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Show Hcleclleg t llilnunifc rolonIn- by in om It genor J'y can. il by Iho dim-- nl of i rr almpl ixdnla nf obvert ntl In the find pi u no olio should un 1 " to gathi r Hicm exit Hi nt fooila wi'i ut lalng lolly In f nncil na to tin ir - ivpc ct lor, valor tin 1 taste Them aro 1 1 my lKoki glvln nil thiao In tlrtall Hire 11 need only Ir) tai 1 that any inn 'inwm whlrli looki clean nn.l frcali, U n t worm eaten, Iiai (ink cilia) under a t ult roloreil cap, that tome dark when bruised or matured, haa nnntly taite and phtmut talor, may be preatnmil (o be good. Mnshrooin gatherers nvoll fungi growlnp; frotn what Ii called a vulvi or hollow cup at Iho Ikcm or Iho at ii The writer a tot, after noting the uWve cliaraotorlstlca, ta to tavte a small isirlioii of tlst r ip without with-out awallowlnp; it If the flavor liaweet and nutty, an.1 dn not aliiiif or burn tho throat, tha rp linen, oven If uu-know uu-know n, la placed niuong tho cnmlldatea foreookiiur tVime anlt la n!wni car-rle.1, car-rle.1, nnTa Utile la hell In the month for a moment. Htlll a llttlo mora ll awnllnwed. ciro b. lug bikrn not toawal low a jKirtlclo of the mnihrootn. When tho itinshnamia nro iratlirrtd they iboul 1 all t.) cur full) vmalied In water oonfalnlng salt ntid vlnexir and tlien cookoel, with aalt, Tlicao jrcuu tlona usually Itiviru safety lu fact, wlien jiolsotiin; by any kind cf fungi haa occurred aumc c m Icimeaa of choice err prejiaration haa l.eu rjoled. Oil fashioned cvjoka u.ually r.ilto.1 npon using n silver aimon In cooking anrph h m f nnjrl. Imt tho t t baa not l-"ii protin Infallible. In care of nctuil laiianntng rjao the aimo treatment M for narcntli a, I. n, ttncllca, itlmnlatlng reatoratlr.iL, an.1 Iho earlieat oaelli!o atuntlun of a ct tnta-tent iuiat Ian. It may la) aal 1 In flatting that tiiu'litonma ore far moro imptrtnntnaaii arilclo of fuul than la Benerally tin.ltratoo.1. They rank uevt to ureal in savor ami nutriment, havln f largelv rcplooed It In tho smith daring tmr civil war. Ilartwr'a Uixar. |