Show many an innocent little darling la suffering untold agony and cannot ex plain its troubles mark your babyc symptoms and you may find it troubled with worms give it dr J II 11 mcleans and restore it to quietness and lieal lh for sale bv evne take it llenore breakfast the great appetizer tonic and liver lr use for more than 50 years in england positive specific for liver complaint bad caplo in the mouth ou arising in the morning dull pai the head and back of the eye tired feeling dizziness bangor symptoms toms of liver remedy dr english dandelion tonic relieves constipation sti pation sharpens the appetite and tones ap the entire system bettha genuine from your for 1 and take according to directions dru co agents experience a joiet clentious woman ir wisdom SIR 1 beg to you forthe delightful and refresh ill It ubertine you so kindly abent me I 1 have used the toilet preparation of the mo it celebrated manufacturers of london and paris out consular your eo bertine their superior in point of purity and excellence wishing you th unbounded success you deserve I 1 remain yours EMMA ABBOTT for sale bv smoot drair co excitement rum high at maidens Mai bens draff tor vcr system builder as everybody it using it for catarrh of the stomach dyspepsia and to build ap the system it certainly wonderful merit when all speak so well out gota to mankind my thousands who have been cured by tb celebrated oregon kidney tea tr t drab co hanpang done on abort ibort notice at taylor bro co pork alarcon al haa rt BArd j cr IY A GOOD 1 I have sold chamberlains ber lains cough remedy for ten years says druggist E G of gaii ia and have always warranted it and never had a bottle returned during the past ninety days I 1 have sold twelve dozen and it has given perfect satisfaction in every instance it does not dryna a cough but loosens and relieves tt it will cure a say ere cold in aime than any other treatment 50 cent and 1 bollei for sale by smoot drug co ax wil loffer tor the next ten flays our stock of rera nanta in calicas calicos ca licos drew gooda cotto nades at great Bac rafice t dunn coy the arcade Kest aurent three doors east of the factory race r the best and cheapest place in town for meals and our oysters are unexcelled table board only four dollars per week when you vant a good square ueal go to the arcade restaurant loius GOELTZ A sure cure for piles itching fileff are known by moisture perspiration causing when warm as well as blind and protruding yield at once to dr Bosan kos pile remedy which ct directly apon the parts effected absorbs tumors allays itching and fleets permanent cure druggists or mail circulars free dr bosanko arch st philadelphia pa bold by pyne maiben WHEN YOU w first class JRe liable horrise done go to shop block est of fan era new tore all kinda of blacksmithing done in abort order and X PROVO OPERA HOUSE J C GRAHAM manager euc of three cwi iwi HUE national swedish FROM sweden IN COSTUME assisted by alie popular boston hu a ini rip i M EN will appear on FEBRUARY 1891 advance sale on tuesday morning at provo book store lr loes H B THEARLE resident mgr chicago LYCEUM BUREAU sole agents boston and chicago S C business manager to bince making special arrangements with YOUNG MAN afrati OF HORSES we are prepared jan QUESTION in ibis way every body knovis that and arrve AND IF THE government COVERN MENT ALLOWS THE INDIANS a YEAR THEY CAN MULTIPLY IT BY TRADING WITH US WORKING MAN with our 2 00 a day you can dress ag well as though you had 4 00 and spent it elsewhere our of K A dry goods options cloth ing furnish ings wraps shoes are all abiva the standard and conr priti ask W IRVINE 32 center st for sale AT PRICES flost OSE TO 1000 acres of farm and other A no 1 lands in t e heart of utah county apply to A u stewart at benjamin or LA J stewart ari surveyor provo city atah asnoff linoa eiB Oddo boig haq n adanjo alv AYK i OI AYO OJ satsy joo acacio asir KOd fiori A soi ao so oa 03 olaa SS aia eay m albin in masv am pub irama nog ans ni sapo aej aam sixta JC JC 1 I A 1 je aas 03 tarr anji T bi becks jewelry store thre dioio st of pot pr v CA cample e stock of FINE SILVER watches 7 A e L als ind gents gumins rings dockets lockets Lock ets sleeve buttons pina ains isai fico mateli dono and well at 53 tarn prices formerly oia Lom loi england proves popular and leading ghace Gh oce hac constantly on litins STAPLE amcy FISH ALL kaid 0 a mm FREE DELI VERY PART west anter street provo the celebrated PLEASANT VALLEY LUMP COA AT N H 0 1 at th east aali west ca 0 to m provo L M go W R H basaran PA sarAN bupt supt the leading km house in t fiorio nf ul antipol gjul the finest line of jewelry in we have the exclusive agency for the famous TOWARD WATCH leading union bloch provo z fa s rs aro sro s I 1 commercial Oom mercial savings bank i fiovo ity aroot prisident R aldredge aLD KEDGE kllc s J K ELVES cashier E it ELDREDGE assa DIRECTORS vai BROWN L S hiir LS L BEN K dl S E R el s S receives payable cm demand S five per ceat paid on deposits S compounded four times a i tar t ar safe deposit boxe for re it fraai 3 to per S annum S buys and sells exchange on oa achl ic san salt lake london and all S principal cities hiah PRICES annihilated groceries dry hardware Queen gaall AND OB JOSEPH A HABUS to n c |