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Show Master plan; business licenses, Jones well CAC84111 EXP. notes news Gty Cburcdl at dty Nejphi At its recent session, the Nephi City Council: Voted to accept the recoin mcndation of the city planning commission to change the citys master plan to show the area around the Salt Creek MS interchange as a potential commercial area. Before changing the zoning however, the dty council decided to hire a professional planner to look all of the commercial areas in the dty. City administrator Randy McKnight recommended the current zoning ordinance be reviewed by the council and planning commission at a work session. Heard , from Clarence student Levan selects Girls State representatives Diana Aagard and Hiedee Stephensen will represent the Levan unit of the American Legion Auxiliary at the Utah Girls State convention this ' year. Diana is a daughter of Brent and Patrece Aagard and is spon- - by Ash Grove Cement West, Inc. Hiedee is a daughter of Jerry and Cindy Stephensen and is sponsored by Levan , Town. Girls State will be held at Southern Utah State College in Cedar City June 11 to 16. Sheriff says LDS Juab . County. Sheriff Dave The letter asks a $6 donation Carter warns area residents who to produce what it calls an LDS have received solicitations from supplement to the census. a company called LDS Data Search that they may be get- with church authorities, and the ting took if they donate money church has nothing whatsoever to the group. to do with the solicitation, He is checking with theUtoh Generals office about T A company. "i warn people not to get in-volved with the company, or I . send any money, thinking it i i involved with the LDS Church. It has nothing to do with the church or its missionary for Juab High Tryouts Schools ProVita drill team will program, and probably is a be held at 4:30 pan. Thursday, fraud, said Carter. May 3 at the Juab High School gym. The public is invited to attend. An admission charge of 92 for adults and $1 for students will be made to help defray the judges expenses. Contestants will be judged on Karen Ann Jensen, 34, died their overall dance and precision April 27 at her home in Nephi. She was bom Oct 2, 1955 in technique, showmanship, individual choreography, and ap Orville, Calif, to Joseph E. and Kerma Jensen. The judges will be members of She graduated from high the National Dance and Drill school in San Mateo, Calif. She Association from the Salt Lake was a nurses aide and worked at and Provo areas. Centeral Valley Medical Center . , At-torn- ey Provita trycub are lllircuay at JHS cyntnaEiim l5 rv , , Funeral is Thursday for Yvonne Carter ; 76 Yvonne B. Carter, 76, died April 23 at Central Valley Medical Center In Nephi. Cm was bom Aug. 27, 1913 in Santrpsia to William F. and Croadbent. She Agsct married Farrell W. Carter March 1, 3 in the Manti LD3 Terris. lie dlsd Oct 24, 1233. i heavy-equipme- Serving East luab County At May board meeting Board at its May session to discuss a fire protection contract between the county and the town. has been paid a Mona standby fee by the anyones home burn, but we will . , county to fight grass fires in but the 1X1001! V unincorporated areas, commission recently revamped . . . the contracts and dedded to pay fppifl at dty hall. VlfiPO Learned that Jim Markwick all municipalities the same has been hired to be the $1,200 fee. Members of the town board caretaker at the city park, and will take of the care say they have received no A special meeting of the Greg Kelsey notification of a desire by the Nephi Elementary School PTA county to renegotiate the con- will be held Thursday, May 3 at tract, as per stipulations in its 7:30 p.m. The public is invited O . to attend. previous contract. The town board complained to A professionally done video f . . the commissioners in a letter tape showing the outcome-base- d education program in the f?nt the 5 i " they did not think they had elementary and secondary playing treated and were unwill- - schools of the district will be baseball, to takers money than that shown. 9 to 11 a.m.. offered in The group also will recognize previous years 5 at the ou Saturday.May the winners -- of the Nephi ReflecGym recreation center. Elementary Schools Boys 13 and older are eligible tions contest. to play, and must register $l,500-a-yea- r np irp for PonV POit I0agu0 Saturday ttoejt 5 rterfeom , Max Pain. Dash Rip Rock, Peaches? Those who are not able to tend the registration but still want to play should contact Larry Ostler or Kathy Barnes. at-LD- S An in Nephi and at a rest home in California. She liked the piano, the violin, and poetry. Survivors are her parents, of a son, Steven Lee Jensen of Levan; three sisters, Jeannine Stephensen of Provo, Susan Zaidn of Red Bluff, Calif., and Nola Hinsley of California; and a brother, Joseph Douglas Jensen of Nephi. Funeral services will be held at 12 noon Wednesday, May 2 at the Levan LDS Ward church. Friends may call at the church prior to the services. Interment will be at the Levan Cemetery. Seniors to hold dinner, program May 9 Wecas eradiation,; L id a Cm Csdhn n C Ssh! edCiLciLhsayLcyi. Cm Cmd crochd3 cud car. I!n. Jmrx dauh--, at pan. Thursday, May 3 at IL (Ccrttyc) ths Nephi 7th LC3 Ward Cunivcrs a.e three tors, YvaauD.(bt3 . 1 Mr. DivU cLrrrh. Frkudi cry cdl at cf CL Anderson Fsnaral Home ' lira. Cme D. (Acs) Wsdzfzy frea 7 to 9 pxt and Curci, Yct:3 ti Ditih 12 at tla cLrich era trrr price to wa he 13 tim smvbss. cJ cpd-cruuOchrr, to ci XL rJ C cll Fcuml services d- cd at ths Vbe will he held NcphL not respond to any grass fires unless we have a contract to do so, said Newton. The Juab County Commission will meet with the Mona Town all-sta- r professional event is Vito wrestling show is coming to Nephi Friday, May 4. The show is sponsored by the Western Wrestling Alliance of Utah and the Juab High School wrestlers. It will be held at 8 p.m. at the high school gymnasium. Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for students, and $3 for children 12 and under. Children 5 and under are admitted free. ceeds from the show will go to help JHS wrestlers attend sum- mer wrestling clinics. Appearing in the show will be Max Pain, Dash Rip Rock, Georgia Bad Boy Shawn Pro-Leva- Iztt &rnay in A free wrestling clinic for all ages will be held at 5 p.m. at the JHS gym. The performers also will conduct drug-fre- e assemblies at all three Nephi schools. Savage, Peaches, Buck West, Boo Red Wave, Tommy Gunn, Krusher Kruger, Baby Hubert, Dozzer, Curly Moe, and Nurse Goodbody. The referee for the government assistance grams available. pro- 743-641- 2. Mangelson, McPherson on honor roll Amy Mangleson of Levan and Vivian McPherson of Nephi have been named to the winter-quarte- r honor roll at Utah Valley Community College. In order to be named to the honor roll, students must carry 15 or more credit hours and earn grade-poiaverages of 3.5 or nt better. Lisa . Lunt iptpc giaUUdlCS D from jpr Pnl lono Lisa Lunt, daughter of Kent and Claudette Lunt of Nephi, graduated from Ricks College April 26. The Rexburg, Idaho school had its largest graduating class ever, presenting 1,692 associate degrees. This years graduating class consisted of 1,078 women, 565 men, 344 married students, and 65 foreign students. Some 763 of the students were Idaho residents, while 218 were from Utah. The graduates ranged in age from 18 to 55, and 45 students earned two degrees. Ricks College is the largest college in the private two-yeUnited States, with an enrollment of more than 7,500 students. It is owned and operated by the LDS Church. ar LDS plan priesthood fireside Sunday Powers, Justus Psycho Livewire" Rachel Powers, The East Juab County Senior The Extension Service also Citizens organization will hold a announces that Sevin bait for special dinner and program the crickets is available at 58 Wednesday, May 9 to honor area citizens who are 80 and cents per pound, of which the government will pay hall Inoldar. The event will be held at 1 terested persons should contact Gale in Delta at p m 1 7i the community center in Jody Since theee crickets can be a ths Juab County Courthouse, ssys Thelma Roundy, an officer serious problem if not controllcf the group. ed, we would encourage any of All members of the senior you who are concerned about citizens organization and other them to attend this meeting, intonated persons are invited to say Extension service person-- attend. Rome. n; A meeting to discuss control May 3. The meeting will begin at 7 measures for Mormon crickets will be held in Nephi Thursday, pjED and will be held at the Ex-tension office in the Juab County Courthouse. Tom Crowe of the Utah Department of Agriculture will be on hand to explain methods of controlling the crickets and a cf Nice Place to Live ! nt Crocket control meet y. cidm A Mona, county fire contract to be discussed Call out the seagulls!! Cm was reared and educated in Cstaqnia. Che worked far 22 yccrs at Thereacii Rubber Coen-pcsChe served the LD3 Church a Ptfcssiy prsciicsst' and ccsasdsr, pseddent of the; o 64111 May 2,1990 l-- Ycuri UTAH license of Services set today for Karen Ann Jensen as a Luzlzy Cclucl dies pred-da Cdf Cuddy viddrg tr:'-r- , cf thsj Cm wss a wrri dzrlr SOUTH CITY, I operators do work on the property as part of their training. The sale of the lagoon property also will be considered. Heard a report from City Administrator Randy McKnight that repairs have been made to the Jones Well no on other major repairs are foreseen in the near future. ; Voted to give $200 to na-- 4 tional history fair contestants from Juab Middle School. In exchange for the money, the students will plant flower beds census may be fraud w! W 300 presentation - . LAI'E SALT Shepherds Lodge to indude boat storage. Sold three burial rights in the Vine Bluff Cemetery to Daniel W. Kostenko. Learned that the lease of the old sewer lagoon property west of Nephi has expired. The property had been leased to Don Jones. The possibility of improving the property without too much cost to the dty was discussed. Councilman Richard Paxman proposed that Utah Valley Community College be contacted to find out if they might be interested in having Diana Aagard EAST Heard a request by Natalie Orme that the city replace the sidewalk on the block in front of her home on 1st North. She said the walk was damaged when trees along the street were removed many years ago. No action was taken. 'Adopted a written policy governing the storage and use of private carts at the golf course. Approved an amendment t6 the business ' 4fe7 ASSOCIATION PRESS UTAH and actions taken by the police department. Phillipsen, who expressed concern about the recent purchase of a dump truck by the el 1199 A special fireside commemorating the restoration of the LDS Churchs Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods will be held at the Nephi Stake Center Sunday, May 6. The fireside, originating in Salt Lake City and broadcast to the area by satellite, will begin at 6 p.m. It will feature talks by Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley of the First Presidency, Elder James Faust of the Quorum of the E. tr-Twelve Apostles, and Elder StBtQ Monte J. Brough of the Quorum of the Seventy. All male members of the church 12 and older are invited Evelyn Bosh of Nephi was elected recording secretary of to attend. the General Womens Federated Clubs of Utah at their state convention held recently in Logan. Mrs. Bosh will serve tor two years in the capacity. She presently is president of the The Utah Division of State groups Nebo District and has been a member of the GWFC of Lands and Forestry will sell tree Utah for 14 years. She was in- seedlings in Nephi Monday, stalled in her new office by Alice May 7. Donahue of Washington, D.C., Hybrid poplar, pine, spruce, international president of the and fir trees will be available at 65 cents each in lots of 25 at the group. Also attending the convention parking lot of the old South were Myrna Stanworth and store, located at 2nd Wilma Lepien, president ami South and Main. secretary-treasurThe sale will be held from 11 of the 21st a.m. to 2 p.m. Century Club. Evelyn Bosh is jWlC officer State to sell seedlings er |