Show Jennie B Grant Cross Pioneer Dies Funeral ser services Ices for lire Mrs Jennie B Giant who pissed p away ay lust list Friday October 21 in m Salt Lake w re held in III the West Bountiful meeting house Sunday October 23 Pra Prayer Prater er offered before len leaving leasing mg tie tte house by Walter E Grant The speakers were ele Joseph C Wood James A Eldredge John L L J A Taylor Dr J II Gr Gant nt Dr F FJ FJ FJ J Pack Prof E D Divid Mann and Bishop Thomas E who also presided The Tie choir sang I Need Thee Every E ery Hour and Abide With Me A vocal solo There is i z Land Landby Landby Landby by Nephi lIep Hepworth accompanied by Irs ll Mrs Nephi Hepworth Vocal duct duet I Come Come Unto Me Ie by Mr life and Irs firs nay flay Moss accompanied by Prof Pi of and Mrs David E Mann Iann Opening pray pra I Dr Briant m benediction b by John Jacl Jaci son The flowers ers here I ut be ful and i 1 good number present I Interment took place in the fire Bountiful cemetery the grave being dedicated by James S Arbuckle Mrs Jennie B Grant was as born In Scotland 1 30 1839 I In 1843 she joined the church and came came to Utah in 1856 1850 with Ith her par par- parents par par- parents parents Henry and Agnes Baxter Bater Before she lost her ey eye sight she took in n n active put pert in the church es cs specially the Relief society I I Mrs Irl Grant was fuss mimed married to George GeorgeD D Grant in 1857 She SIe was waa the mother of six sit children lice lIer last three children the eldest of whom horn was wag about seventeen passed a away during the terrible epidemic that was so prevalent sonic fort forty or fifty years cars ago agoo ind which took tooh such a heavy toll in West and South Bountiful before science found a to cure the disease Se leaving l 1 r alone Mrs Grant is the list of the late George Georg D Grants Grant's wives She Sho is us sun survived Ived by the following follow folIo mt in i nieces and nephews Mrs J I hatch Woods Cross Mrs Ella Anderson Salt Lake City Charles Roper Ropel ant an Will im Roper both of Los Angeles |