Show i THE DISTRICT COURT 1 Young olden OConnor Bwls In a Homadlc Lie lit JSCAIE TI IIC JlCIOIUl JCIICJL A Suuiljtr of Small Motion Icard Itl Judge Mmllt today An Intelligent and well dUlteJ boy ollblilcro niraeil llplden OCounol Ibe coo of a luck trivet reilJICB on cut 1 First South ittMl WI liken be tote Chief Jullce Herrltt this room log will a view 1 01 hli Icing lent lo the llifirm school but the application Old nut carry fle had bean saul up from the polio court limply as on ° Incorrigible Ilitte WM no charge of actual wrongdoing wrong-doing preferro1 against him MtiOlConnorhliuiolherweututon the wUneiiilanl and teitlflod that the ladi wfekneu couilled ntiaYellngatouuJ which lie had been laths habit of dolug la rib lilt 10 or three years lie was not such i Tory had buy but Would pflliltt Ingoing with companion who were uo good tu him Hbehad never kncwu loins la do anyjhlng criminal Judge MerrillIt lie alloy ol vicious haUliT TUB mother answered DO and said tOil he was not Impertinent la tier but uli falhif was unable to control him Why liiiulroU the luduc ml Mr OUonnur aoswereji dont know WhO jLut I ho catiuot Judge f > trrilt liked lithe toy 111 of a rating Ulipuiltlon IIli honor bit It 1 exactly Mrs OCounor replied yesthat toe would tomato at hum ouly awash or 10 at n time end I then lean tlm city on iiiltft C ion = tour You on hardly iniiilloi I a lllcehehMllol I beets to III the lilt thiee yi an ilia added and I think II would Lisa good thing to lead him to tin Iteforni school AMliUut Dittrlcl Attorney Jlowat Jlu not IBO hour uuder sloe statute the tout could Ouminll Italian to Ibi Kofoim ichool lie was charged with t i Inorrlitibllli but ha UU not tlud anything hero la warrant tile toeing scotia the Jlifonn icliuol Neither did Judge Merrill 10 the lad wee allowed la no sal bail the Ioutt rom wlin hli > areni uuriuxii It took Judge 11111I11 less thin halt BU uuur today to Ulijivie 01 the cio llonileiioilnl lolowl lljirdof lj location 1 TI Wm lliter rl 1 it 1 Upon motion of Judge Mi Hawaii ailoruoy for the difindant Jhoi F Mulloj lh compltlnt In In leMtutlon of tile Pirn National JUnk of IoitUud wm dismissed owing la failure lo file I coil baud within the re iUitt J time iawln B Crocker TI lUiroy lltrily cltL IJcite by coiuout lUitrid m rijtd will out UcuJko to the rights lit the defiuuiuli on croiicoui > l > iiit IIIJ Alloru > yi lee l tM Fore cloture Kr > ut d John Uull II Christen Johnson at I User ol foncluiuro attorney 1t bent 01 Education TI Hill Jike 1iened llrlck Co Upon luotlun ol Judge HowI ntloriwy for U F Wallet l il u ool Miitn A Co inJ In accordance wllli illpulilluu on fill to that ellen it Ill ardruJ that the clllk my aaid nlKUct out of the fund in ike loiiUi of Iho court tbo turn 01 Ji5Laiili Laiili roan ri U A Hirlmiu it al 1 Utllotonoj un juiliimint entered on motion ol rUlhlllli > ltiru > y JUUK llcudcri I per U 8 lUnulj re IUIII Cltk PIJtrdfto t Ca II licker Huillb Diluit slid uUKUitut vu > toted m played J7U ullotucji lea ullowrd Joh DU ClruDl nj TI N J tlruo lurid dlrorcf hearing on order to ibowciuigoiutluued till cut Satin lIy CIlia llutcbluion TI Vm Hutch luiou divorce Hurliik on order to how cauiioonlluutd till the 17lli nil I Ella Muller TI Ir uk IX Muller dlTorce INirlnt ou older lo bow cause ootillmmd till I 1 hoOt Saturday tT V 7 llaokledga TI U 1 Klunry it il I Itrftriid ta Attorney Months llltcblr as rtlircv for lieirluff |