Show - - - - - - - ' 7 4' 4 ' - pf i s s ' r '' 4 s r ' 4 r 4 ' 4 4 ' r el '' Second Section - I e qw I) Dan ' I ' - :'"''' Public :: T it s ' :0" k '' -0 '11 ) '''ttp Z' ' : s 4' i:: 1 - ''- ' ''' -c ‘- i I grounds Aug 23 The astound- - I" Iii 1V J 7t: I t et:e0 ticket-selle- r A Fran- - - - overr- tel'''''' ' I ::: - - RECENT i: 4: r r! iitr-::: :44 s " :f iio " ' ! l -- t: Rehabilitation i ir 4 i ::::' e'''''''' 1 r:: - : ' 'i: :::: : '10 04 ' r4 '4 a s i WAO - r tit'l 'c 4 - ( I!! il ' 111 j' uut Patient Dept k and Pharmacy c:A " 1 'i t "-l- I i '''''''V i 4 ‘' - '' -- ' 41''''- : '''' ' k : -- 's i i 1 : 4 " s ' ' - ' !s :' ' :: ' 1 - :::: ''':-':'- '"'"t:'':1 ::': Main - t':'- : :' use for more than years" ' ' ': !(7't9Issayeaarit ' The Hotel Utah is one of the 1 l'!'i:" ' :" ::::' ''::"": 1brary '''':: ' :: ::ii:::0::::::::::::::::!::::iiit:::::::-t1:-::world the in zis:4&4A:::::::::::::::::::::::::::!: few hostelries where guests can have their shows Architect's designed University of of upper campus Announcement was made Tuesday of public baggage brought down from Utah Medicaldrawing to be newly on Fort Douglas section campaign to raise part of estimated cost of $10 milliom built Center vice their rooms by a president of a mining company- Walter (Hank) Hoppe Hotel Utah 31i11ion porter is also vice president of '"ii:: ':1::: '"''t :':: 1::"p::':l the Alta United Mines Co ' 70 l'i': :' l' ii"':!::-- ' :::s '''' -:- '': 7 ::::::i : :: s ::""$10 A Spokan eniggist a Salt Is looking for tailor who takes motion ' - pic- ' - - ' 4: hobby The druggist R V Robertson writes from Spokane: "About eight or nine years ago myself and family spent a few days at Sun Valley Our younger daughter at the time was doing figure skating and we met a gentleman who had an elaborate movie camera layout and he took about 100 feet of film of my daughter skating I would surely love to have the film long enough to make some prints" All Mr Robertson knows Is that the unknown picture-takewas working in Salt Lake City as a tailor at the :: :2L -- s ' ' ''' 1 :‘:: l': S '''''': - JUST ABOUT PEOPLE: Just found out the other day that most of the palm trees on the main street in Patm Springs Calif were planted by a Salt Laker—his name is Milon Richards He lives at 6935 S State and he spent several years in Palm Springs planting palm Earl Crandall Insurtrees ance man is sponsoring what should be an unusual program for the Salt Lake Kiwanis Club ' Thursday The program features native Hawaiian hüla dancers The program reads: 'Come to Thursday's luncheon learn why every little movement has a meaning all it's own!" A Salt Lake mother was trying the other day to get her young son to eat his spinach "Spinach is good for you" the mother explained "it will give you a betThe young lad ter color" Who wants to be snorted green?" TODAY'S VALENTINE A special Valentine today to Mrs Mitchell Me lieh of Moab and her troop of 20 Girl Scouts who ' are back - from — rP1441-- home round trip bus " tour to T! Mexico tr:-41667- and back M r s Mellch her Girl and 4!:::'c Scouts started three years ago to raise money to make the trip this month to the international Girl Scout Cabana near Mexico City The girls sold cookies door to door did odd jobs around the community worked hard and long many hours over the three-yea- r period to raise the funds for the trip Finally the cash In the bank a bus was chartered and the 20 girls and their leader are back from the trip of their lives A fine project successfully completed and a special Valentine to Mrs Melich and her Girl Scouts! j: hard-workin- g THE SAD CYNIC SAYS: Things are pretty fouled up economically when a nation owes so much money It can't even afford the luxury of a short depression! SAM :716 i '':: lit Patrick Tribune Medical Editor A public campaign for funds to help finance the new University of Utah Medical Center will be launched next month it was announced Tuesday by William J O'Connor chairman of the Board of Regents Leland B Flint president of Flint Distributing Co Salt Lake City and a member of the Board of Regents will be general campaign chairman RE EXPECTS TO have his organization set up in time :to By William C i ': !Ai ' ' 6s :' ' ' ' ' s '"4--:- - -- t - (-A ' 1: :t i In September with the general public appeal getting under way early ' ' ' ' - Leland Flint Will head fund drive for medical center 11 - in 1959 Mr O'Connor said that with approximately six million dollars of the total cost now virtually assured "the board is convinced that the balance can be Rubbish Problems Show Up on Freeway Right-of-Way Th 6 Salt Lake City Board of strong director of highways Health Tuesday outlined sanita- Alden R Cardwell chief of the tion problems in areas along the sanitation division explained the proposed freeway route near board of health is "receiving 6th West and requested the Utah complaints to the general conState Road Commission to enter dition of dwellings and surin a program to clean up ihe roundings in the areas being taken over for the new freeway danger sptSts In a letter to Ellis L Arm running through Salt ' Lake City" Glazier Union Strikes SL Bennett Plant Mr Cardwell continued "An inspection of these areas indicates a general unsanitary and unsightly condition "DWELLINGS ARE being vacated by previous owners leaving junk and debris inside the dwellings and on the outside Another strike appeared on premises This is creating a roa definite fire lUtah's labor scene Tuesday as dent problem to those members of Glaziers Union hazard and a nuisance owners who are not property Local 911 walked Off their jobs affected by this change" at Bennett's In some areas houses had been The actio n was taken after abandoned with only cardboard union and management reprewindows covering sentatives and federal ne'gotiators failed to reach agreement Refuse and trash was piled on a contract to replace one high In yards of many homes which expired July 1 vacated Union officials said some 25 men were affected by the In his letter Mr Cardwell - h --- one-inc- ' sq ment Security unemployed Utahns who are or have been represented by the Western Special to - - ' i t- ' i A ' -- - ''- — ' James W Breckenridge Fled from prison He has blue hair stands eyes brówn-gra8 ft 8 in tall and weighs 124 pounds It seen notify warden at the Utah State Prison or the nearest - peace officer - f Utah Fire hisurance Dips On Most Property Oct 1 - By Jerome K Full Tribune Staff Writer Lower rates on fire insurance for most types of property will be put into effect Oct 1 Utah State Insurance Commissioner Carl A Hulbert reported Tues- ' ' -- ' - - l ' - 1 -4 e t - 001 ' ' e P s - -- Iii- '' : Ctlig 2-- " 0- : - -- ' I' '' 4 -- 4 r - r4 's 4-- ' e - : i ' I :1"' - 00 ''4$ 4' ! P '' - ''':''''"-- ' t'''' ' tA ' '''' shb -- 24:' ' - ' I' e' N4 " - ' g '"4 - "'m"' 4 t '' 1 a - itoe-- f- te4 :411( 1 sic4- 40115 f I--- 0 -- ' ' - 1- - ' - tkt ' 70e - 4 - ' ' " i a1164 :' 4o a ' '1 -- I t t - a 4 i Routine police work paid off Tuesday morning when a radio patrol officer checked out a susas a suspected picious car 14it bandit ran just to enter it up i Itk While the officer was quesand his two tioning the teen-agecompanions a man and woman police broadcast a report of armed robbery of the Se'Rancho Motel 640 W North Temple '41oov - 4' lAt '' -- 0 ' TOP ' ' - r t J f 4 i '401"pmp " 4i 4‘4 '''' 'oZ d' 14 to- - -- A s3k$a t 1 y 1 lel ' ' ' F' g s v ! ' ' os ''''''''- - VIreilt4tsL4' "- 1 '''- 'ol--- N - 004 i1:o4 "ft 1' 'le P Vat J47e-" 7 -il 4 oP" : otoo04-NHI- " -- 1 :z t47''' tuttNose 44Z -- - ' - ''""' " ' "s -s - ' ' ' '''S 1' s -- 41 r '' " 1 1 j jorg‘ ' ''' 1 A ê '6 - coo''' ""''s ''''" '''' ' -- 4 ii epii ' - coi A 't II PARK—Contracts '' Conference during the present 4 construcfor $526030 of al the totaling trucking industry tieup 4- ' i 4 ' ' ! Elemen' 7''yCottonwood ' the of tion '4 4i 4 not 4C4''' are eligible for unemploy' ' I' ' - ' 14 a ' - ' 444- 04" nr 4'so ' fifl' " t '' al ment compensation tary School 5215 S Holladay is ' Ilt "'''4--'" c'''0z-4'- ' Blvd were approved Tuesday a V ''''' 4N' ' uoa ' ' '' 'ill 4 ' to DOES 40 "THIS Dismean NOT School Granite the Speak A ' iir 1 Engineer t night by p 4( t 4 a - "" - ii 1 Douglas R Mabey contract however that clerical personnel trict Board of Education ' '''' ' -4 4- '" - N‘ ' s or other segments of ' trucking 'L" 4 General contract was awarded A 40 s It 1 r engineer for Utah Copper ' V ''' i -4: 1 ' " V 40 4 is ' have Co fek Howard for Construction to sion of Kennecott Copper Corp company personnel who 3 ' t 1 ' ' ' ''''''" ' '11 '' ZS! '''1N' ' tr:w"'' ' '" '' 'Pt - '‘' will address a Salt Lake Lions not been represented by the $428700 1V1 Mechanical Co 4 - 4' ' '''' ' - i dr 441 va z 01a 4 Club luncheon meeting Thurs- Western Conference of Team- was awarded the plumbing and beheating contract with a low bid day noon at Hotel Utah said sters but are unemployed Roland G Christopherson pres- cause of plant shutdowns may of $74891 and Capitol Electric claims will do the electrical work for' ident "Scientific Progress in not file compensation along 6th West State has condemned houses Our Own Backyard" will be his "an official of the state agency $22439 The building is to be Health officials point out fire and rodent to hazard 1 in vacant 1959 homes near for a new freeway trash acquire explained piled up WO completed by Aug GRANITE '4 ): '''''''4'"':' -- ! AN6 : -- '- - 40 -- ' ' - 14 4- -J 4' 4- - - - ' - e: '' k i- )44 - 4 1 -- 4 -- ' ''''' 1 0: - i' 4oe 1' 1 s e -- 140 :- - IL 1 -7-- to If I - 1" -- 4 ts 4 ro ' - - ror- : z !1 - -- s '"- - -1 Routine Check by SL Officer Snares 3 Robbery Suspects I Ntor '00°1!) --'- iV t - t Ily ' -' ' 174'114 - -t - t -- o77' oe 4 - t: Tat: 'A00 ' " f - Vs "11 ' :t1:7":-' s v s v ' 1t1'4 ' ' ?'41 f f ? ' k Freeway Condemnation Begets Blight I ' 1 " s' i The Tribune ' 'Career' Student at Granite Finds Way Made Easier ' ' Approves Bid ': ' "'": t 1 Convene in SL '0 Granite District - : i - Vets of '98 War A ence called by the Western Conference of Teamsters Under a legal ruling made by Utah Department of Employ- ua' Bit But Only Bit added "It is our understanding that the state takes over ownership of these properties when Picket lines were placed vacated around the Bennett's plant at "May we have'your 2131 S 2nd West and 'a retail in a followup program to outlet at 46 E 1st South remove this refuse and close all 4 rt Meanwhile little change was dwellings until such time that noted in the Teamsters Union your department will raze these i ' work stoppage as union and buildings?" sttsomo operator representatives preThe sanitarian also asked for N''''"--ott pared to meet hi San Diego a reply "in case our department Wednesday at 10 am for the is mistaken as to ownership of -- a opening of an 11state confer- these properties" walkout - : i:- properties also will have a lower fire insurance bill Restaurants bars grain ware houses and elevators laundry SOME OF THE present occttand dry cleaning shops will be pied buildings are temporary assessed slightly higher rates-and will have to be abandoned There is a catch in the de- when the new center is comcline—but the catch is minor The center will be eon- - pleted day It applies to extended coy As announcement of the camThe premium rate drop aver- structed on the Fort Douglas ' section of the university cam paign was made a pledge of erage endorsements on fire in- ages 98 per cent surance policies Extended support was received from Dr Pus HOMEOWNERS will receive coverage provides insurance Reed W Farnsworth of Cedar It will adjoin the present Canthe major benefit with a 217 protection against windstorms See Page 23 Column 6 cer Research Building and Racaused per cent cut Most business hail and other non-fir- e diobiology Laboratory Detailed hazards -' 'plans are being prepared by the The rate for extended cover Specialized Study architectural firm of Ashton will increase- by 316 per age ' Evans and Brazier and it is excent The figure is based on pected they will be ready for bid the assumption that all extended Insurance endorsements would '' give full protection Building of the center is expected to require about two BUT FULL PROTECTION Is years Elmo R Morgan business not likely to be common in the vice president of the university A squall line moved across future Mr Hulbertt said The said it will be of "spartan sim- - northern it the third of !mil foiries Utah in the early new rates provide for $50 de t Tu mit on concentration mthe effithe new lligh School CUITWLittilll plicity" with emphasis on hours Tuesday bringing scat- on in Granite School Dietriet) atheItUdt will use in ductible policies on extended cient utilization of space and ef- tered rain showers and thundercoverage fective coordination of the vari- storms which served to his career 'Here are some of By William F Smiley the keep By eliminating the insurance ous teaching and research the proposed programs: Tribune Education Writer temperature down as the day companies' responsibilities for Medithe of of College phases advanced minor claims Mr Hulbert said GRANITE PARK—The high la AGRICULTURE: A cine A rehabilitation center and full unit the career in a with school student companies will be able to a 200-beTHE US Weather Bureau at hospital will be inmade on animal husbandry and a full afford cuts in the 'cost of basic will the find way sight rethe in structure Salt Lake Municipal Airport corporated easier for him this fall in Gran- unit on cropsrplus 21i units protection s of an ported Rate decreases are reflected in UNDER AGREEMENT with inch subfrom the following half-uni- t 22 hundredths being ite School District with a filing made by the Pacific the Salt Lake County Commis- recorded Genhe his After completes jects: landscape gar denin g Fire officially on "the city's sion the University hospital will Rating Bureau Mr Hui eral Core enrollment of 31s consoutheast bench electricity auto mechan- bert said that more than 90 per take care of acute cases now ad- general of units tact and the study A violent display of thunder being sent to Salt Lake General of ics (I and II) and farm manage- cent of the companies doing and lightning accompanied the ditional state requirements business in Utah use the bu instiHospital present teaching 51i units for a total of nine ment (I and II) Business education of f ers reau's rates tution of the College of Medi- squall line as it passed over Salt units he can cast about for one courses in secretarial science The changes will be effec cine with the county helping to Lake City but there were no re- of the Specialized Study groups of damage (shorthand transcription and tive on policies written after pay the bill Plans call for the ports to lead to his vocation office practice required choice Oct 1 present Salt Lake General HosThe mercury reached 89 de THE SPECIALIZED Study of economics business law Based on 1956 figures the new pital to be converted into an in- grecs Tuesday In Salt Lake track in the high school curric- bookkeeping I and II and Busi- rates will reduce fire insurance stitution for infirmary and City ulum demands 4V2 units in ness English) general business premium collections by $417969 chronic cases business (typing III and IV bookkeeping and increase extended coverage Hanksville was high for the agricultural science The center will provide for a education the fine arts speech I and II office practice and of- collections by $166"694 centralization of College of state with 98 degrees Medicine activities which are Rain amounts from Tuesday arts homemaking or the in- fice machines plus choice of 1 units in Business English shortnow scattered through 17 differ- morning's showers were gener- dustrial arts These specialized groups per hand I and II business law and ent structures from Salt Lake ally light and accounting I economics) IL III and IV typing I and II okt office machines and business 14 tiC ' The 2Ith reunion of two e law required with a half unit 0 ' ' b P I -tTII Utah batteries which served In type III or IV Business Ent 41" ' ' t41 10''' b glish shorthand I and II of- during the Spanish American 41 r ''' t' ''' '4 fice practice or economics as War was held Tuesday night 7'P"'LrZ1'''-'44 at the NJ'shouse Hotel Seven ''''--- '' 1 '' electives) 4 1‘ ' '''' : of - 0" (4' ‘ IN MUSIC education a stuinalG Thmoemnas ewerre '''''' 01 t 4s 040"44 dent enroll not for music may 11'b k ' "'"''''''' 411i1 7 classes totaling More than 6 't ported 307 of the men are novir 4 0 :4 units until state university en- dead and 16 are unaccounted -- I 1t tt ytilit trance requirements have been for Average age of the mem 4 74d met Otherwise he needs three bers is 80 '' rr4 - '' ' - Col - Thomas ' pointed out ' ' t I '' ' it was 60 years ago that that ' i vocal studies plus 112 units in the batteries were called to ' f any or the one semester sub-Se- serve rage 30 Col 5 i " ' i 4 General Hospital to the university campus on the east bench obtained from corporations and business philanthropic foundations the medical profession alumni and other friends of the the Medical CoUniversity and llege" time The Salt Lake Rotary Club will hold its annual golf tournament at the Salt Lake Country Club next Tuesday (arrangements are being made to ask Salt Lake Klwanians to caddy!) ' 1 :1 :i::: st! "" I 77"? k' :::: N ' Ive1711 'f' :' r':''''::::: st ) iitso r 0 U Medic Center Drive Shapes tt: '''' 1::: tures at Sun Valley as a - ' : ! Lake BRECKENRIDGE was described as 5 feet 8 124 pounds brown hair turning gray blue eyes medium complexion with a slender build He has a flower wreath tattoo on his left shoulscar on his der and a one-incnose Sandoval was 'described as 5 feet 7 145 pounds brown eyes black hair turning gray He has a scar on his right side scar on his right an eight-incshin Mr Haueter said both men have outstanding w a r r a nt s against them from the State of Colorado on burglary charges :: '1rAt' :1''s' :: j - - Fund Campaign !'t 11 I n I ::' i : - y - : --- i I - ' ' 1 Auditorium i's::''''':--('--- 2 " ' 1 ''' ' - ' s ' '':: ' 00 ' ' ! :: $ 1 i ' i ""1-A-- - tt wo 'Utah Is ' ' I ' '' :: 1 ::' ' ' '' '::i I 1' ' v ' 1 ' 4 ( ee t' sL''00'"k'No i : ' :' ' ' : s A ?' : : ' "" ' 14 ('k ' J t j: '''':::' i - -- 1 A irs !it 4 'i :: c t ?'''''' ' f- - t ' 10441 ' ' ' " :' ' State Prison ini -' ''' ' mates serving terms for at- second 0 degree burglary temptecl '''" walked away from a prison can- nery detail Tuesday about 3 j t pm prison officials reported I '''''' Both were serving s1xmonthto-10-y- ' ' ' 41' ' ear terms and were com- N i ofmitted Sept 13 1957 Prison e '' ficials identified the men as — James W4 Breckenridge 37 and i 44 Sandoval i Larry t RAY IlAUETER personnel and training" officer at the prison said the inmates were be- lieved to have slipped into a cornfield near the prison can- 16140 nery Walked He said a full complement of Larry Sandoval while workfrom prison away was on and prison officers duty in cannery 'Ile Is 5 I L aiding in the search which was ing concentrated in fields in the 7 in tall weights 115 pounds hair and brown Jordan River böttomland near has black-grathe prison where the escapees eyes If seen contact state prig-oor nearest police officers were believed hiding-- He said all Utah law enforcement agendes had been alerted -T- 0:' - i so :' Ck' POINT OF THE MOUN'tAIN k::::-:!- ''': ‘ Special to The Tribune ::- ntrance r - 7 J7a""'" " i : -- ' E '! s : ' lt t 4t:1 ts 0 :' 2 0 ? Li 1 i i : : 0 11i tfil 4 ' :1004k bA:et --- ' ': - 7: mt-- fis A' k e ' : '- i Student '''' 't :: i : i : : ''' ''' - atm- ': AP 4 i 'd I 1111111i 10i 1:1 ' "VP P !f ':''i4! i ' ' if ! :- 1 1 ':' ''' '' - li 3' ' - -: 2000000- -4 ?(1:! k' V111 a 141'10:: :' : 1 1: : ': t '" — t ' ': Halls " f t i ! " ' : g i's : 1 of ::::::i:' ' ::: yomi 4 : 4 4'r '''' 1 Ii-s- ---- s I 4 174 11: i A: ' - '1 ' ' i ': - ' 1 ' Lecture '' 1 rt 41 iia- '!7"777' -- i :i::t t:is f 7- -- ' - 4 1 8:: 0"'' :::: :: '"1 - ' a- ::i Duo Believed Iiin111irr in Bottomland '' " - :: t" :71 ''' -- 4 ::: 1::! i ::: 1 ' : i: !: 1!: 1 : i - : I 7 'N ' '''''''''' -- rison Cannery 111 -- ' 1 !1) lufi 1 :''-'3- - - "7 e f t 431 ! - ' ' "! i ''':':---------- ta Tii N ' Torgeson Ogden writes "I've got a conductor's ' punch that's been in - - Y ' :::-!q- ' Dan Valentine column reported that a railroad conductor back East had been using the the same conductor's punch for the past 50 years "It's not a record" 0 7- A A ' '' ' ? r ! -- i "'- 1d4 ki " sir cis Andersort" ti:: 1- 6-- - i 64141 State Fair was Mrs : '' i :4 ' - '306 y i i i i ' ' From 15 ------- — 'J4N:i-:::----7- i ed “ i :'! ' ' ' r ” 1 Entrance -""k'"--- r :: Al i 0 ' ' 7i 1- - " !:: ' Administration ' - Bracken SHORT TAKES: Lee as unpredictable as ever stopped on Main Street Tuesday ' afternoon — and T: purchased a --o ' ticket to the -' ' FDR outing to "''' be held at the ''' I 0 C a Main Teaching Facilities '''' ''' ''---- W -- 4'4''''''''''''''''':'''''''''''""Ls"' ''' :: lAtings9?1c'H Nursing Winv flisc' ' !--'' Nothing Serious' i 0 Two Inmates ti 1sappear LOg V Page 20 z:: '4 :- Radio-T- 1958 Cancer Research Existing Valentine's ': 4 0 - falit taunt zolit Salt Lake City Utah — Wednesday Morning — August 20 a '101" 0 0 - - dAt tot- $oatp 'v 4 - 0 ! 04 - ' - a - e ' - - 4 4' 4 right-of-wa- y 4- t- THE SCENE was directly through the block from where Officer Floylynn Baker was gos 18 343 E 7th South and Paul Edward Perkins 28 S 6th West with robbery e5r5k2 City Judge James L set bail at $2500 for both ins and the' Gallegos woman Himes however was held in lieu of bail Preliminary hearing for the trio wa$ set for Aug 21 ' - I 0000' Days Since Last Utah Traffic :Cit questioning the three persons ' Death A search of the immediate area turned up some $82 in cash ' on a parking strip about 1 feet Utah from the car To Aug 20 1958 117 A pistol was found behind a To 20 1957 124 Aug ' tree near the car All of 1957 272' Idaho A COMPLAINT was signed by Officer William Kuhn charging To Aug 20 1958 133 Charles Franklin Himes 19 5521 To Aug 20 1957 118 S 6th West Sar Cecilia Ga11e-- All of 1957 203 1 - ' ' ' |