Show ivaa MILY acs C menage ans te ephano is 7 loc 1 in this coluar 30 cents pe iino each aberl anens en ens and charges must be sent to THE ENQUIRE R office not later haa 10 a m to secure ion bluie dav W E FEBRUARY 25 18 are you troubled ath gravel diabetes or any derangement of the kidneys or urinary oregon kidney tea is a safe sure and speedy remedy for all troubles ask smoot drug co one in the united stales out of 1057 cough syrups aured in the united states but one lias been found to bd entirely free from opiates and that is the california positive and negative elective cough cure which is the best on earth for coughs colds cropps etc sold by ayno A maiben alie enlora proprietor of this paper ha been subject to frequent colda for some years which were sure to lay him up if not doctored at onca lie finds that chamberlains cough remedy is reliable it the secretions relieves the lungs and restores the system to a healthy condition jf freely used as soon ag the cold has been contracted and before it has become settled in the system it greatly lessens the attack and aten cures in a single day what otherwise have beca a severe cold northwestern DOS moines iowa 50 cent for sale iv smoot arny co ars driows for dieas of the eye ear we tan at lu 8 and chronic tiam tf have an nf itel I tel huberts prove ever monday of ich week home auer itak it ak burldine buil dine salt lake kupce artiff sadly aclo foo M rt i birou e nest ati lay at 10 j n i i 2 p to R to arpi eye iii ont mant A cf ertain chronic sore eyes T hall scald head OM 0 oroliu ores fever sores eczema ildi Iru itie sore nipples an 1 piles it lit cooling and so othine hundreds Hund redi of wes have been cured by t aror all other treatment had failed it is pat up in 2 and 50 cent boxes bior sale by smoot drug company to t erten the sain L nit s elioso sli iu is subject to rough tie ri when exposed to alie air may remedy the difficulty by applying apply inc wisdoms violet cream it restores the natural action of the skin and in dicea smoot adma dma co f FACTS fos sale fure bred durham bull bomson FOR SALE imported shire stallion thomson FOR SALE pure bred tersey bull thomson bresli oysters oy aters erst of the season at the enterprise restaurant and buggy business for bale THOMSON cleanliness promptness and cheapness at the enterprise restaurant iv you want a good square meal eo to the enterprise restaurant dinners 25 cents THE dinners at the excelsior gestaut rant are superior to any in town con di dering the price only s beeswax wanted at annn coa notice the display of ladies kid clovea ai the provo EASI coop co op ladies fine kid gloves all colors foster patent for 1 per pair at the east coop co op still leads the grocery trade of provo call and ee lor yourselves OVER rolls of wall paper at taylor bros co over shirts and for aprin sprin have you seen them at dunn co taylon BROS cobane just received their beautiful stock of wall paper WILL close our line of striped and plain seer suckers at four yards for 25 cents call early and secure bare aft DUNN co THOSE knowing themselves indebted to the provo east coop co op will please call and settle as we want all our accosta in before stock taking S L bupt supt THE place to get your harness saddle whips etc is at C S GOODS selling at cost at C S aas bussang mu ssang harness shop GUSTS underwear in every variety and at io down figures at farrae BROS co J street wanted A lady wants a home to do lighthouse work etith email family will serve as companion to invalid or take charge of a widowers home references required address t 20 M S silver city utah HORSE blankets and fur and plush ap selling at cost at C S bas cussens mus sens DUN co have a fine assortment of spring shirts hosiery and neckwear gall and inspect LADIES should take the advantage of the opportunity they have in getting four yards of seer sucks for twenty five cents at DUNN co WANTED A good washwoman at provo steam laundry co offic olet in union block enquire co troy steam laundry oc salt lake J evans has the agency for the cele i berated troy steam laundry salt lake city bundles left monday will b sent and returned free of express charges satisfaction offices at D R G express office in fi taft grocery bhore achot wanted A good canvasser and agent for sewing machines organs and pianos wanted immediately apply to provo book stationery co gee manager important to ladies know ye the citizens of Provo city that the lime of year haa come when something must be done by each and every store keeper and he feels it his duty to make some special efforts to please his customers with something new and where as the firm of jas thomson co is a new firm they have decided to do something quite novel by cutting the prices of all of their goods to nearly cost mcewan co are determined to sell out their mens clothing at cost now is bour chance A light spring wagon for sale jos A worse than leprosy Is catarrh and there is hut one crapar aaion that doea care that disease and that is the california positive Hosi tive and negative electric liniment sold by pyne maiben jt also cures neuralgia rheumatism sprains burng and all pains try it and tell your neighbor where to get it sprine medicine dr gunns improved liver pilla on account of their mild action are especially adapted for correcting disorders euch as impure blood tired brain and aching and worn out body they act promptly on the liver and kidneys drive out all impurities from the blood and malaria from the aye reca only one pill for a dose try them this spring sold at 25 cents a box by pane maian r Ja Vt raj enjoy both the method and results when barup of figs is taken is pleasant nd refreshing to the taste and acta bently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses tho sye effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and anres habitual constipation permanently for sal in and 1 bottles hy all druggists california FG SYRUP CO SAM CAL kr sew vosa ur areat guns important from C pure and reliable homo raised allow danver onion seed in 1 ib lots at per pound I 1 have also a full assortment of vegetable and flower seeds home grown and imported nothing is more profitable and satisfactory than to buy good and reliable seeds and nothing is a greater loss or causes more vexation than to buy seeds that are not pure and true to name 1 have home grown peas little gem and varieties at 15 cent sper quart jersey wakefield and other varieties of cabbage at 15 cents per oz lone green and other cucumbers at 20 cents per oz french breakfast and other radish seed at 7 cents per oz egyptian and other beet at 5 cents per oz white plume and other celery at 25 cents sugar beefy seed fur sale and fide lawn grass 25 cents per ib a full variety of seeds at S cents per packet I 1 haye tho earliest and best potatoes in the territory Thor burns extra early which I 1 haye reduced from one dollar per peck to 50 cents I 1 have a large quantity of U on overs coll osal asparagus one year told roots at 75 cents per best and early rhubarb roots at 8 for 1 I 1 will also haye in the season cauliflowers cabbage ess plant red pepper and other plants for sale I 1 have also the fin beet strain of pansies for sale the spring opens and hyacinths tulips gladioli ses kahlias dahlias dah lias tuber crocuses snow drops and double daisies also seed drills beeders we eders rakes digging forks spaded and garden linb and other garden tools for sale see center in the basement opposite meeting house A H H hendershot superintendent civil anil danl builder lary and designs plans and estimates submit ted for all manner of work in the dibov lines in attah and juab counties personal superintendence of construction in all its branches done at prices compatible with good work prepared to made all kinds of maps and blue prints ohp pa 1110 adil iv Is the place to go to when yon want fine glassware Elegant Lamps FAMILY 1 LAWN CHAIRS STOVES INCLUDING MIRRORS mm ETC the fair HALF BLOCK NORTH OF FIEST NATIONAL BANK leading Photo mapher OP over booth S law offic AMBLE TIM SUCCESSOR TO BUTCHERS DOORS EAST OF cash paid for fat calves fay watch thi THE i provo music store first laciona ITT paid in cambal 2000 JL 0 SMOOT r T B VICE PRESIDENT WH 0 A GLAZIER cisski i f DIRECTORS S S JONES I 1 JOHN C WALTER H pill K B J P E JOHNSON t fo deposit vanalta absolutely fire proof sa to par rb DEPOSITS PAYABLE OX COEL SENT US RECEIVE PROMPT ATTE allun AND remitted TED AT LOWEST RATES correspondents hew york BAIE sas PACIFIC unix lake city bin our lany customer acquainted with the fact itil 2 we are tl I 1 M abt P m town wil X and avail them of the opportunity we are offering for the next SO dais we will sell ALL of our stock at 15 par cent discount to reduce and mak room for our spring goods tha road 15 per cent of every fc ts y or e ext so days begging february ast 1st 1891 4 M sf i XA aur 11 ito 14 anion block THE CHEAPEST IA ajl mcewan r CO I 1 i tj ibert IBe gt oga ang dry goods groceries Ladies Children gents furnishing goods BOOTS AND SHOES we aw ea off our stock of ji casi cc si AND BE CONVINCED TJ T PROVO UTA |