Show As A's As A's Advance Within Six Contests of Yank Club Annex Spectacular Long-Distance Long Game From Indians Indians Indians In In- 18 17 as Leaders Suffer Double Loss Before Browns Gomez Again By GAYLE TALBOT Associated Press Tress Sports Writer r The Philadelphia Athletics were vere only six games James out of first place Inthe Inthe in inthe the American league today having written into the record one of the them m most o 0 s t spectacular long distance victories victories victo victo- ries in baseball history Eighteen innings re 4 they the traveled yesterday yesterday yes yes- to beat out 4 the Cleveland Indians In 18 to 17 and it was a 3 game the likes of which wont won't be seen once in oan a blue moon It was won and lost losta 7 a half halt dozen times before J Jim I on m in i ie e Foxx Foxx finally deciding run To give some idea ideR Johnny Burnett of at the Indians collected nine hits in m 11 times limes at bat and his teammates AverIll and Morgan Marean each cracked out five Foxx with six hits including three home runs knocked In eight elgh runs for t the e Ts Simmons had five There were 58 hits Burnetts Burnett's feat for all the records record disclose might have established a major lea league ue record The accepted mark of seven hits set by Wilbert Robinson before the turn of the century cen cen- tury ury was in a regulation length con con- test The veteran Ed Rommel Bommel went th the thelast thelast last 17 Innings for the Athletics an anin and andIn andIn in the end gained the nod over young youn Wesley Farrell who was firing fring them over for the last 11 and a fraction frames for the Indians But for th the fact tact that Ed Morgan SIeve Sleveland land fir first baseman let an easy roller trIckle trick through his legs after atter two were ou out in the ninth Cleveland would have hav won then and there YANKS SLUMP What made the victory doubly sweet to the As A's was the fact that tha the Yankees were being taken over ove the jumps twice by St. St Louis 10 to 9 0 and 8 to 7 The Yanks dont don't loo look like the team they were a week ag ago before Bill Dickey took his celebrated swipe at Carl Reynolds and Lefty Letty G Gomez Go- Go mez dropped his cloak of invincibility The Browns knocked Gomez from Iron the hill bill hill in in the first game to hand han him his third straight defeat Detroit divided a pair with the Red Rec Sox Sax winning the first 7 to 5 an and dropping the second 13 to 2 BI BIg Smead Jolley of at the Sox pounded ou out seven hits during the afternoon 1 to move into third place among th the American leagues league's batters While Alvin Crowder pitched stead steady ball Washington belted three White Whit Sox Sax flippers for 19 hits bits and a 13 to I victory and were a stand stant off In their torrid race for the N Na league honors as both captured capture Sabbath encounters The leading P Prates Pl rates made a flying raid into the east and picked up an 7 to win over ove Brooklyn when Hack Wilson let a drive get away from him In the ninth The rookie Bill Swift was credited with his fifth straight triumph Chicago's dazzling sophomore Lonnie Lon nb nie Warneke Warncke shut out the Braves 4 to 0 on six hits for his twelfth sue sue- cess eess of ot the year Gabby Hartnett le lethe led the Cubs at bat with a R home run double and single The Cincinnati Reds receiving tw two well pitched games didn't do a thin thing but belabor the Giants twice 6 to 4 and 4 to 2 The Reds with eight vl vie vie- tories in 10 games were out of th the basement today leaving eighth place to the New Yorkers Red Lucas Luca pitched his hiB eighteenth consecutive complete game in the first tilt an and Owen Carroll Adolfo Adolf Luque in the nightcap Bill Hallahan and Dizzy Dean hurled the Cardinals to a 8 double wl win over the Phillies 7 to 5 and 3 to I 1 Dean yielding only five hits The Th twin victory pushed the world champions cham cham- all the way from sixth place to fourth in the league standing |