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Show Thursday, December 20, 1 956 i ORORIXSS, soapless, gentle and .here's a special finance plan for kind. No foreign substance left too. Come in today for dein carpets cleaned with tails. Chapman Furniture Co. IV. ue Lustre Chapman Furniture Co., Nephi, Phone 300. LET US HELP SOLVE YOUR MAN WANTED for Rawleigh GIFT PROBLEM Have you business Sell to 1500 families ni thought of a portable radio for the Millard counties. Write to- hard to Juab, buy for? We have two day. Rawleighs Dept for $25.00 each plus batteries Denver, Colorado. N'ephi Jewelry . HAM will make a beautiful FOR SALE 1 Palomino Quarter-Christmas dinner main course colt gentle and well We'll buy it for you if you pur-'lia- horse a good Christmas developed furniture or appliances for for some boy See Ronpresent yor household Christmas And ald Worwood. 2tip UTD-151-5- TIMES-NEW- NEPHB. UTAH Peeje Rv Fort Wall Camp of D.U.P. Mrs. Cotton Entertains Members of Ladies Enjoy Holiday Party Literary Club at Party Fort Wall Camp of the Daugh- ters of Utah Pioneers held their December meeting and Christmas party on December 14 at the home of Mrs. Amy Warner. The camp's captain, Mrs. Mary Scott conducted the meeting. Twenty-eigmembers enjoyed a delecious dinner after which Christmas carols were song by the group, and the history of William Anderson and his wif, Emily Pickering Anderson was give nby Nita Park, a great great granddaughter. The lesson, Eliza R. Snow, and also a Christmas story were given by Elizabeth R. Black. The home and dining table were beautifully dec orated with the Christmas motif. A ht so Attend Marriage of Grandson, Nephew Las Vegas Recently at Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd. and Fred D. Morgan and children Judd, Jimmy adn Mary Margaret returned Sunday from Las Vegas, Nevada where they went to attend the wedding of Robert K. Judd and Miss Janet Huff. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Judd of Compton, California. 8he wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Huntington, with Mr. Huntington performing the ceremony. Mr. Huntington is a brother to Mrs. G R. Judd. The newlyweds were feted at a wedding dinner at the Horseshoe club at which the groom's parents were hosts. They will make their home in Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. H. Cotton was hostess to the Ladies Literary Club Monday, December 17. The home was beautifully decorated for the holiday season and Christmas caroU weer played while the guests The Christmas party committee, 0) consisting of Mrs. Cotton, Mrs. J. YV. Berwick, Mrs. James H. Eag-a- r, Mrs. A. V .Gadd and Mrs. T. II. Burton, and Mrs. Jack Wright served a delicious dinner on a candle-lighte- d long table decorated with pdace cards and favors. After the dinner, Mrs. James R. Stanley read three Christmas poems, "Christinas Card Wishes"; "Christmas Gifts" and "Christmas Morning". Carols were sung and gifts were exchanged. Mrs. Jack Berwick, club president, was in charge of the meeting and 20 club members enjoyed the evening. 3 ASSOCIATIONS, IKC Marriage Announced Mr .and Mrs. Bert Winn anthe marriage of their daughter Betty to Wesley D. Allen. The ceremony took place on December 14 at the home of the bride's parents with Presidnt R. Roscoe Garrett of Juab Stake ofnounce ficiating. The ibride chose a white satin gown with a lace front and a finger tip veil. Maid of honor was June Gibson. Ruth Winn, sister o fthe bride was bridesmaid, and Steve Anderson was best man. Jewel Brinkman was flower girl and Oavid Brinkman was ring- - Generous gobs of fluffy, smooth whipping cream with its oldtime goodness tops and makes more delicious pies, cakes and puddings. It's sure to whip. bearer. Round and round the circle are delicate savory creams, butter, cheese and ice cream delicious complements for the multitude of fine foods gracing your table during the festive days of December. LOOK FOR THESE pre-holid- ay - - CASTLE NOW GATE COAL FOR NEPHI Washed - Oiled Slack - - by ton or by Truck Load DWANE TIDWELL COAL Phone 578W 1 iTJif Ed mk - 11 . Med laundry flisiatie u ? OK Following the ceremony, a wed ding dinner was given toy the parents of the bride for the immed Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sudweeks iate family members and close and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orris friends, including R. K. Newell of Sudweeks and children, and Mr. Richfield. and Mrs. Richard Sudweeks were S. F. CWallace K. Tidwell visSunday dinner guests of Mr. and ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Verl Sudweeks in Payson. Frank Tidwell on Sunday and He was enroute from Lynne Adele Latimer enjoyed a Monday. visit with her grand- Arizona to Fort Lewis, Washingmother, Mrs. Jack Wright, before ton. His wife, Carolyn, and two returning to Pocatello, Idaho to sons Jeff and Bill, who have been spend the holidays with her par- visiting at the Tidwell home acents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lat companied him to Washington. Alimer. so accompanying them was his Michael Tidwell, who will Friday evening and week end brother, the holidays in Washingguests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn spend ton. were their sons in law and daugh ters, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cook and Eight boy frinds helped Dale children Randy and Teressa of Carter celebrate his ninth birthGandy. Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Allen day on Tuesday, November 18 at Mikkelson and children Lanny and the home of his parents, Mr. and Becky of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Elmont Carter. Games and Mrs. Floyd Carter and daughter refreshments weer enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones were Carolyn. They attended the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. in Teasdale Monday to attend the Allenfuneral for Joseph Hiskey. Wesley IV. AXhHJCAN TKtAALV: h HI-LAN- D e Whipping Cream e Table Cream e Half and Half e Reddl-Wl- p TOPPERS e e e e AT YOUR STORE Sour Cream Butter Cottage Cheese Ice Cream Da Chopra QD "tke bwjuuL 04x uatj. wHl lute, oj soy fiAemrv Chris? km uuu Time Line "n Tim i "v r QV O0CD0Q W WASH COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC limes-A-Vee- ur FROM FILL TO FINISHI a Control it floxlblo, easy to uiel Wave-Actio- n Agitator provides complete washability Soper Rinse provides 5 separate purifying actions New Warranty Time-Un- Only '239.00 - 1 Norge Washer prices start at $ 179.95 j" -- - Modal W3 Qrep ssssm"""! W G30GX9G - ... - ALL THIS FOR ONLY 4.00 PER YEAR SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER DURING DECEMBER Your NEW or RENEWAL subscription DRYER A DUAL SELECTIVE DRYING GIVES TWICE THE DRYING CONVENIENCE! Dries with air alone or with air plus heat Super capacity cylinder holds more clothes Gift Subscription for a One-Ye- ar $4.00 period - - S4.00 Regular price 8.00 SPECIAL DECEMBER OFFER - 7.00 YOU SAVE i.OO Giant 2 1 --Inch Blower Fan circulates more air Venting endt Installation problems 0nvI 179.95 Send the Home Town Newspaper to Your Friends and Relatives who have moved away 52 weeks to say "Merry Christmas" and to remind them No extra postage We do all the work! that you're thinking of them And we will send them an atttractive notification card so they will know who thinks so kindly of them (Additional Gift Subscriptions at S3.00 Each) Norge Dryer prices start at $ 139.95 HUGE TRADE IN ALLOWANCES! LOW TERMSl 4-- D Plumbing & Builders' 44 West Center St., Nephi Supply Telephone 306 Hne Tnmes-Me- ws 96 South Main -- Phone 196 -- Nephi 0 |