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Show llillimiliillllNililHliiiiiiiiiiimiriliiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiliil RED CROSS COURSE FOR PARENTS SET BY GARFIELD VTA The Adult Education Department De-partment of Garfield School is sponsoring a standard Red Cross First Aid Course for all parents of the Garfield Gar-field School area under the direction of Mrs. Theodore Hackett, according to Mrs. Charles A. Bement, publicity public-ity chairman. This course began Tuesday, Feb. 27, and will convene during the period pe-riod 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., continuing con-tinuing each Tuesday and Thursday during March and ending March 29. The course consists of eighteen hours instruction and demonstration plus a summary examination. After Aft-er the completion of the eighteen hours each person will receive a First, Aid Cer- tificate. Civilian Defense is urging urg-ing everyone to take a course of this type so that we will be prepared to do our part in the event of any emergency. |