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Show THE TlMfi&J4EWS, NEPUI. UTAH. Sllll'S I wmmmammmmmmmmmmam SEW VOHK KGGS TO P. B. Cowan, went to Salt Lake Monday on business. ARE YOU USING THE PROPER PREVENTION A. A. Allen, transacted business in The Nephi Poultry Association made Provo Saturday. week its first shipment ol eggs this to the New York market. This shipment comprised 840 dozen and will NOT1CK TO WATEK VSKKS bring the producers about 50c per The production of eggs Is dozen. State Engineer's Office Salt Lake now on the increase and in a few City, Utah, November 23, 1922 weeks much larger shipments Willi be Notice is hereby given that Albert made. Coulson of Nephi, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the laws of Utah in Farmers last year entered over g associat- such case made and provided to apcows in ions to determine their standing as propriate Ten (10) Sec. Ft. of water trom Salt Creek in Juab County, Lutter-fa- t producers through demonstrations by agricultural extension aUtah. Said water wil be diverted at point 1109 ft. Bouth and 1840 ft. workers, according to reports to the east of the N. W. corner of Section United States Department of Agricul 12 South, Range 2 21, Township ture. East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and conveyed by means of a canal a The alfalfa acreage of Michigan in distance of 1300 ft., and there used creased over 260,000 acres this year from January 1st to December 31st following alfalfa campaigns conduct inclusive of each year, to produce ed the past winter by agricultural ex- - power for electric lighting and protesion workers in that State, accord pelling machinery in the manufacting to reports to the United States ure of salt at the Mountain Spring Salt Works in Juab County. After Department of Agriculture. having been so used, the water will Next to the United Kingdom, Italy be returned to the natural channel is the largest importer of American at a point 788 ft. north and 2368 ft. wlieat, having received over 32,000-00- 0 east of the W M corner of above bushels in 1920, acording to the section 21. This .application United States Department of Agricul- if? designated in the State Engineer's ture. France ranks next, with 26,00-0,00- 0 office as No. 9083. for the same year. All protests against the granting of said application; stating the reasons of the butter pro therefor, must be made by affidavit Nearly duced in the United States in 1921 In duplicate, accompanied with a fee was made in creamerier, according of $1.00 and filed in this office withto a report of the U. S. Department in thirty (30) days after the comof Agriculture. of this pletion of the publication notice. R. E. CALDWELL, State Engineer Shipments of sheep and lambs back to the country for feeding show- Date of first publication Dec. 1, 1922 ed an increase during the first nine Date of completion of publication months of this year of 355,00.0 head, Dec. 29, 1922. or more than 21 per cent over the corresponding period of last year, although there was a decrease in market receipts of 2, 206,000 head, or nearly 13 per cent, according to a report of the U. S. Department of cow-testin- for all occasions men-tion- We Save You The Telephone and Express Charges el two-thir- ENTERPRISE GROCERY GO. Gee Fellers but Biz is good AINST LOSS OF YOUR VALUABLE PAPERS? Our bank is fully equipped to take ' care of them in one of our mmmm& Safety Deposit Boxes PRS. . They are safe, convenient reasonable in rental rates. So bring cerning A An your valuables thm and very to us for will be over. We soficit your account. ounce of precautioa' orth a ton of useless Stock, certificates1 Nephi National Bank Special For The Week Agriculture. Production of potatoes this year in 16 counties is estmated to be bushels more than last year pnd 40,000,000 more than the average production for the five years 19-- u 13, according to figures compiled by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The total acreage of potat-ce- s in 1922 for the 24 counties for which estimates are available was 20,261,000 acres. AG- 675-000,0- em n """OLE'S original Hot Blast Heater Is backed bj a positive guarantee. Will f ae I- - to i-- a WILL L. HOYT $our fuel bill. Equipped with fOLE'C V J ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR FUEL LICKN'SHD SAVING SYSTEM TTTXJBS Cta NepM 19 North Main Street CriicK burns all Valuable fuel gases. Clean and ear? to operate. Burns any fuel. Cole's Hot Blast makes your coal pile last. IP YOU XVRE LOOKING FOR A SHOT WHERE MEATS ARE ALWAV, JlKT Tl&lhP TRADE WHERE WiSV If RS sTfcl? Tl THE WISE Guaranteed $4 HOU8HKEBPKH has made this her meat shop-pli- g She ha hadaarters. learned that upon every occasion she has been served with tk best meats the market Edison Electric Irons, No Better Made Guaranteed $4.90 af- fords and waited irea In aa ac- commodatias; manner. It la upon such Jl basis that we solicit your business. Why Pay M ore BAtUZY FURNITURE CITY MEAT MARKJST r. Garrett, arayrtetor SUPPLY CO. Charles H. Dunn si GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRIXQ tTSTRM Utah Nephl, Best Material VmmA Prompt Mall Orda J A CbrteteaMB, Prop Cooper, Pyper & Co. Nephi, ABSTKACTM Asd KXAMXK OF of combustion We cany the original here. rMte Notary HOT BLAST Novelty Clothes Wringer, Horse Shoe Brand. DBNTIIT 621-ES- 4 Clltt Baildlac Salt Laka Otty Utah r a ;ll:ii;!lN:ililiII!l!l!lil!llllllllllllillll!!ll!!ll!ll tlllllllMJMiiliS THE UNIVERSAL CAR More than ever the Greatest car ? for th e money ' 1 !. "J I ; Reduction $50 on all models Effective today, the prices of ail the Ford passenger cars and trucks are reduced $50.00. This makes the Ford stand out more than ever before as the greatest automobile value on the market Here are the new prices: F.O.B. Nephi, '.I a $492.85 Touring Runabout $462.40 $636.70 $704.95 $543.70 Coupe j j Says everything in the Phonograph world, We can take care of your Christmas wants on a monthly plan. We make I B IliiiiUililiiilliiuliihlHIIiliillilflilliiiailHilliitlilWi'li! youWellwithDrugnd Music. LUNT PHARMACY CO. Sedan Ton Truck Equipment, at these prices, includes electric starter emountable rimsa COMPLETE car. We make immediate deliveries. JUDD GARAGE Nephi, - - Utah. and |