Show RAILROAD NOTES surveyors are examining two proposed routes foran extension of the eureka A railroad to an office of alic one of the most important roads in the gould system 19 to he opened in salt lake city ahm is the only omalia line remaining that has not had direct representation in that city W D townsend traveling passenger I 1 agent for the issek island for this territory liander in his resignation yesterday to take effect ast 1st mr intention is to enter the employ of the st louis exposition company and make a trip to cuba in the near future an the interest of that enterprise ter prise the rio grand western has just opened an office in los angeles ginar to the offices recently opened in san jose and sacramento timothy mcc who has been traveling passenger agent in that part of the state for some time past has been elevated to the position of freight and passenger agent and will have charge of the los angeles office with a force of clerks under him it was hoped by the railroads that the end of the livestock season would bring relief to the situation which haj resulted in a car shortage which has been boken of several times in standard it is a remarkable fact however that alie situation has grown worse instead of better today the railroads all over the country are threatened by alie most serious tr famine in the history of railroads there i a shortage of cars everywhere which ia becoming more pronounced every day claude S williams is now commercial agent of the chicago milwaukee st paul and will have full charge of the local salt lake office A letter was received yesterday from sir baah the general western agent at omaha saying that the recommendations furnished by mr williams were satisfactory and that the usual circulars would be sent out in a few days announcing the appointment claudes many friends in ogden will be glad to learn of his promotion alie requests of the southern firemen did engineers for more pay will no doubt be sent to instead of being bottled in san fradusco Fra nusco by an d aglar the southern pacific engineers and firemen are acting in unison with similar clashes of em aloyes on all the roads west of chicago they all want better pay for the icalona that living is now higher and heavier locomotives make anoro work and are being directed in the matter by grand master P M of the of locomotive engineers and the officers of the Fir emens brotherhood freight engineers on alie southern ftc receive from to per milca they want an increase to 5 per miles an engine of ninety five tons being taken as the standard for locomotives in excess of ninety five tons they want a 15 per cent increase of the 5 per milea the company objects to any standard locomotive weight regulating pay it oven objects to a roa 5 per miles for adv weight of locomotive on the ground that it now pa va better wages than any mojid west of chicago the committee ot freight engineers that the brotherhood of locomotive engineers i committed to the proposition of establishing on the roads west of chicago a uni form rate of 3 per miles an engine of ninety five loaia acin tho standard wight southern pacific passenger en now a minimum of for miles the pay dangca up to 37 and 4 under the proposed schedule they want per allea an angico of ninety tons being considered the ft aldard andard on locomotives loro motives in excess of that wright the passenger engineers engin eera wank an of 16 per cent both freight and passenger arc act iii under fraai grand mas I 1 f let P sr arthur I 1 passenger traia firemen now rp ceile between 3 and 3 per milci want increased pay in proportion to that of the ewe hingco on that of the engineers alicy recognize this fact and are following the lead of the angi I 1 committee I 1 |