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Show DESERET EVENING NEWS: FOUNDED FIUDAV 1850 Begun To Punish Willful Evaders of Draft t i JUNE Automobile Ride ELKS TSKVKXTIETH YEAR mmmm m F A correspondent on th spot describes PARISIAN PROFITEERING aom Of th shameless practice of retailer by which France la red" and may be driven lo rad leal Urn. mad tn " ITALYS DOMESTIC ClUbbb An Interesting dlaruasion of tho politin cal situation In th peninsula that may drive th government Into harmonious relations with its lets enemy Aue-t- rl Of Men at Magna F Ralph Murray. 22 years old. and Joseph Murray, 21 years old, brother residing at Magn are In th city Jail on statutory ehargs They were ar rested at T oclock this morning by Earl Will deputy sheriff at Magn on telephone Instructions from th city police. Early this morulng Phyllis Looall. 164 Edloon street, and Orac Park, till Fifth East, reported to th po lice department that while they were waiting for a Murray car at th corner of Seventeenth Booth and State streets at 11 o'clock last night, two men drove up in a large automobile Th nd asked them to take a rid Looslle girl said she was willing to take a ride as she was going south ln th direction the car wa headed, hot the other girl declined, as she was merely waiting at the corner with her friend until the street car same.'- - How ever. Miss Pat says one of the young men forced her Into the car, after which they firove out on Redwood road, where tha girls claim they war mistreated and left to make their way back as best thsy could. A passing automobile was hailed by them and they were taken to ths police station, where they reported the matter. On of th girls had noticed the number of th Murray car and gave that to the police. They had also heard the two men call each other by their first names and recalled their mentioning Magna. The police Immediately got In touch with Deputy Sheriff Wlllea at Magna with the result' that he arrested the Murray brothers early this morning. Ralph - Murray la alleged to have confessed. According to Deputy Sheriff Wllle Joseph Murray Is employed at the Magna mill of the Utah Copper company, while Ralph Murray has 'been out of employment for some time. In complaints filed by thecounty attorney today, formal charges are made against the defendant - Tomorrow's Saturday News 0 Marking tha beginning in Utah of been traced down, as far as poasibl a nationwide campaign te' proeecute by agents of the department ofof Jus. Mr, tic under the 'willful draft evaders, Information Jackson and Mr. supervision Moyla. against. 112 alleged evaders' will be "At preaent non of these lit la a district reslden of Utah eo far as w have filed In the United mate United been able to determine after a alx court here today by Assistant " months search," Mr. Moyla stated States District Attorney Henry D. "Department of 'Justice agent hare will have consulted with railroad official Moyle. All complaints, charging Industrial conful evasion of the draft were sworn aheriffe, polio and cerns whers ths men wtrt employed td by Floyd T. Jackson, special agent in to locate them and I In charge of the department of Jus- the preeent time not a single one haa been found to be living In Utah.". tice, who conducted the investigation , Bench wirrant for their arraata all tha ,' IRHh the exception will be Issued today and placed in the d veal are evaders draft alien. hands of the- United State marshal, kflegd Mf. Moyle this morning. . These alx who with his deputies will continue of Amer- the search and make th arrest The are all of the transient cl office of the United State district aton la place only . a torney has- been working on the case icans,- staying then leaving for other since the middle of March and tha effew week occurred that these men forts have ouimlnated in the filing of It Just part information were working In Utah at the time of these "Inasmuch as only 12 cases of the , the registration,. as they are not per- 1,200 report have been found to b based on fact and all but six of these manent resident "There were more than 1,200 men are aliens. It elves Utah an excellent reported delinquent from record, Mr. Moyle raid. It la originally The American Legion, the-Ju-ne expected 6, HIT, registration," Mr. For various reason will be a large factor in making posMoyle said. as tbs these of arrests th men, sible however. It has been simmered down profered their aer to. 162. This original 1,200 Included Legionnaires have many men who entered service sub- vice tolahelp in anyoutway poasibl Mr. descriptions of Moyla sending sequent to the registration, but before all of the 12, as wbll as their last had been taken by the anyactlon to all l-draft posts of the boards the men were al- known addres These American Legion In Utah. ready in the army and did not file will be given to the mem It also In- descriptionswill their registration blank be on.th lookout. who cluded many delinquents bers. The names of the parties are being wha reported to other draft boards easier to and were inducted Into the service withheld, so as to make Itand make the alleged evaders without any transfer of records "to locate t this local. Some were In other states were Mr. Moyle declared there or were out of the counat the time, men about 100 more draft evaddid not receive their probably try. These and August 1618 draft registration blanks until late and con- er In the June --who will -- be - Informed sequently could not file them tn time.' registrations as soon as their draft records Many blanks were doubtless lost so againstbe prepared at Washington and tha It has been finally simmered down could here. forwarded canes willful of actual 12 toPnly For the most part the aliens ars draft evasion out of the 1,200 reJapanese, Mexicans and Greek acported." cording to Mr. Jackson. These aliens Ms Montluf Search. . i may not even be subject to prosecu- PERPLEXING QUESTION Mr. is to the tion as they could obtain exemption Moyle, This, according alfuktlon as decided after a six months under the law. At most they have search in which time every man of only failed to fill out and return their . haa questionnaire HSex 1.200 reported delinquents BEFORE STATE BOARD - - I .A K F(IXY- Cl TV-c- UT A H- S ALT 1D- -0 Leads to Arrest v of-six- 1 Want la r(l four homo? A fn ril pay for a CbMlflfd Ad. In nil paper, lliatw 111 rrali tirb aim. itihi South-Europea- H. J. Beane of ' Eureka i BrilChosen Preident liant Parade, Ba$ebaII Game and Banquet. . The Utah Elks association In convention assembled, this morning elected th following officers foqpthe ensuing year: ' President, 11. J. Beans. Eurska; first vice president. Harold J. Packer, vrlos president, W. D. . second third vie presRichardson; Park-Cityident,' Judge John F. Tobin, 8alt Lake City; secretary, Harold J. Packer. Ogden; txeaaurer. G. W. Bhore Salt Lake YOCTHITL MASTER IT ITIA A novel suggestion by a literary In London, le that th age of all author not only be advertised in connection with prodlgte of three or four year Think how It would help! their book rLUO KAHN'S BRIEF RILFJ Ralaed to power In th east by this dashing pretender waa slain lat March. TOUR FTXDDl TRIP The automobile eeciion will contain the flret of th trip to be outlined by tb "Deseret News Hupmobil Tour Finder." This Isa trip down tb Wasatch Mountains to F'lah Lak. and rsturn to Salt Lak. A complete log, and map of th trip wilt appear, aa wall as some or th beautiful ecenee to be found along th way. Bol-sheri- kl Five Former Directors Are Allowed by Court to Settle In Suit Brought by Re ceiver. Judge W. H, Brain el of the Third district court this morning granted tin petition of Stephen H. Lynch, recrlvet LOCAL FEATUREtt Life ln Utah fifty year ago; drama, muelo and of the Merchants bank for permisllteratur pages; farm and garden notes; Church ' news. Including sion to accept $160,600 from flva for . a Memorial day disco urea by Preat. C W, Panroaa, an Interesting mer directors of th bank In conneceooount of th annual oonfarenc of th New Zealand mission, tion with th suit brought to reaoygt ,, missionary , correspond enoe from various fields; city and atato so-- , $800,000 from 29 former directors latest sports new; two complete telegraphic servclety peg having been lost to the instltutim ice covering events of the whole earth; Uv and reliable local through mMtnanagement. Hearing news and tat d Idaho correspondence; specluj letters from. - - Francisco,'- - Los ' on. n like petition Involving 4110,660 New Han York, Waahlngto Denver, Chicago. City. tendered by the nine other defendand . Angela eta, eta Presi The retiring officer are: will be held tomorrow afternoon. , dent, M. H. Graham. Provo; flret vie During the hearing upon the pell prealdence, H. J. Beane. Tintic; second vice president. Geo. llua Ogden; tlon, Mr. Lynch testified, under ex, J. J. Fllxgerald, third vice president. amlnatlon by Atly, John Jensen, of Park City; secretary. Harold J. Packcounsel for the receiver, that, while W. Shore G. er, Ogden; treasurer, a Judgment of near half a million dolBalt Lake, lars might be had If the auit ahoul. Tintic was selected aa the meeting be tried against all defendant ha beplace next year, June, 1121. lieved settlement aa undertaken would Parade This Afternoon. be the better way and result In mort Th concluding business of the conmonetary realisation for the deposi. vention was tranaacted at this morn. tor He said that settlemant aa unings session, and at 2:20 this afterder progree If completed with a, noon came the annual parade, which Cache county echoole ar In fin It. F, Aveeon, 46 years old, well defendant would mean86 that the r was a brilliant affair. would reallx cents, poson R. V. to was north known condition, acoordlnr The line of march local printer, waa seriously In- pcaltore Larson, sibly 86 cents on th dollar for the.r State street to South Temple street, uperinteifdent of echools of th Cache jured this morning shortly before 7:80 deposit west on South Temple to Main street district, who held several conference oolock ' Members of the depositors commit when; In turning shgrply to the and south on Main street to Ninth Including Thomas Tomer, chairSouth street, and then te Bonneville at the state capltol yesterday, There right between Hecond and Third tee man, testified that the settlement park, where tha baseball gam be- is no teacher shortage there, he eays, South street on Main street his bi- proposed were satisfactory to the detween the teams representing Ogden aa aa adequate supply for th coming cycle skidded precipitating him to the positors. Before evidence waa Introaad Salt Lak lodges was played,. Th eeeadon has He pavement a front of the automobile duced In the hearing, Atty. Frank H already been signed.-gams began at 2.20 p.m. C. of LeaHe of the . Belvedere Holman, of counsel for the receiver, John counts for this plentiful supply of The divisional arrangement for the Leslie attempted to stop made a statement aa being hut fair t c teachers by tb fact that Cache county apartment parade waa: his car but It also skidded on. the tha men who age settling with th reMotor police. has so many Institutions which offer pavement, which wa slippery on ac- ceiver. Mounted police. count of Its Just having been flushed. "I desire , all Mr. Holman, 10 Grand Marshal W. J. La u bender In normal course and when th young Th car women graduate, they prefer to hav w heels waa stopped after the front say that I think I ought,Inat this time, decorated automobile. had over Aveeon, who before adducing proof support el Decorated automobiles carrying of- positions near horns. Ho says that crawled frompassed underneath. Mr. .Leslie this petition, to make this statement; ficer of the state association. to th Emergency hospital The failure of the Merchants bank In took Salt Lake lodge No. 86, headed by Boxelder county la also favored with a where him 26 etltchee were necessary to July, 1618, waa a highly unfortunats sufficiency of teacher Sweeten band. cloee a large gash In hlo forehead, affair. Many rentiemen wer InvolvThe Cache district haa five, Color Bearer Lew Watt by the car hitting him. Ave. ed In Ita aa director who had alwaji teachers, according to Supt. Larson. caused Flag escort, navy, Jack Browning; These Instructor ar carrying on a on wag found to have been severely born and who still bear . excellent - . army, Joseph, Ston over the body besides the business reputations. bruised They were Banner. bearer, J. B. Lewi aad a aerie of summer actlvitls .organising cut.'-Afte- r all flret aid treatment he waa caught In tha mesh of a situation th girls Into sawing and cooking Just what valuation to place upon guard of four Elk club and teaching tha boys to uaa removed to hia home, 776 8econd which, ln so far aa many of them were Elks lodge In uniform. th property of the Utah Salduro com was not of their own mak' vacation hours to advantage. The avenue. their division. trench cap 'Purple J. J. MoCetrixch, 484 south Eighth concerned, paiiy Is engaging the attention of the ing. Cache school district, home of three felt division. hat Whit "Th settlement which is proposed state board of equalisation. The com modern sugar factories, is pioneering Weet street, was brought to the ' Decorated automobiles. In the plan of bolding night classes Emergency hospital night. He In this petition, and affecting the genpany possesses several hundred acres Ogden lodge assembled for th p had been slightly injured when tlemen therein named, and other setfor workers ln these factories. Studof land on the western shore of the rad on Fourth South street, facing ies are offered which will perfect struck by an automobile at th In tlements already, comm mated except Great Salt toko. Recently the 'Com east. of Second South and State for confirmation by this court;- - have teraectloQ - Park City lodge met on Fourth workers In the science and art of pro- street , been made ln many instances with ducing and perfecting sugar, and they pany found that potash might be South street, facing west. Clarence Bkoubye, 18 years old. 621 men who probably, or I might say postaking advantage of the kouth made from the mineral desoplts on Provo lodge on Fourth South street, are eagerly West Eighth fell .courses are which street, off his three being given sibly, might have edged, their way east. the land, and that during its manu facing bicycle while rounding Eighth West through a difficult lawsuit and long Th Tintic lodge on. Fifth 8outh street, I llJem 5'vf '!?' I tupplimantal I to facture, salt could also be produced fjwlnr east daily and Sixth South streets yesterday aft- litigation, and might havs vindicated of a com ln "sugar ernoon and broke hie left arm. The themselves insofar as not being guilty as a Salt Lake lodge qn Fifth South Relating as app ed fracture was redneed at the Emer- of neglect or mlsgjnduct of any sort technology;" This salt Is valued, At $2.66 a ton street, facing west. nd P1W gency hospital and be was. taken te whatsoever. lndu8try followJ? The lodges marched ln the and the potash is' said to be much his home. I Ths spirit of these gentlemen, ws Lngiisn. Provo. InY order: Park City, Ogden. more valuable. But the .company Tintic and Balt Lake. believe and when w say this it is because wa think we are ln all fair-ne- s claim according to William Bailey, Following the parade came the batl and w believe that each mao to have lost a great deal of money in game at Bonneville park between Balt named ha offertd th largest posexperimenting, so if taxes were fixed Lake and Ogden teams entirely com-- J amount sible that h felt he possibly upon Its earnings, the state would not posed of Hike. could tn view of his ability to rales It is .In the evening the Balt Lake lodge get much, as the earnings, money, and that he has don that, will he the hosts of the visiting Elks ' claimed, have been negligible. largely because, In a spirit of fairand their ladles at a dance to be held ness, he prefers that the depositors at Bonneville park. Arrangements shall receive aa large a dividend be Compensation Allowed have been made for the accommodaProf. A. C. Carrington, secretary to way of payment of their full claims Upon Reconsideration tion of 1,666 conjlles at the danc Prest. John A. Wldtoo of th Universas possible, and that it Is better that he should speed his money In that diity of Utah, haa returned to Salt Lak Upon consideration of the ease of Lapsed Policies M,ot -- statement -- of considerable rection rather than to litigate over I at work a tho Harvard years to Harriet E. Johnson, ' Be Reinstated by Jtdy 1 after long period of time. length issued yesterday. A. E. Harvey, school of business administration. Men Have Been Ikir." the state Industrial commission from of tho Lake secretary Salt Prof. Federation rehe will Carrington These the supreme Court, which adjudged gev.lemen have been fair; Warning la Fixen by th Red Cros turn to Harvard ln says of labor, alleges that ths building the fall to have bee candid r they- have they the commission to be In error in com- service that unless those who had war men of the city are. at the bo ln business adminishis done, we believe, all and more than puting compensation, a decree has risk ' insurance with the government tration. degree tom of all the local trouble Hi the th public woull ordinarily xpeit The he will year fallowing for been issued whereby the widow will wish to be dropped good, they return they Should do. and we believe thev to the local university to bo- building field. Referring to the ad are entitled lo some such statement receive $10.38 a week for 162 weeks, must, reinstate their policies on or be-to which run This has oome been local in this vertialng fore connected 1, e year. with th school of applies as this, and that it should go on ths total not over $2,600, for the death of even July - those who have lapsed for a commerce and finance. It Is In Inwhich Hats of firms who record. expect- paper her husband, who was killed by period of 18 month deTh defendants elth whom will direct courses in ac- dorse the open shop plan are given, ed he that The Red Cross at the state capltol he assert many of the merchant fail ment was today allowed and ths lightning while emplpyed by the state and marketing, counting, retailing Is commissioned to look after war risk business administration. to subscribe to the statements carried amount to be paid by each follow road commission. and Inquiry may be made M. 8. and In fact For the past year Theron Phar-mele- e In the advertisement Browning, 125,600; Solon An order of release was givtn by Insurance, there. Jias been acting secretary to claim they were "coerced and Intimi- Splpo, $26,000; Moroni Helner, $25,-66the Industrial commission to 8. C. L. U. Ecclea, $16,000; John Wat- the president and It Is expected that dated and also that misrepresentation Howard, representing the South Boun his appointment trill bs confirmed was used in getting their signatures." son, $16,000. Th real object qf the plan, actiful Amusement company, upon paynext year. Dean Thomas A. Beal of the school cording to Mr. Harvey, la to destroy New Suits Filed. ment of $366 to G. F. Bell, who suflabor unions. Following th adoption of commerce and finance announced fered injuries while he was employed of the open hop plan he claims the number of new courses will thait This Third District Court. by th amusement company. be added to tho curriculum, next year next move, wher the plan has been payment wai in addition to on of -, It o adwill bg possible for adopted, U to change working conthat Gwendolyn Dickinson against Del $81 previously paid to Bell. ton, for divorce on ground vanced student to take out a master's ditions, the "ultimate goal being the bert Gerald P. Hurley will collect $12 a degree In the school. Among the reduction of wage and the increasing of week for ten , weeks from the Utah of the hours of a day work. This new courses will be adianoed Eugene Scot" a minor, by his guardacThis Is an Apex Mining- company. J. A. Scott, a suit to annul resl counting, the psychology of adver- haa already happened at Twin Fait ian, additional amount of compensation estate transaction; transferred from tising. Investments, statistic banking, Idaho, where the unlena accepted the the for Injury to an eye. Second Judicial district. American plan." tbe stateOne yf the triumphs of the science finance, end others. ment says, it continues: of beekeeping was displayed Monday We submit that w4 were In hopea of this week, when a carload of honey that a feasible working plan could be from California bee wa brought worked out, and for that reason apthe committee which pointed met In In a !c the refrigerator car, packed rentiemen representing the Associated according to F. B. Terri berry, state Industrie but our hopes wers shat.Mr. of tered by th insistence on the part Terriberry aplarle inspector of tbaae were claims that th bees gentlemen that fundamental successfully changes be made In the Portland plan brought through the hot desert which had been Suggeeted as a basis stretch with practically po loss aad for an agreement. W assert that this CLOSE IT waa brought about by a he believes the refrigerator car that Located Is AU Parts st tb City plan to cause an open breach and use service, as thus perfected by V.' E. aa an excuse for the attempt to tv are closing out all of our it Miller, bee expert of Logan, will scattered building . lots-- r at crush out union. Coercion and discrimination have been used against safely transport colonies of honey Over IM Lota surrounding Libunion contractors. We assert that the makers at any season of th year. ert v Faik. closing of th lumber and materia) It haa always bean possible, accord IS LeU located wlthie 4 lti yve a pale ef yards was don for fba purpose of preIng to Mr. Terriberry, to taka honey blocks of the City sad County ere r1" venting' union contractors from getting bees back and forth between Utah build tng. write v tram material and thereby tving up their te and California in fall and early spring, let Lots or wort with! calling 4 a Tb public will bear tn mind Job distance; from 8 t 4 blocks of tb but hot weather suffocate the insects. D. A R. G. Shop. did It exoot affect tbs of his Mr. Miller tried the first thttractor, as his work waanonunion FOR QUICK SERVICE AND con Nearly all Lon km pubtle , periment In Chipping bees by refrigpirir pal resale at a standstill on account ef notalready Imprevemeats; sidewalk, sewer th ever railroad last eerrie erator -- RELIABLE WORK being shade tree pay IMS able to get skilled trsdesmen. tr year It waa doubted at that time it IfJS gee I be a "In conclusion we Insist that had It it was practical, but according te Mr SX6 Have It Don ROYALLY! thlact aadep not been for the Associated Industrie. Terriberry. this last successful trip is Kaey Ter a tie fleet Payment Ita insidious campaign and tb coer. TV iWrt see wet eel ef Sate positive proof that tbe plan is a safe . s 63 Per Meet etylea. civ measures used to fore the same . bet tbe eeweet Try Our New Shops bag. Kttrr upon the employer of the sste. no pair saeraateed. te.be Mr. Miller Veep I 24 colonies of I Teat lactaScd.l 41 BROADWAY E. of any not would have controversy4 Millard county? takbees near ries-e- inow existed between 24 E. 2ND SOUTH. ing them 1 California for paaturace employes and m ploj es during the winter month and then; We her rejobbing by w'hlch.to Judge returning them te UtVh for the tbe future except the mainder of fhe year. Mr. Terriberry and we Opt sett riel ee Jtwrbt submit that In tbe past pst, Sal Lake haa say that be taken le California are 305 SOUTH MAIN from freer e industrtsl at tilesdtd the rtfs than prodnoer shewing 22 End Flret So. Wm. 2232. Htsceet six in the United work the ye ar through with Tbe Pan la ST. 17 f I --S. very little rest. Og-de- pt ; -- 1 loca- non-willf- ul the-arree- Billion One-Hundred . SAMUEL H. T, In Utah DIES AT NEW YORK - ' One hundred billion tons of coal is ;a minimum estimate of the untapped foal supply of Utah, according to Trot Wnflam Peterson, of the geological department of the' Agricultural college at Logan. , Prof. Peterson has just come from an , expedition Into the coal region of southern Emery county, where w ini four other men he has been measuring and estimating the coal beds with u view of assessing them for , equalization purpose Ho will rejoin the party after the coM survey in southern Utah is They will then go to ths Uinta Prof. Peterson states that the bs.sin. same seam of coal which has made Utah famous for ths Castle Gate 'variety ;dlps underground and reappears apnln ln th L,;inta ha1"- - where there are v ast deposits. He thinks the state time Id undertake a systematic geological survey, that, the resources of P might b mode known to the wo il U. -- In the death of Samuel H. Auer bach In New York early this morning, SaItLake loses one of th last of Its most prominent pioneer merchant Born.ln Fordon, Prussia, June- 16, 1847, he started his education ln the schools of his native town, but came to America at an early age, moving west shortly after his arrival In this country. At Marysville, Cal., he became -- associated 111 the mercantile - com-p'rfk- d. it New Bridget In St. George Section t Jjt 1 ur ma'-teri- al - . Bees Transported in Refrigerator - I. Cars L. Saturday I-- Sar. lL lit, wmirn Mfi ie. Ot all-ye- ar 6; Special for lf -- 1 SAMUEL H. AUERBACH, business with hia brother, th late Frederick H. Auerbach, who la 1164, cam to Salt Lake and started the flvn F. Auerbach A Brother. Samuel H. Auerbach closed out the firm business ,in Marysville the following year and cams to Sa't Lake. Since this date he has been one of th powV V ers in the merchandizing business In Watt Baeaa. -- i this city. CSe Warn. I.b..-- . Mr. Several ago years ........ .40 turned over the tetlve controlAuerbach I.b, of the 61 A3 p. 10 lard local business to his sons and since Parc lari ... ,..,Mc that timehas lived in New'Toik where I Lb, trim .4e he has acted aa eastern representa4 Bare Crystal White keep ...... aer tive of the firm. He married Miss ok Eveline-BroDec. II, and Xir t Cftsw OH Nsy she and their eight children aurvlv him. The children are Herbert 8.' Auerbach, who la tnaaagfLof the company store here, but who le at present on a vacation trip In California: TH C CASH 'GROCER of Hartford. George 8. Auerbach in bait Lake during the who ;44-4- 6 East First So. Street I'atin., ahtetwe of Herbert 8. kuesharh; Frederick 8 Auerbach, of bait Lake: Mr ism. , Sehoa A Mohs Ga : Mr4. AU OmI fm. Jrmephtne A Ptegrl and he , M Beaeie Jenn1 end Madeline Auer-v- r h. all of New T or k CVy. fktfc ,f..( The Auerbach More was not opened Urvt Rrln ltra ; thi itrumlng, ths rmptoveee being! met ai the doors and advised that S MvHWmt . IV i until Mondar morning no business . would betraneaeled. ' 1 , C' gilding "Three new bridgps In the St. George neighborhood, southern Utah, are becompletion by the state ing; rushed, roied commission; before the heavy to-- v tide of the tourist traffic surges to George Kin according canyon, arJ v f .McGonaglc, stale engineer. O. 8. Fisher left foe Rt. George this to supervise the completion irornlng these bridges, which arc now ready f fen, flooring. They are on the highway to the Zion canyon resort, and It U Mr. Motions gle's intention, in the absence of Mr. Browning, to rush them through with all haste. Injured se-c- ur th 1' Cache Co. ... Tons of Coal i Plenty of Teachers Man Struck by Auto For Schools of And Seriously 'V ed BARGAINS 500 BUILDING LOIS well-defin- Saturday Only wew-IM- $675 fE -- It - ' nolfman Bros. Lena fi Trtl Co. W. W. LEWIS A WI-t- Royal Shoe Repairing Co. tl |