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Show LXTTEII, THO)! OHIO. The Mormons In thn HticLrrn Stale boclal (.eudllinn. lliarllablo InelllUtlolll. Cormresirsee Dttml Ac-tu Cui.au UUj, Ohio, April 9, ISM Tba historic!,! and patriotic be 1 which tolled out liberty lo a duvcted people who wero destined lo form ono of Ihu raoit glorious governments on thu face of the globe, entered tbo union defot of tbla city tail uvenlng, ell roulu to Cblcaiu, nud wai viewed hj ainultltuJoof people. Ills occailon gvu evidence In a forclblu manner of thu devotion nud loyalty of Ihu American Ameri-can (coplu lo their country, Hun-dtuJs Hun-dtuJs showed their devotion by kissing or touching tho "hill." Gov-ornor Gov-ornor McKlnley aud other distinguished dis-tinguished citliens wero present to do homigu tu so Important au uvont. A very favurablu re;xrt pf the dedication dedi-cation of tbe Halt l.ako Temple was given In nil thu Columbus paper. The prtjuJIcu that formerly existed lowsrd Ibu Ijatter-Jay Balntsiuems to bo gradually turulug to admlrutlon and comment upon tho elnccrllj msnlfcsted by Ihem In tbe erection of such beautiful structures. I have met many pcoplo who have vlsllod Halt Lake Clly,uiid who speak lu tho warmest warm-est terms of tlio hospitality extended them, as well aa of thu congenial olimate. Utah climate, Indeed, can be appreciated by ono having experienced experi-enced a wlutnr lu Ohio, Thu uxtremu variation of Ohio climate la detrimental detriment-al to health, and about four dnctora do a very fair Lustutus on every square. Thero uru many real, nice, honest people lu Columbus, although lieu and crliuu relgu su; reme. Halooul, theaters thea-ters and lacia of aiuuieuieut are allowed al-lowed lo remain oiii on thu Bahbatb day. The mayor and city otllolals seem lot ueuclalned lu olllce by this class of icoplr; but a greet many uru opposed to tbls condition of things, and ire working as hard as auj polnl. csl parly ol Utah, fir right government. govern-ment. The aorlal condition of eoclety and business In Columbus seem to bu con-fined con-fined to Ibu different lodge. Each onoeuitalui lt own members and very llttlu pilroungu Is given to an outsider. Thu l.Httcr-day Bitot, havu much need to feel thankful that Ibey aru united In ucaususo dear to their welfare wel-fare und ha j lucsr, net only In this life tut, also In eternal life, when they consider Iho llttlu hopu derived through secret soclotlei, etc, by people of Ihu world for the salvation of their soul. They do not have Ihu same promisee Ihat so distinguishes Latter-day balnta from them, vlt: llfu eternal byobedlencu lo the requirements of tho i rincli lea of tho Uoepel. flu aud corruption abound in the world tJday and Is lustily ndvauclng Clod's Ju Igmenls upon Ibe wicked, livery dally newsaper wo read gives evidenced i ropbecy being fulfilled lu relation tu (Joel's ludgmente. Thoru are, however, thounudu of honest persons per-sons yet to be fouud lu Ihu largu clllea of Iliu l.oel who will eventual! , u Uod's own time, embrace thu UotHl, I visited the nsyium for thu Insane yesterday. It is located thruo rullea wwt of tbo center of Columbus, upon n hill that ia converted luto u beautiful park, riils paik extents for n tulle around Ibe building und Is covered with grass, trees und llaweis of overy description for tbu com'ort ot thu patients. Tbu bull Hug covers about us much ground as onu of thu fait Lake teu-acru blocks. It Is lull! of brick and slonu and has all uf thu lute! Improvements In thu way of cooking, washing and Ironing. This Isdouoby stcamnsnrn also thu heating heat-ing and warming if tho building, 13ve!y thing connected with thu ut)-lum ut)-lum seems lo bu well regulated und in chaiRuuf colli) e-tuut olllclala, Thoru aru 10SS putlinUcouUuol at tbupres. m ' Trt, -T ,j'V"il" n in tnt, nud ull, excepting tho worst casts, are allowed dally access to (ho i ark for oxerclsr. Another charily In Columbus deserving de-serving iiolicu Is the Orphans' Home, situated lu another art or thoilty, I will villi this Institution and may glvu a description In a futurn letter. V, M. PlIATT. |