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Show t THE TIMES-NEW- MANY WOUNDED IN COLORADO RIVER NEPHI. UTAH S. ruuuLi DOCUMENT FIRST OF ITS KIND WILL WEATHER ANY LEGAL ASSUALT AUTHORS BELIEVE TWO THOUSAND MEN OUT OF WORK FIGHT BOB3IES IN VAIN EFFORT TO MAKE WAY MURDEROUS ATTACK Seven Southwestern Commonwealth Agree to Document Drawn In Three Week's Conference of Colorado River Commission Nelson In Monument Trafalgar Square Scene of Bloody Clash,' Hordes In City for Suspects Taken In Dragnet at Salt Lake Identified as the Men Who Shot and Beat Sergeant Pierce And Patrolman Watson IN EARLY MORNING COMES AS CLIMAX TO NIGHT OF HOLDUPS Dem-onstratl- JJ A I i j London. Thousands of unemployed fought with mounted and foot police arund the foot of Nelson's monument In Trafalgar square In a vain effort to force their way to the Downing street residence of Premier Bonar Law. Santa Fe. The Colorado river treaty, the first document of Us kind, was agreed to by reprsentatlvts of seven Southwestern states and of the ' federal government, The pact was signed here following a three weeks' conforence between members of the Colorado river commission, and provides for the distribution for Irrigation and water development projects of the waters of the river between the seven Interested, 'Seven state legislatures must now ratify the pact to make it effective und It must be approved by the Congress of the United States. No opposition to the treaty Is expected from Mexico as the status of the agreement between the two countries regarding the waters of the stream which empties Into the Gulf of California it is said, has not been lmpnired. Concisely worded and framed to a nicety as pertains to legal and definitive terms to make clear the Interpretation of not only the technical terms employed but also many commonly employed in irrigation subjects that had not previously been given a definite meaning, the pact, it's authors believe, will weather any legal assaults which may be made. Briefly the agreement reached here between the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming and Utah provides that the water of the Colorado shall be measured for the purpose of allloca-tio- n at Lee's Ferry one mile below the mouth of the Parea river which Is about ten miles below the Utah line, that for the purpose of dividing the tlow the states shall be classified into two districts, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Utah, comprising the upper division and California, Nevada and Arizona the lower division. Much division Is allotted 7,500,000 acre feet of water per annum with the proviso that the lower division Is given the right to increase its "beneficial consumptive use of such waters by one million acre feet per annum." Pllotle8s Plan Runs Two Days Paris. A Rjfltem of pllotless airplane control has passed a two-da- y test satisfactorily, according to experts supervised the trials with a 300- horsopower passenger carrying govover ernment biplane that flew Etampes aviation field on Wednesday and Thursday for several hours. The plane going aloft with no one aboard, responded to control by Hertzian waves from the ground, performed all the costomary evolutions, and then landed safely. During the tests the machine was frequently lost from sight in hare and clouds, but It was always under control. The system was developed by the Experts Debouche and Tercheron. De-mar- Farmer Committee to Invade Capitol Washington. The Notional Farmers' council announced that a "committee of farmers In boots" will arrive In Washington for a stries of conferences with members of congress and government officials relative to legislation to aid the farmers. Tho committe?, according to the announcement, will be prepared "to let the government know what legislation Is necessary to save the farmers from disaster " Chicago Mayor "Hooted" Mayor William Hale Chicago. Thompson, attempting to defend his Hdmlnistratlnn of affairs of Chicago ttefore 4000 fellow Shrlners was IwHted" and hooted until forced to ctop his 8)Kech. In an address following a ceremonial Illustrious I'otentnte Wl'l II. Wads charged the Thompson administration with taking an unfair tttitude toward Masonic organizations In connection with lotteries conducted at bazars. " io uiiui DOWN By THUGS LONDON RIOTING PACT IS SIGNED cum nni inn inrii Picking the Geese Many were wounded in the milling about the entrance to Whitehall, while pedestrians feld from the scene of battle, and all roods were blocked. Repeated police charges, in which heavy truncheons, the bobby's last resort, were wielded freely on heads and limbs of the struggling unemployed, finally forced the mob back from Whitehall and scattered them, for the moment, up the Strand and Cockspur street The workless demonstrators sought to carry their cause home to Britain by clamoring at the gates ot the permier's house. Thousands ban come in from all parts of the country to take part in the demonstrations. The unemployed army apparently divided Its forces, for about 10,000 are believed to be in the city. Approach by another gorup from the parliament street end of Whitehall was prepared for by cordons of bluecoated bobbies, who threw up barricades across the end ot Downing street. In 1920, when the unemployed last demonstrated in extravagant manner, their armies converged upon Whitehall from several directions coming down the embankment while others approached from Victoria street The first clash was not marked by the use of firearms. London's police, even when riot calls are sounded, are not permitted to carry revolvers. i trans-Atlanti- Wooi-grower- DUST EXPLOSION KILLS MANY UYDR DECLARES 10 IN KLU "TREAT THEM AS YOU WOULD REDS AND BOMB THROWERS" IS INSTRUCTION MANY OF THE INJURED MINERS RESCUED FROM COLLIERY MAY Dlt Preacher In Charge of Secret Society's Headquarters Announces Defiance at the Chief Executive's Order Trapped Men Who Fail to Eseape Into Adjoining Mine Save Lives by the Erection of B New York. War on the Ku- Klux klan by New York police, until the last klansman has been driven from the city, wus ordered by Mayor John F. Ilylan. Despite the order, received by Police Commissioner Enright In a telegram from French Lick Springs nnd communicated to various branches ot the force here, public headquarters ot the Ku Klux klan were opened at the Hotel Hermitage. The Rev. Oscar Haywood, evangelist of Dr. John Roach Stratton's Calvary Baptist church, is In charge and announced defiance of Mayor Hylan's orders. Haywood declared be would go to Jail, If necessary, but that klan headquarters would remain open and recruiting would continue. Dr. Stratton was mentioned, as well as Haywood, In Mayor Hylan's telegram ordering out the klan; but the more famous preacher has donied any connection with or sympathy for the e g K. K. K. Childers, Aide to De Valera, Executed Dublin. Ersklno Childers, chief lieutenant of Eamonn de Valera, was executed here Friday morning at 7 o'clock for having an automatic pistol In his possession, it Is announced in an official bulletin given out by the national army. The brief army report states that Childers was tried by a military court nt Porto Bello barracks, Dublin, November 17, charged with be!ng in possession, without proper authority, of an automatic pistol when apprehended by national forces November 10 nt Aunnmoe house. County Wicklow. The accused, the report adds, was found guilty and sentenced to death and the finding, and sentence being duly confirmed. Camp Builders Face Suits Washington. Legal action to recover more than $20,000,000 alleged to have been obtained fraudulently from the government in the construction of four army cantonments during the war was Instituted by Attorney General Dangherty ns the first formal step In a far reaching prosecution of thoso who held contracts for the bnlldlng of war camps. The four suits begun were fl'ed simultaneously In United Stites dlstrli-- t cotirtsjn four states and Involve charges of fraud In connection with the construction of Camp Upton. N. Y. ; Camp Jackson, S. C. : Cnmp Sherman, Ohio, and Camp Funston, Kan. few-fee- Oppose Study of German In Schools Paterson, N. J. An open letter to school com'mssioners nnd citizens, protecting sgalnst attempts to restore the study of Cermnn in the Paterson hixh school was made public by the committee on politics of Llff ErUkson Klnn No. 1. Bealm of New Jersey, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. n st l, c Child Drowns In Crock of Water of Blythe, Col.. The Mr. and Mrs. Basil De Meyer wns drowned at bis home here when be k con stuck his head Into a tall taining water and was unable to ex- trlcn'e himself. His mother was out of the house nt the time. It was be lieved the child's head was In the wa ter fifteen minutes. Federal Agents Assist In Prebe lnvrstl7tori Wash'npfon. Spe-.ln- l have been detilled by the department of Justice to assist United States Hayward of New York In the Inquiry being con do dol Into the shootWash., In lfllS. ing st Camp of Mfljor Alexnnde P. Cronkhlte eon ot Major General Adelhert Cronkhlte. s-- Vineyard Sells for Huge Sum Blast Kills Seven In Mine at Historic Point Redskins to Pow-woModesto. The American vineyard. M. men N. Seven Albuqnerkne, Philadelphia. The "wampum strip," were lllod and at least thirty In- ft small, unoccupied p'eee of land in comprising 110J acres, snid to be the Jtired In an explosion In mine number the rear of n telephone exchange largest vineyard In the world, has been CoM Com- - building on the Delaware river front sold four of the Mndr'.d-Cerrlllby Wyiie M. Giffcn, president of pany at Cerrinos, N. 51. Thirteen or here, was the scene of a powwow he Sun Mnid Ilnlaen flrowen" associa the Injured were broncht to hrspltnls Friday with four Indian chieftains tion, to C. L. Cain of Fresno. The bore and there were thirteen or mors f'om the East and West, In full was $l,LMO,(0I. The Injured being cared for at Madrid, puffing the pip of peace. It Is purchase price near where the explosion occurred ' srIH the property of ! American In property hn ieen via ted In rwent i i hy thoiis .n ls of tourists rn I Ambulance, doct"rs r.nd nurses were dlan. No valid title rtO'la ever hnve eent from here and from Santa Ko. I been given f.r It, ncor.lini to histor- sightseers, U s ca irni'tus si: e i ri ' no lei n equipment main ' it as u I !.-The cause of the explosion had not ians. Elaborate t re;srntlin are i ,n. , i n or nu: .ual rpu::ticn. made 'or Cie teen determined. Reclamation Bill's Passage Urged President Hnrdinj Washington. was asked by a delegation from western stiitf to Include rrt bis animal nert memh r measure in recommendation for the jxirsa-- of the rerlatrs?!n b.ll. This measure was pnsed by Cie lom st the last sessb n and tie senate at Imbed It ti the soldier bontia M' wM-- h f.il'ed of pnasao over Pres'rt" Hi. fling's veto. The du'e;-atl"ded by iEcpresentatlTe I mlth - Con-tres- e Km'th-MiNar- 1 re'-cp'- i I y .'ji.be). t V" Ogden A vetditf: Air $5000 was returned in favor of Howar Burnett ft years of age, against the Utah Rapid Satl Lake City. An evening of ter- Transit company by a Jury. In April ror for Salt Lake pedestrians and one of the defendant's cars run over reached its peak shortly after the lad, and as a result of the Injuria 12 o'clock Monday morning when two the boy's right leg was amputated unmasked young men shot and possithe knee. bly fatally wounded Sergeant N. P. s' Salt Lake City.The National Pierce, the "fighting sergeant" of the association has received word Salt Lake police force, and ruthlessly 'lent Patrolman George F. Watson over that the flock of Hampshire sheep the head until he lay insensible on the owned by Mrs. Minnie W. Miller of Salt Lake, has carried off Uie chief ground near by. No hop,e Is held for the recovery prizes at the American livestock Ehot f Sergeant Pierce. An picture held in Kansas City. aken of the wound at the hospital Provo. Spencer Madsen of lAk-vieonvtnced the physicians that an op had a narrow escape when a orations to remove the bullet would be train struck an automobile in which his The entered left bullet topeless. he was driving across the tracks on lide, went through the spinal column VVest Center street. Aside from rend lodged in the lung above the liver. a bruise on the head, ceiving slight The lower part of his body Is paralyz-?d- , Mr. Madsen eseuped uninjured. The and he has suffered greatly from automobile was demonlished. loss of blood. Robert Kelly and Herbert MIddleton, Salt Lake City. Running into a aog both apparently about 23 years of age, an automobile belonging to A. E. Loty, were arrested as nlleged suspects in overturned, with the result that IMf connection with the shooting of Ser- suffered a broken collar bone, anl jeant N. P. Pierce and the beating of three women in the car were bruised. Patrolman George F. Watson. Ileber. Mont Epperson of Midway, Patrolman Watson declared both Kelly ond MIddleton closely resembled may lose his eyesight as the result of 'he thugs who murderously assaulted an explosion at the Park Utah mine Sergennt Pierce and himself when a when he struck a tuiss.d hole. loliee guard accompanied the two susVernal More than $.")00,000 was pects to Watson's home. The shooting of Sergeant Pierce paid out for alfalila seed to growers terminated on evening of terror to in the Uinta basin this year, accordmade by the Salt Lake peopte, several holdups ing to announjeratn wore reported to the police and num- Chamber of Commerce. erous residences were entered during Pleasant Grove. H. L. Clark, fo the evening. many years a merchant of this city, died ns the result of injuries suffered Police Routed In Clash With Mob when he was run down an autoNew York. Twenty persons are in- mobile. The driver of the by automobile, as the arrest four and under jured wus exonerated of blame. result of riot'ng wherein 5000 Irish republican sympathizers routed fireSalt Lake City. Growth of ' Sail men and police reserves here Sunday Lake's sewage system has necessitated night. An effigy of King George was the purchase of a new pump at the burned at the height of the fighting, city's sewer pumping station. Ninth which was precipitated when the po- North and Eleventh West street lice tried to prevent an overflow meet. Provo. Ernest W. Smoot son of Ing outside the Carroll theatre, held to denounce execution of Ersklne Senator ReeJ Smoot, has rajrried off Childers and the "murder" of Mary high honors with his entries in ' the MacSwiny. The rioting raged for Washington show. With his birds and hours. Women led the Irish "rjbels,' fowls he captured four sdver cups ofmen and took clawing faces of policemen and tear- fered by local busia.-sout of a possible twenty-thre- e ing their uniforms from them. The twenty-twofficers were finally forced to withfirst awards. Mr. Smoot won draw and watch the disturbance die silver cups for the best bantam, the out shortly after midnight When the best Oriental ornamental bantam, the r.000 outside failed to get In after the best pheasant and the best water theatre was packed, part of the over- fowL flow Banted a parade. The remn'nder OgdiH. Smalley Brothers Jewelers attempted to listen to soap box speakers, (Who were promptly pulled from asked police of Ogden und other cities their perches by police. Wiien the to help them get back articles valued parade, which stornwd up Broadway to at $500. which they gave on approval Columbus Circle, returned, the police to a supposed customer. guarding the vicinity of the theatre Salt Lake City. Seven hundred and were rushed, clubbed and beaten. fifty bushels of apples were distributed to the worthy poor ot this city SatNegro In Gallery Resent Charges Washington. A senate debate on urday. the recent utterances of former PreSalt Lake City. Three women were mier Georges Clemenceau of France when a D. & It G. W. locoinjured too'; a sensational turn when a negro motive etruck the auto in Whijh they wearing the uniform of the United ere riding at a grade crossing. from States army interrupted the galSalt Iake City The removal of the lery a speech by Senator nitcbcock "f Nebraska, ranging Democrat of the Indian service office from Salt Lake City to Blackfo.it nnd Pocatello, Idaho, foreign relations committee, repardin "lleTed atrocities by black French Is only a temporary expediency to fatroops In Genmny. The soldier, who cilitate the work of the service, acpaid he was Tncfus Jones, a patient nt cording to word received by Governor the Mt. AIt" Md., government hospital Charks II. Mabey from William Spry, fimily wrs reTioved from the gallerv United States land commisslcner. nfter his attempt to Join by the Gunnison Turkeys from the GunIn the debate has resulted In a eherp nison this year will pay the '"B9ige of words on the senile floor farmersvalley JIO.OO'). Thus far there has Senator II"flln (Dem.) of Alabama been shipped from the valley this year led In demanding the netrro's about 25,000 pounds of turkeys and 4 but Senator TH'cheoc't snW he ar? declared to be among the hoped the pol'ee would not Interfere. they finest birds that have ever boen sent Deposed Chinese Emperor to Wed from southern Utah. Pekln. Haunn Tung, 17, deposed S.ilt Lake City. Finishing work Is boy emperor of Chln-i- , will be married of the old now being done to the new iAfayette according to the cust-imMnnchu dynasty, to a Chinese princess school and the building will be ready one year his Junior, upon whose face for occupancy wlten school sessions he has never razed. Ills on!y Infor- herln fallowing the Christmas vacamation about bl future wife, gleaned tion. The new building contains twenty-nclassrooms, an auditorium with from newspapers through the eld ol ine tutors. Is that she rides ft bicycle, a rapneity of IKX) persons, kindergaroften rooms and administration stndlea English and sews. fices. Po'ain Candy Fatal to Mother Fon Du Iac. Mm. Frank 8he!dci Salt Lake City. Requisition from mother of eight children one borr Governor J. W. Dixon of Montana on ess than a wek ago died after entln: Governor Charles It Mabey for the return to Montana of William Orllible, eondy sent to her thr.Tugh the mnllc Postal authorities bilieve the ewee'.i who was charged with grand larceny were polKOtied with arsenic commuted In Madison county, was ri n'ed by Governor Mabey on the ground State Exonerates Former Warden that the evidence was Insufficient for Helenn, Mont Complete "rrn't Con'ey, mayor of Deer Tooele. Necessity for a new ystn nd former warden of the stafe pof aceount'ng la the records of Tooela 'entlary, was contained in n fle'lslni) county officials is one of the recom nnonnced by District Jndge E. J. mmdallona made by the special audit In the s tit of the state cl of the books of the rounty Just com'or.y 'ontann to rerilre of the former wnr pleted and placed on file with thi n an acpcrnMn? and J"d rcmcit f"' clerk. fmr "in.OOO. Con'ev was remore-- l Murray. Because of Its desire to lo ns wurden 1T floie-na- r .t. ? r the power of Its elsctrlc plant txon In Anrfl. 19?1. Tb M n of tbex'in-rf'- l a a comp'et irrjiy City has applied to the s!a engineer fnr Iho authority to divert .iTer ot all prise iKwr'ts. cubl'' fe?t of water from LlltU Co:t'nwooJ creek In Salt Inke county fee-lo- w Birmingham Following rescne work which progressed throughout the night, officials of the Woodward Iron mine company, owners of Dolomite mine So. 3, where a dust explosion trapped 173 miners Wednesday afternoon, announced that eighty-threbodies had 'ieen taken from the mine, and that thc-feared the total toll of dead might reach 100. Approximately sixty nen were reported to have been by the blast Scenes of pathos about the mine mouth during the night and early mora-nhours continued as relatives and families of miners known to have been In the mine when the blast occured Mayor Fires Police Force Omaha. The entire police force at waited expectantly for news of their Plattsmouth, Neb., has been dis- loved ones. missed by the mayor, who, with the Many of these men, It was believed, county attorney therp, has perfected had reached the surface safely through f.a. organization of thirty men, ton of the runway connecting the mine wltn whom will constitute a patrolling force mine No. 2, and had the In an effort to prevent disorders growto withIn rescue work workings help of out the rail strike, according ing to a special dispatch received here. No out communication with company ofone but the officers will be permitted ficials or relatives. One rescuer told of an unidentified to carry arms, and the mayor has Is sued a proclamation closing dance-hall- mine foreman who assembled about poolrooms and skating rinks at him thirty workers and soon after the 10 p. m. Trouble due to strike condi- blast took place, ordered all to remain tions has been occurring during the with him and work on fixing up brat In few the weeks, culminating past tices stones with and canvass to shut rea serious wounding of striker shot cently by a painter employed In tha off the dreaded after dump gas that Plattsmouth shops of the Chicago, lie felt sure was to follow the exploBurlington & Quincy railroad, the sion. According to the rescue workers one miner objected to remaining with dispatch says. the rest of the men, and begun to fight his way outward. The rest stayed be Alaskan Town Faces Fuel Famine hind and completed the brattice of facAlaska. Anchorage, Anchorage stones and canvass. es a fuel famine this winter because In the When the fans were started and of a fire that started Monday Evnn Jones Coal mine on a spnr of the air cleared sufficiently to make It the Alaska railroad, and Is still burn safe to tear down the temporary wall Ing. The city has shipped Its fire and the foreman led his men out, the truck to the mine to help fight the body of the man who refused to stickt flames. Every available miner and with the rest was found only a away from the temporary brattice. three caterpillar tractors have been Impressed in an effort to open anoth- a victim of the gas. er mine and get coal frou it to the Tales of single miuers who hurriedly built walls across niches and hollows railroad. In the workings, stopping the chinks Another Reduction In Japan's Army with parts of their own clothing and Toklo. Another ttep in the reduc- thus saving their lives from the gases. tion of the army, the first having been wore numerous us rescue squads reach carried out last August, will be taken ml the surface. at once when a start will ho made In the retirement of 1.R40 officers. Turk Delegate Eases America's Alarm 25,000 privates and fvr00 arsen.'il Lausanne. Turkey's spokesman at workers. Their services all will be dis- the Lausanne conference, hearing of pensed with before next April. the arrival of American missionary representatives here, expresses the Fined for London Riot hope that American philanthropic and London. Arraignment of the first educational Institutions would not be of the unemployed arrested for earticl-patlo- needlessly ularmcd by the advent of In rioting at the ntranco to the new regime in Tukey. The Kem-all.agent explained that there was Whitehall Wednesday took place at Bow Street police court. Henry Itui-sel- no (Mspcsit'on to drive out Americans, one of the participants, was especially those enraged In educational and charitable undertakings. fined. Orphans Injured When Ship Hits Lines Two thousand Constantinople. Christian orphnns and two American Falls Over Cliff, Walks to Hospital relief workers were Imperiled when Los Angeles. Oliver Mnpcr, 14 years the stennmhlp Belgravian, chartered by the Near East relief, collided with o?d, fell eighty feet over a cliff in liner New lo-- k at Klyslan part and then walked down to the the western entrance of the Bosphor-u- s. the receiving hospital to see whether Allied ships, dispatched hurriedly he bad been injured. Police surge' ns to the scene, reported that many chi- told him he was bruised and scratched ldren were Injured, bnt that no lives little. They sent Mm home with a were loet Doctors and nurses were warning to be more careful where be sent from the Near East headquarters. played. Deta. From one crop four men in Millard county received $20,100 for alThe falfa seed harvested this fall. payment practically covers crops from land owned by two brotlxrs nnd from two small neighboring farms. mo-tris- ts Street The battle was the climax of a march of unemployed upon Downing Notes News From All Parts of UTAH y o l, s vk-tor- y lAt' - ie-i- - flf-te- |