Show rw NN N N NINi News Notes I Its It's a Privilege to Live in I Utah 4 LOGA-A LOGA A A herd h rd of Hol willbe will be shipped from Utah to the I Lis Lh es ock show about October 25 ac to H II P I Anderson Ander on secretary of tho the Holstein ln Friesian association The herd will consist of ot twelve twel ant ani animals animals mals four tour of which will bo be chosen hollen from Cache Cach valley farms the remainder will Ill come como from Weber Salt Lake Lako and Millard counties The herd will be assembled trembled at the tho Cache ache county coun county county ty fairgrounds prior to shipping PRICE PRICE l Wellington a town six miles ea east t of Price I Is held In tho the grIp of a ft typhoid epidemic More than fifty c cases sea aro are reported In the neigh neighborhood It I Is the opinion of medical i men her here who have havo looked Into the spread pread of the tho ease disease that It ha has perhaps per por perhaps haps been c caused us d by th the ability of the water supply duo due to the washout of ot th the uumo flume fiume at Gordon creek The water cater ater supply of ot mo most t of the farms east of Price In the valley has bas been ed d since sines that time I IC CEDAR C DAR CITI Cm CIT Official ceremony I ICor Ifor for Cor the laying of tho the cornerstone of the new gymnasium at no Branch Agricultural college will he h held Fri Friday Friday day October 28 The events will begin with a student bo boly ly meeting at 1 o 0 clock followed by a n general as assembly at 2 to which tho the public will willbe willbe willbe be In Immediately following the th general assembly the cornerstone ft sill Ill be laid Establishment of ot an orna ornamental ornamental ornamental mental the Industry In Salt Lake the tho first t of Its It kind In the state late looms as asa asa aa a probability as the th he result of meats ments now being carried on here her by byC byC byC C M Wheeler formerly of the Roofing Tile company of Denver Al Ai Although though It cannot be said definitely as asyet asyet asyet yet whether Utah clay Is suitable for tor making high grade erid ornamental the Mr Wheeler heeler says his have so tar far been very promising lie lieIs lieis HeIs Is experimenting at the plant of oC the Salt Lake Lak Pressed Brick company witha with n a clay of unusual excellence obtaIned west of Lehl Lebl LehtIn In Utah county the M TO TON tho tho favorable weather eather conditions for tor the Ilse past two weeks hate ha e proved to the farmers oho ho raise mise alfalfa seed Threshing machines have been busy and the seed plants In My Myton ton arc are beginning to fill nil up The Uintah Basin See Seel 1 Growers association plant Monday had received 1200 sacks lacks of this sea season seasons sons son crop and the tha plant I Is running nine hours hour a day cleaning seed FORK John rORK-John John E Berg Bergand Bergand and W C Berg and W C Moley s of American Fork topped the market at the Chicago stock clock stockyards ards Thursday when they marketed seven senn double decked carloads of ot lambs The lambs brought 14 1415 H 15 per ver hundred pounds The Tha lambs will Ill be used byth by bythe bythe the Kentucky Agricultural college which Is conducting an nn In ae tern lambs In the Blue Gra Grass staLe state The Tho American cork rork men will sill III remain in Chicago for another week seek to dispose of ten addi carloads of lambs Jambs LOGA LOGAN Dearly LOGAN r i dearly early carloads of po- po potatoes potatoes po potatoes will he be shIpped out of Cache Cacho county this season according to Harry C Parker county count crop and pest pesi In Inspector At present about twenty carloads are leaving each week Dur DurIng During tag Ing the tir past vast two tao weeks twenty two carloads of federal Inspected U S grade No 1 potatoes have hav been mar marketed marketed and another t twenty enty carloads of commercial pack hay have left lert the th country PRO Utah PROVO Utah O-Utah Utah will sill produce approximately 10 per c nt more turkeys turkey this tear than last la t according to Albertus en vice president of the Utah I State Stale Poultry Producers Cooperative association This ear s crop will bring Utah farmers about Mr Ir says ay which Is larger than DS aas wa realized last year duo to Increased production and the fart Cat ta that the birds thIs flits till season are In much better belter conditions ERNAL The ERr Peppard Seed corn COin pany local buyer Tins has announced the ther tolIo following Ing opening quotations on its He r board d for tor alfalfa seed ced No r 1 14 60 50 per hundred pounds No r 2 13 13 r o 13 3 11 No r 4 A premium of 6 per r cent over the tir price offered torNo for tor Two 1 1 Uintah county will Ill this thus year ear hart ban est a fur fair crop of fairly good alfalfa seed TON M Myton MiTON-Myton TON TON-My Myton ton plant of ot the tab tah Basin cr era a association has hast t been Incorporated and and a call Issued for Cor growers to exchange their for shah es in the lie company compan Thelast The Thelast Thelast last fl fiscal cal year according to a report Issued show sho a a 0 net profit above e ill expenses of 2800 SOO The Tir new modern gravity cleaner soon bo be installed Th The committee on Incorporation corn com William Ichael George Georgo l C A Larsen William Lowe and N L Peterson M TO M MITO-A MITO TO-A TO A force ot of o men is at nt work on the bridge across cross tho the Duchesne rh riser er near nedr Myton M 11 ton The Tho bridge will be raised the tho same aine as on the tho north side It will also bo be gh elen gisen en a couple ot of o coats coat of paint and the lie base of the bridge will still III be cemented I TO L Green TO GreeD Green tomatoes have bavo proved pro tho the best crop this season selon so sotar far tor tho the local farmers farmer Moro More than ninety cars carll hive have been shipped to ersten sad and nIJ southern points point ono one cal going as far as Canada Raising noising green tomatoes is one of the tho Ind In Ur the country |