Show - r - A ' - - ' : I ' for SS—Automobiles Salo for Salo ISS—Automobilos I FORD YOU CAN'T BEAT A rSTREATOR DEAL TO BUY A-B-- C '58 CHEW:BA $1495 $2495 '57 RENAULT Low mileage Extra sharp V8 heater 2700 miles Like new '57 CHEV BA $1995 '56 FORD n $1575 Convert ' Radio V-8W- heater Radio Like tires '57 CHEV 2-- dr Standard trans '56 FORD V-- 8 Auto trans - '55 Full power new PLYM- Standard trans Whitewall tires White-Wa- it 156 PLYM $1495 $750 '55 FORD 4-- dr V-- 8 $1095 r d '54 MERC' Wagon $1 t 195 '53 HUDSON Radio heater Cal saver overdrive Radio heater Automatic stood trans Wasp 12-- Real good Extra Carryall - '52 REO MAIN ' AT 5TH SOUTH - Tandem air dump tires 6 yard 12' 28M 52 DIAMOND 'T' Tandem air rower 9 00x20 a tires 28M 10 P S 1 Blair's AND PRICES CAD Eldorado 94495 PLYMOUTH Wagon $1795 OLDS SUPER 88 $2495 MERC Montclair hdtp PS PB red and 91795 while BEL AIR CHEV $1695 '57 '57 '57 '56 LOWEST 2-- '58 '55 DE SOTO HDTP '55 PLYM Belvederes OD '54 OLDS 88 POWER BRAKES CREAM PUFF '53 CHEV Standard trans real clean — OLDS 98 '52 CHRYSLER r V13 - $I295 91295 '52 91195 895 $ 895 '52 S '57 Sedan 1981 Holiday AIR '‘ - car NovY Only $650 0DRIVE 155 FORD $1085 l V-- 8 Written Guarantee Open 'til 8 pm BLAIR 'MOTOR CO ''- Very Locally owned powered l ow mileage Finished in polar White with red accept stripe and matching interior Enjoy cool comfortable driving and thrilling Performance in this - $3195 N 1956 nE SOTO FIREFLITE 1958 Rambler SPORTSMAN This heis Powerflite transmis sion power Super Six power steering radio and heater white Never licensed nor titled Drive-I- brakes and white with miles only A REAL special at walls orchid matching interior ONLY $2 $1695 Wag Big Hearted Bland 1036 EL so MAIN STAPLES CHEVROLET Coen Until 8 niii AX 53438 Main Bountiful S 29() BUICK $2499 SPR '57 CHEV Coe Ftffly Equip 1 Owner "KARS KOST LESS AT KIRKS" e Set KIRK'S KARS pth 570 - Main So Premium whitecar and leather wall tires A its bargain priced VERN1SCARS - - Any-Ca- Our in r '54 LINC CHRYS V-- 8 FORD V-- Vic 4 FORD 6 BUICK Spec r Exc DODGE 52 DODGE Dlx Exc '51 PONT 8 Cat toe': '52 OLDS 98 4dr '53 '53 '54 '53 '52 Sedan Power brakes ww tires auttimatte tratismbibion radio heater WAS $1395 '51 PONTClub cpe '49 MERU Club rpe '49 CAD Sdnt NOW $1094 PLYM Wg $2395' t Radio heater auto trans tone paint ww tires ' rr 1954 SEDAN cllEvnoLET standard Radio and heater transwission glen green LA '57 IN CHEVROLET SPECIAL NothS550 sedan A de- JOHNSON -- -- DA ATTENTION-TEENAGE- '46 Dodge Clean Ave Maio 1011ST 51 242 Term be Now 118 S EL si id before Sat Good' exc intr tries 8225 St Na 2 after 5 pm- Fnid It' Almon as is Cust 2129 E 4800 South SedanT '53 FORD Country nice $10 dn DA2 1181 - $4251 Rcal cond EL - $575 ' 'Imperial 11711 Like 756—FORD Sae - -AD - Lincoln S State 1955 BUICK SM Mercury AM6-299- ROADMASTER rear sneak- H sedan R Dynaflow power steering nower brakes A real beauty 61399 An blue and white K MOTORS er ww a SoState 843 O1 CHEN 1957 Station 4-d- V-- 8 $2295 r- Powerglide radio heater Sharp car wagon CHEV —156 $1595 2-- dr tires Beantiful Ol'iginai finish Excellent condition throughout Brand new M '57 FORD $2295 finish CouritrY Sedan Fordomatie radio heater beautiful V-- 8 $1895 '56 CHEVROLET 1 excelient wagon Powerglide radio heater original 4-- $1 895 '56 RAMBLER Custom "56 Cross automatic trans Country Looks and runs aka new Dower brakes $1995 MERCURY MontereY 9 passenger '55 FORD EL '54 UNC CAPRI $1499 Sot eras Fully er iuip "KARS KOST LESS AT KIRKS" KARS 13thSO a MAIN HU4 8761 13 GOOD USED CARS s100 and Pp Can be purchased Solid black color Very clean ONLY 91745 RIVERTON MOTOR CO AM AM '51 KAD Cpe deVille $1099 Like new otig S QUALITY KARS" excellent motor oractIcally new tires 131h SO 4 8761 -- t a'58 -- tl '55 PLYMOUTH suburban 157 $1 295 V-- 8 Overdrive An outstanding FORD Pickup runs V8 Looks and tiue $1495 i like new 4 I F gm Abernathy Frank Ridgeway Dial 1 S Main 1100 : 't x ' ' :0 Jones and 't s ' By Ralston E Rs -- y MOTORVILLE ' 1 - - 1958 Like O'dr Plymouth 82595 HU 1929 A ROADSTER '41117lii---TurBest excellent engine body offer over $350 IN 8 2987 after new 5 PARTY! 4- ' o§ ' 6 1 -- -- 1- EL9-324- 4 ab 633 S Main EL Foreign Car Owners needs consult TY COACHWORK-QUALIPERFORMANCE-STAMI- NA MURRAY MOTOR t4t9ruicrliditlVt:tru: epze1111 e7si7r7r:rii3ctor new tries SIO dn DA 21181 '48 PLYMOUTH Good cond excel tires Radio IN 1952 FORD '6' r b Fordomatic 8325 EM -'53 '57 21895 WAGSTAFF MILTON 657 S Main EL "aft PORS-CH1600 coupe Mel shortsilver Telefuriken radio wave 2 apeakers Seat belts Call la' after CR '57 VdW Vista Cele IN pinetr: lematitheear io: if: Limited QualitY guar LIMITED rsntairrpe CO HU 42851 6 m A' it' A(7Fii-1- r77 sedan Monte IN 78724 — '57 CONVERT 1957 VOLKSWAGEN lixotibi bus HU $3195 must sell S1750 10481 S State '57 Low mt too cond Sandy AM Skier Must Besell new like '58 AUSTIN Healy price IN 1060 E 33rd South Provo $2500 Kent YR PORCHE SPEEDSTER 1600 rebuilt engine $1- $10 MG—TB-1- 953 $2650 EL 195 AM LOOK! '55 Pont it wagon low book value EL '52 PONT r h auto dn DA - -- 1( 1 1 I YES BUT IT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER 112 HARVEY BROWN WERE V HERE- - i r HE'S 114E )) - 1 0 4 1 1 pe bems 111 en(1Z 11 comFam" atzmo 0-5- 014S x T4 rrh - 0!-MI- 11 6f11 4 inis ti Jr woo) tot& jvs!6 141L11191 Lag uno 4 NAM Rikterro a4 Ano 00 PAccm No I - rill-- mi 1 "'''C' f ? k" pi - wHols-HARvEY BROWN? eAmoug IL2LEJTIET19 ent I - 1 '' - Glen C Bills & Sons 2895 S State HU 1957 45' Anderson Largest front room and biggest rear bed- - 1 - room together with lots of closet home for a couple 4 spare makes" thic 830 SO MAIN Take Furniture in Trade - ' ' r- - HAVE PENCIL SHARPEN WILL TRAILER MART 3724 So SIrets WANTED TO RENT—Minimum aModern house trailer months toilet bath No children or Permanent location 100 miles Salt Lake State rental first let- ter and description location Write Bo v this paper NAT'L TRAILER PARK ALI E S Heated Swimming Trailer space S26 $31 $34 $44 mo Trailer sales 101p down bat rental purchase Will trade 1326 W No Temple EL Pets" - IN TRAVELEZE TRAVEL - THE MODERN TRAILER JOE'S 4139 SOUTH STATE SPECIAL ' - - KROPP' 12' eustom-buil- t See this top quality home today 830 So Main STOUT'S :''' '' CORBETS—OREM UTAH Shop in comfort Wide geesetion of mobile homes from 14' ' to 50' 10' wide Good trade-ideals FURNITURE AUTO M01311 E TRUCK ETC inilY make your on one down haomes TRAILER MAR'T mobile 3724 Soulh State --e -- - I c—ITT- ' ' i RENT A VACATION TRAILER FROM GLEN C BILLS & SONS ' HU 7 7RR1 2R95 S State Tandem 211' i c carpeted sec couchA built-iTon otialit dinette Mart Trailer R495 beauty 3724 South State 24' PAN AMERICAN A clean' mobile home Oil heat electric refrig Nice tor only $595 STOUT'S 830 So Main lighting f - i - Schuh $1295 STOUT'S - I 41 I 11 3 ii soi Pi ' - - s ' 's State f' Trailer Supply 4062 S 5 E AM MODEL '54- - Cutihmitn 3 motors all for $50 Steve AM — - for Sato — Great tak-- - STOUT'S sisaa2i2t5e6brotelderi3dmi nationwide lei s AM MI1MMMII ( t — i Parts 1 MEMBERSHIP !AVAILABLE in three-plan- e flying club 114104 aAtm 9C3t6a4112 Central i t 1111 ': Wilt 119E511BEsSuSeHrIPciursrsttkiVIVIGeCr mobile : Automatic Transmission Service or installation 830 So Main 59—Airplanes TRADE 1955 "98" Olds Holiday tor late model house trailers 877 S Maul EL b i4A Su : ' 58—Auto Parts Lakes trailer First so STATE AUTOLN 7111?S IT Call In nr 1323 &State 2075 after 5:30 pm HU REBUILT ENGINES Kensington Ave —VACATION RENTALS LL 334 Marton CARLISLE MILNE used partir IN 79151 UTAH'S largest stockMetal 2001 S Main Works- Sandy PU 1954 28' Nashua A clean nice 7e4 W 21st South Salt Lake City home only $1695 15-r- '5c250d400 El dfT18111C 1 - -7-- 57—Trailers 1 11 it aa 1441 of siski:I:151 - gi I 4 - - — Nashua & ' ''''l ELS-471- z!aceTrRirrLAscE551145n eamebererhipom t t I : r ' t i t ' 0 kir sale Call CE 11821 I ' - - SPECIAL American - s- 1330 SO MAN 200 Rebuilt 295 19i8 Zenith house trailer za ft Rebuilt slightly used $2295 Call TerrY 225 1943 Semi Car itn Rebuilt West at El Rancho Murray Motor 2918 Wash Blvd EX Ogden Lodge 5203 S State AM VESPA SCOOTERS WE PAY CASH for used home trailers NEW AND USED I 10 Milev Per Gal Corbels Orem Lit AC -1AUTHORIZED FRANCHISED SAFEWAY house trailer 27' 953 DEALER ex cond $1575 Marie Motel ECONOMY TIRE BATTERY CO 4353 South State 4 to 10 pm EM 43313 sTORDY 4x6' deer hunting trailer 575 S itate tires lights Best oiler 11OR CHRIS J DRAAYER Montgomery St HARLEY DAVIDSON it FT mod trailer'AM1958 model like new $1995 SALES — SERVICE 872 S State DA —SHAFFER & BRYANT INC— WA—Trailer Supplies Indian Triumph and Matchless 'aerti 117'4 tleilyd: South TgeOs Sac NraegisT Phone FM Terms LA11113RETTA MOTORSCOOTERS NORTON MOTORCYCLES COMPLETE LINE TRAILER Sales and Service—New Used EM 117 E 6th So Terms PARTS and ACCESSORIES A-'49 HI) cond See to a pprete Best cash offer takes EM BUTANE LITES and STOVE 4563 or EM IN7-1575 scooters 1631 S STATE GEE MAN motorcycles Scooter speed up to 85 mp h Reynolds 11 8-- 30 93 ‘ 1251- 1949-4- AM cs ) tt State - - SONS 1955465 Mercury 11U 54A84 1716 South State Capri to return to college Very 1957 MG& Glean well cared for all wheels blue wire EL silver $1025 Sharp DA 2 225" or 52000s 1949 PLYM 281 S t2th West car at inspect $125 Call after 8 prn HU 1958 LEMANS Healy Wiro wheels 2587 Redondo Ave o'dr Good cond 769 E South '747 R H $69 FORD V-Temple EM 40965 CY -Good conrr '55 '57 FORD Will take older car or Must sell Best offer 710 E 6400 N 44 1 S MERCEDES-BEN- Z WORLDS FINEST pm ) 0 Tinenin 4244 $7 FORD Vic F '500' Fordo r p s Trade i orh olCd)el irgcaorw‘laelltie $a2g)c5unt 8300 plus dill HU MUST sell OF VERONICk IT IS A GREAT tC")1Th ‘C 1 t 2 t 1- 'I rt ' STRONG - EiSTOP -- GUESTS LADY ' -- - - -- '' NEW Empire 17 bath $1015 1955 Spartan 38-f- t 2bedrm $3595 1950 Anderson 30-f- t Lbdrin 91593 We $395 H & - " WIDER $2500 2 bedrin 921395 81000 gas mei 91898 SPARCRAFT BY SPARTAN LIP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY 5 FINANCING AETNA TRAILER SALES ' 't TON FORD PANEL Good fires exceottomilly good motor and runninig gears FRED'S ' - STOUT'S STAPLES' CHEVROLET FIAT MORGAN'S DICK STRONG WHAT AN INTEPZESTING GROUP Mr and Main ' FORDS l also executive Any If you ears at ohuyees discount without buy seeing me you' Call Grant Hicklosing wiriness AM or AM man $1695 V-- 8 radio heater Fordomatic Dower steering '' - TTrraaclueerrsand ONLY Must tionally new Good buy see and drive to appreciate ' ' Y-- ‘ BUS - I - KITCHEN 920B State 1952 DA RAS27 Oth RI i BM '58 CAPRI Vacation Arrowhead GLEN C BILLS - DICK 'STRONG KIRK'S KARS 1180f So Main DA Cross-CountrRAMBLER oNE-7-oeconomical big sta wagon Radio heater Hydra-Stati- c Americanthecarmost ever built '53 Nash $1495 Extremely clean with overdrive $il05 BOSSE MOTOR 8273ScsMain Statesman 823 So Mn BOSSE MOTOR MUST sell JnY''54 CAD '62' Open 1953 CHEW convert is h Powev-rto all cash or trade offers for new Looks good glide paint this clean full power beauty IS good $in down !Una good 1130 S Main EL hdtp fully equipped '58 CHEV V-- 8 'IMPALA 810 dn DA2-118ext 292 82495 Terms EL tires $65 1941 CAD gd gnotor AM 07392 300 E 4500 South 1958—PLYMOUTH R H motor clean Big Real wsw wagon '49 CHRYSLER sedan Sacrifice AM 910 dn DA2-118-d 750 OLDS788--Overhauler ' h '50 FORD club coupe $IO dn DA Excel cond EL 10 SHARP CARS 895 to $295 fuli McDonalds Century 1777 S State power sharp HU RAMBLER 1958 SACRIFICE '88' '49 Olds '49 OLDS and STATION WAGON—CR 49esdreptoteN T$T1A0cdocDhlAef2t 1181101 1950 OLDS 884 new tires Clean :A3( Offer HU equipted Sell or trade - 751-Make rorn MERC club coupe 910 dn PONT sod '50 FORD 11SiiDA each - MUFORD V-Custom sdn Stand'55 PONT sport By owner '53 ard transmission 5550 -- EL 81400 Trade Terms HQ FORD '48 New tires Real '54 BUICK Super hdtp fully clean DA equipped 810 dn DA 21181 i5 1150 r 5TI R 81 0ordrive 1947 DODGE '52 PLY Ask for Mr Christensen bet Very nice $395 CR 9oassenser Country Sedai t CENTER Ikt4in YOU t t 34 FRUEHAUF'" s 'ARS FM TRAILER Co BRANCH' FACTORY 1082 S 2nd West EL SPORTS be- ayrnedenburiymtetoS:evtihnennti SPARTAN FRUEHAUF DA2-123- ):1y 4 8721 spatMAIN '57 OLDS' SUPER '88' r S PR radio heater excen- - WOCD As'nerilledsolfaurFseesdt MS 27-f- 1995 S Main RI UMPH 210 V-- 755 ' '57 CHEV ! TRADE-TER- 40 - STATION WAGONS- 1 - JOHNSON r7-11- i' Main Vith '57 EL Ken Garff Co M14-762- JOHNSON ' 4244 KIRK'S '54-C- 1 '58 - Sat:rsilizosczitJhAiLlpitnic(11 beauty " 18-f- TRAILERS $1789 -- - NEW MOON Heavy Equipment Sedan Clean HILLMAN DLXE $1889 Sedan R H W W 'EXECUTIVE'S CAR' ' ' BEST M MOBILE HOMES 4139- SO- STATE 3- $3ea '56 MG MAGNETTE '57 LINC PREM $3499 miles spt eve 7000 FOR9L5ESS Northwest State S '52 CAD COUPE tt(ittOil t0110 aro Sharpest in town 5 brand new DA nu tires 41231 on our on down PaYMent Plan - BILLWW BROWN'S USED CARS convert $1700 Terme BILL BHOWNS USED CARS HU 1990 So State StDr CR 5601 Highland 24181 1990 So State '49 CHENT2 dr sin dn DA HU 50921 cdr R11 1951 OLDS 98 1'53 ?ODD Custom-New tires $10 DOWN ATTENTION AM TEENAGERS R 1949 Cadillac convert excentionally clean AM b '49 Mere rib cpe leaded tow- clean '48 CADILLAC convert $10 dn r5I—PONIT-4- -d Amw 82835 per mo (credit an —CH1111 new Cost H $3450 157 i 717 South' -- drive with 8 '"'' - 23-f- h Main New en 2nd West 712 S Sdn R H Like new 2-D- R ' JOE'S TRADE—TERMS LINDNER-- ''7 -- 46)(101 CRESTLINE Today's Best Buy for Dollar Ahlut New Only $4995 Now at Cor Ilth S ' Open Until A pm 29n A alainBountdoLAX53438 LINCOLN Used V W Commercials S MAIN Lnwner Premiere hardtnn fully 714 E)yt 47761 Used Domestic Panels inc air cond Like new -mint ONLY con° and Pickups $3798 AT All Good See at— MI BEAUTIFUL TERMS SEE ' EAST AT 1211 S 9TH r 2d-L Clean original condition r h 980 419 E 2nd Lincoln Mercury EM 679 S MAIN South 11d49 AIVI 6 2992 4244 S State '54 Olds TAKE over payments ITALIAN CARS '48 CORBITT DUMP CLOSE-OU- T 91000 bal'98' powered ance EM with Gallon on '58 Fords in stock and comSalt lake hoist and bed tronn $395 — convert New tires $1212 Equipped Your chance to buy '55 FORD V-pany pars Martin Truck Beadnuarters EM3-277a '58 Car at '57 car prices tinted glass ' radio hte 51 S 2nd East Call Fordo S LARGEST" or AM Glen Sims AM UjiaAioll or HU 4- - 91150 HU 1195 S HU '580 r$5 Must sac a- '56 MERC GMC SUBURBAN Whitewalls 2lonePaint '54 sedan Custom !rapt Will accept trade HU Radio heater witires 'Rebuilt i Tinted glass Extra motor Thoroughly reconditioned PLYM Very good clean Tnp cond $720 ext 294 H114-018DA 1835 S Main S'o$5lia2lin5 cuoontdil 55600 BOSSE MOTOR 823 ' TR-- 3 FORD DUMP $10 DOWN 910 too '50 Ford 1952 LINCOLN hdtp good 'cond '48 Olds '48 Pack '49 Hudson $675 Consider trade HU sod axle Top cond The y2895144362 '48 Dodge Greatest Sports Car '47 PlymL '40 GMC 3'4 E111-3831150 S Cars 1950 Main panel Chev 0111Y Buy of All 55000 miles' Exc cond Immed '55 PONT station moon $1150 Drive It Today HU sale night DA '54 BUICK Century $1095 3 VW's ext 23 '58 CHEV MILTON WAGSTAFF '56 SEDAN panel truck Sell dr trade Hurry! Small down pay- 657 S Main L EL IN 63756 Jack Clark meld SEDAN '57 YOUR FRANCHISED '56 MERC hardtop Monte'1955 CHEV pickup De Tux TRIUMPH DEALER 158 CONVERT rey One of !he cleanest used wrap-arounrear window (11 cars in town Come In and di ive 4 ntn after low 690 SOUTH MAIN FM 4 6461! Call EL Al! carg ical immaculate it -f--- $11112151 755—FORD now MIICS 821' So latbed tA'ith Equipped Buy BOSSE MOTOR A-EL stake cond body ' 50 PONTIAC new metallic red 11947 2TON LW13platio rm paint job Perfect body motor Dole AM excellent Whitewalls R H Cus-dump tom huh caps $300 436 WoodYOUR FRANCHISED Choy pickup R H good land Avenue cond $495 HU TRIUMPH DEALER '50 FORD CONVERT $298 690 SOUTH MAIN EM Scooteis 56A—Motorycles vS Overdrive THUNDERBIRD 1855 S Main FORD '55 'uu ELMO'S CYCLERY '50 CAD Fleetwood AU black New tires with black interior 58 74 FLH King New $1495 '51 Lincoln NEW AND USED Capri Needs valve Fully eouipped low tralesi calla 1938-7ELH King Used 1250 8750 EM week sharp $2298 refacing ' Mi 350 START AT PRICES 97 1958 Cub Triumph $1595 1957 74 FLU Rebuilt days 930 Y '56 LINCOLICI 5th South bet State and 2nd dnEast Premiere hardtop coupe Fully 1956 FORO 1 Eairlane club-s' powered A sensational bargain Auto transmission white tires ' at $2498 radio heater metallic green fin- - EL recent overhaul $250 Mr Holt V-r h $IO dn LINCOLN-MERCUR- - 751—A—RMY r Exc 6 cylinder economy 23 East 21st So RD 2069 reduced $25 - x325 dr 2 -- 151 ' 195 1195 14'W '58 JAGUAR CPE SK150 Like new '58 RENAULT DAUPH $1589 AUTO VALLEY ROBERTS 154 DODGE Now Only $895 A Royal V-- 8 sed Motor has tuned and wserviced baneedn hcaalactutntley extra need Finished in glade green You will radio heater tires 85 make a good investmnt when otA purchase this one AX CALDWELL'S- Customline 2nd car Econompendable family 2 d and Custom Roya14-d- r sedan Fully ical clean $995 only days $898 sharp Extra Only tquIpt 823 So Main BOSSE MOTOR 1 '51 RAMBLER R o'dr 19 mi per gal Lincoln Mercury terms CR $300 AM 4244 S State -hard500 '58 Fairlane FORD '58 CHEV V-- 8 NOMAD top 300 hp pg $1495 EM 4- :1778 before 2:30 wkdays ill day Terms Sta wag Very sharp Sat and Sun EL exts202 fUXURY'l '57 Mere Montclair MUST sell '54 BuickcondCentury Will hardtop Very good Fully powered fully equipped - A nice family ear $2405 take oldeetradeEL 511148V-623 So Main '5:i $IO dn FORD BOSSE MOTOR Logan Ism 1 Sedan O'dr new tires good cond ing down low payments 4044 So 20th East '55 RAMBLER 8 1957 PLYMOUTH EM sedan FORD '53 EM MAIN 154 DODGE SO 714 - 595 135 Tandem 7:7 SoutdropISAR TRAILER SALES 33-f- 1957 ('hey ' -- TRAILER CENTER ' DA State Trurk and rar hauling trailer' SELECTION OF NASHUA 42 ft Complete ready to go 1954 weed Brownie USED 11597 $3195 1995 beauty THE BEST MAIN S $$$221:627948999 Clean ' IN 7 9161 FRONT liner 395 'VT5 295 225 R FORD BELV4-Dr auto trans Local ONLY - CHEVROLET 565 Open Until Main Bountiful real-re- MOTOR DECK-- MORGAN'S $795 290 S WE SPECIALIZE Itti 48761 at MAIN 1956 FORD WAGON SO ONLY real sharp! rower pack brakes 40 OTHERS ' IdMmaihneat MORRIS SUNBEAM RAPIER CONVERT R H 0DR FAIRLANE- Slandard trans original solaranteed miles Fully equipped DA 468 '1 '57 CEC LANE - NIA1Ni 610 S 780 Ph HU OLDS FiestR OLDS Starfire ennil BUICK Spec sect FORD 8 BUICK DODGE '51 '55 '52 '49 '49 '56 $19491 chive ' be wafted a few Two closeouts in new '58 " ludas(' 24-f- t Eark Avenue Luxury Lin ers with everything '58 17-f- t Rod and Beet Custom with elec and ice refrig $1395 One Tear Tandem 195 '53 STUD& '50 PLYM SUBURI3AN FALL SPECIALS WAS $1995 ASO 195 MODERN MOTORS -- Sedan ' 8295 u53 FONARD $195 $195 ii195 8 95 1909 So Main $3599 SPRITE SPORTS 1950 White 200 Cummins Line Tandem axle - L $195 Diesel $2599 CO E ' - v'' SPECIALIST —thaws only exclusive Used Mobile Home Dealer needs good used trailers We will buY outright or sell on consignment and cash you out at highest minket Lowe We have one new 45 ft 3 bedrm PM wide IcitWe will sell at a big discount Before you bum any- - mobile Ann'Y - $125 SDN - port fore OLDS MAGMA 2000 AUSTIT1)ItADLSyLEADER--:--- :50 $$229055 - SDN Int rt " - Carlisle Milne i Inc 2001 S Main BARGAINS ' ' "Idear modern luxury Quality t t vacationers with bed and daven- nM 1952 RADIO HEATER OVERDRIVE 225 FORD HEATER OVERDRIVE $95 PLYM FORD 8 panel INT pickup --- Ken Ga r Co NOW $1695 STAPLES R Ha 1085 South Main Country Sedan LIKE NEW $1695 Overdrive - CHEN So Main '50 51ERC '50 MERC AN1 2 1411 AUSTIN SDN No Down Payment To Qualified Buyers cm- -8 Q - IN 2n fr lift and "IslercurY" PAULOS CHEW State heHatiimisseftyosty::murindaesnidiesseeatifau'ggcLitt tittle Denier in the We3t" "Bigrtet - MG SPORTS t a - DiSPLAY- :- 1959 1 Modern Only 112156 Jewel tandemi 93195 931 $995 - vic 74- NEW 610 g MAIN 780 8595 $495 $495 $495 8495 8495 5495 - Exc Sdnt cpr 50CHEV '49 '51 '47 '40 - 157- ''''' Openeves - DeJtixe speed itansmIsOnn 8 PANew tires Twin spots and turn signals VERY VERY CLEAN - Ken Garff Ca BM Across from Slim Olsen's Sundays AX TRY THESE FOR VALUE Entire Stock " Only $1595 Sshmoaurltdloaak tr:'Cedig mndel like it the big lid hn motor: for extra power and getaway Is finished in polar white with blue interior 1957 1958 And Your Secured Credit Will Deliver CONVERT BUICK Radio heater Automatic transmibsum ' Power steering Dower ' ' DOWN 5775 955 GMC -' ! 9 PM WEEKDAY! SPECIAL ONLY 1958 El Hay 24 ft Travel Trailer's Nice bathroom twin beds tier- craft construction at low low rulers of only 92995 58 45' Town and Country 92905 Big discount Only '58 Mark V 2 bed 93895 '57 Northland iinewl 2IP 2bed Come in and see this one 22150 S?tenger - 'Tit 2165 So 25-f- 'raffia anti de luxe heater I ' NOW ON laft Jewel 4 1 ' Mobile Homes OPEN - - 4' Bath- DAVE SINGER - El' '57 ' I 645 Only i e III0 S MAIN 1955 4-- Now - - e DRIVE IN—CHOOSE FROM MANY MORE - 2-- 1958 V-- '50 '48 2-- ' 2-- '55 s 1958 - Ir Zenith - Deal With 4nnii SEE ''T" V R tractor 1 4 Columbia—Leisure Homes Mors—Trovelo For Quality and Service SUBURBAN MPORT1SPE ALS ' nolelAero 409 W 4th SOUTH or : 1901 S 2nd West ()rgurs p4 1ly !IERVICE International and Main 4 full THIS NOW Gas equipped '54 Ford FR Itio" sv la 2 1000x20 iip:Ao aux r ti 11450 '51 Kenworth 521 215" salsa 275 Ctillittillia 3 aux 3012 rear axle tractor 26905 '56 Chess station wagon 21450 4speed - heater- speed 55 go814e LET 55A-S- I BARGAINS: - -- - Pickup' $995 I & in & in roar SPECIAL While They Last -- a gulimed and In VMS suiated '55 White WD2464 PM" wis c and cis 200 bane Cumniings SA)DD rear axle $9750 3 aux sir '56 Ford 113750 tractor '55 Intl It100 PAY auto EL5-753- NSPECIAL ' $795 BUICK Sup Riv - $499 STUDE- Corn $425 BUICK Sed $445 HUDSON $299 FORD $295 CHRYSLER N $325 BUICK $175 '51 '51 ' $1295 V-- I 8th So 7 6 PLYM' aport custom P PS Suburban 11 B brakes Torque '51 FORD Clb Cpe $245 flue flpass elec rear window like '61 DE SOTO Clb Cpc $245 $2995 new' CHEN Brookwood" V8 '50 PONT $150i R Td'rotyeerinGtinutirea 7 95 '51 BUICK Spec $2951 CHEV atc wagon H $1495 '51 OLDS '98' Hol Cp $3951 DE sta wag SOTO '51 FORD Vic Cpe RS- - PR Power Glide $375 B H Sharp $1795 These are good clean CMC pickup H One owner Beal cars and ready to goNo clean low bed 91495 FORD Country down payment required if Fordomalle Sed B $2895 Many extras you have qualified credit ' 12-- 3 ' EL MOTOR PETTY CALL 1958 Sup EM PHONE liEM 4 INSTRUCTION CHEV $1295V55 and State 8th So Gives You Bigger Savings BROWNING S CARS648'MAIN—USED 445 MAIN—NEW CARS Ken Garff Co - CHEV '55 CHEV 210 $1095 FulIY CONDITIONED FORD '54 '52 O'DRIVE OLDSMOBILEN- CHEV 1'51 BEL AIR DRIVING 4-- MERC 21st South 'IN Riv CHEV !'52 '53 CHEV '6' 'EL Main S ' PLYM--'6- FOR FUTURE 4-- BUICK BUICK $495 CRANBROOK RUSS BALLARD 633 '6' CHEV 909 12-- HEVR EVENINGS E CHEV Stake new twee new paint seped Y100 ' Pickup 112-- $1295 V-- 8 - EM3-431- 3 $2575 $1895 Sup Hcita $1575 Bel Air161 $1195 Bel Air '8' $1355 Montclair $1595 Sed $1165 r $1195 Sup BUICK BUICK ''54 DE LUXE Real sharp Automatic 595 trans power steering MERC Monterey $ 595 R II PACKARD REAL ALL ORIGINAL SHARP 45000 MILES $'395 '52 '50 TERMS YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT BLAIR'S two-ton- ' '57 '56 '55 '55 '55 '55 '55 PLEASE COMPARE - THESE CARS SEE SALT LAKE'S CLEANEST CARS 4 steering $1545 '56 PiekUP 3204 new paint HU4-151- 6 A WITH '57 CHEV $795 miles good rub' '55 CHEV i- RUCKS- -T- ' ber HOME OF THE USED CAR ' ' '56 FORD 601 South Main BROWNING'S ' 1000x20 OPEN TILL 8 PM 6 AFTER EM-3-764- "3110" Radio I '54 CHEV '' 4 e Royal V-- SEE SALE' $2095 FORD Sta Wgn $1695 Country sedan Radio beater - — Fordomatte '54 CHEV Del Rey $945 Club coupe Radio heater '52 CHEV Sport Cpe $595 Hardtop radio heater'Power-glide Ing""Peo'r'd4o-dmratill- new Like $4751'57 '56 4-- - 56—Trucks for Soto DODGE '51 BUICK Radio heater Standard $295 '57 FORD V-- 8 $795 condition good 2600 $1895 COMPLETE PARTS S STATE '5f1 AIR CONDITIONING ACTUAL MILES b3at 4681 POWERED WITH FULLY TRUCKS DING CHEVROLET Neater auto trans lAe "' 34' M 35 TO 100 'MPG "Imports Are Our Business Not Just A Sidtline" OPEN TILL 9 PM VOLKSWAGENTONIN MI BEAUTIFUL TERMS Kr 1211 S Pth EAST '58 OLDSMOBILE HOLIDAY' V-- 8 Extra nice '53 CHEV Sub $1 195 Pckp T $1595 V-- 8 Hydra-Matt- TRUCKS '57 INT '51 OLDS '98' Cdr R h Stand r 4-- $495 4-- dr ' $1045 Radio beater Hydia- 14ardtop Maim $2195 Sn '8' 4-- Ret Air Wagon Heater transmission '56 PONT $1690 V-- CO Utah's Largest DistributorOf Imported Cars See The 6 Fabulous German Autos On Display ' $995 TO $3995 4 Customline '55 CHEV '210' $895 '56 CHEV'210' $1295 heater Fordoniatie Like new IL h A4 mechanically '57 RAMBLER R h A real value $1995 157 FORD FrIne $2095 '57 FORD Custom $1595 power steering° and tbriankNe7e srdi h power steer- "300" 4dr R h 'Mona paint Standard trans '53 - CHEV Bel Air $795 Radio heater $750 Extra Standard transmission Sharp h R '210' 1 lEt XR 71BEDBROOTAidDewith: I dr Radio heater' '55 CHEV '6" $1095 2 dr heateT "210" Radio Powerifildr CHEV '56 $1575 Bel Air sedan "Ia" Radio heater Powergilde Heater R hP'flite Very clean 154 MERC Monterey $1195 Station Wagon IL h rerdr 4-- Very clean Rt V-- Hardtop All extras 157 PLYM 8 sharp 2-- 157 DODGE r Nice clean one Cream puff V-- 8 V-- 8 '''s sharp saver '55 VOLKSWGN $995 2-- dr Ishii ' 795 $1 r '54 CHEV STATION WAGONS COUPES SEDANS '53 FORD $695 Convert R h NeW tom 157 OLDS '98' Holi $2695 HT All Wiwi Sharp Frin '56 FORDV-$1595 KT Vic 11 h Fordo matic2 PS Tutone Sharp '48 CAD '62' $395 $1495 Wagon Gas "IL" Extra Standard trans Clean as a pin Standard transmission i V-- g '58 CHEV A5SVTC MPORTI USED CARS - SI—Trailers for Solo Cars 55A—Sport-Foreig- n "OK" STOCK COMPLETE for Solo 55—Automobiles I CAPITAL - All Priced Below Market: ' for Solo : ' 29 - SS—Automobiles 100 USED CARS - ' HERE Soto ' '' 1 IT'S EASY AS for 155—Automobiles I I - 1958 20 PETTY - ' for Salo --- -- OF "OK" USED CARS HOME 1 - SS—Automobiles - - Salt Lake Tribune Wednesday Auguct The for Solo (SS—Automobiles STEATOR 1 1 - - ''r i ' tI - - s a I 3 I :t ' - I o i ) - I ' t i k it 2 t - ' |