Show the co yet on the plains elders george D grant and wlliam if IL kimball arrived from the companies yet out at 11 p in of the dinst and bring in a very favorable report considering con considering g the season of the year elder kimball after abrien a brief rest from his former trips again 0 started to the relief of the immigration 1 on the lith dinst in company with elders hosea stout james Fer ferguson guon and joseph simmons and met them four miles beyond the first station on the he sweet water s elders grant and kimball left lift the pacific springs at 3 p ra in of the and capt hunts huntus and I 1 hodgetts lod iod etts companies would camp there that night b judge 11 isaac bullock and all the men at fort supply had gone to their assistance taking 0 all the oxen down to two year olds and capt grant had sent them ten additional horse teams learns this assistance would meet them on the and they would soon roll into forts po supply and bridler bridger where they are advised to tarry until spring there was but little snow until they reached the cast slope of the big r mountain and at the spring at the west base of that mountain they they met elders joseph A youn toun young toung 1 l brigham young youn b jr feramorz little and nd others who had gone oat out elle bile the road open the snow was about waist deep for some ten too ros ro s on the summit but light and easily passed through Z capt martins biar Blar tins handcart hand band cart company were all comfortably stowed in wagons and traveling from 25 23 to 30 miles a da day y with elder charl chari charles charies es decker leadin leading the first hundred they camped on green river niver river on the would r reach each fort brider bridger 5 on the and thi this thes city probably I 1 on the and the other handcart hand cart hundreds will doubtless arrive in quick succession eiders elders hosea stout heber lieber P kimball james ferguson and george IV V grant were at the month of echo kanyon on the and will arrive this evening evening g the thus through the kind provi dences of the almighty notwithstanding so late a start and anil the opposition of or the wicked and the raging of wintry storms the immigration will all reach I 1 comfortable quarters for the winter and that too with far less leas mortality than has often attended companies amply supplied with all the cusi facilities for crossing c the plains the brethren and sisters so opportunely relieved expressed unbounded gratitude for the prompt energetic and ample aid ald sent to their relief and well might T they be astonished to meet clot ciot clothing clotting hing bing provisions in men en and teams so li liberally berall y and bountifully provided without money and without price a circumstance so entirely unusual in their former experience |