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Show J n DESERET 0. S. Mandate Oyer Armenia L t t , ,.c. ,0V" btrhlarJI?tMatthItitHfn M TWff rAUA m ... d, an I ay rmi s m lo I kf 4 W1 llam Howard Taft, former prssldsat tha- Lntud Blataa, la aa address bars last night Bounded a warning not against n possible financial panto and urged tha publlo t pause and look th sllnat'oa squarsly In Ih face. II d' nled that he enlertaJns santlmenla ef ullrapaaalmiam, but daclarad tha n tlon tnuat shak Itsalf Inoaa from aa travaaanra which 1 rapidly developing In to. a national crate Mr. Taft reached Twin Falls soon after noon, woeoatpsniad by buatnta man who mat the former proaidrul Hhoahono where b arrived early ia ih morning from Bote. Break foat was served at by th rhamhtr of comraere. after which He Taft addreeeed a largo gathering Ho wa than taken On a g tour of tha diotrlrt, Bho.honabnd Twin Falla being on tha route A visit to tho Blut lathe Berova th Bnak river canyon from Twin Falla finished th tour. At 1 29 pm. Itmrhaon was served at th whim Rpgaraoa hotel, Mr. Taft gav a ehortfollowing addreaa on affairs of the nation In general, Th former preeldent oalo ho view with a measure of alarm th evident tendency toward a tightening of th money - market of th United Btatea 'Thla.'- he said, Iq tha condition which Impel m a to urge the public to paoea In this mad mania to spand. If th extravagance continues It can end in nothing Irea than a financial panic" At the oamo time Mr. Taft exproaaed the hop tbat it fa but a contraction to forco the euhllo to stop nnd think. He nttrlbuted the spending habit to the fact that wage and hav boan vastly higher in recentprofits rear than In normal times, thus leading to a disposition to apend easily Mr. Taft'a subject here was Amerl canlam" and during th talk h touched with . particular, emphasis i on . labor, capital and radicalism. Radicalism. he eald. must b weeded out and th othor two elements will naturally gravitate together. Radicalism la an element which prevents bridging the chasm between the two main factors that unit for tb good of tho country." Ho eald nonpnrtleanfsm la an exaggerated form of populism and Is aow-in- g tha seeds of its own dastructlon. f.i rsa what itia. Ruaelane auoeeeeful In nm era. BimuD Now (Copyright. 1429, retreat Era Foaturoa) out raids at many point. Util other activity German panatraia teh-in- g lines near the Froidmont Farm,with-stead Italian few prisoner heavy Austrian attack on west slop of Ban Marco 200-yar- alght-aealn- ,"5 U --Mew Idaho, Jun - Ar-biia- 1, ti HALL of all from Prsemysl, In war malarial mad possession aland at Medyka thMa Unda. before the driving -- raat were Armenians miles eastward Freeh Ian tha wtr. Heights. cf (ha but in hard-totroop sent te check persistant adBUlnarooa th 11. conon vance wh ef French Lone, dlalrict wero they In the majority, Jertinue surceases around Bouchea sad activity continue iaoffdark--rneb7, outnumbarta by the Turks. d In Nou villa Brttleh sey coast. New Tork City "labyrlnthf ne and Ararbljanlaus. d Kurds on Georgia aa front at poastbls against Ownerhy gala precaution Uyr th center of th tjeemana again bombard verdun atd raid American la Marne battle of money la TTTh'. the attempt te At present around rrlvan In back at Chateau with long wane gun. drive Gorman panpta at j thee In. Armenia. wh WM RomUb Thrlorry French smash attempt loia. movrmant at Cholay toward j a district th turning adjoining dlatricta and full Foch now oppose Hurhqs namlnatlon llhelvj Pro. Comlegn. Turkish Armenia (poeslbly IndodtirUvm rveaolve may ran Reoaevalt Big force of reserve to weakened foe WlimYdnV " Erseroum). (althouah Erseroum overmen Vaus Fort Council Allied army aqueesas predict victory si- i VT UrH QQArtNl or I MIIS IpmAnUfii ljr 'attacking both aides simultaneously. pressing full confidence in Foch and , .?" F instituted lars. Th opinion of th writer I F 500 Berlin claims French Americana U prisoners. nrtlUeet If the Armenia of the else de- - th,rf 1919. Battle raginug around Hill lot P J2 aTmanuia maaded by all the Armenian leader Austrian cheoked on Arslerb front Vecpasaaa senate. Woman ouffrag I th.?r an! and given to Armenia, that la. Cilicia on ff tha la oecter. Bunina Strong Now go to slates ler1 rxtllcatlon."UV iLAvimh Mediterranean to Trebtgond on back. thrown Desperate 120 Conferin vet Women oufht Se Black Sea. that the number of brlor struggle for possession of Mont sne baamay analoua day over peace h government. Conglo. mea mentioned would have to be In- terms but hope grows of oottloraent of i&m two .million or 1SIT. b Ttnrrrm X least four-folto hold th ft population of difference over conceeoloni to th K. Cardley, D. C. contain th bulk of the Freak would end Char-lasubieoIn British near foe. Barrs and Silesia question raoagriur post population Armenian race that are In what was lost yesterday. Troop carry I red slightly. lion. Chiropractor. en be would It and In Russia thla laboratories n Turkey. Medical reoearth Homo of th far I or In tht prob-laPalmer AreUaat Wo bar tlrely an Inland district, and access Cemgla LwlHMai might bo considered. bounty In their March for a tubeccu-loal- a be would sea to the through probably a. UN a tea a president who ia an Idealist, Offtee, apeclflo ar na longer dependant with Georgia to th m-- t ri-i-statesman, on historian, cosmopolitan arrangements Gorman-ma- d en m dyv for such pur. of Batoum. Keith tha for port with hia in emporii bldg. viewu, sympathy "Mad In Amortcs" dya ara This, however, would not eatHrfy th poses. Armenians In tbalr aspirations, with now blng used by th Hnry Phipps a dt rotation of tha Turk for tho hor-rlb- aspirations of the aaArmen lan a who exception, th maaoaeroa and depredation they claim, with hardly bob aa thla article already li ued; Institute, Philadelphia, and gtv aa times In BT WALT MASON (FOR THE DESERET NEWS) historical were which haro perpetrated and with tho desire Unda he will not now Inquite extended, results as did Imported dye good which have Aland ruled by Armenia,. to assist Christian psoplo under Ms troduce same. th th for AliolbSlxlng popuU-tio- n bfor th war. Moat f th expert, ham mod an rule. Than w hare tho only a very email Armenian and length of thla communication but with also th HE cost of discontent I great, and were all discontented; and some monta pertaining t th making af tha at th present time), Armenian people, an able race in exeuae difficult a that is there were Armenian, but fine morning, aoon or late, our grouch well have repented. Weve ara Inatltut conducted th at. and a situation many respects, a people who by their lands that never that situation, dyes may acceee to tha sea. lead to dire own account I accepted Christianity would give them Elisabeth so much, wsvt kicked so long, Its got to be a habit, and A. wh kicked to be results, Mla Hall, explained, by from th and that-somfrom tha Apootlo Thaddeua, hut his Their claims ar an Armenia Be n earth teems wrong lights may hav been if theres a grief we grab it. It shown above. from everything Rlack to the Mediterranean from Christians have been on reason shown this question, ia the torlcally ia a costly habit, this,' when every 01 w treasure; weve grown Impervi, the third century to the present time the Clllclan plain te. Treblaond. The for Ua length. America have ous to bliaa, we cant distinguish pleasure. We look ahead to better dajs, THOS. P. PAGE. Refit Former Barge . industrious, moral, bright intellec- ArmtnUns har thislaextended Armenia, propaganda for but if they come to greet us, we cant shake off our carping ways, our tually, (as an example cf this tTtah, May ST. 1420. .RJrerto, and As 5 Schooner Matt newspaper through lectures, quote a sarin Jn the English navy grouches will defeat ua And when we land at heavens door, led thers "A Chinaman can cheat a Jew, but moving pictures If this extended ArJewel of Barone De For Pacific Trade by prteatly tutor, well call 8L Peter down and roar, and say tho crowns an Armenian none can cheat"), and menia ia granted and if the Armen- Soldier Reported Killed In charge, w may Return $ Home Minus Leg Xfumm, Seized, by French, PORTLAND, Ore., June 1. After are pewter. We let the trifling Ills annoy, in knocks theres satisfaction; doing more to educata their children ians area placed drawn-ouand erpen t than expect long under adverse circumstances and aow'v spoiled ourselves for joy, for sans and cheerful action. The . Prove to be Sitters being operated for 10 year aa a perhaps any other race. Tha Ar- aive war. workman kicks about his wage, the boss I sore as biases, and e'en the poet Corporal W. C. Rhodin. G company, Th reason for thla article t te premenian doctor has almost a monopthree-maste- d th former sailing ahlp and the sage are, framing dismal phrase. It's hard to find a normal gent division, of medicine in vent th expenditure of th treasure of tllnd Infantry, Ninety-firs- t oly of tha practice (By Universal Servlca) William H. Smith, is now being refit- who smiles and alnga and twitters, who breathes no word of discontent, and a resident of ITS east Third South many parts of tha East, and you find our nation to gratify th Armenians (Special Cable Dispatch.) d ted as a topsail schooner Armenian cook a Armenian Interpre- In ruling over other races and Id street, this city, and who was off! .PARIS June That th Jewels of and shortly will load her first off- nor talks of taking bitters. their desires for a as outlet. ter and Armenian grocery storekeepth late Bareness which ara DeMumm, in 10 killed the Argonne shore aargo In years. Th William In Cilicia tha ArmenUns ar prob- dally reported ers in many lands. The Armenians are alleged to hav been recentlv H. Smith waa built on the Maine coast a particularly patrotlc people, proud ably about 14 per cent of th popula- forest,' Sept 21, 1411, has reached gled from Franc to New York,smug -- 17 waa and originally a years ago home after discharge from the army caped aelxur by th French police actcf their race, glorifying the time In tion at th present time; around three-masteakyaall-yardth Armenian population la hospital at San Francisco with one leg ing on a legal complaint of Baron the past when they they had kings ofrevealed tonight when ship. She waa noted for her luxuritheir own, notwithstanding that dur- slight. Should these districU be award- gone. The corporal was gaased from 4he Jeweltwaaconfiscated ous cabin fumtahinga. at in the far greater portion of the last ed to Armenia, and placed under Mrs Treadwell, slater Cherbourg of the Atlantic After operating in th exploding shell Sept 24, and per- from rule there le no question but an 3009 year they have been under opa baroness was (For The News by H. Addlnrtem Brace.) fortnight ago, with machine gun bullets in duly trade for many years, she was purchan army must be organised to fight in foratedover as own ruler, suffering her pressive foreign recognised l which property Cali15 some He th he ased where the by ago going top. year lay banshe and sever claim a mountainous time. may from especially fell until Oct 2. when the Germans country, any persecution the revelation th Baron fornia Shipping company and brought is to as work Following prethe the Just as delusion greatishment from their home lands; their adapted to guerilla warfare. Urge dis- picked satisfactory 'HAT hoary him up. Ha was carried by dropped the ease In France but is re- around the Horn for operation out of est curtive agent we have for these tha past in tricts being without a wagon road, horse ambulance patriotism and glorifying and by train to the ported ready to take up the matter San Francisco. A a one of a fleet of dominating part played by over- - conditions us no longer fool ourvery many cape, however causing (transportation being carried on with rear to a hospital where his wounds In tha New Tork courts and Incident- 22 Bailing vessels she carried wheat work in cauaing mental and nervous selves into Let them to be impracticable dreamers. pack horses and camels), against a were neglected by th German thinking that overwork, th means whereby the gems around the Horn to New York ond surally proba of Tho Armenians are a pure race, prac- population that would resent Invasion geon for 24 per se, is th cause of mental breakout of Franc and into th United Europe, later being placed In the Aus- troubles persists among multitudes days This resulted af- got some extent responsibility downs. States to the last ditch and more especially terwards in amputation tically without admixture aince tha waa in this trad people. To In a of trade. tralian the It leg an borne must be by Take home these statements to yourits persistence dawn of history, their language If they were to be ruled over by th Bordeaux hospital. The food was poor that the William H. Smith almost met fof itself. Turanan despised self If you are feeling nervously dismedical tsa the Armenians. profession Aryan tongue, (Turkish Sonora letand None disastrous end. hie Police of at that. Chief scanty lana . . Semitic "You have been working too bad," turbed and are inclined to blame overOn the other hand, ' If these dis- ter written and .Arabic, to his wife, The vessel had Just started for Ausfrom pa- work for thla many a doctor will tell a nervou vacaguage, In physique, and color of akin, tricts should be awarded te Armenia, got through, but Germany Arrested a of a from For full lumber with tralia letter Theft Vltele, cargo lf All you need Is a long tient. carefully, with refthe Armenian Is somewhat Ilka the and the mandatory power should rule France, reached Mr. Plumhtoff, his loaded Sound at when ports Puget tion. Then you will be all right erence particularly to your attitude southern Italian or Greek, with many thee district by mean of th great unde et Omaha, who wired Mrs. RhoOf she storm in a encountered Gold and $41,600 heavy ol your work, your method handsome men and women among majority of the population, In thla din that her husband was alive In was dismasted off the coast of Wash- again." Justlflea this work, your freedom from worry conPerhaps the outcome them, on peculiarity among a large the Turks, than the ArmenUns would France. After she had refuaed to heNOGALES. Arix., June I The arrest ington. Sti was saved by her anchor cheerful does But that or work cerning your prognosis. concerning anyportion of tha Armenians, being thgt rats an outcry, would oppose the ller him dead for a period of 15 In Nogales, Sonora, today of Chief of off Grays Harbor, and finally waa not prove that overwork was th chief thing else. Police Julio Herrero, Mexican authori- towed back to Seattle, a battered hulk. mandatory power in every way, and month. cause overof the too, that Remember, ties difficulty. will the solve aay, would endeavor, with fair prospect of mystery of the In the , battle In. Which What was left of the ship - Tha patient may have been working work.. breakdowns . sometimes - hav disappearance- - of 4t,0l In United was sold for 18,400. Her clipper success In having the officials re- Rhodin was wounded all theCorporal value officers today States gold from the federal excise of- is estimated at for which he was not their origin In unsuspected conditions TIZ GLADDENS moved. ' In wsrfar where email peo- of hi company except one were killed fice. by ship underwriters at wellsomething The cash was removed from the adapted, hence working badly, of physical disease. ple hav successfully resisted th ef- and of a force of 249 men not more safe without any evidence of violence. 5250,000, although she has been oper- and hence Therefore, let your doctor give you working under a psychic forts of the great nations, (though than II escaped without Injury. Terrero' arrest follows that of Ml- - ated ' as a barge for 10 years, carrying strain because a thorough physical examination. of hia inefficiency. Lei I Cocoba recently taken at Magda-en- a, coal between British Columbia in this ease they would have at least and faulthe have been He dentist and the eye specialist also may working by Sonora, with an automobile Mr. WWrr Cured of Indigestion. seven million inhabitants, mostly In Seattle and Tacoma would examine prowhich, FEET methods, a you. sum again, of ty large money. Cocoba The 'William H. Smith has been the high plateau of Asia Minor asSORE, TIRED Don't for a moment he satisfied with "Some lime In 1409 when I had an explained tha cash belonged to the duce psychic strain. Or he may have ss a sisting them), w call attention to attack of indigestion and topsail schoon- been psychically in the excise office. Both men disturbed because his a grab-ba- g janitor diagnosis of overwork. By everything er her the Boer war, to tha fighting between looked the by Cnarles owners, present -are held incommunicado. being gloomy to me, I received a Nelson- - company, and will sail soon for work was not bringing adequate finan- self analysis and medical aid try to the English and the "Hill tribes in free cial return get at the specific cause of your Tablets sample of Chamberlain' Australia. northwest India, to Montnegro. to AlNo jHiffed-uburning, tender, bania, Nine times out of ten psychic stress trouble. to tha natives and tha Japanese by mall. I gav them a trial and Close Arvada (Wyo.) Bank. the is some of sort especially worry they worn such a help to me that I KILK MAY OOME FROM OARS. In Formosa, etc. aching feet no corns real cause of breakdowns attributed to and I can truthfulSHERIDAN. Wyo., June 9 State ' We also call attention to Zeytown bought a package, or callouses.- authorities go furthSome Exoverwork. MARYSVILLE. June I Cal., not Bank a have Examiner Newiin tonight ordered had similar ly aay that in the Taurus mountains, for although attack writes Wm. B. Wisler, the bank of Arvada, a small town near periments to ascertain if the wild silk er than this, particularly as regards since," con-are not the Americans generally feet tired Tlx" makes sore, burning, here, closed tomorrow morning. This worm wilk thrive upon oak leaves ar nervousness supposed to be due to Fa. Adv. races of Douglaavllle, Is the first Incorporated bank In tha fairly dance with delight. Away go sidered one of the fighting being conducted in the foothills of overuse of the brain. brave I state to be closed Par Infants and Children in 17 year the aches and pains, the corns, callous- these lands, a few thousand state "In my practice aa physician In nerand Butte counties by the Serit-err- e of i History of Liabilities of the Institution are re- YubaSilk Americans have maintained a Part declares mental vous es, blisters, bunions and chilblains. and diseases, Plantation. 553,Ovo-buat t some hundred ported for approximately Years "Tls draws out the acids and poiA consignment of wild silk worms one eminent specialist, I can say In Us For Over of the hank claim that Its asIn War Nears Completion officials sons that puff up your feet. No mat- years, although unrounded by a Turkfrom Chico, Cal., reached Guy Wilkin- without hesitation that I have not met Always bean set will cover thla amount. losses and the where Uh population, ter how hard you work, how long you son, manager of the plantation at Wysingle case of nervous or mental the Bata for the their efforts to subhistory deandotte recently and are placed upon trouble caused by too much thinking Sfnatore dance, how far you walk, or how long of (ho Turks in been enormous. Brazil ti to have Observe them due Ti on brings of states forces durwork your feet, or trees. the oak you remain tailing overstudy. Probably on American soldier with ing the war In now being collaborated restful foot comfort. "Tlx" is jnaglcat, at the of is "This opinion present New Customs Rates the best psycho pathologists. What progrand, wonderful for tired, aching, modern equipment, munitions and and will aoon be printed, according to swollen, smarting feet. Ah! how com- food, would he equal to three times duces nervousness is worry, emotional or RIO DE JANEIRO, June 2. BraAndrew Jenson, president of the State fortable. how happy you feel. Tour the number of Turks at a seaport and lack of interest in excitement, mounsilian a in incustoms officials have been feet Just tingle for Joy; shoe never at a well supplied base, yet Historical society. The committee apthe work.-- " commustructed to defrom observe the tainous district, away hurt or seem tight. presidential And another affirms: pointed to take charge of the publica, Get a box of "Tls" now from any nications, among a hostile people, th tion is Prof. A. I Neff, state war cree of March 10 which concede pref"Work may be an etiological factor reerential he curto rate's tariff or store. the End in developing a neurosis, but , not during proportions ought easily department druggist librarian, Andrew Jenson, John A. year on certain Imports of Unitfoot torture forever wear smaller versed. Widtooe, rice president of tji state rentBtrftes through so simple a mechanism as ed to as the follows: Cleanest and Attention has been called Safest origin . z accumulated shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet and historical and fatigue. society, Thomas, George On wfceat flour, 80 per cent: on to France- for Syria. secretary. Work that represses emotional happy. Just think! year's mandate given condensed milk, manufactured rubber foot comfort for a few.cent. Adv,. Fireproof Building Immediately aouth of Vllicta, where often cravings brings out neuroses. articles, watches, certain Inks, varnthe French, with a moderate alxed the Trees Now. ishes. City iceIs n -' control. There are-ivery Spray typewriting machines, army chests, balances, wind-mill- s, cement, little similarity between the probcorsets and school 20 per furniture, lems Asiatic Turkey is divided linIs Now the to time spray proper' cent between Turkish-speakin- g guistically to and trees, pear appl according Arabic-speakin- g populations, and g land, information handed out at the offief Syria being an two of ILj R. Hagan, state crops and pests th dividing line" between th languages being a little north of communaioner. The spray recommendof sooth somewhat ed ia arsenate of lead in the proporAleppo and We Invite Inspection The tion of two pounds to each 100 galon th Mediterranean. Arabic-speakin- g water. other of lons and and Comparison Syrians to th peoples are entirely opposedConstanideas of the Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Most efficient Packing upon them- Pepper plants at Vogelers Seed tinople Turk.' and look Guide Should and Shipping Department selves to some extent as a conquered Store. Advertisement. Language caliphate people. They claim th bein the West. Keep Apace With Flow (successor to Mohamed) should lanth who holy speak long to those Of Added Word motorized movino guage of the Koran (Arabic), and exchanging Turkish for French rule,a Distributing a new dictionary has especially aa French ml promises would brought this paper many complimen- fair amount of masters. taryy remarks. One subscriber who merely be a change of extent similar Problems to some presented coupon yesterday for a half) ar concerned) Turks dozen dictionaries for different em(so far as the 139 Be. 4th to those of the French In Syria, are 14SS IVaaateh 14S4 aa ployees and members of his family, Arbelwwe Proof Tbat Remove and Palestine of mandates British said he deemed it necessary that a the For tb Me- Naaiatl Cost mi Cravlag for Wrong Foos of Mesopotamia. dictionary should progress with the Manufacture and Distribatie leavThe French, a few weeks ago. an a language just newspaper does. and Eliminates the Turkish-speakin- g DleeolvreTieeues Fatty The move ing Syria penetrated world ATD What does it READ rapidlygthes days, Harmlessly. lands, at Maraah, landa mean to you to and only the New Universities is apace THINK claimed by the Armenians and albe under th with of the todays growth language. care of a treatment that falls though they disbanded th Armenian Any Anti-FWhile readers are eager for th tectra this NEWaotbentic measure, a correct who ha te precautionary the perverted appetite and book on. account of Its being authorilegion (a OMI- Dictionary bound in Iack flex and to avoid trouble with th Turkish craving for the jrery food which make tative and Honesty and complete, its absolute newf!& Ability, who iUe seal grain, illustrated wkb fat is certain to fail of permanent re- ness appeals population) and occupied thofordistrict to thousands. It has Mor years of expewith Mahommedan troop sults. Mark that fact well.' Five-grai- n been many a Sufl rience has prolong year since an actual page in eolct and duotone. roeca in Africa, they had to retreat tablet Arbolon remove the new duced tb the some vat dictionary losses given with Tact. public under difficulties, Present undesirable for or mail to this paper craving fooda, fatty New .Universities Dictionary is Judrment and to their army from privation and lack restores natural appetite and direc- The BkllL Whoa three Coupon with ninety-eignew in all the word Implies of food, and extreme loanee to the tion, while it dissolve fatty accumu- new endorsement by In contents, new In type, new In cents to cover cost of handling, Armenian of Maraeh and district, lations In tbe body and eliminates th leading who left their homes. ln.thetr exodus slowly but surely, without weakening arrangements, of helps to word study. men of this city packing, cterk hue. etc' And there is at the present time fight- or other evil effect. Particularly is it new in making the ace ef th high-eTurk Le Holley, 'Imperial. Calif., study of today's English easy for Mrs. ing between the Frencll and thethis quality; who devotes his young peep! ewho ar so situated that at Aintab, th principal city la writes; entire attention u 150 mike t A7 they cannot attend achool and obtain Sire- Tave taken Kind your ORDERS LVteJOQ mU .10 to patients; ap- -. Individual instruction. Unaided, a writer submits ftbov soms w Tab'eta for in and obesity jh . let-t 90411011,-trusPlying the W1LLBK Tn peek dnta. th fvoton ifft troubleeom even months reduced from 241 young train or woman employed may est and best that ur leaders will r S FILLED I PefwwUt 1st I cannot eay learn the correct uae of the English of pound to llJ pound medicine for this of efmslderatioa t all tbs phsses 3 peeeds. and anybody who i modern business and srvdlety If they for men or women. them, enough beneetioft trooblwomo Armenian fat should take thewu My health la but follow the directions of the greki Make a vlalt and be convinced ' fore iniotvtnf us In ft pottrv from better than ever, etc. university teachers whose articles on IIS Mala Street. Bears 1 te g ' DICTIONARIES IN ONE v hfeh it will b hsrd to withdraw 1 Rtandard IS Tab'eta Arbolon Synte the "Practical Bnedayu English." largest enjoy without great losses f blood and sale of nnv obeelty medicine, and thev tax t which means How to make AS Dictionaries published previews t tbs era eut ef dale it Bold by ail well stocked good sentences). "Punctuation" and tv Vewure.writer has wn view of the- deserve in eeaied tubes with full Etymology apper, plainly written druggists ae purAdvt. policy that he wyuld 4ik to direction In simple English, In this book. - and If permission by Congress ia gran tad. unices era use great wisdom in carrying i out. and Uis adnUntsua- ar of unusual ability, w may expect to have tomajnuun an army M pf u,ou" "!? t 1020 1 MISS A. ELIZABETH X-R- ddlior Disarst New: the back portion of the skull (which mat of "" f weeded as the We reed with Interest yeur eew- DftMltHii ) (Km not projtrt AntmtJ th eooahte editorial ef yesterday. flat and Our,ng rotmd at tha back, but iscolumn. Doty to Armada." In pne srlth tha vartsbral President HI Ison on May 14 asked The horns lends ef the Armenian are on tho hoadwatora of tho Eu iw ,w. Wry rates and Tigris river and around for Armanis, j? asm having bean ph fcount with a country to tho refused by England. rmaos and Italy. waat Arrarat. mountains. tha 1st- tha Taurui The task which we are asked to un- - tar mentioned aa Leaeer Ar- dertake la a particularly intrtoau cna. manL- - i FRIDAY JUNE Picture Will TeD the Tale and Doe Away With All Guess Work. Consultation and First Ad- Juatment- - Free An Yith Difficulties ---B- ristles EVENING NEWS . ' 01 0 , , j I y. More High Costs ud ' bar, ftve-maste- full-rigge- d, Tre-btxo- nd d, Work and Worry er an Study-yourse- ed ed five-mast- ed p, n CASTOR Utahs IA 30 one-volu- Cuticura Soap Will Help You Storage of t 4 I-- Household Goods Clear Your Skin In Arabtc-epeakln- Lowest Rate ot Insurance Many Praise Offer Alex-andiet- iTlONIGHiT iomorrow ta QfNew Dictionary Pan-Turani- THE DESERET NEWS Fat People Have Perverted Taste Dictionary' Redman Fireproof I . Storage Co. .COUPON How to Get It - 3 at CopSn 98c ape-slali- st 1 i ht at re-gio- n. 25 Dr.W.M. Griffith -- P |