Show hi tptlen 10 th 111 osel hI Dr Vntmlniler IlildKent the end of a muilial lecture IxMidon IIUO nn aicvunt < if hll oiperlrni l ri of a vlllago I holr fu ftoo11 total lilut stns thiHi deicrlUdi A tow tui who I acare1 roiki a blmkiraltb whiiwi team role ivaa m uiolilllc In round M till nnvll a boy silo who bad In hit youth U 1 Wit reinrlnl swallowed n whittle which appurrntlyliad lo > ltd In lilt larynmml liflpi il to prnlucei mund nf n moot mi Mllhl1 chad and n miller who hind ho low I nuts < and only Ore which bad nlwnji lullt I into Olin tluintur hyuiu be liiff OIlUI and nhlcb 1101 n soot of ruinblliiK nrvoiupaiilrumt not nnllto Iho > DUD lIt bola own inlllitopM The tooth lay cauio and wont tbonxh the miller sang on foroer London Tit II lit |