlai petty &efts were reported tolite made on the tritdw door. director.' It in his efforts to kill Alex Cliurchieb. Prof. tne, of to toteMbil Tribute Memory (femme. Evan Bomberger, in Tayhireville, Deepaspc, ei. Pay attendance The big crowds etephens, consideration of many important cases. Menthol! A. Breeden. Jr., W. H. Tobias. vented his murderohs fury on Ell Is worth ruble Drell. Pollee departurnt today and the gang noting to,,,e ii- preside ' of crooks operating Mr. StillLake' City ceetied ...tn, numbers the concourse of Zenner. Wil- Gravid). Churehieh's bent friend. was sure wits brought t,, bear on )tuitnon" Already raft of 'unusual cotter- Fred E. Francisco. E.F. Adams. re'T11.2 IYIl9 tu.ttallYa4tttud, opentar,s,. :4'14'14" menyiltriretds- end relottvesrattetew ''' fur the Daniel W. Yokel MeMlilan. liam dal well 'guanaco have been pet for bearing Oct. chardosugainat pig.ts ' 4104 Irbil the funeral of John B. Beek yesterday -Waadriad told,by Selma Mandarich McRae .ofGrangert-E1-,-pletely baffled The police in their rilift?; : acter' of goods shown. ,14444,the eperchocr idiot probhably i t;) 5ritig tu of Bingham . R. Le. Judd and le Dahl- ;iyite; or the intended victim before a OK those who ett the Nineteenth ward ' , lotittnew afternoon thievis. apprehend the will be added the Kansas ekvtion oulsL :... BgAVTIFUL WIND9WS:.. Jury this morningin Judge P. C. 1,60- - the religion questoot , bay of chapel. Bishop Alvin le Beesley of tin. Plain men taber clothes been hare work at the a con..bi-rwhich involves the right of 'loosehtiUWell ease e , court trial of Zeora iehooI The first north windosr is decorated Twenty4tec4nd werd preskled. sod: , organization day ind night and the force has been Bl'n E. Wilson. a thwitillet of Girard, bourrowli ' I node choir the ,grarcie and 'reit electors to remaht on the Ilepubon a chargelofinuider. .cluster of grape Prete. C. W. Penrose, Bishop1 nowt declares increased in the bane that Pt:Me clue over with a g ths i address delivered I an work!, Kansas. last In night of - Ivereon and Eider voices the C.. Nephi Mt's. Churetilch testified that she and 11042 tkkat; blue plush,. conoluelon antis, taI bone liso arrived at this at the Find (Ningregational church in het husband 'that which-itoulReed and 4 W. be'discovered William lead , George conducted boardingall'soch tnight The gowint. and millinery are a cher- tie The business world In said to be par- which he talked on the, practical side after having heard practically vat Sr were the meeker& to the arreet of the crooks. but the unit model of black yelvet, Pannier Wood. Pt .13ocialistn.The fleeting leas ton at- house at the Highland Boy mine. Hing; referred in berm , organizations of tote. ills Prearetart to band Said tqcolaririnterested In the seoond-arga- ' ham the "'Ott Dee7114111;' another is a Afl of thetospeakerswork trimmed eanyott p'orposely. , , ninle tended. was eonttnue'vitfilltattlini to tregilenthis, of city .1 Mr. the ment of the cotton, corner ease and the that John Zeora and his- brother. Pete renew friendships he had made with Batik, , handsome American beauty eharmeuse of reepect !Sole 111 cy. and home, that are left unguarded !gOVIII trimmed in black maned the life be bad led. sem. to get twine Prof. Intermountain rate cases. both &Reigned Jet and,still antl uti wheel The county commissioners within the came to the boardinghouse and the members of even for a few minutes hie noble .. Stephens of Gott made iWatk charades. Churchto in g the former., art- , danger of a third is another cherineuse- pan-lo- and the ! belonging sing again. tuna of "I for next few days will decide whether or things the choir. and to bear themattended which early in the term. eith be , , , elan. , ' integrity the robbed. wbo 4 '. is known In the better and kh, mining of nier One, we; ' Australian Stillwell gown pink pale or not Mrs. machines care the , eat)ng Mr, and cotton The' corner over the arises , right. ; is planed losThe fact that reports come from ?tug. lace. A handsome mole-ki- n wrap ballot shall betuted in Solt Lake camp se Mike Miller. refused to de- Bervices at the tabernacle yestezdaY furnished Music a wart mixed 1iuT by of the city within the Putt thrown truss it tabi& One Of the J. the 'stolidity of Indictments .against county at the November election. liver the things until Zoom had paid and last night Prot J. at of quartet consisting ot Met Sarah Wood. few - hours.' convince the police Litt I James A. Patton and other on a charge Commissioners O. W. Carlson and W. $45. which he claimed Ives owing for afternoon. exqubiite hats is a Caroline Iteheau Mr. Agnes Olson Thomas, Illorord Mcelellant changed the Program an a that room. so that board J., organized and gang is at work. The in taupe plush; the facing is of, white Thomas growth of eqncert Utah of eenstiteine to Corner the market on J. Burton said this morning that they Hetet thea D. Samuel and thieves Winter, most Corns, Pattito to husband The refusal could her of pay attention give He Jewelry. a is for choir received ma, number of requests plush and the only trimming chorus from the tins D. Sehettler gave re cello eon. the New York cotton exchange in tele. bad the 'vlaitore. revolvers and clothing. and in litany in- lance' band tffect of taupe ostrich.. of Ps tini Yell the use of the old style ballot. That &ors the things. said the witness. cipate honor , George D. Pyper ming. end the roe selections and stances ignore valuable silver plate bewith a $10.000.00 profit in 'dew. The the Australian billot,would be better made Zeora enraged.. He rushed at 'Tbe was It is three bosi a window in this Also Georgette sang chorus a raeleetion. The floral cd- ' ' i court must decdde whether 'running a for the coming election, inasmuch as Churchich and they engaged in a Horace Et. Ehalgit pang the solo cause it is more cumbersome to carry modal 41 ..white Imola, trilltinfoÀ- - Vith quartet gave of 4$ and more difficult to dispose or. ferings were profuse and geentifel.. , loon Y - earner" is prohibited by the Sherman it would permit of more aoratching. cnon swignYe an ostrich reaching elegant plume was Interment the le afternooa two hats., two , City cemetery, . anti-tru1 The ea and for the edditional reason that the Mr. Stillwell became interested in the ;Yesterday around hat. sweeping owl' The intermountain irate cases involve machlnes are not understood by many, than went Into another room and 'choir on its appearance at the land and razor's, a knife, a rain coat and leVerill., tirelybeck and the brim and failing over it building were shirts ,. Itse stolen int froth folJohn to square made Zeora interJohn futile efforts Shulttion orders of the of the validity BROAD GAUGE MARSHALL PAS& ' the Ryan. on touseetion is the belief of Commiseloner Carlton. , ; left shoulder. went Third South street:, . "tate commerce commission limiting Commission, Burton is in favor, how. low hint. but was restrained by Pete irniration,espooition lel Of thy last November, at the petting of which The decorations In the second win- Florenee Anderson, 553 east Seventh 4.1.4 feature. the amount. by which rates from east- ever, of luring the machines in the city , orollmen main Denver Will Grande Widest the wall the choir . South street. complained of the Joss dove in Louis XV in rooe and orold isis ; ; ern cities to Intermountain tithe may districta, for the reason that the reoth0l wa Pulling a revolver. Zeora pointed It afterward Invited the entire organiz at of a gold wax extols Line A Continental Over beautiful. French Divide. a necklace and ring. more in of on pearl a Pathe direction exceed rates his brother and said: the longer haul to turns may be handled quickly. AIM ne Se to be his guests at banquet in a bite pannier Ole trim- ' - Commisaioner John-C- . Mackay ts in "Hers is death before you, if you don't tion eine coast cities. Tntil two weeks a gold watch, stolen from her home draped ., Bipedal to The Newel wos loused . the waI.Iorf-Ato- r Near anti beads. chiffon with me4 while the famiii was sway, The bathtub trust nuit will tail for a Wyoming. The matter will be decided, let me ire.' Pete Zeora 'Tabbed hiM by ago be and Mn. Stillwell had planned yesterday . ei Is Me Yeer Deriver, Sept. ItAnnouncement bad is a Francis model of pink brocade. Fred Mesta; 57 west South Temple ; . determination of the relation. of the It Is thought, on his return In a few both arms. Then. the Infuriated man to go to Europe tor a vacation, Tickets imul the been made by Prindent Boob mei . a is Another street. chiffon lace just a the of et trimming theft anti-in:reported suit and to law the patent Sherman they eaught sight of Eli Gravich. "a friend had been reereeved.tor the trip difli en I Paul Pioret model with broadcloth Vie President Brown that at a tient like a. brother" of Miller, and pointing were Intending to leave within a short clothes trom his room itiatutes. The rroverstnatit seeks to dis14se for le E. Broome, 401 Sixth South street. cloak trimmed with face and gold. In 'Me plans for the entertaMmeht of the weapon at him fired point blank. sole an islitged illegal corniniselon of meeting of the board of directory et ' the year 11 Urns. , While preparations were being teported that on an le Elder Merer model, windew his house this Sept. It tearneled iron wart manufacturers. The William Jennings Bryan. and also hie Deriver ga Rio Grande Railroad "Oh. mamma." sobbed Gravich, as made for that trip Mr. Stillwell thought warn entered i ilestmlin and a gold watch . a gold a close fitting colonist: the tnp iii ot the . prinetpal question Is whether tho patent itinerary were title morning approved be sank In a heap to the door. From of coming here to visit the chbir. He taken Intl cempany. New York City. is sae do. a diamond facinot of locket, small were and and white 115 , the black; '. tut tools need on is complush W. the C. brother of he a Mrs. Stillwell, to on died morn. to his article. such the by Bryan. ea the b etandard rump the present petent wound, made the suggestion early taken. . , trim-- tided ' ', ' is the bird of a only of paradise mind, his Inn of Dec, 21. over narrow at a bathtub. maY. he a Prodess licens- moner. in a telegram received by State with line and Thi change klar.diall coincided who pass silage 310 TemTaYlor. West J.H. south ming. wee cancelled. The majority of witnesses In the ciee and- the .trip bet ween Salida - and Menefee. t'ele. eerond ing all manufacturers to use the pa. Chairman Samuel R. Thurman. The an an la with ple trimnied the of theft street, A window third reported meet Mr. and , tented tool flx the prices and terms onmitt4y will Thus involves widening the teeuge fmn ostelimen ,!Bryan at are- Austrians. and testimony ie being A receprkm will be tendered him L. and Secovercoat. 143 east vines Sweet, bee of shades WO wok the grape , in under 'which the tub may be tbony old Provo at 1 o'clock Wedneeday. &Mtn. token thmugh the aIct of two InS Whoa in t 3 feet to 4 feet inches ler a die. by the choir, ond South street informed, the police ail the - Mrs. Stillwell of lath PThe , , wholesale and of the witre her will deliver his first addrees. ttrpretem to ti , lel Utah. tomorrow night. that a purse containing 13 was stolen St owns anti hats are charming. One tante Of 134I filthiest a cost of apprise. ' Sherman law, retail, regardless He will them be brought to Salt,Lake or mom til $2.009,000 ' imately train his house yeeterdsy. MIL STILLWELL'S VIEWS. The Louisville& Nashville rate eases, In an automobile. tin the way he will gown is a brocaded rose trimmed with lumber 4 From Piot- - to lent transcontinental , The home C. ROA. 210 rut skunk. On another figure Is white bro. of :VISIT TEE trINTA.BASI2I, . indirect basie,for one of the charge In stop at Pleasant Drove, American Fork. we thw pi Mr. Stillwell is a very irtteresting pet Fourth south street, was entered Our. Rie train' ot the Denver eaded velvet einak trimmed with White were operated ever Marshall Pass.mode the Impeachment of Jude Archbald of Lehi, Sandy and Murray where he will o bonds il builder of the ing the absence of the but liavacibe sonality ' family and the fur collar. A Paquin model Is shown, In commerce will attract etten make short talks...After a reoeption at Reprementative- - Men 11111A timid "Tsio Kansas the the court, Sotihern lens. As railroad, the year last Mentiored the stand. City ' ransacked. The robber place away got thin because It involves the power of the Hotel Utah ha will deliver a speech e pannier gown of lace over white ard gauge line by way of Tennessee II Item wi Kansas City, Mettle itiOrient railroad with ; klin In Eastern turquoise breast sin:0 pawl satin. t the commerce ;court to weigh evidemce in the Salt Lake theater at I o'clock trimmed in vale blue. One of Pass and Glenwood Spring to Grand Dock. of 'o the caw and the Port Arthur Clutrinel cuff buttone and a gold pin. gold matnnn a a , who Lwa it man a 4 bonds 0,0 presented to the interstate commerce In the eventag. Chairman Thurman hat, hind,. to the rare busters" of Junction wee constructed, and Mute Peter Maloney, rooming at 357 tweet' A party ot repreeentative Minima men tie said that there would be about 40 auomen n tries) to govern his business by the rules South Temple street, complained that black velvet shape., The new lightly then threugh trains have hien over. . Is this sir Litigatkin Involvtlig the jurisdiction tomobiles make the trip from Prmm of Salt Lake. Ogden ad Provo Mitre In a of Chrintianity, and am etrictly did he his room.was broken into and several Aare brim rolls from the crown with ated ore' the latter route arid the Mar. ; , of the Interstate commerce commission to Salt Lake. The reception oommittee special ear at 7 o'clock omorrew night endeavor on edge, brim shall tars "ha to' bring his beliefs into his shirts, a pair.ulf trouaers. a watch and trimming" of pass aarrow gauge line has beet( over railways in meekyards and the will be ()Imposed of the poiminent for a lout-dahigh sett reserved &Medan, for touriets and through the Pinta business practice. that he conatantly chain. 115 and i a mot were eaten., tveeping to the bark. ' power of the cometilasion to compel Democrats of the Mate. John let Tot-to- reservation soul trip mt. were In th or his of like views the rerrituri. ran counter to contributory barDavid Walker. Meal a condoms whe ouch and at sightmers freight . railroads to grant switching facilities ths Democratic nominee for soy. The otoPiet of the trip 4. to- become se; 'dates. - Itecently he gas" up his b:g tit are be IS Exchange place,,notined character and gave. an index of the originates in the narrow emcee tens. at bershop with wuttinted win interurban to Wee electric toads Ibis of Inset Mt. at Mote and Provo. the will tenor. part, Bryan. it 17tult butanes, connections' solely. he says.. headquarters this morning that a thipt oolutertukainloitlYa, ' trilt,101.1,11nerY, soill assist be taken tip Without delay. of 00 m- bemuse try , ha ; Utah i he could not square butane's entered the shop yesterday or last ' P The narwhal?' pail route, fietwd the The progressive candidates on the oot:rocs. The pactY will The question of the applitetion of the -. ((former oneciticat . He -rule. the with golden means a I , and M. flies ouv, Heber of welt& by over pass former night world Its wattle key, for attractions.. commer Ni laws. particularist state ticket will open the campaign e !the but lost issued a book entitled The stole four suits of clothes . a hone. it George Auntie, fl Icp.bev emptiest he ermtinental divide it an , two attempts nest Monday, aceording to the state- w. etitier, no that 1 Nibble. John nem PI hfont iinterstate toamendment. of Finance," "A 15 yearti contest strop, 16 In cash. six razors and three 1 new feet. 10,i1;41 an4 oiltitudmed the limit their liability tor ment of W. D. Livingston. who hi mak- W. Salisbury. Joseph Boorithegmn, Fred with the Tbs stntot a which likely to combs. trust." money will crows londard at hi. lova of freight and the enforcement of ing out the Itineraries of the candidates J. Leonard. Joseph gauge line best site Caine. J. C. LYnen. a sensation. In it he gives the In nearly every Instance the same I Mine eletation and prewirre the many Welter J. Burton. Joseph Mimeo, Glen create te, Ala laws deelaring void bilis of lading Is a mar ' true reasons for he resignation from method was used in gaining entrance ' limiting liability. ecomic R. Bothwell. Jesse of route. the old Fred and attractions will be the:relied out A. night lake tra spade to house& The robbers evidently wateh The first dint of t'be high schnot tilde' his business emicerns Mite The decision of the directors' to ele it The 'Atitteri Can" county committee giwieet It levered eimilar canes. kit lake The party will leave over the Denver & a spade. and prints the names of the a place until it is unoccupied and then battalion will be held this afternoon ptopriate sei large a sum of money I. schedtded to hold another meeting Rio ill ear h made who enter by means of skeleton keys. So on the eampus.' the railroad gtking by way of big capitailla of the nation ril0 tonight in the Kenyon hotel to decide Mardi.Grand. talteramt Colo. They will vied the faira at him propotationn which be mays he far the police have not sound a single concern havine in , ! MANIUttPTI-1- ( PLEAS 31E.S.Iill. instruetion the charge whether to put a eounty ticket in the Vernal and Roosevelt, trout th two thriving villes could not aecept and remain an honest clue that would point to anything ilito of the first ' year men. The battalion transcontinental traffic augmented by The llnited Mateo mutt disposed of 2$ Ile Id. Aecordinit to all rePorts, the In was county. Rind then take a trip man. dr. Stillwell earl that he sub- a description of the thieve, . and they ponnises to be larger this year than it the eases of bankruptcy at Ito session in county committee he so divided that all overtut Pawns Western the Indian reservation. of the a ent atM opentng mitted the book to various publishers have little or nothing to work on. has over been in its bietory. , this city last Saturday. The following hope of getting the party together has lava te eighth Meiling forests A thorough Pearch of pewnahope has in New York. none of "horn would Thellrst pn,thatt prattle bribe- tea; railway..,--i were disochiugedi now in the opplicants Matt been abandoned. WPM and malting surveys end 34- -4, and print it and that after ft,as printed In failed to reveal an of the hundreds son will be held this afternoon on :the :':, sherbet, or Silver etty.. William-A men fif on sestina the alignment pm. chicago. ,various nese companies re- of artieles Of Jewelry titolee 4urieg.the athletic field. Viard and Cahoon hate reetifyIng Tribe of (Nokia. Henry A. Rite of Salt The Democrittic county committee. Tenth West. es are the with to tions as of denim gauge it. He in now hand- boo few weeks. and it is bellevertthe returned to school and circulate - !Ake. H. E. Milan et Ogden. Toni W00I YOMVPii at the recent to fused these old WARD. THIRD county convention. for standard gauge Persia t time, It gang operating here has a ',"lence" mare wit in the tame wit)) tni nrosp,ta suitable ling it. circulation himself. lay of Calder. George W. Anderson of will hold a tneeting at I ticks tonight ',t the Wei on amount of the MirAtilt. These office. 151 west North, Mr. and Mrs. Stillwell are bound for who disposee ef the loot. for a strong team are brighter than , Hall lake and W. x. Jukes of Salt in the office of Young & Young in the hors Ile are being rapidly made. and an Francisco. They left New York ?weep aver.0 , lake City. Hooper building to reorganise and ee- Temple. when completed contract will be let 11- 2-4. (1,' estuary: White. to the travel apartment Parley automobile. intending The orchestra TO will by members bold following eases were referred Wet a chairman and a secretsrY. County king Pre' for the row work. An order will be ' 53 north Second lentire distance in their car. but the tomorrow afternoon. and adjudimited: Hoswell V. Shurtleff Chairman Joseph A. Young is s can- Athena apartments., , meeting Ittettibel In near future for a lame the placed .wet when ao West, that they roads were The band is holding its find practice 'lumber of 01 Garfield. James C. Poulton of pleas- didate on the ticket tot Justke of the AMHUSEMENTS'. 331-1- 1. Bridge. 64 north Sixth West. reached Chicago. they shipped their beavy steel bridges. elect' of the season thia afternoon with more will , ant ()MY& Arthur Smith of Eureka. peace and will not accept the chair. 34William IIIT a son 71 north car to San Prancleco. and came the rebe required to take the place ee Leatham, memneril enrolled than ever before. C. Mania of Sliver City. Melvin manship again. David C. Dunbar will Seventh West. sad you e the prevent - structures. which ere The Orpheens-e-Th- e new bill at thei of the way by rail. They mainder W. Craft, Abraham Starley. John 11. In all probability be named to succeed 4 the do (1. Collet. 327 Minnonti titeet. westward on adapted for narrow gauge equipment. offers another star in the' their Orpheum trip Ps Johns, Petite R. Hirrell. Frank le. )iar. Mr. Young us County chairman. et tuh ward Helier aSAYS RE XCLLED tBIS It Is anticipated that the work will Alma. Bertha Kends, the, Iverson Harm. Oliver H. Wood and Andrew Pl. !ire burdr North. Third heal. 450 west be completed within the noel 13 months' celebrated Jewess actrese. whole rifle The Repot) Beane will hold primaries mciety Jobannesett of gait Lek City. Thmons Nets. WI Fifth 537 north IL Lees, more la to 117. the (reit time an to I13 dramatic: empire fame told been has e, lu 8 eft omen, cruised vioietint 0, in at Callison of Garfield. Fred SeartMtger o'lock tonight the and the city end Weed. mot male INTEREsrma CONVENTION. Uneormatimm the a mum draof potato eh three many recently. In A gives laws to to select of Raemun L.hL of Frandsen eon's tha logcounty timed Prieth .4 delegates rime and romplaint the and North rusk valleys in Colorado. Fitt. 56 Roselle. matic playlet, "The Light ot et. Al- morning tonvantton which will be held John A. Butler of Bingham and Thomas 770 Duluth by the county attorney. offire Forsberg, tehen the new,Marshall pass line li f in which she appears as a half- Depuiy Creme In the Garrick theater On C 3mwn of Midvale Fritter. avenue. Vetere William theetey Lively Ila Baal 'Improvement )1cetbiga lrol. wit& superstitious and dissipated Cre- the oumplitinine. nil Goma Athos. (krone se wit completed the Denver Sept. O. Tho Rat ot places tor holding 40-- -D, P. Thomas, 328 Center street.' IteM at Blackfoot. ole girl who gives her life to save the Iced so have a blue Ibis en SePto ,vii) have two standard gauge meta TWENTY YE'AIIS FOrt 1101111E11111. the primaries follows; 116 lines 11'01711TH WA H1). through the Reeky mountains be. , robbing of a teepee by her brute lover. ' 4 ' FIRST WARD. Eduard P'ranklin. negro. eontiletect by tween DOI1V Or and Salt lAke City. one 1. A. clinvention There are a number of 4'000 acts on The Bkackloot ntake 4. H. Clawson. 77 Canyon marl. a Jury In tha eriltninal division of the District The ofti the new bill. but Mom Ka Itch and her wan hold on Sunday. Sept- -11. by way of Tennessee Pats; Glenwood L. Nelson. 261 Third avenue. it. Solomon. 1731 r PERSONALS.Third diatriel court of the crime of Fries end Grand Junetion. and the Fifth Eest street. E,11 42.John James, 318 C 'onset. etri nwt.tings wers well Attended, the sexcellent support elvish:Wow them. watt sentenced Saturday afternoon other mor Marshall prise through the 41, A. Ring, 806 east Tenth South. S. Joseph. SO H street. young 'nen having more than Ine repre44Harry Mr& Noah May has by Judge F. C. IWMtiros to 20 years wet returned Black Gunnison tram L. Hamlin, 1121 Clinyon of the Princeton by 45Ambrose Ifigham. 663 Eighth sentatives present tnnn '14 ward. The ColonialWith tour real indians Canmia, where she bas beea ;r, tn the state penitentiary. Franklin held avenue, visiting Ft Montrose. Dolts and Grand Junes elftertUO. exercise,' and the discuoinions were lively. from Montana on band and three week. friends and will reautne her miattionap iina robbed John, Golden On 411g. :S. MI Eleventh SoUth store. Ft avenue. Third . sjHemeley's 'Witham, 46W. The esttine meeting wan it.ldrAnied by of preparation back of the production, ary labors among the ' Betterment and Eleventh East. 47- -4. De Valley, 1133 First avenue. Murtha ' f ' ,loas he the E 1 the at ' 14. Tioney nod Edward II. Anderplayers beett instituted in the Third Suit has workers of to which 'Liberty Mahe, Rockwood. 1920 Lincoln 191,J. A. ' i aro started on their presentation she has been wm of tho hoards. A rrsolution STOCK CER'rITICATES. limit WARD. ,distriet coUrt by Iterveit 4: Company stevet. called... are by Prenident James Duc- of "Northern Lights." the military blank 14t!tett certificate bonds and L. Eddington, $70 48E. O. Lentherwood, 1237 cart First prcnented against A. l'oehrill Had dithers, to cold Lake 102R. sitanh. kworthwan on incidents O. based cennected drains, dm and daUghter Bradley (icon'. or ta tart 11107 allegedi to be dike on .a pram. street. books made or South. any size style action eetb- with the famine Custer massacre. Alberta-hav(Irgtitg eons trt Butte and Bye. order. Estimates , issot7 mote,. htti and pletig.- 49Col. M. M. Kaighn. .120 gouth tnoty H. Tanner. 760 south Ninth promptly rumbaed. weekly kind te be absent two weeks, THE 'NICWd JOB Dicrt. I. I. A. to work against Sunday ewiftWind, a full blooded BMus DESERET the Tenth Ettet, East. ins liss eatersid suit Altathoperios diiii educated at Yale and who Is serv14'.- Toteribl 50W H. Pnliand. 210 Eleventh East. bail ram,v1. Sup, T. J. 'Bennett wasbeen ing tit tiMan, a Veterinarian 5C. V', Garrett. ill east Ninth, 51Fif1h in the Third district court tor divorce tie surgeon with the trooper,' at onnetea hotel. Eant South. lensac with the , NOTICE& of .1 tram Polison the department IITNEILla Jiatess, t ground of deii, , of at Fort the ontnant the Nitelle, Terry re In rot Ittqlint opening play, R. Second 440 east 'Ninth SR. 1Voolley. Drug store, the and fiemond tinvhiinan was nuntnined and lot the central figure of the drama, and agriculture, his returned from stylios. le South. South and Third Mast elan t Mar and Itunorai mires for Ulm Lillis net 'inlet proposet to locate in noperintendent of the T. IL this .is the character Mr-- black por- Philippines, Frank Wanting ell . south lilt Nom. aged IS pears, wlI So bald Si ,, 111 YOU1 63C14i courtroom. city ball. this citY 7L. 4.f that tank.. Marko tray,. Fourth East. 4 mmohmeo BODY IS rDENTIFIED. Lake theater candy stand. rtbot. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Prof. George L Rwendsem formerly Mann,' ft LI of troat. at LIS p.m.. Tosadar ' g....Andrew Smith, Jr.. 71$ eouth SecCOUNTY IsISTRICTS. 11::11 direetor of this reclamation service Mmis am o Invited to attend. latenosal -room East. ond ' Empretiie."Standing only in "2,',, (fooelat la Tho News.) '' 56North sehoolhouse. county road. has beenthW order during the past this state, and Ithe started the Straw. in City temetery. , 25 thost store. Drug and Today ' klemmtror Wr, fleol. 14.The hs,IN al Fot ttM1 Mouth. near Fifteenth South. week.. The bill, .which opened laat berry Irrigation projoct. is In the i 1, '' city Funeral nerelcoa fin' James L4.1PrMs 01 e Yesterday the man found dead alongside the tra,,Ita high school. trednesday. is ono of the blot present- from ttniso. here ha la noir Holten& 539 south Third II -,, I Harris's courtroom, Four ed et the Empreas during the yeoman. and practicing his engineering retriding 13 north Fecund ill'eat street. aged M ,: elPhat to of tho Onion Short tine. hear ros,II, East. 56Judge proles. 741111, flatten of Scotland. will ha .,, .:i. Avya., by W. P. Coiling. extra gang fore, teenth t4outh and 4tate. or: .it wpather bu'reatt office It Is composed of "The Models of Jar. I. Rasmussen. I 11,.1. Preatmetil 1 ()irai' th at p.m., it ;.i. WWI Olt the railroad company, Saturday place. 'Fourth East and Fourth South. SuSouth ClottonWood Ward louse. lT,mpPr.,i i,14trolmPtitit on roof of of. din De Paris." ono of the latest things ward chapel. tsrlen4a, are $fiv$t.d to el rr Irwin lichliece has gnu, tot t , )1 - nturnint. 'Iwo been identified art itim of Milth 61Residence John Iticluirderm. south ft, o, 12 f I loglv r than those In kiosk. In muolval tabloids. T. Knapton. 515 tend and cern cell at tit family maiden .. Jack ' "happy" Rrielport waukee as wiell Thomas Woods. o sheep herder, and foe. at 12W. electrical Roof of ensineer with Dirt daY of funeral front State. Murray. reel. alls. I g g Gardner and company In the funny the meth, a pamper it Foaall. It la le Itmton Kiosk. env II. It compsny. 63Residence building. Wntroas, SMer M 722 east Fifth l'IttYlet "A eine Cello" Les tonerdis. stud" Interment in eltp cemetary, Unmet : ; that he pernthed In the aeNera atiowal.rril South. bt taittm ,,r,Liv ' Mrs. C. R.' liartmen of D'Armr and IVIlliamo. Frankki Drew over rot...a Hill and vicinity , thorou !.4 i albliebrootoill Pasadena. 4rtirN.Mall.41;4A1 whilmmi v ;,....14) and Valentine Vox. 44.... 01114et; geSt. 1"4 TOM Patt hoot Friday night. Ii. Steele. 92.3 east Fifth sa,tiatt, way house. Carley's tan'yon. MIMmum ilia atileh had stop-- I mister 11.5. the CL Jr., ........ of In t,..1 v MT11 engaging Attorney Dotterel 40,.;.; , and 1..110 at Ur. eon Mo'icht It. o'elo, tiP 1 till not Inlitted South. 415Hutier ward house, Lareeel pad at ventrtionctst.--The paper macho lig. Barnes. le staffing In this city with her "It 4 s m t,tdav 40...o, o. 4,, 39 alma .butaks Jentilnon, aged I Land i Itt array exera Iss a Onnftrill rut inside rt. se ure. which hfr. Vox met routes in for brother and family. 333 south Thircity halt. of I a.m. 1.1., , , iho left ran Ile wits itaed aboolla Jest, te(nth KIIM. Kelly. ' ', days. , bead SAResilience 42 Raman' 4i, I t,,,t3 11 CM dow a share of the entertainment. Perry, f!!kntly. Vunreat nervicea Tumidity at S. B. Bean. lt weighed about 14 or itil yontdo nod alto 4 ra to loll I, da v 1 4 a m ate J 63Cranile ()bed house. secretary of Irrietivis a oppt tram residence. turtir, in lielleht. l'he eon). family WA nt). smonxr) take IA and 10 .. 41 a.m. A 1,1;v6 more. 64..... Ogden railway . Le too ha. invited to attend. Interment In city coo! spending nar ,lina decided that he flied trim expo- ' Andelin Concert ., The recital by his vacation in California. 11 at . . ... 3....al ;cm toulfv le coltrell'e store. 176 Main street. 71Creseent ward house. eters?, Mr. Willard Ando lin. which was 12 nOlOn ..... n114 mom f "el L.... 75Jordan E. hank. 1203 Valley W. D. Kenyon . the 17t Itive,ton. Willey. south Eighth rn. twt v 423 la nounet1 for the Pan lake theater dov . owner Jordan vard h.alse mirth I r or icenyon .lownalte. principal easels bee beon ins.the ,,,paum.smoomornmeiromil West ountY week, corning 11- -1t. poet. 1 Friths. 533 Navajo street. mom. FORECAST. sieweittielmr .61.04' few dare In halt 10 paned- .- Mr. Andelin te the welt known idahN Tells You rowan. 273 west Sixth '7111d'aldwell banow who hail been some oars abroad, Lake on boainewk Mr. Kenyon la a EVANA.--ttble alty. &At, IL 131o I I lilt reit 1114Ing Pont h, Temperatare. aard of 41..1" direetor the PV11111; toed Burley rdire, hie state hank end efoorwhere recitals have been and ,..itlybard You Are Next to -- 469 Son 01 West Temple. nard ta. I In a ommbor of St jcs trout Klahlh Petah lortr,. L a, quite aucoevaltil. Me to &saluted as ac- Woninterested irriga. reolotence, 21.1. liadinanignr ward lianae Rushy. 467 South West and land companies. , PEACII DAY lusty at the porters et - Ebel ' 4 lobos It in rout tom to opt hie Arvid wife, Clark companist by Tern pie Pelletal sin, hon.. later. Dela, W MO Andelini and it is In be hoped they will tolomeit. net in whoa 22E. C. Evans. 430 south Second Sg Parley's m, nant. Tvk et. t y rtt find a propitious date tatter on In tbe WOO. 19114 fillIGIIAM urn'. SEIM 18411., tst Enid. Amid. It to Not to oho view arena, Wilt ILA3 II4 Albert Sterner. men et Without Iwo Farm Inman. Parent Dale. Ira Cottrell. 23 rollt street. V.. Ow sigmas to boo Thor to fin dollar a sark of' Roster 1 Exrprolon Orepon "Mott this. Harriet World. ailed tour swaths SOS I.. H. Hod), woirk aim 1.1p, the Willett oat Leathern. south Mrs. North 14. A. ,nlese Flour. 1.26 Olson 14 by mind of west dere. trip from. Salt. Lk.. Foorth West. Point. tostoot grew to tows. VI First North. Who Ives It said the cost eight were held At tho ob11 lintIllii service All TIOTEST. , ' 5Mrs, M. Calm. 24 west 82Residence Ii. Hulthaldt, Lark. Interment., 1,1 mtaa going up? touter at $ of address living litrourth South. , IIEST 105Itealdeneo Warren 11. CrIPOit ileflOOte: Lyon, I Co. I Delmar avenue. Brown Lane. Murray. , , 1 The bent whoa! is the one that gels With it alow'Ito protesting scaliest thC Pe ' Albert. JTOT OVT. 04Oartiol4 club house. AND VADERTAILIDIA .1t omposed ordinance defining h ohopp imontsTs the nitist -014 results. Wasatch staff 1,e Ito Dimino's 211 west Iteennd -- Henageeir county jail. school. . lb now a rnoterrita moo of Pftlt Labs city. numbor of ohocinnoo 31121 College places more students in peel through & W. T. IaIIflL itamoth. A SPIOPIAV4-1,urs 95Mi4vale city courtroom tn oot. with tho city commission 1st CIty vita 24214 in. Prim Si1e oePh. 1 71011 AL tflreticl,t111 ,0 2S- -4. time than ell other schools in, the will E. Illurisidge.. 1'10 West Second tr-- Evans. main. Plume 961, tom On olio sit 1)F,SE11FT Npnvn coati office, "'V south state thic $ Tho unarming. ' South. muerte orripowo combined. Inverthristo and Pao ix ochewird to corn 44,0K State. W. ' So. Itsin St. Souvenir I belig the Commaa- fiTOitiC, No. 1.FAVINO 'two. thia la Una, A;nroll so rim Loti fidt waratat, Saimaa', .4, mAP of Utah oa back. IJILINU. Ili g Sold South. .41,, , - 1 , ' FAIRL, N)iNTERs1151081-- , ,, .. tJaiiiu ,,,,,, .,, I li Boautiful Opening BAFFLES POLICE ... - ----'1 , , " Nt 14 I1 , at-ar- )I. . 15 Keith-Oldrien- , . 1 a . , , n. Itymn or , , n - to--th- ." te ' dayie-Vort- etith-i,r,,r,- , ' ' ' . I rat s , , d , ' 'rob-tend- '' -- i all-ov- er 11-- , r 1 , -'- ' '',, 'tepeeated st - I. - ' , ' I et ' H -- . ' , 4 . ,. - - . - a 413 g 4 . tisk I ' e net-ach- Ththtions y' n. cort e G,04..-30- . t in Can-tho- le ' iiti Git SCI1001; NOTES' Provotake . , .., isouth-Tompt- - - , . . , , J. ',I , ,' , , ot ' ' , 1 , , Mack-Rambe- 0 wein-rn- - d 4 4N. ey M , rele- thattirs,---navm- g ntw41--wl4h ward.--Idah- o. . -' , The Weather -- iar ; I 3 rs ' . 4 11$ 41441 , - , -4 11! '., , - '.. the-Sa- - V . Thetirber . I I - ! ' , ' IL 11 ; . , sitrevas The Culmer 211- , i aimmmmomftnoamom,,w , -- i |